HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Discussion Amending Chapter 5 (Boards and Commissions)
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
DATE:MARCH 21, 2013
With help frommanyquarters, I present to you a draft of a comprehensive rewrite of
Chapter 5, which contains articles governing our appointed Village boards and
commissions.This is the same version previously circulated.
We are rewritingthe parts which need amending, but payingfor itscodification once. I
wish to thank our Village Manager,who provided input intoChapter5’s examination.I
also appreciate the hard work of Village Clerk Lisa Angell, Village Attorney George
Wagner, John Sibrava (an attorney and member of Sister Cities Commission), and each
commissionwhich looked at itsown ordinance.This memogives a little background
about the rewrite.The draft of the ordinanceis a work in progress.
New Article II–This Article had been “Reserved” in our code. We use it to insert a new
“Article II –General Requirements –Board and Commissions”.
Article II Notes:Werecognize the need for commissions and boards to adhere to the
Open Meetings Act. Having boards and commissions appointed by the Mayorand
Boardmeans they are extensions of our Villagegovernment. Article II requiresthe
appointeestobe certified through testing onthe Open Meetings Act.Also the Clerk
must “post” all commission and sub-committee agendas. There are quorum
requirements. Public accessand citizen participation are listed on every meeting
Article IIexplains how theMayormaymake a “dual appointment”--2 people who serve,
but share a single membership andvote. Although dual appointments have been done
for years, nothing in the code actually permitted it.Also at times the Mayor may believe
the appointee is not fulfilling his or her obligation to the commission or has abandoned
the office soArticleII establishes a mechanism for removal of thatappointee.Itsets
forth a mechanism for removal of that appointee. Italsocontains general organizational
rulesfor meetings, agendasandelection of officers. It establishes citizen participation
Subject: Chapter 5
Date: March 21, 2013
Page 2
guidelines at meetings.
Rewrite of Article III –Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
Rewrite of Article IV –Economic Development Commission
Rewrite of Article V –Planning and Zoning Commission
Rewrite of Article VI –Finance Commission
Rewrite of Article VII –Community Relations Commission
Rewrite of Article VIII –Police Pension Board
Rewrite of Article IX –Firefighters’ Pension Board
Rewrite of Article X –Transportation Safety Commission
Article XI –Reserved
Rewrite of Article XII –Special Events Commission
Rewrite of Article XIII –Mount Prospect Centennial Commission
Rewrite of Article XIV –Mount Prospect Youth Commission
Rewrite of Article XV –Sister Cities Commission
Rewrite of Article XVI –Foreign Fire Insurance Tax Board
Rewrite of Article XVII –Audit Committee
Rewrite of Article XVIII –Citizen Corps Commission
General Notes: I’ve observed how commissions change slightly over the years and
take on (or forget) tasks outlined intheir governing ordinances. We tried to eliminate
those which seemed burdensome. As each commission was first implemented, it had
an appointee schedule with staggered terms. That has become confusing to those
trying to understand term requirements which are different for each commission. That
language has been tightened up.
Youth Commission Notes:Last summer, Ms. Angell and I attended a meeting of the
Youth Commission. Because we have been unable to find additional YC members,
their quorum requirements place them in jeopardy of violatingthe Open Meetings Act
when they meet. The Commission is to have a minimum of 11 members and a
maximum of 21 members. Present membership is 5 youth (who vote) and 4 adult
At the meeting theyouth committed to findingadditional members.However, todate I
have had noother applicants.In thisrewrite their membership number is reduced to 9
voting members. At the present membership, I would have to add 4 more youth just to
make the new codification number. Mr. Janonis and I also met with the Adult Advisors.
They spend a lot of time keepingthe youth focused, pluswe have police personnel who
alsoattend meetings.
No decision needs to be made at this time, but the Youth Commissionmay be at a
SECTION 1: Articles II through XVIII of Chapter 5, entitled "Boards and
Commissions" of the Mount Prospect Village Code, shall be deleted in their entirety and
replaced with the following:
Article II
(QFd. 5 1 2 2 6, 7 18
The general requirements set forth in this Article II do not apply to the library board of
trustees under article i of this chapter, and apply to boards and commissions only to the
extent that the code does not provide otherwise.
