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5. New Business 01/21/2014
Village of Mount Prospect Community Development Department MEMORANDUM Ana : V µ TO: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: JANUARY 14, 2014 SUBJECT: 891 FEEHANVILLE DRIVE (03 -35- 102 -025) — CLASS 613 RENEWAL Attached to this memorandum is a resolution that would grant approval of a renewal of a Class 6b property tax incentive for Cummins Allison for a portion of their 891 Feehanville Drive facility in the Kensington Business Center. The renewal would be for an additional 12 years and would enable Cummins Allison to maintain their operations in Mount Prospect. The Village has granted several Cook County Class 6b tax incentives to attract and retain businesses. The 6b incentive reduces the assessment level for qualified manufacturing and warehouse /distribution facilities from 25% to 10% for the first 10 years, 15% for year 11 and 20% in year 12. After year 12, the assessment level returns to the full 25% for the benefitting property. The 6b incentive can also be renewed for additional 12 year terms if supported by the Village. Cummins Allison currently employs 470 individuals, 24 of whom reside in Mount Prospect. In addition, they own and occupy three other buildings in the Kensington Business Center that do not benefit from the Class 6b incentive and pay over $700,000 annually in property taxes in total. They are requesting the Class 6b abatement to maintain their taxes at around $1.40 per square foot for the portion of their building that qualifies for the abatement. If the extension is not granted they estimate that their tax bill would rise to $3.40 per square foot. Similar properties in nearby Lake and DuPage County range from $1 to $1.50 per square foot. Please forward this memorandum to the Village Board for their review and consideration at their meeting on January 21 st. Staff will be present at that meeting to further discuss this matter. �— William J, tooney Jr. CUMMINS A L L I S O N Engineering /Manufacturing Offices VIA E -MAIL & UPS 891 FEEHANVILLE DRIVE December 12, 2013 Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Direct Telephone: 847 - 759 -6408 Facsimile: 847-299-9130 William J. Cooney, Jr., AICP Director of Community Development Village of Mount Prospect 50 South Emerson Street Mount Prospect, IL 60056 Dear Bill: I want to thank you for meeting with Don Bodziak, Chuck Jenrick, and me to discuss the extension of our 6B Tax Exemption for the building addition of our 891 Feehanville Drive facility. As you know, we have been located in the Kensington Business Center since 1982 and have grown extensively over the years. We recently received notice from Cook County that our 6B Tax Exemption is about to expire so we are in the process of applying for an extension of our 6B Status with Cook County. As part of the application process, we are required to get an Ordinance of Resolution from the Village of Mount Prospect approving our request. Since our last extension in the year 2002, we have continued to grow and expand in Mount Prospect within the Kensington Business Center. Our decision to grow our operations in Mount Prospect has provided great benefits for Mount Prospect and the surrounding areas. Some of the benefits include: • Total employment in our Mount Prospect facilities has increased from 291 employees in 2002 to 470 in 2013. • The number of Mount Prospect residents employed by Cummins Allison has increased from 13 in 2002 to 24 in 2013. • Our property tax contribution has increased from $525,506 in 2002 to $706, 299 in 2012. • Our footprint within the Kensington Business Center has increased from three buildings to four buildings. • We have made considerable contributions to the surrounding businesses by locating our worldwide training facilities within our facility at the 852 Feehanville Drive location. In 2013 we had 422 out of town guests to our facilities in Mount Prospect for training. This represented more than 2,000 hotel room nights. • Cummins Allison spent $78,358 last year with local vendors and retail outlets on goods and supplies to maintain our Mount Prospect facilities. • We have partnered with the Maple Trails Park District to maintain and improve our adjacent park through the addition of a parking lot to serve residents using the park. December 12, 2013 Page 2 While we certainly enjoy the amenities and the conveniences of being located in Mount Prospect, we must constantly monitor our cost of doing business in a particular location. As you can imagine, a company of our size has many states and municipalities offering great incentives to relocate our Mount Prospect facilities. Approval of an Ordinance Resolution supporting our 6B extension will help Cummins to remain competitive and continue to foster growth in the local community. I understand that our request has to be submitted to the Mount Prospect Board. We would be happy to attend a meeting and answer any questions that the Board may have regarding our request. Thanks again for meeting with us. We have always appreciated your help and cooperation. Would you please provide me with a written acknowledgement (or e -mail to: mennied @cumminsallison.com) that you have received this so we can submit it to Cook County for proof of our intention to request an extension? Sincerely, CUMMINS- ALLISON CORP, Douglas U. Mennie President cc: William J. Jones, Chairman (CA) Donald W. Bodziak, Executive VP Manufacturing (CA) Chuck Jenrick, Senior VP Manufacturing (CA) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF CUMMINS ALLISON CORPORATION MAKING APPLICATION FOR AN EXTENSION OF A COOK COUNTY CLASS 6B TAX ABATEMENT WHEREAS, the Village