CASE NO. PZ-13-03
Hearing Date: September 25, 2003
Village of Mount Prospect
100 S. Emerson St.
April 9, 2003 & August 27, 2003
Text Amendment (Lighting Regulations)
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Merrill Cotten
Joseph Donnelly
Richard Rogers
Matthew Sledz
Keith Youngquist
Leo Floros
Michael Jacobs, AICP, Deputy Director
Judy Connolly, AICP, Senior Planner
Dave Toeppen
Chairperson Arlene Juracek called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Merrill Cotten made a motion to approve the
minutes of the August 28 meeting, seconded by Keith Youngquist. The August meeting minutes were approved 6-0.
At 7:35, Ms. Juracek introduced Case No. PZ-13-03, a request for a Text Amendment to the Lighting Regulations of
the Village Code. The Village Board's decision will be final for this case.
Michael Jacobs noted that the P&Z Commission last reviewed this issue during a special workshop meeting on
September 1 I. During the September 11 meeting the P&Z Commission discussed two main issues, illumination levels
at property lines and the method in which compliance with the proposed amendments would be achieved.
Mr. Jacobs indicated that after reviewing the light level readings obtained fi.om several of the Commissioner's homes,
the P&Z Commission was supportive of the proposed maximum illumination level of 0.5 foot-candles at a property
With regards to compliance, Mr. Jacobs noted that during the September 11 meeting the P&Z Commission
recommended that a compliance date of January 1, 2005 be included within the proposed amendments. This
compliance date would be consistent with the compliance date already established within the Village Code's parking
lot lighting regulations.
Lastly, Mr. Jacobs stated that the proposed amendments also include Some definitions for specific lighting terms used
within the lighting regulations. In addition, Dave Toeppen, 409 S. Hi-Lusi Ave., also suggested the amendments
include a specific definition for "full cutoff' fixtures. Staff agreed with Mr. Toeppen's suggestion and included the
proposed definition within the amendments.
Chairperson Juracek indicated that the latest staff report had addressed all of the previous suggestions made by the
P&Z Commission. She also noted that in reviewing the final version of the proposed amendments she thought up a
few different scenarios to determine if the proposed amendments would achieve the Commission's desired results.
She noted that the proposed amendments adequately addressed each of her possible scenarios.
Merrill Cotten questioned if the proposed amendments included a specific section for residential lighting. Mr. Jacobs
noted that the proposed amendments would create a general outdoor lighting section within the Village Code, but
lanning & Zoning Commission
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
PZ- 13-03
Page 2
within the regulations there would be some elements that impact all types of lighting while in other instances there are
certain types of uses that would be specifically excluded.
Chairperson Juracek suggested that staff review the proposed language regarding hours of operation. She noted that
although the language is grammatically correct, it could be phrased in a different way. Mr. Jacobs noted that he would
review the language within the proposed hours of operation section to see if it could be improved.
Richard Rogers moved to recommend approval to the Village Board of the Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance,
Case No. PZ-I 3-03. Joseph Donnelly seconded the motion.
AYES: Cotten, Donnelly, Rogers, Youngquist, Sledz and Juracek
NAYS: None
Motion was approved 6-0.
At 8:35 p.m. Richard Rogers made motion to adjourn, seconded by Keith Youngquist. The motion was approved by a
voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.
Michael W)?cobs, Deputy Director
HSPLAN~Planning & Zenin8 COMMXP&Z 2003~Minutes~Z-I3-03 9-25 mlg Text Amendment-Lighting doc
CASE NO. PZ-36-03
PIN #:
Hearing Date: September 25, 2003
Christopher Demanski
1699 Wall Street Suite 105
September 10, 2003
08-23-203 -023-0000
Conditional Use for a day care facility
Arlene jura~ek, chairperson
Merrilll Cotten
Joseph Donnelly
Richard Rogers
Matthew Sledz
Keith Youngquist
Leo Floros
Michael Jacobs, AICP, Deputy Director of Community Development
Judy Connolly, AICP, Senior Planner
Christopher Demanski
Harvey Alter
Chairperson Arlene Juracek called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Merrilll Cotten made a motion to approve the
minutes of the August 28 meeting, seconded by Keith Youngquist. The August meeting minutes were approved 6-0.
At 7:52 pm, after hearing another case, Ms. Juracek introduced Case No. PZ-36-03, a request to operate a day care
facility. She said that the Village Board's decision would be final for this case.
Judy Connolly, Senior Planner, presented the case. She said that the Subject Property is located on the east side of
Wall Street in the Lake Center Park, and contains a commercial building with related improvements. The Subject
Property is zoned B3 Community Shopping and is a Planned Unit Development, which is bordered by the R4 Multi-
Family Development zoning district to the north, I1 Limited Industrial zoning district to the west, and B3 to the south
and east. She said that the multi-story office building was constructed approximatelY 20 years ago and contains a
variety of existing tenants ranging from attorneys to general office. Currently, the building has a 22% vacancy rate.