A. Traininq: Prior to the appointment of anv board or commission member, the
appointee must have completed the training re uired by the Illinois open meetings
act, 5 ILCS 12/1.05.
S. Dual ointment: Two 2 p ersons may be app ointed to hold and share a single
membership on a commission, other than the planning and zoning commission,
p rovided that the are both otherwise gualified to serve as a member. In such case
a sinqle vote shall be exercised iointly when both are present at a meeting and
singly when only one (1) of the two (2) are present at meeting.
C. Appointment:
1. The villaqe president shall appoint, with the consent of the board of trustees, all
members of all village boards and commissions. All vacancies shall be filled for
the remainder of the unexpired terms in the same manner as original
2. No appointment to any board or commission shall be made by the president
within thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the president's term of office.
D. Terms:
1. If recommended by the village .:resident and confirmed by a maighly of the board
of trustees, members of boards and commissions may serve successive terms
without limit.
2. The terms of all members of boards and commissions shall not terminate or
expire until the successors have been appointed and qualified.
F. Vacancies: Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as for original appointments.
The chairperson of all villaqe boards and commissions shall_ be appointed by the village
president with the consent of the board of trustees and the vice - chairperson and
secretary, if any, shall be appointed by the respective board or commission. In the
absence of the chairperson, the vice - chairperson or. in the absence of the vice-
chairp a temporary chairperson elected by the app licable board or commission
shall act as chairperson and shall have all the Powers of the chairperson.
All village boards and commissions shall adopt rules governing procedures to reaulate
their business as the deern necessa provided, however, that such rules shall:
A. Be consistent with applicable provisions of this Code;
B. Require a majority vote of the entire membership for adoption and amendment; and
C. Be subiect to review and approval by the villaae attornev.
Unless otherwise prescribed by state statute or this code. anv board or commission
member may be removed by the Village President for failure to attend meetings or
inattention to duties. fOr should this be for any reason? The Vilna e President must
report the reasons for the removal to the Board of Trustees at a meetina to be held not
less than five (5) days nor more than ten (10) days after the removal. If the Village
President fails or refuses to report to the Board of Trustees the reasons for the removal,
or if the Board of Trustees by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of the Board of
Trustees di of the removal the member of the adviso board or commission
shall be restored to membership on the adviso board or commission in question.
All members of all village boards and commissions shall serve without compensation.
Authorized expenses shall be reimbursed in accordance with applicable village
5.206: MEETINGS:
A. All meetings (and hearings) of the boards and commissions shall be public meetings
held in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act
B. A quorum shall be a majority of the members of a board and the Planning and
Z oning Commission. A guorum shall be a imajority of the duly appointed servin
members of any other commission, such that a vacancy in a position of
commissioner shall not be counted in determining a quorum in regard to
C. No business of a board or commission shall be conducted without a quorum of
members present. If less than a guorum is present, the meeting may be adjourned
from time to time as provided in the Illinois-Open Meetings Act.
D. , Robert's Rules Of Order Revised" shall -govern the conduct of meetings to the
extent that oarliamentary issues are not addressed by rules of the board or
E. A written agenda shall be posted pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetinas Act. and
shall set forth the order of business substantially as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Approval of minutes of proceedings regular meeting and special mPetinns if anv
4. Communications and petitions — citizens to be heard.
5. Old business.
6. New business.
7. Chairperson's report.
8. Any other business (including items for information only)
9. Announcement of the next meeting date.
10. Adjournment.
The order of the items on the agenda may be modified or rearranged. and additional
items may be inserted by the chair with consent of the respective board or
commission. In the case of a special meeting_ no items may be discussed that are
not on the posted agenda.
F. Written minutes and records of hearinqs shall be kept of all meetings and hearings
respectively, and those minutes and records shall be available for examination in
the office of the villaqe clerk durinq reqular business hours in accordance with the
Illinois Open Meetings A ct.