of Mount Prospect encourages community development to provide for economic growth and career opportunities; and WHEREAS, through property tax incentives offered by Cook County, various opportunities exist for new businesses to become established in Mount Prospect, Cook County; and WHEREAS, without the Cook County property tax incentives, the Village of Mount Prospect is at a competitive disadvantage with the neighboring counties of Lake and DuPage in attracting and retaining industrial development; and WHEREAS, Cummins Allison Corporation, has requested the Village of Mount Prospect to support their application for an Extension of the Class 6b Real Property Classification at 891 Feehanville Drive; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities of the Village of Mount Prospect believe that their request is in the best interest of the economic development in the Village of Mount Prospect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect do hereby support and consent to the application for the Class 6b Property Classification from Cook County, for the property legally described as follows: Lot 310-B in Kensington Business Center Resubdivision VII of Lot 310 in Kensington Center Phase Three-A, being a part of the Northwest ¼ and the Northeast ¼ of Section 35, Township 42 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, Cook County, Illinois, according to the plat thereof recorded May 4, 1981 as document No. 25859082 Permanent Index Numbers: 03-35-102-025 03-35-102-026 SECTION TWO: That the Village of Mount Prospect supports industrial growth, increased SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of January, 2014. ___________________________________ Arlene A. Juracek Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ni TO: MICHAEL E. JANONIS, VILLAGE MANAGER FROM: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE DATE: JANUARY 16, 2014 SUBJECT: FINANCING FOR STREET CAPITAL PROJECTS PURPOSE: To present for the Village Board's consideration an ordinance authorizing the issuance of g obligation bonds to fund street resurfacing projects throughout the village. BACKGROUND: Revenue shortfalls in the street program have resulted in a reduced number of miles being resurfaced on an annual basis. There is currently a backlog in street resurfacing of 13.3 miles due to this lack of funding. In December, 2013 the Village board approved various fee and tax increases to support the annual street resurfacing program. Included in that plan was the issuance of $6.5 million in general obligation bonds to address the resurfacing backlog. DISCUSSION: The bond issuance planned to fund the resurfacing backlog will be sold through a competitive bid process. The stated amount of the bond sale is $6.275 million. Bids are expected to generate a premium bringing total proceeds to $6.5 million. The accompanying bond ordinance is presented for the Board's consideration. The sections of the bond ordinance dealing with interest rates, principal and interest repayment schedules and the tax levy have been left blank for now since bids on the proposed financing will not be determined until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 21, 2014. At the Board meeting that evening staff will present a summary of the bid results and will distribute a completed bond ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the Village Board waive the rules requiring two readings and adopt an ordinance authorizing the sale of general obligation bonds, Series 2014, to fund capital improvements related to street resurfacing. DAVID O. ERB DIRECTOR OF FINANCE C: \Documents and Settings \langell \Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files\ Content .Outlook \59HO410V\Ordinance Cover Memo - 1- 21- 2014.doc ÛÓ ±º ¿ ®»¹«´¿® °«¾´·½ ³»»¬·²¹ ±º ¬¸» Ю»·¼»²¬ ÈÌÎßÝÌ ÑÚ ×ÒËÌÛÍ ¿²¼ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Ì®«¬»» ±º ¬¸» Ê·´´¿¹» ±º Ó±«²¬ Ю±°»½¬ô ݱ±µ ݱ«²¬§ô ×´´·²±·ô ¸»´¼ ¿¬ ¬¸» Ê·´´¿¹» Ø¿´´ô ´±½¿¬»¼ ¿¬ ëð ͱ«¬¸ Û³»®±² ͬ®»»¬ô ·² ¿·¼ Ê·´´¿¹»ô ¿¬ éæðð °ò³òô ±² ¬¸» îï¬ ¼¿§ ±º Ö¿²«¿®§ô îðïìò ̸» Ю»·¼»²¬ô ß®´»²» Ö«®¿½»µô ½¿´´»¼ ¬¸» ³»»¬·²¹ ¬± ±®¼»® ¿²¼ ¼·®»½¬»¼ ¬¸» Ê·´´¿¹» Ý´»®µ ±º ¬¸» Ê·´´¿¹» ¬± ½¿´´ ¬¸» ®±´´ò Ë°±² ®±´´ ½¿´´ô ¬¸» Ю»·¼»²¬ ¿²¼ º±´´±©·²¹ Ì®«¬»» ¿²©»®»¼ °®»»²¬ ¿¬ ¿·¼ ´±½¿¬·±²æ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ò ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ Ì®«¬»» ©»®» ¿´´±©»¼ ¾§ ¿ ³¿¶±®·¬§ ±º ¬¸» ³»³¾»® ±º ¬¸» Ю»·¼»²¬ ¿²¼ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Ì®«¬»» ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¿²¼ ¬± ¬¸» »¨¬»²¬ ¿´´±©»¼ ¾§ ®«´» ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ю»·¼»²¬ ¿²¼ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Ì®«¬»» ¬± ¿¬¬»²¼ ¬¸» ³»»¬·²¹ 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JURACEK NOVEMBER 20, 2013 �Lt� PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 13 OF THE MOUNT VILLAGE CODE REGARDING THE LICENSING, SALE AND SERVICE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES One of the key duties of the Mayor of the Village of Mount Prospect is to serve as the Village Liquor Control Commissioner. This is a serious responsibility that must often balance the desires of the commercial value added to our businesses created by the sale and service of alcoholic beverages, with the need to uphold community standards and the safety and well -being of our citizens. As social expectations evolve over time, as well as new commercial opportunities arise, it becomes necessary to periodically review the "Rules of the Road" for the sale and service of alcohol. The proposed revisions attached hereto reflect such a review and fine - tuning. The Village of Mount Prospect carefully and conservatively