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4. Mayor's Report 12/17/2013
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Said list is hereby amended by LicensebyOne(1)PROSPECT PIZZA INC. d/b/aJAKE’S PIZZAAT 302N. NORTHWEST HIGHWAY Said list is as follows: Four(4)Class P-1License Seven(7)Class P-2Licenses Three(3)Class P-3Licenses Zero (0)Class P-4Licenses Zero (0)Class P-5License Twelve (12)Class F-1License Nine (9)Class F-2License Twenty-three(23)Class F-3 License One (1)Class F-4License Three (3)Class F-5License Two (2)Class F-6License One(1)Class S-1License One (1)Class S-2Licenses Two(2)Class S-3Licenses Zero (0)Class S-4License One (1)Class S-5License with conditions as One (1)Class S-6 License( attached to License) SECTION TWO:That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this ______day of ___________________, 2013. ____________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ Village Clerk ClassEstablishmentNumber P1D&H Liquors; GoldEagle Liquors; Jay Liquors;Mt. Prospect Liquors4 P2Costco; Dominick’s; Fiesta Market;Osco Drug Store;CVS Pharmacy; 7 Wal-Mart#1681;World Market ;; P3AldiWalgreens#00209(Kensington)Walgreens #05107(Elmhurst)3 P-40 P50 F-1Chipotle Mexican Grill; Chungkiwa Restaurant; Crave Pizza; 12 Dae Jang Kum;Fellini; Izakaya Sankyu; LePeep Café;MI Restaurant; New Pusan; Sakura; Torishin;Taqueria Los Arcos F-2ArnieSalerno’s Pizzeria; Avanti Café and Sandwich Bar;Frankie's Fast Food; 9 Mr. Beef & Pizza;Photo's Hot Dogs;Pei Wei Asian Diner; Sankalp;Tortas Locas Yupin Thai F-3Bar Louie; BB BBQ Grill; Billy Goat Tavern & Grill;Black Cow Kitchen & Bar; 23 BlackFinn American Grille; BuffaloWild WingsGrill and Bar; Canta Napoli Ristorante; E&O Food & Drink; El Sombrero;Emerson’s Ale House;Jameson's Charhouse; Kampai; Kampai Japanese Steak House; Mariscos El Veneno;Mia’s Cantina; Mina Restaurant; Mrs. P & Me; Nina Restaurant;Pap's Grill & Bar; Rokudenashi; Retra Bistro;Sam's Place; Tony Sacco’s Coal Oven Pizza F-4Prospect Moose Lodge1 F-5Bristol Court Banquet Hall; Emerald Banquets;Victoria in the Park 3 F-6Mt. Prospect Park District-Golf Course;Prospect Heights Park District2 S-1Holiday Inn -Randhurst Banquet Hall1 S-2Brunswick Zone1 S-3Moretti’s; Ye Olde Town Inn2 S-40 S-5AMC Randhurst 121 S-6Balzano Liquors;1 70 Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:MAYOR ARLENE A. JURACEK AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM:VILLAGE MANAGERMICHAEL JANONIS DATE:JUNE 24, 2013 SUBJECT:WHITE EAGLE LIQUOR 1723 GOLF ROAD NEW CLASS “P1’ LICENSE MEMO:THIS APPLICATION IS BEING RESUBMITTED TO THE VILLAGE BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION. THE BUYER AND SELLER HAVE AGREED TO FINAL TERMS. On Thursday, June 20, the Village Manager met withMs. Hetal Patel and her husband Bavesh Patel to discuss her request for the creation of a new “P1” liquor license. They are contemplating the purchase of the existing Gold Eagle Liquors located at the above address. The Class “P1” license provides for the retail sales of alcoholic liquors on a package basis. In 2005, the Village limited the number of Class “P1” license to the five currently in force. This Class “P1” is one of five currently available in the Village. The purchase of the business is contingent upon approval of this license application. Ms. Patel is looking to assume ownership of the existing business. Upon questioning, Ms. Patel indicated that management of the store will be her full-time endeavor with her husband filling in when needed. She has no previous experience in the sale of liquor products, however; Mr. Patel owned a liquor establishment called Sunshine Pantry in Aurora from 2006-2010. Both were informed that as a condition of approving the change, they would be required to