G. The chair may call for special meetinqs as needed,
In accordance with the requirements of section 2.06(8) of the Illinois Open Meetings
Act, b ILCS 120/2.06 any person attending a public meeting of any village board
committee, subcommittee or commission shall be permitted to address the public
officials during the public comment period, which shall be reserved for each meeting,
subiect to the followinq quidelines:
A. A period of time not to exceed thirty 30 minutes will be devoted to public comment
at each meeting, unless the public officials, by a maiority vote at the meeting, aqree
to allow the public comment period to exceed thirty (30 ) minutes for that particular
B. Public comment for each individual who desires to address the public body shall be
limited to three (3) minutes per person per meetinq. The public officials mav, by a
majority vote at the meeting, agree to allow the per person public comment session
to exceed three 3 minutes for a particular topic, or a p articular meeting.
C. Each person who desires to address the public body shall contact the village clerk or
secreta of the public body prior to the start of the meeting and Provide their name
address and topic on which they wish to speak.
D. Each person shall state their name and address to the public body at the start of his
or her public comment session.
E. Each person may provide pre - prepared copies of his or her public comments to the
public body prior to, during or after his or her public comment session.
F. A group of three 3 or more individuals speaking on the same topic are asked to
designate a single spokesperson to present the group's public comments.
G. Public comment at all public meetings of village boards, committees, subcommittees
and commissions shall be entertained on any subject matter.
H. Members of the public body will/ not respond to the public comments at the public
meetinq, unless directed by the villaqe president or chair of the public bodv. The
village President or chair or his /her designee, will respond to the public comments,
as he or she deems appropriate, and may direct the person to the appropriate villa e
official or staff member for assistance.
1, Abusive foul or other inappropriate language or conduct and/or personal attacks are
not permitted.
J. The use of cellular phones is prohibited.
K. The village president or chair has the authority to terminate the public comment
session of any person who fails to adhere to these guidelines.
A person may appear in person or may be represented by duly authorized agents or
Article III
The board of fire and police commissioners ( "BOFPC ") shall consist of either three (3)
or five (5) members as the village president may from time to time deem appropriate.
president of the village with the noneent of the beaF) Of try s The members shall be
officers of the village, and as such, shall be sworn in by the village clerk and file an oath
of office and such other documents as may be required by law. ,
The general requirements set forth in Article II apply to the BOPFPC to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
The term of office of the members of this BOFPC shall be three (3) years or Until their
mspeGtive SUGGesse . nnni nted and have qua lifi . However, the village president
may appoint a person for a lesser term if that lesser term will be in the best interest of
the village. No t a rppo in rtm en crTV a r n ry m of the BQFP ' shall he merle by the
appointmen+ Members shall be subject to removal for any reason upon the affirmative
vote of five (5) members of the president and board of trustees. The chair shall
be appointed by the village preside ^t for a term of twelve (12) months. At the discretion
of the village president, the chair may continue to serve as a member upon the
appointment of a new chair. ,
The BOFPC derives its authority from this article pursuant to the home rule power of the
president and board of trustees of the village. ,
The BOFPC shall have only those duties as set forth in this article or as otherwise may
2964531 5
be provided in this code and as may be required by the terms of a valid collective
bargaining agreement of the police and /or fire department. ,
b usiness. The BOFPC shall make rules to carry out the purpose of this article and
chapter 4, articles VIII and IX of this code as pertaining to the hiring, promotion, and
discipline of police officers or firefighters. Such rules shall be subject to the approval of
the village board. ,
The BOFPC shall, on or before March 15 of each year, submit to the village president a
report of its activities and any suggestions which the BOFPC believes would result in
greater efficiency in the fire or police department. The president shall transmit the report
to the village board. ,
The BOFPC shall elect one of its own members as official secretary. The secretary shall
keep the minutes of the BOFPC's proceedings; shall be the custodian of all papers
relating to the business of the BOFPC and shall perform such other duties as the
BOFPC may from time to time prescribe. The village manager may appoint a village
employee to act as the BOFPC's recording secretary. ,
Article IV
5.400: PURPOSE:
It is recognized by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village that the economic
stability of the Village is dependent on a strong and diverse commercial base. A
municipality which desires to attract and retain a vital business community must be
sensitive to the complex factors which influence today's marketplace. It is also
recognized that Mount Prospect currently has a wealth of expertise of business leaders
within the community who are familiar with the peculiar problems and strengths of the
Village. For this reason, it is desirable to form the economic development commission,
which that draws upon the talents of these leaders to optimize Mount Prospect's
opportunities to attract and retain successful businesses. .