regulates the sale and service of alcoholic beverages. The proposed changes are meant to update, not overturn, the nature of our regulation. Being current with our regulation assumes an added importance, as restaurants have become a key component of economic development throughout the Village. Thus, these changes are complementary to our overall economic stimulus efforts. This memo will not attempt to highlight every change being proposed; however, I would like to point out five major areas for your consideration. These are: 1. Bring Your Own Bottle Service (BYOB), designated as Corkage Service: Two types of such service are contemplated: (a) an establishment that already has a valid liquor license but that wishes to allow its patrons to bring in special wine to enjoy with a meal; and (2) a restaurant that does not otherwise have a liquor license but wishes to allow patrons to bring their own wine to accompany a meal. This change has been requested by high -end restaurants whose clientele have requested the ability to bring in special wines not on the restaurant's normal menu. Additionally, this provides new dining establishments that may not yet have sufficient cash flow to stock alcoholic beverages, or who do not wish to do so, to offer an attractive dining experience to patrons. Licensure and training are still required. � �16�pA �Td-1 kuGtils few w� '�Q6�T� Ct�C� To C1dfiP 13 2. Bottle Service at Banquet Halls: This change would allow bottle service of spirits at individual tables to guests specifically invited to private events at banquet halls. This change has been requested by banquet halls in order to meet the social and hospitality expectations of their potential clients where social custom, particularly among some ethnic groups, includes such bottle service. I, myself, growing up in the Eastern European tradition, have been at many events outside Mount Prospect where such service is the norm. No such bottle service would be allowed under any circumstances in other than a banquet hall hired for a private event. Thus, VIP service as one might see advertised in clubs and venues outside Mount Prospect is not allowed. 3. Service at Barbershop, Beauty Shop, Spa and Cosmetic Establishments: Such service is currently not allowed in Mount Prospect, although in the past was offered in several establishments. Lake Zurich has recently codified the requirements around such service, and the proposed changes are modeled after their ordinance. 4. Consolidation of various special permits into a single Ad Hoc Temporary Permit classification: This simplifies the code and recognizes that unique circumstances can arise surrounding such events requiring the Liquor Control Commissioner to exercise discretion and impose conditions as deemed necessary to regulate service. 5. Due Process: Changes are proposed to Section 13.301 to facilitate due process. I would like to acknowledge the experience and expertise provided to me in developing this proposal from Ms. Doreen Jarosz who administers our liquor license program, our village attorney Buzz Hill, Messrs. Janonis and Strahl, and Alex Bertolucci who conducted research into the ordinances and practices of neighboring municipalities. I also wish to acknowledge our Village attorney, who has assisted in creating a matrix of violations and penalties to help assure there is uniform and non - discriminatory administration of consequences in the event of violations of the liquor code within the Village. I welcome your feedback and discussion of this very important proposal. Time is somewhat of the essence, as licenses are up for renewal in the Spring and Ms. Jarosz would like to conduct a mandatory workshop for all licensees in advance of renewal in order to explain and highlight any proposed changes to the code. Thank you. ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX A, DIVISIONS II AND III OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS ACTING IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR HOME RULE POWERS: SECTION 1: Chapter 13, Alcoholic Liquors, as listed in Appendix A, Division II “Fees, Rates and Taxes” of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be deleted in its entirety and a new Chapter 13, Alcoholic Liquors, shall be inserted in lieu thereof and shall read as follows: CHAPTER 13 – ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS Sec. 13.201: License Required: A. Fees for Classifications: 1. Package licenses (P): Class P-1 $2,000.00 Class P-2 2,000.00 Class P-3 1,750.00 Class P-4 1,500.00 Class P-5 2,000.00 2. Food service licenses (F): Class F-1 $2,000.00 Class F-2 1,500.00 Class F-3 2,500.00 Class F-4 750.00 Class F-5 2,000.00 Class F-6 2,500.00 Class F-7 750.00 3. Specialty licenses (S): Class S-1 $2,500.00 Class S-2 2,500.00 320560_1 Class S-3 2,000.00 Class S-4 1,500.00 Class S-5 3,000.00 Class S-6 250.00 Class S-7 1,000.00 Class S-8 2,500.00 Sec. 13.202: Application for a Local Liquor License: A. Nonrefundable application fee: $250.00 (See Sec. 13.201 above for annual license fee). Sec. 13.204: Descriptions and Restrictions: (No application fee is required for Permits or Endorsements) D. Permits; Temporary: 1. Specific Temporary Permit Fees: a. Non-Mount Prospect Caterer’s Permit: $100.00 per day b. Ad Hoc Temporary Permit: To be set by the commissioner, considering staff time and other employee involvement, not to exceed $100.00 per day. E. Endorsements: 1. Sampling Endorsement: $25.00 per day; $1,000.00 annually 2. Mount Prospect Caterer’s Endorsement: $75.00 per day 3. Outdoor Entertainment Endorsement: $0 4. Corkage Endorsement: $250.00 F. Certifications: 1. Specific Certifications: b(2). Management Entity Certification: $750.00 