Ms. Connolly reviewed the Petitioner's plans for the proposed day care and summarized information included in the
application. She said that Kiddie Corps is an independently owned and operated day care facility for children ranging
in age from six months to 8 years old. The facility would occupy ground floor suites and it is primarily intended to
serve the children of people who work in the office building, but it is open to other children as well. Ms. Connolly said
that daily activities Would vary and would depend on the child's age and include, but are not limited to indoor and
outdoor physical and mental activities such as arts and crafts, reading, computer learning, motor skill development, and
cognitive development. She said that food service will be provided and that the facility would need approval from the
Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) Once the Village has approved the ZOning request. She added that
DCFS regulates the number of employees required to supervise children in addition to having specific requirements for
recreational areas.
Ms. Connolly said that the Subject Property contains sufficient parking to meet the Village's requirements. She noted
that a detailed break down of the uses and the code requirements was included in the staff report, but summarized the
findings and stated that when the building would be 100% occupied, the site and proposed use would meet the
Planning & Zoning Commission PZ-36-03
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson Page 2
Village's parking requirements. She said that parents would park their cars in the parking lot and walk their children
to the day care facility and sign them in inside the building. Regardless of whether the parents would work in the
building, the site complies with parking regulations.
Ms. Connolly then reviewed the Day Care Operations and Content Regulations as they pertained to the Village's
Zoning Ordinance. She said that the Village does not have operational requirements for daycare uses, but that the
Petitioner is required to meet specific DCFS regulations. The Petitioner's application included excerpts from DCFS's
consultation visit and it outlined specific requirements and necessary improvements for a daycare facility at this
location. She said that it is important to note that the Petitioner is required to follow State regulations, which will be
enforced by the appropriate State agency and that the DCFS requirements include regulations pertaining to play areas,
providing food service, and program content. She said that these regulations are based on the length of the child's stay
at the facility.
Ms. Connolly said that the Petitioner proposes to provide outdoor activities on-site. She said that the plans presented
are conceptual and would be required to meet DCFS regulations. She said that staff learned after the staff report was
prepared and sent to the P&Z that there is a different owner of the land, who would need to approve the outdoor play
area. She said that one entity owns the building and another owns the actual land.
Ms. Connolly summarized comments from other departments. She said that the proposed facility would require some
modifications to the interior of the building in order to comply with the National Life Safety Code and the BOCA
Building Code. An egress evaluation for the proposed daycare center is required because the building was not
originally designed for a daycare facility. In addition, a fire alarm system must be provided in accordance with the
Village's Fire Prevention Code regulations. She said that while these items are specific Building Permit issues, Staff
believes it is important to note them prior to proceeding with the building permit process. It should be noted that the
proposed use and related building improvements would be subject to all applicable Village regulations.
Ms. Connolly reviewed the standards for Conditional Uses listed in the Zoning Ordinance and the specific findings that
must be made in order to approve a Conditional Use. She said that the Petitioner is required to meet all DCFS
regulations and obtain building permits for all improvements related to operating the proposed daycare facility. The
site meets parking requirements and the proposed use would be located in an office park, where employees would be
given the option of having their children attend the facility. The use would not have a detrimental impact on the public
health, safety or general welfare. The day care would not adversely affect the character of the surrounding
neighborhood, or utility provision and it would be in compliance with the Village's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ms. Connolly said that based on these findings, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission make a
recommendation to the Village Board to approve a Conditional Use for a day care facility at 1699 Wall Street, Case
No. PZ-36-03 subject to the following conditions:
The Petitioner is required to provide written documentation of DCFS approval prior to obtaining a
Certificate of Occupancy;
The Village reserves the right to review any traffic related matters created by the use and require any
necessary measures needed to address them; and
Prior to Village Board review, the Petitioner shall finalize ali design issues and obtain the necessary
approvals from all property owners.
She added that Village Board's decision is final for this case.
Ms. Juracek asked the Commissioners if they had questions for Staff. Merrill Cotten asked whether the drive-thru
bank was still in operation and what impact the day care facility would have on the bank customers. Ms. Connolly
Planning & Zoning Commission PZ-36-03
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson Page 3
said that the drive-thru is not in operation now, and if it were to re-open that the bank (petitioner) would have to go
through the Conditional Use process because drive-thru facilities require Conditional Use approval. She said that
during that review, any conflicts or hazards with other uses in the area would be identified and has to be resolved
before the P&Z and Village Board could approve the request.
There was discussion on the outdoor play area and Ms. Connolly clarified that the Petitioner presented a concept plan
for zoning review. She said that all plans and drawings would have to be detailed and finalized as part of the Building
Permit in addition to having the appropriate property owners' approval.