4738, 7 5 1995)
There is created a permanent commission which shall be known as the Village
Economic Development Commission. The membership of this commission, OnGluding
the Ghairman, shall be appointed by the V Ilage President with the adviGe and Gensent.
of the B of TFUstees and shall be constituted as follows:
2964531 6
A. The EGGRO' O G Deve commission shall consist of seven (7) members. The
Cha chairperson shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as
Chairman chairperson In addition to the seven (7) members appointed to this
Commission, the economic development coordinator of the community development
department shall serve ex officio.
4 ..
H 11— Y Y
T \A /A M\ mcmhorc• fhrco /'2\ nr%A
Thereafter , eaGh Appointments shall be staggered for four (4) years.
C. Economic Development Commission members shall be chief executive officers or
similar ^n„ ial positions of businesses or corporations in the Village, business
owners or entrepreneurs, or residents with expertise in business development. The
GhaiFma chairperson shall be a resident of the Village.
D. The membership shall be broadly representative of the business community in the
following respects:
1. Geographical location;
2. Type of business, i.e., retail, real estate, financial, industrial and service;
3. Educational background; and
4. Experience background.
E. Immediately upon its organization, the EGGROMOG Development commission shall
select from its membership a vice Chairman chairperson and a secretary. The
persons so selected shall serve for terms of one year and may be reelected. (8r4-
AACZQ 0 7C. 1007• nrrl A710 7r- 100r,- nrrl AQ')0 0_1_100AN
The general requirements set forth in Article II apply to the economic development
commission to the extent not specifically otherwise provided herein
5.403: MEETINGS:
A. The EGGnO i G Deve commission shall meet as required but at least on the
first Thursday of each March, June, September and December. Special meetings
may be called by the Village President, the EGGRO O G Deye ^f commission
GhaiFman chairperson or by any four (4) members of the EG0n()M Development
2964531 7
The objective of the F^^^^mi^ Deve commission shall be to encourage and
facilitate economic growth throughout the Village. The EGene iG Development
commission shall function as advisor to the Village Board on the following economic
development goals and objectives:
A. Develop a local economic development action plan,
B. Prepare appropriate economic developmental promotional materials.
C. Evaluate and select promotional opportunities for local business development
D. Target specific companies or industries for business attraction efforts.
E. Participate in the business visitation program and evaluate findings of program
F. Develop standards for use in evaluating economic impact of new or expanding
businesses, or business relocations.
G. Identify areas of joint interest for projects with the Mount Prospect Chamber,
H. Recommend and evaluate legislative action of the Village Board whose purpose
would be the assurance of the health of the Mount Prospect business community.
Each December, the E^ ^nGMiG Deve commission shall make an annual report
to the President and Board of Trustees with respect to the following:
A. Business development in the Village within the past twelve (12) months.
B. Current general business climate within Mount Prospect.
296453_1 8
C. Specific activities of the F=GGRGM Development commission within the past twelve
(12) months.
D. Economic prospects and trends for the Village.
E. Recommendation of measures with respect to economic development that should be
considered by the corporate authorities in the following twelve (12) months. (Qfd-
AACZ0 0 9r. 1007• nrrl A710 7_C 100r\
' '.. ' CP 100077
Article V
A planning and zoning commission is hereby created.
A. Regular Members: The planning and zon commission shall consist of six (6)
regular members as appo t he village president .iii +h th nensent of the heard
trustees vr
of ry es of the village
B. Chair: In addition to the six (6) regular members, t villa president s hall appoint
w the nonsent of the trustees a the chair whe shall be a deliberative and
voting member of the planning a nd zeniniv commission.
C. Associate Member: The village president, with the consent of the trustees, shall
appoint one associate member, who shall be a deliberative member in all instances
and a voting member when one or more regular members or the chair is absent.