Nonrefundable application fee: $250.00 SECTION 2: Section 13.301, “Compensation, Powers and Duties of Commissioner” of Chapter 13, Alcoholic Liquors, as listed in Appendix A, Division III 320560_1 2 “Penalties and Fines” of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended to reference paragraph E.5 instead of paragraph E.3. SECTION 3 : That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this _____________ day of _____________, 2014. ___________________________________ Arlene A. Juracek Village President ATTEST: ________________________ M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk 320560_1 3 MOUNT PROSPECT POLICE DEPARTMENT FORMAL MEMORANDUM I CHF 13 -91 CONTROL NUMBER DATE: NOVEMBER 25, 2013 In 2006, the Village Board adopted an amendment to Chapter 20 of the Village Code; specifically Section 20.207 entitled "Vicious Animals." Pursuant to this amendment, it was unlawful to maintain an animal deemed `vicious" pursuant to Section 402 of said code within the Village without taking specific precautions to ensure public safety. In March 2012, the Village Board amended Chapter 20 so as to allow owners of dogs deemed 'vicious" the ability to walk their animal when defined measures were taken to ensure the dog was safely under control and to ensure public safety. Since 2006, approximately fourteen dogs have been declared "vicious" pursuant to Chapter 20. During the past year, I have been in contact with several residents whose dogs have been declared vicious. In each case, the resident has indicated to me that in addition to abiding by the restrictions placed on them by the ordinance they have placed their animal through training classes with professional trainers in an attempt to ensure their dog would not present a safety issue for their families or neighbors. In each case, the resident has provided documentation from a professional dog trainer indicating in their opinion the trainer did not believe the dog to be vicious. Based upon training received by the dog and documentation provided by the trainer, the resident has requested that the "vicious" dog declaration be lifted by my office. In an effort to provide the Office of the Chief or his designee the opportunity to remove a declaration of an animal as 'vicious," Section 402 of Chapter 20, will provide procedural guidance as to when the declaration may be lifted. Additionally, the Village Attorney has taken this opportunity to review this chapter in its entirety to ensure it fully met the needs of the Village and enforcement action of the Police department. It is my recommendation that the Village Board accept Chapter 20 in its amended format as it now reflects the operational needs of the Police Department. Attachment Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: Village Code shall be deleted in their entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following new Articles I through VI as follows: Article I DEFINITIONS 20.101: DEFINITIONS 20.101: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this chapter, whenever the following words and phrases are used, they shall have the meanings and definitions respectively ascribed to them in this section: ANIMAL: Any living vertebrate, domestic or wild, not including humans. ANIMAL CONTROL CENTER: Any facility utilized for the purpose of impounding animals impounded pursuant to the terms of articles I and II of this chapter. ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICIAL: The chief of police and any designated agent of the Chief who may be enforcing the provisions of this chapter. ANIMAL UNDER CONTROL: An animal (1) secured by a leash or tether, or (2) within the house of its owner or another person with the consent of that person; or (3) confined within a crate or cage; or (4) confined within a vehicle; or (5) within an area specifically approved by the animal control official as an animal exercise run. BITE: Seizure with the teeth or jaws of an animal so that the skin of the seized person or animal has been pierced or broken. This also includes contact of the saliva of the biting animal with any break or abrasion of the skin of the person. 316489_3 CAT: Any live member of the classification Felis catus. DANGEROUS ANIMAL: Any animal having been declared or designated as such in accordance with Article IV of this chapter. DOG: Any live member of the classification Canis familiaris. HUMANE SOCIETY: Any not for profit corporation chartered under the laws of the state of Illinois for the purpose of animal welfare. IMPOUNDED: The taking of any animal into the custody of the animal control official, including the subsequent temporary placement of such animal. OWNER OF AN ANIMAL: For purposes of this Chapter 20, any person who: (1) has a right of property in the animal; or (2) who keeps or harbors the animal; or (3) has the animal in his or her care; or (4) acts as its custodian; or (5) knowingly permits an animal (including wildlife) to remain on or about any premises occupied by him or her. POLICE DEPARTMENT: The Mount Prospect police department. SCRATCH: Any scraping with the claw or nail of any animal so that the skin of a person or animal being touched has been pierced or broken. STRAY ANIMAL: Any animal that is not: a) under control of the owner by leash or tether; or b) supervised by the owner in a fenced yard; or c) kept within the property borders by electronic means; or d) kept in an area such as a kennel run. Keeping an animal from being a stray animal i VACCINATION: The injection, as approved by the department of agriculture, state of Illinois, of an anti-rabies vaccine. VICIOUS ANIMAL: Any animal which is known to have attacked, without provocation, a person or other domestic animal on a previous occasion. VILLAGE: The village of Mount Prospect. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) Article II GENERAL PROVISIONS 20.201: SEVERABILITY 20.202: STRAY ANIMALS PROHIBITED 20.203: REQUIRED CARE 20.204: UNLAWFUL ACTIVITY WITH RESPECT TO ANIMALS 20.205: DOGS AND CATS RABIES INOCULATION 20.206: ANIMAL BITE OR SCRATCH 316489_3 2 20.207: SALE OR POSSESSION OF CERTAIN ANIMALS OR NUMBER OF ANIMALS PROHIBITED: 20.201: SEVERABILITY: If any part or parts of this chapter shall be held to be unconstitutional, such unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this chapter. The board of trustees hereby declares that it would have passed the remaining parts of this chapter if it had known that any other part or parts would be declared unconstitutional. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) 20.202: STRAY ANIMALS PROHIBITED: It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any animal to stray or to run at large upon or in any public place. Any stray animal in the public way or within a public place or upon private premises of any person other than the owner may be immediately impounded by the village in accord with the impoundment procedures set forth in article III of this chapter. This section shall not apply to any animal being used for military or law enforcement work or any animal trained to assist persons with disabilities. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) 20.203: REQUIRED CARE: A. Every person owning, harboring, keeping or caring for an animal shall provide: 1. A sufficient quantity of good quality, wholesome food and water. 2. Adequate shelter and protection from the weather. 3. Veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering or transmission of disease. 4. Humane care and treatment. B. If the police department is made aware that an animal is severely injured or otherwise suffering, a police officer shall have the authority to destroy the animal by the most humane method available unless the owner intervenes and assumes full responsibility for removal and care. 20.204: UNLAWFUL ACTIVITY WITH RESPECT TO ANIMALS: It shall be unlawful for any person to: A. Beat, cruelly treat, torment or otherwise abuse any animal. 316489_3 3 B. Abandon any domesticated animal. C. Fail to provide any animal in his or her charge or custody with proper food, water, air and sanitary shelter. Such shelter must provide natural light or artificial illumination during reasonable hours. It must also provide protection from the weather and have sufficient space for the animal to stand in an upright position and lie down in such manner that no part of its body need touch the sides of the shelter structure. D. Leave any animal unattended in a motor vehicle, trailer or similar enclosure when the outside temperature exceeds eighty five degrees Fahrenheit (85°F). E. Keep any animal, irrespective of temperature, in such manner that the animal does not have proper air circulation while confined in a motor vehicle, trailer, kennel, doghouse or any type of container or structure in which an animal may be confined. F. Promote, stage, hold, manage, conduct or carry on any animal fight or any other type of contest or game of a similar nature. This shall include any simulated version of such a contest that involves baiting or inciting an animal to fight. G. Use or permit the use of any leg hold animal trap or similar device with spring activated jaws. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use or setting of standard household mouse or rat traps for the purpose of controlling mice and rats. H. Knowingly poison or cause to be poisoned any animal. The only exception shall be upon written permit from the Illinois department of agriculture for the purpose of controlling transmissible diseases and only when all other methods and means have been exhausted. I. Possess any drugs used for euthanasia except by or under the direction of a licensed veterinarian. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) J. Harbor or keep any animal which disturbs the peace by loud noises at any time of the day or night. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) K. Allow an animal at any time to: a) molest persons or vehicles by chasing, barking or biting; b) attack other animals; c) damage property other than the owner's. This shall be an absolute liability prohibition. No proof of intent to permit or allow such activity shall be required. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) L. Cause or permit an animal to be on any property not owned or possessed by such person unless such person has in his or her immediate possession a receptacle for the removal of the excrement. 316489_3 4 M. proper receptacle located on property owned or possessed by such person. N. Keep or harbor any animal which is infected with any disease transmissible to other animals or persons. O. Keep or harbor any animal which is afflicted with any painful disease or injury, including severe parasitism, without placing such animal under the care of a licensed veterinarian. P. Ship or remove a diseased animal from the premises of its owner, except under the supervision of the animal control official. Q. Fail to place any animal which is severely injured under the care of an animal control center, humane society or veterinarian. R. Place or permit to be placed within the village, the body or body part of any dead or fatally sick or injured animal. However, the owner of any dead pet weighing not more than fifty (50) pounds may bury such animal on the owner's premises, provided that such animal shall be placed at least three feet (3') below the surface of the soil surrounding and adjacent to the grave. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) 20.205: DOGS AND CATS RABIES INOCULATION: 1. Every owner of a dog or cat four (4) months or more of age shall cause such dog or cat to be inoculated with rabies vaccine by a licensed veterinarian at such intervals as approved by the Illinois department of agriculture, except animal shelters, animal impounding facilities, and laboratory animal facilities,. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) 2. Every dog or cat, when off the property of the owner, shall wear a collar, attached to which shall be the identification of the dog's or cat's owner, along with the tag, issued by the Cook County department of animal and rabies control, or similar agency of another county, evidencing the dog's or cat's rabies inoculation. 3. Every dog or cat found in the village without such collar and identification will be deemed to be in violation of this chapter and shall be impounded as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) 20.206: ANIMAL BITE OR SCRATCH: Whenever any animal bites or scratches a person, the owner of the animal shall immediately notify the police department. The owner shall hold the animal on the owner's premises. The animal control official, in his or her sole discretion, may cause the animal to be impounded at the owner's expense for a period of ten (10) days in the manner set forth in article III. In addition: 316489_3 5 1. The owner shall have the animal examined immediately (not later than 24 hours) after it has bitten or scratched a person and again at the end of the ten (10) day period of confinement. 2. If at the end of ten (10) days a veterinarian is convinced that the animal is free from rabies; the animal may be released from quarantine. 3. If the animal dies during the ten (10) day period, its head shall be sent to the state department of health for examination for rabies. 4. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal, when notified that such animal has bitten, scratched or otherwise attacked any person, to sell or give away such animal or to permit or allow such animal to be taken beyond the limits of the village without the express approval of the animal control official. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) 20.207: SALE OR POSSESSION OF CERTAIN ANIMALS OR NUMBER OF ANIMALS PROHIBITED: A. No person shall: 1. Bring or cause to have brought into the village or sell, offer for sale, barter or display living baby chicks, ducklings, goslings or other fowl which have been dyed, colored or otherwise treated so as to impart to them an artificial color. 2. Display, sell, offer for sale, barter or give away any chicks, ducklings or goslings as pets, except to persons who provide reasonable proof of proper brooder facilities. 3. Give away the animals set forth in 1 and 2 above as novelties or prizes. 4. Keep, maintain and/or harbor any live swine, pigs, pigeons, bees, chickens, geese, ducks, fowl, poultry, horses or cattle within the corporate limits of the village, unless such keeping, maintenance and/or harboring is done pursuant to the business of providing veterinary or animal hospital services that are in compliance with village regulations. 5. Keep, harbor or possess more than three (3) dogs, cats or combination of dogs and cats that are more than twelve (12) weeks of age in any dwelling unit. For purposes of this section, the term "dwelling unit" shall include all real property attached to the mailing address for the dwelling unit. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006; amd. Ord. 5741, 6- 16-2009; Ord. 5864, 6-21-2011) 6. Possess any snake, lizard or other reptile whose species is physically capable of injuring a person by poison, constriction or a disfiguring bite. 316489_3 6 7. Possess any lion, tiger, cougar, panther, bobcat, mountain lion, lynx, ocelot, leopard, or any other similar feline animal; or any hybrid of any of them. 8. Possess any wolf, coyote, jackal, fox, wild dog or any hybrid of any of them. 9. Possess any bear or bison. 10. Possess any rodent weighing more than one pound, with the exception of guinea pigs. 11. Possess any other animal which, when full grown, normally attains a weight in excess of two hundred (200) pounds. 12. Possess any monkey (not authorized by the state of Illinois as a sanctioned pet), gorilla, chimpanzee or other similar primate. 13. Possess any dangerous animal if the owner has been found guilty of violating section Article IV of this chapter with respect to that animal. B. Each person who possesses, keeps or maintains any wild or non-domesticated animal, shall upon demand of the animal control official, furnish proof of compliance with such restrictions and/or permit requirements as may be imposed by state and/or federal law. The animal control official is authorized to demand surrender of any animal possessed, kept or maintained in the absence of proof of such compliance or in violation of village zoning regulations. The village may dispose of such surrendered animal as it deems appropriate. C. Nothing in this section 20.207 shall be construed to prohibit legitimate possession of poultry for agricultural and food purposes. D. This section shall not apply to properly zoned, licensed and constructed zoos, animal shelters, veterinary hospitals, pounds, federally licensed scientific or research laboratories or educational or other licensed institutions. Article III IMPOUNDMENT 20.301: ORDER 20.302: LOCATION 20.303: NOTICE 20.304: RELEASE 316489_3 7 20.301: ORDER: Impoundment: If immediate impoundment is necessary for the protection of the animal or the public health or safety, or if a dangerous animal, as described in Article IV of this chapter, is not kept in accordance with Article IV, the animal control official may immediately order the animal impounded. 