Christopher Demanski, 1699 Wall Street Suite 105, was sworn in. He said that, after talking with other people who
work in the Wall Street building, he decided that there was a need to open an on-site day care facility. He described
the day care operations, stated that he had interviewed candidates to operate the facility, and noted that the facility
would open at almost at 100% capacity because so many employees were interested in having their children attend the
Richard Rogers asked Mr. Demanski questions regarding the outdoor play area. Mr. Demanski stated that the
Department of Children & Family Services conducted a consultation visit and had identified the play area he indicated
on the submitted site plan. He said the play area would be designed according to the applicable codes.
Ms. Juracek asked about the program offered for the older children. Mr. Demanski said that the older children would
attend an after school care program. He confirmed that the day care would not provide transportation to/from the
facility and that it would be the parents' responsibility to get the children to the facility.
Merrill Cotten asked if the day care would be open to children whose parents did not work in the Wall Street building.
' Mr. Demanski said that it would be open to all children and added that he had enough interest now from Wall Street
building employees so the facility would be at capacity, Which is 25 children.
Keith Youngquist asked what improvements needed to be made to the building to meet Village and DCFS regulations.
Mr. Demanski said that some walls had to be removed, install a fence around the play area, and plumbing
improvements. He said that an on-site caterer would handle the food service.
Mr. Rogers stated that the level of detail for the play area and the application in general was not sufficient for him to
make a positive recommendation to the Village Board. He said that he agreed with the concept of opening a day care
in the Wall Street building, but that he could not support the request at this time and suggested that the Petitioner
provide the P&Z with more detailed information.
Matt Sledz stated that the day care was appropriate use and that the facility would be required to meet DCFS
regulations prior to opening and obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy from the Village.
Chairperson Juracek asked if anyone in the audience wanted to address the Planning & Zoning Commission about this
Harvey Alter, 1980 Springer Drive, Lombard, IL, was sworn in. He said that he represents the association that owns
the land the play area would be located upon as well as the drop-off/pick-up area. Mr. Alter said that the association
had concerns about the safety of locating a play area close to a retention pond. Also, fencing it in as required by code
could create maintenance issues due to the bridge that is located in the area. Mr. Alter said that the existing loading
dock conflicts with the anticipated activity related to the day care facility, and that the building was not designed to
include a drop-off area.
Mr. Demanski clarified that the outdoor play area would be not located in close proximity to the bridge and would not
create maintenance issues. He added that he was not aware that there was separate ownership for the land.
lanning & Zoning Commission PZ-36-03
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson Page 4
Ms. Juracek said that the drawings are not detailed enough to determine the correct location of the play area and its
proximity to the bridge. She suggested that the Petitioner finalize the details with the landowner association and
prepare more detailed drawings for the P&Z to consider at its next meeting. There was discussion regarding using Mr.
Alter's plat of survey of the site to better identify the play area, that the Petitioner identify alternate locations for the
play area, and provide details on the drop-off area.
Joseph Donnelly made a motion to continue the requested Conditional Use to operate a day care facility at 1699 Wall
Street, Case No. PZ-36-03, until October 23, 2003 at which time the Petitioner shall have finalized the details of the
outdoor play area with the property owner in addition to providing specific information regarding the drop-off/pick-up
area. Richard Rogers seconded the motion.
AYES: Cotten, Donnelly, Rogers, Sledz, Youngquist and Juracek
Motion was approved 6-0.
At 8:35 p.m, after hearing one more case, Richard Rogers made motion to adjourn, seconded by Keith Youngquist.
The motion was approved by a voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.
Michael Ja~o~s, AICP
Deputy Director Community Development
J~' (~onnoli~, P~'C415, ~5enior Planner (~'~
H:~PLAN~lanning & Zoning COMM~P&Z 2003~vlinutes~PZ-36*03 [699 Wall Street doc
ASE NO. PZ-39-03
PIN #:
Hearing Date: September 25, 2003
Pochter Group Ltd
1601-1639 S. Busse Rd.
September 10, 2003
Conditional Use for a PUD
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Merrilll Cotten
Joseph Donnelly
Richard Rogers
Matthew Sledz
Keith Youngquist
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Jacobs, AICP, Deputy Director of Community Development
Judy Connolly, AICP, Senior Planner
Chairperson Arlene Juracek called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Merrilll Cotten made a motion to approve the
minutes of the August 28 meeting, seconded by Keith Youngquist. The August meeting minutes were approved 6-0.
At 8:34 pm, after hearing three cases, Mr. Jacobs informed the Board that PZ-39-03, a request for a Conditional Use
for a PUD, was being continued to the October 23, 2003 meeting and needed the Board to vote on that continuation.
Richard Rogers voted to continue PZ-39-03, a request for a Conditional Use for a PUD for 1601-1639 S. Busse Rd.