D. Term: Each member of the planning a nd zenino commission, including the chair and
the associate member, shall serve for a term of five (5) years. The chair shall serve
no more than two (2) consecutive terms as chair. The initial appointment Fnay h e
made for s terms. These terms shall be staggered to assure that no more than
three (3) members' terms expire in the same year. The vill presiden + ,iii +h the
e be made ftem the existing zening beaFd ef appeals eF plan GOMMiSsiGn
E Quorum: A quorum shall be four votinq members.
11101 11110 1 ONO
The general requirements set forth in Article II apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
A. The president and board of trustees of the village may provide by resolution for the
compensation of the members and chair of the planning and zoning commission.
B. The planning and zoning commission shall adopt rules for the conduct of its hearings
and meetings, which rules shall not conflict with this article. Such rules may include
the creation of a committee authorized to conduct the appropriate public hearings at
any time two (2) or more members of the planning and zon ing commission are
present. Such a committee may not conduct hearings or render a decision in any
matter which requires an affirmative vote of three (3) or more members. Except for
meetings of the aforementioned committee of two (2), the presence of four (4)
members shall constitute a quorum.
1. In the case of meetings when no public hearing is to be conducted, the rules
shall provide that business may be conducted if a simple majority of the currently
filled planning and zoning commission positions are present.
2. For the purpose of determining a quorum at meetings and members present at
public hearings, the chair and the associate member shall be considered
members of the planning and zoning commission. ( Orrw 21 9, 11 6 2
A. Hearings And Meetings Generally: All h earings and meetings of the planning and
ommissions °P o�n
hall he open publin J • the FeGGF and minutes of ��ihirh sh�shal r' -°�
him feF examination On the Off of the village Glerk dWing FegulaF business
1. Generally, a public hearing is a gathering of the planning and zening
commission, the purpose of which is to take testimony from and permit comment
by petitioners and interested parties. A meeting is a gathering at which the
planning and zoni commission deliberates and votes with respect to matters
before it.
2964531 10
7 g 7p-
B. Regular Meetings: The regular meetings of the planning and Inning commission
shall be held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the hour of seven
thirty o'clock (7:30) P.M., or at such time or date as may be designated by the chair
of the planning and zoning GOMFnission following proper notice as described in
section 14.203 of this code.
1. No testimony shall be taken and no witnesses may be heard except at a properly
convened public hearing of the planning and ze ing ngmm
2. All testimony b e f eFe the planning a nd ze ninn nnmmiccinn shall be given under
oath and a summary of such testimony and proceedings shall be subsequently
prepared by the recording secretary. Any petitioner or other interested party may
provide, at the petition his /her own expense, a court reporter to transcribe
testimony given in any case so heard by the planning and zoning commission,
provided that the department of community development is given a copy of the
3. The chair or in the chair's absence, the vice chairperson shall administer
or authorize the administration of oaths and may compel the attendance of
4. No vote of the planning and zoning nnmmiccinn shall be had at any public
hearing unless the planning and zoning commission shall by notice provide that
such public hearing shall also be deemed a meeting and minutes of the hearing
are maintained by the secretary.
5. The director of community development is authorized to make such additional
charges to any petitioner as may be necessary to cover the costs of the village in
the event the filing fees are insufficient to cover the cost of the application, review
and public hearing.
C. Procedure: All meetings of the planning and zoning nnmmiccinn shall be held at the
call of the chair and at such other times as the said planning and zoning commission
may determine by rule.
1. The planning and zoning commission shall keep minutes of its meetings,
indicating the vote of each member upon every question or any absence or
failure to vote.
2. The planning and zoning commission shall make its decision or its determination
on all matters presented to it within a reasonable time. The following shall apply
to such decision making:
2964531 11
a. The planning and zoning commission may reverse or confirm, wholly or partly,
or may modify or amend any order, requirement, decision or determination,
appealed from to the extent and in the manner the commission may decide to
be fitting and proper, subject to the provisions contained in this article, chapter
14 of this code or under applicable law.