20.302: LOCATION: The village may utilize an animal control center or the facilities of any humane society properly equipped and willing to impound animals. If the animal is of a species that may be better or more safely impounded elsewhere, the village may designate an alternate facility that is properly equipped and willing to accept the animal. The receiving agency shall exercise due caution for the welfare and temporary safekeeping of any animal, in conformance with policies to be prescribed by the village. 20.303: NOTICE: The owner of an animal impounded pursuant to this chapter, shall be notified of the impoundment by personal service or posting of a Notice of Impoundment on the front of idence, within two (2) working days of the impoundment. The notice of impoundment shall inform the owner or custodian of the animal that the owner may make a written request for a hearing to contest the impoundment. 20.304: RELEASE: A. In all cases of impoundment, the village may hold such impounded animal in an animal control center for five (5) days or any applicable statutory period, whichever is longer. During the five (5) days, reasonable means shall be used to facilitate its return to the rightful owner. This shall not apply to wild animals which are noxious by their very nature (such as wild rats and other undomesticated rodents). B. Except in cases of a dangerous animal, the owner of any impounded animal may, upon presentation of reasonable documentation of ownership, at any time during visiting hours at the animal control center, redeem such animal by paying the applicable fees and/or charges. In the case of an unlicensed animal, the owner shall comply with the applicable license requirements. C. The holding period shall not apply to an animal (1) whose owner has authorized the village to dispose of the animal; or (2) in critical physical condition for which immediate death by lethal injection shall be deemed proper for humane reasons. D. The owner shall pay the cost for housing the animal as well as redemption fees as set forth in appendix A, division II of this code. 316489_3 8 E. In the event the rightful owner of an animal cannot be found, the village or the impoundment facility may require that the person adopting such an animal pay the cost of housing the animal. F. A vaccination certificate and license for any animal so redeemed or adopted shall be presented to the community development department or police department. G. Any animal remaining unredeemed after the prescribed holding period shall become the property of the village for purposes of determining the appropriate manner of disposing of the animal. Article IV DANGEROUS ANIMALS 20.401: POSSESSION UNLAWFUL 20.402: DECLARATION 20.403: SECURE CONFINEMENT 20.401: POSSESSION UNLAWFUL: It shall be unlawful for any person to have custody of, own, possess or maintain a vicious or dangerous animal, as defined in section 20.101 of this chapter, except in accordance with this Article IV. 20.402: DECLARATION AS A DANGEROUS ANIMAL: An animal may be declared to be a dangerous animal by the animal control official. Notice of such declaration shall be served in person or by posting of a notice on the front door of the premises where the animal is kept in the Village of Mount Prospect. After eighteen (18) months, the declaration may be vacated by the animal control official. This may occur only upon a showing by the owner that the animal is no longer a dangerous animal. At a minimum, the owner must show proof that the animal has been through a minimum of twenty-five (25) hours of remediation for aggressive animal behavior from an agency that provides remediation training for animals exhibiting aggressive behavior. The decision to vacate the declaration shall be within the sole discretion of the animal control official who shall have absolute immunity from liability with respect to any decision which he or she might make pursuant to this chapter. 20.403: SECURE CONFINEMENT: A. A dangerous animal shall be deemed securely confined on the premises of its owner only when kept inside a residence or in a five (5) sided enclosure (4 sides and a 316489_3 9 roof) that is reasonably designed to prevent escape. If the enclosure has no floor that is secured to the sides, then the sides of the enclosure shall be embedded into the ground no less than two feet (2') deep to prevent escape by digging. The enclosure must be humane and provide protection from the elements for the animal. B. A dangerous animal may only leave the securely confined premises for the purpose of exercise, obtaining grooming, veterinary care, upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction or to leave the village limits in a motor vehicle. C. Whenever a dangerous animal is beyond the premises for the reasons permitted in B above, the animal must be: 1. Securely muzzled; and 2. Restrained by a chain or leash, not in excess of six feet (6') in length, connected to a three (3) point harness; and 3. Under the immediate and constant physical restraint of an individual not less than eighteen (18) years of age. D. The exercising of a dangerous animal shall be a privilege subject to revocation by the animal control official. Such revocation shall be effective upon service of notice of such finding upon the owner or custodian. E. The owner of a dangerous animal shall display a sign stating "Warning - Dangerous Animal - Keep Away!" on the exterior of any enclosure in which the animal is kept. The sign must be visible and legible from a distance of ten feet (10'). Article V HEARINGS 20.501: ORDERS SUBJECT TO APPEAL 20.501: ORDERS SUBJECT TO APPEAL: Any order or act taken to impound an animal, declare an animal a dangerous animal or to revoke the privilege of exercising a dangerous animal is subject to appeal as follows: A. Such an appeal must be made in writing to the animal control official, within five (5) working days of service or posting of the notice of the citation or declaration. B. The hearing may be before the Circuit Court of Cook County, the animal control official or the village administrative adjudication hearing officer. The forum shall be selected at the village's sole discretion. 