complete a Certified Liquor Servers’ course. The current owner has a trademarkon the name “Gold Eagle” therefore the name of the businesswill be changed to “White Eagle”. Ms. Patel plans to continue operating the liquor store with no remodeling or change in hours of operation. The Village Manager discussed at length with Ms. Patel the Village’s Liquor Code and in particular concerns regarding sales to minors as well as clearly intoxicated individuals. The requirements of the Villages’ Fight Ordinance were also reviewed. It was emphasized that the license holders were strictly responsible for the actions of their employees. Ms. Patel and her husband indicated they had read the Liquor Code and understood the requirements of same. A completed application along with payment of appropriate fees and most documentation is on file. The applicant has submitted to a background check and fingerprinting. If the Village Board considers this request favorably, a motion to approve the change in ownership would be in order. The License would be issued once all documentation has been submitted. MICHAEL E. JANONIS ORDINANCE NO. _____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISACTING IN THE EXERCISE OF THEIR HOME RULE POWERS: SECTION ONE: That in accordance with Subsection A of Section 13.108 of Chapter 13 of the Village Code of Mount Prospect, as amended, the Corporate Authorities shall determine the number of Liquor Licenses available in each Classification and shall establish a list specifying the number of Liquor increasing the number of Class “P-1”Liquor Licenses authorized. Said list is hereby amended Licenses by One (1) VEDANT GROUP INC.d/b/aWHITE EAGLE LIQUOR1723 GOLF ROAD Said list is as follows: Five (5)Class P-1License Seven (7)Class P-2Licenses Three (3)Class P-3Licenses Zero (0)Class P-4Licenses Zero (0)Class P-5License Twelve(12)Class F-1License Nine(9)Class F-2License Twenty-three (23)Class F-3License One (1)Class F-4License Three (3)Class F-5License Two (2)Class F-6License One (1)Class S-1License One (1)Class S-2Licenses Two (2)Class S-3Licenses Zero (0)Class S-4License One (1)Class S-5License (with conditions as One (1)Class S-6 License attachedto License) SECTION TWO:That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this ______day of ___________________, 2013. ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________________ Village Clerk ClassEstablishmentNumber P1D&H Liquors; Gold Eagle; Jay Liquors;Mt. Prospect Liquors;White Eagle Liquor5 P2Costco; Dominick’s; Fiesta Market;Osco Drug Store;CVS Pharmacy; 7 Wal-Mart#1681;World Market ; P3Aldi; Walgreens#00209(Kensington)Walgreens #05107(Elmhurst)3 P-40 P50 F-1Chipotle Mexican Grill; Chungkiwa Restaurant; Crave Pizza;12 Dae Jang Kum; Fellini; Izakaya Sankyu;LePeep Café;MI Restaurant; New Pusan Restaurant;Sakura; Torishin;Taqueria Los Arcos; F-2ArnieSalerno’s Pizzeria; Avanti Café and Sandwich Bar;Frankie's Fast Food; 9 Mr. Beef & Pizza;Pei Wei Asian Diner; Photo's Hot Dogs;Sankalp;Tortas Locas Yupin Thai Kitchen F-3Bar Louie; BB BBQ Grill; Billy Goat Tavern & Grill; Black Cow Kitchen & Bar; 23 BlackFinn American Grille; BuffaloWild Wings Grill and Bar;Canta Napoli; E&O Food & Drink; ElSombrero;Emerson’s Ale House;Jameson's Charhouse; Kampai; Kampai Japanese Steak House; Mariscos;El Veneno;Mia’s Cantina; Mina Restaurant;Mrs. P & Me; Nina Restaurant;Pap's Grill & Bar; Retro Bistro; Rokudenashi;Sam's Place;Tony Sacco’s CoalOven Pizza F-4Prospect Moose Lodge1 F-5Bristol Court Banquet Hall; Emerald Banquets;Victoria in the Park 3 F-6Mt. Prospect Park District-Golf Course;Prospect Heights Park District2 S-1Holiday Inn -Randhurst Banquet Hall1 S-2Brunswick Zone1 S-3Moretti’s; Ye Olde Town Inn2 S-40 S-5AMC Randhurst 121 S-6Balzano Liquor1 71