(1) The concurring vote of four (4) members of th planning and znninn
GOMM shall be necessary to reverse any zoning determination of the
director of community development. A concurring vote of the majority of
those in attendance shall be required to approve any variation or to make
a positive recommendation with respect to any variation.
b. In all instances where the decision of the planning and zeR commission is
final, such decision shall be a final administrative determination and shall be
subject to review by a court of law in the manner provided by applicable Illinois
D. Special Meetings: All special hearings of the planning and ZE)ninn nOmmiSSion shall
be held at the call of the chair and at such other times as the planning and Zo nin g
commission may determine. All of the foregoing rules and regulations governing the
conduct of hearings before the planning and zoning commission at regular meetings
shall apply to hearings at special meetings of th planning and ze inn nnmmission
The planning and zoning commission is hereby vested with the following jurisdiction and
authority and it shall be its duty:
A. To hold public hearings on requests for amendments to chapt 14 of this code and
forward its findings and recommendations on such requests to the president and
board of trustees of the village.
B. To hear and decide appeals from any zoning determination made by the director of
community development in the administration or enforcement of chapter 14 of this
C. To hear and decide or forward recommendations as is appropriate for variations,
conditional uses and /or relief from the regulations and restrictions contained in
chapter 14 of this code.
D. To hear and decide or make recommendations on such other matters as may be
committed to the jurisdiction of the planning a nd zeninn commission by other
ordinances of the village or at the direction of the president and board of trustees of
the village.
E. To hear and decide all requests for variations, special uses and appeals pursuant to
the village sign ordinance, chapter 7 of this code.
2964531 12
F. To hear and forward recommendations on all requests for exceptions to chapter 16
of this code.
G. To prepare, amend and recommend to the president and board of trustees of the
village an official comprehensive plan ( "the plan ") for the present and future
development or redevelopment of the village. The official comprehensive plan and
its amendments shall be accomplished in accordance with section 5.5,05 of this
H. To recommend changes, from time to time, in the official comprehensive plan after
review and public hearing.
I. To give aid to the municipal officials charged with the direction of projects for
improvements embraced within the plan, and to generally promote the realization of
the plan.
J. To review and recommend the denial or the approval of plats of subdivision,.
No map or plat of any subdivision or resubdivision presented for recording,
affecting land within the corporate limits of the village, or contiguous territory
outside of, but not more distant than one and one -half (1 miles from such
limits of the village, shall be entitled to be recorded or shall be valid unless the
subdivision shall meet the subdivision regulations as set forth in the village's
development code and otherwise conform to any requirements shown in the
official comprehensive plan of the village.
2. The procedures for review of such maps or plats of subdivision shall be as
established within the subdivision regulations of the village which are a
constituent part of the development code.
K. To make recommendations to the village board with respect to the village's
development, review and planning processes.
L. To recommend regulations, projects and programs pertinent to the development,
redevelopment and renewal of the village and such surrounding territory over which
the village exercises subdivision jurisdiction.
M. To exercise such other powers as may be conferred by the corporate authorities..
/(lr� 9,�v 11 6
The planning and zen commission shall carry out its responsibilities with respect to
the official comprehensive plan according to the following:
2964531 13
A. After receiving a proposed comprehensive plan or an amendment to an existing
comprehensive plan, the planning and zoning commission shall hold a public
hearing to consider such plan or amendment.
1. Not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing, notice of the proposed
hearing, setting forth the time and date and place shall be given by publication in a
newspaper of general circulation in the village and the contiguous unincorporated
2. The hearing may be recessed to another date if not concluded; provided, notice of
the time and place is publicly announced at the hearing at the time of such recess
or notice is given by newspaper publication not less than five (5) days prior to the
rescheduled hearing.
B. No testimony regarding the comprehensive plan or any amendments shall be taken,
and no witnesses heard, except at a properly convened public hearing of the
planning and zening commission.
C. No comprehensive plan or amendment shall be adopted by the president and board
of trustees that has not been submitted to the planning and zoning commission for
review, public hearing and recommendation.
D. The plan may be adopted in whole or in separate geographical or functional parts,
each of which, when adopted, shall be the official comprehensive plan or a
constituent part of the comprehensive plan of the village.
E. The plan, by its very terms, may be made applicable to land situated within the
corporate limits of the village and contiguous territory not more than one and one -
half (1 1 /2) miles beyond the corporate limits of the village.