316489_3 10 C. The hearing shall be held within ten (10) working days of the request. A notice of the hearing shall be mailed by certified mail to the owner or keeper of the animal requesting the hearing. D. The animal shall not be destroyed prior to the conclusion of the hearing. E. If the animal is released to the owner after a hearing, reasonable restrictions and conditions may be imposed for the control and maintenance of the animal. The conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Posting a bond or other proof of ability to be responsible for future damage or injury caused by the animal. 2. Specific requirements as to size, construction and design of a secure confinement of the animal. 3. Establishing the location for housing the animal, including the removal of the animal from the village. 4. Requirements as to type and method of restraint and/or muzzling of the animal. 5. Payment of reasonable fees to recover any costs incurred by the village. Article VI ENFORCEMENT; PENALTIES 20.601: ENFORCEMENT 20.602: KILLING 20.603: PENALTIES 20.601: ENFORCEMENT: The village shall have the authority to issue citations to any persons who violate the provisions of this chapter. A. A citation for violation of this chapter may be delivered to the violator personally or may be delivered to a member of the violator's household of the age of ten (10) years or upwards, or may be affixed to the main entrance to any building located upon the premises where the violation occurred. 316489_3 11 B. Nothing in this section shall be construed to abridge the power of the village to arrest any violator and take him or her into custody. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) C. In addition to any other available penalties, failure to comply with the requirements of this section may result in impoundment, as set forth in article III of this chapter. 20.602: KILLING: Any member of the police department of the village is authorized to kill any animal when necessary for the protection of any person, animal or property. 20.603: PENALTIES: Every person found guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine according to a schedule set forth in appendix A, division III of this code. If any violation shall be of a continuing nature, a separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day of violation. (Ord. 5538, 1-17-2006) SECTION 2: SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this ___________ day of _________________, 2014 _____________________________________ Arlene A. Juracek, Village President ATTEST: ___________________________ M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk 316489_3 12 ORDINANCE NO. ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: Village Code shall be amended by adding the following new definitions in alphabetical order. ALTERNATIVE NICOTINE PRODUCT: Any product or devise not consisting or containing tobacco that provides for the ingestion into the body of nicotine, whether by chewing, smoking, absorbing, dissolving, inhaling, snorting, sniffing, or by any other means. Alternative tobacco products specifically includes e- cigarettes. The term Alternative Nicotine Product excludes any product approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration as a non-tobacco product for sale as a tobacco cessation product, as a tobacco dependence product, or for other medical purposes, and is being marketed and sold solely for that approved purpose. ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE OR E-CIGARETTE: A battery-operated device that contains cartridges filled with a combination of nicotine, flavor or chemicals that are turned into vapor which is inhaled by the user. TOBACCO PRODUCTS: For purposes of this chapter, tobacco products shall include any substance containing tobacco leaf, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, or any other nicotine delivery system or alternative nicotine products. SECTION 2: usinesses, Occupations and 321316_1 Section 11.3704 in its entirety and inserting a new Section 11.3704 which shall be and read as follows: 11.3704: PROHIBITED SALES OR DELIVERY: Any licensee or any person in the business of selling or otherwise distributing, promoting or advertising tobacco products shall keep tobacco products behind a employees. (Ord. 4189, 5-15-1990; Ord. 4914, 3-3-1998) SECTION 3: - ode shall be amended by deleting paragraph A to Section 11.3708 in its entirety and inserting a new paragraph A to Section 11.3708 which shall be and read as follows: 11.3708: VENDING MACHINES OR SELF-SERVICE DISPLAYS: A. It shall unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, give away, deliver or to keep tobacco products with the intention of selling, giving away, or delivering such products by use of a vending machine, or self-service display. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this ___________ day of _________________, 2014 _____________________________________ Arlene A. Juracek, Mayor 321316_1 2 ATTEST: ___________________________ M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk 321316_1 3