Joseph Donnelly seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 6-0.
AYES: Cotten, Donnelly, Rogers, Sledz, Youngquist and J'uracek
NAYS: None
At 8:35 p.m, Richard Rogers made motion to adjourn, seconded by Keith Youngquist. The motion was approved by a
voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.
Mi6hael Jacobs/fAICP
Deputy Directdr Community Development
/suay connolry, ;AICP, Senior Planned';/
H:L~LAN~Plannlng & Zonirlg COMM~P&Z 2003'uMinutes~PZ.39-03 1601-39 5 Busse Rd 9-25 mtg doc
CASE NO. PZ-40-03
Hearing Date: September 25, 2003
Bill & Susan Knee
102 N. Fairview Ave.
PIN #:
September I0, 2003
Conditional Use for a porch
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Merrill Cotten
Joseph Donnelly
Richard Rogers
Matthew Sledz
Keith Youngquist
Leo Floros
Michael Jacobs, AICP, Deputy Director of Community Development
Judy Connolly, AICP, Senior Planner
Bill & Susan Knee
Brian Koch
Chairperson Arlene Juracek called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. Merrill Cotten made a motion to approve the
minutes of the August 28 meeting, seconded by Keith Youngquist. The August meeting minutes were approved 6-0.
At 7:42 pm, after hearing another case, Ms. Juracek introduced Case No. PZ-40-03, a request for an unenclosed porch,
She said that the Village Board's decision would be final for this case.
Judy Connolly, Senior Planner, presented the case. She said that the Subject Property is located on the west side of
Fairview Avenue, between Thayer and Henry Streets, and contains a single-family residence with related
improvements. She said that the Subject Property is zoned RA Single Family Residence and is bordered on all sides
by the RA District. The existing home is currently set back approximately 3 l-feet from the front lot line, less than
seven-feet from the north lot line, and slightly more than eleven feet from the south lot line.
Ms. Connolly reviewed the Petitioner's plans for improving the house and noted that the project is currently under
construction. She said that the improvements include creating a full second story, an addition to the rear of the house,
and an unenclosed porch. The proposed porch consists of a wood floor and wood columns and would encroach no
more than five feet into the required front yard. Therefore, it requires Conditional Use approval.
Ms. Connolly reviewed the standards for Conditional Uses listed in the Zoning Ordinance and the specific findings that
must be made in order to approve a Conditional Use. She said that the proposal would not adversely affect the
character of the surrounding neighborhood, utility provision or public streets and the proposed Conditional Use will be
in compliance with the Village's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
Ms. Connolly said that based on these findings, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission make a
· recommendation to the Village Board to approve a Conditional Use for an unenclosed porch to encroach no more than
five feet into the required front yard for the residence at 102 N. Fairview Avenue, Case No. PZ-40-03. She said that
the Village Board's decision is final for this case.
lanning & Zoning Commission
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Page 2
Bill Knee, 102 N. Fairview, was sworn in. He said that he and his wife were in the process of improving their home
and that the contractor could provide specific details on the project. Brian Koch, Midwest Construction, 145 Princeton
St., Hoffman Estates, was sworn in. Mr. Koch went into great detail regarding the building materials that would be
used to construct the unenclosed porch, how it would be constructed, and how the area under the porch would be
improved to minimize the possibility of animals burrowing under it.
There was general discussion regarding the porch and it was noted that the porch had to remain unenclosed and could
not be enclosed in the future. The Petitioner said he understood this requirement. Chairperson Juracek discussed the
design of the subject porch and said that some porch designs gave the appearance of having a 'deck' placed in front of
the home. Mr. Koch explained that the proposed porch would appear as part of the house's original construction and
would blend better than other porches because of the materials selected. He gave a detailed explanation of the porch
materials and its design, all of which he said would make the porch appear as a unified addition to the house.
Chairperson Juracek asked if anyone in the audience wanted to address the Planning & Zoning Commission about this
case. Since them was no response, she closed the hearing at 7:50 pm.
Richard Rogers made a motion to approve the requested Conditional Use to allow an unenclosed porch to encroach no
more than five (5) feet into the required front yard setback, for Case No. PZ-40-03, 102 N. Fairview Avenue. Joseph
Donnelly seconded the motion.
AYES: Cotten, Donnelly, Rogers, Sledz, Youngquist and Juracek
Motion was approved 6-0.
At 8:35 p.m, after hearing one more case, Richard Rogers made motion to adjourn, seconded by Keith Youngquist.
The motion was approved by a voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.
Michael Jacob~/AICP
Deputy Dimct6r Community Development
Judy'(5onnolly, A~C(?P, genio[Planner Nt
H:gOLAN~lannin$&Zoning COMlv~&Z 2003LMinules~PZ-40-03 102 N. leairvlewdo¢