F. The plan may designate land suitable for annexation to the village, along with
recommended zoning classification for such land upon annexation.
G. The plan shall be the primary planning guide of the village, but shall not be
construed to actually regulate or control the use of private property which is the
function of the zoning ordinance and official maps.
H. The official comprehensive plan and any ordinances implementing it shall be on file
with the village clerk and shall be available at all times during regular business hours
for public inspection.
Within ninety (90) days after the conclusion of the public hearing held by the
planning and ",ping commission, the planning and zoning commission shall make
its written recommendation to the president and board of trustees. If the planRing
and iflg commission fails to make such written recommendation within ninety
(90) days, then the president and board of trustees may proceed to consider
adoption of such comprehensive plan or portion of the comprehensive plan or an
296453 ® 1 14
amendment to an existing comprehensive plan in the same manner as if the
planning and win„ commission had made a written recommendation.
1. After consideration of the recommendation of the planning and Zoning
commission of a proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan, the president
and board of trustees shall either adopt the comprehensive plan or amendment in
whole or in part or reject the entire comprehensive plan or amendment.
2. If approved, the president and board of trustees of the village shall enact the
ordinances necessary to give effect to the plan.
3. If, at the expiration of one hundred eighty (180) days after the recommendation of
the commission to the president and board of trustees, the
president and board of trustees have taken no formal action, the comprehensive
plan or amendment may not be acted upon by the president and board of trustees
without renewing the public notice and public hearing process.
J. The plan and its amendments, if approved and adopted, shall become effective upon
the expiration of ten (10) days after the date of filing notice of such adoption with the
Cook County recorder of deeds.
K. Copies of the plan, all ordinances implementing it, and the official map, shall be
available to any interested party upon p aymentbyt h e pa o f the sum established
tG oozier the n06t of itS Printing and d /(l �6 219 , 6 2
Article VI
In that it is useful to the economic welfare of the village, there is hereby created a
citizens' commission which shall be known as the finance commission of the village,
The finance commission shall advise and assist the village president and board of
trustees in the maintenance of a sound tax structure and overall fiscal policy for the
villag (QFd 2722 7 19 1977• Q 4738 7_5_4905• Q 6146 10 3 2000)
The general requirements set forth in Article II aDDly to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise Drovided herein
A. There shall be seven (7) voting members of the finance commission. EaGh shall ho
resident of the village
296453_1 15
serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as chair.
2 In making s,,..h appointments shall consider shall he giver, to +he
appointee's background relating to municipal finance and planning.
The term of office for this commission shall be four (4) years or „p+il a sUrnessor
Terms may be adjusted by the village board to assure
that no more than three (3) terms end in any particular year. (Ord 2585 o_2_
A Immediately , rpop its organization the finance nommissiop shall relent from its
membership A vice Cha+FFnaR chairperson and a secretary The persons so selen +e,+
shall serve for terms of one year, and may be reelected to the same position.
In advising and assisting the village president and board of trustees, the finance
commission shall have the following duties, which shall be executed in the public
interest and to promote the financial stability of the village:
A. To review the proposed budget and make recommendations to the village board as
the commission deems appropriate.
B. To make findings and recommendations regarding village finances, from time to time
as it shall deem useful.
C. To make findings and recommendations regarding such charges as the village
president or the board of trustees may make to the commission from time to time,
(QFd. 2722, 7 _19 1977; Ord 47 7 6 1995 QFd. 6146 10 3 2GQQ
5.605: MEETINGS:
The finance commission shall meet on the fourth Thursday of each month, unless notice
of cancellation is given by the chair or finance director. The nhair may Gall for spenial
,meetings as needed (QFd 5146 10 3 2000)
296453_1 16
In advising and assisting the village president and board of trustees, the finance
commission shall have the following duties, which shall be executed in the public
interest and to promote the financial stability of the village:
A. To review the proposed budget and make recommendations to the village board as
the commission deems appropriate.
B. To make findings and recommendations regarding village finances, from time to time
as it shall deem useful.
C. To make findings and recommendations regarding such charges as the village
president or the board of trustees may make to the commission from time to time,
(QFd. 2722, 7 _19 1977; Ord 47 7 6 1995 QFd. 6146 10 3 2GQQ
5.605: MEETINGS:
The finance commission shall meet on the fourth Thursday of each month, unless notice
of cancellation is given by the chair or finance director. The nhair may Gall for spenial
,meetings as needed (QFd 5146 10 3 2000)
296453_1 16
Footnote 1: See chapter 4, article V of this code for provisions relating to the finance department.
Article VII
There is hereby established a community relations commission ( "^^mmi°°inn `. The
mission of the GOMMURity FelatieRS commission shall be to foster and promote
understanding, mutual respect, cooperation and positive relations between and among
all residents of the village of mount prospect regardless of race, color, sexual
orientation, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin or ancestry to the end that a
sense of shared community among residents is strengthened, the value of each
individual is affirmed and the constitutional rights of all are realized. (^�5228, 12 18
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
The ^^mmU relations commission shall consist of five (5) members app ointed by th
determined by the Fnaye . The terms shall be established so that no more than two (2)
terms end at the same time and so that subsequent members' terms will be for three (3)
years ending on April 30 of the final year of service. A member of the board of trustees
may serve on the commission, but the commission will not be required to have a trustee
as a member. a member may be remover) at any thyme by a majGFity vote of the rnayer
and beam) of trUstees There shall be no quotas for assuring diversity of membership on
the comm but appointments shall be made with diversity as a primary objective.
(GFd 5 Q 7x 0.1
P '� 12 1 TAG cOVT
The r'OMM unity re commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the mayor and
the board of trustees subject to the provisions of this article and shall:
A. Assist residents in discovering opportunities to gather, contribute, volunteer and
participate in neighborhood and community events and services.
B. Cooperate with and enlist the aid of other commissions, organizations, schools,
religious institutions and neighborhood and civic groups in actively promoting
goodwill and understanding among the people of the community.
296453,_,1 17
C. Receive, hear and investigate noncriminal complaints or charges of practices of
discrimination or acts of prejudice or intolerance against any person or group
because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation,
age or disability by a village official and to make recommendations for the resolution
of such matter.
D. Initiate or conduct educational or informational programs if the commission believes
that acts of intolerance are occurring within the community or if the commission
believes that programs will further the purpose for which it was established.
E. Receive, investigate and hear complaints of unlawful real estate practices according
to chapter 23, article XII of this code.
F. Coordinate the amicable settlement of disputes between or among residents through
mediation and conciliation services.
G. Render an annual written report to the village mayor and board of trustees and issue
such special reports concerning its work and investigations as it and the mayor and
board of trustees may consider desirable.
H. Perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as the mayor and board
of trustees may assign to it.
I. With respect to the village's community development block grant funds:
1. Conduct public hearings where required by law;
2. Review requests for funding from nonvillage agencies and make
recommendations with respect to such requests.
J. Have the power and authority to solicit and /or accept contributions of cash and in-
kind services or products in furtherance of its functions as set forth in this section.
The commission shall have no jurisdiction over decisions, legislation or determinations
of the village board or its members for actions taken while sitting as the village board.
Further, the commission shall have no jurisdiction to hear appeals, complaints or
grievances from or based on actions or decisions of the planning and zoning
commission, the local liquor control commissioner or any village hearing officer with
respect to business licenses or zoning or building code matters. Likewise, the
commission shall have no jurisdiction to hear complaints lodged by village employees.
(QFd 5228 12 1 8 _2001 • amd Ord 5501 7 _19 2005)
The following terms shall have the following meanings when used in these rules of
ANSWER: A reply to a complaint, verified on oath, and filed with the commission, in the
manner and form set forth in these guidelines.
296453,_1 18
CODE: The Mount Prospect village code (1981), as it has been and may be amended
from time to time.
COMPLAINANT: Any person or persons that has filed a complaint with the commission.
For purposes of this article complainant shall not include employees of the village.
COMPLAINT: A written allegation on a form supplied by, and filed with, the commission
alleging an act of discriminatory conduct committed by an official of the village.
DISCRIMINATORY CONDUCT: An act of discrimination committed by an official of the
village against a person because of his or her race, color, sexual orientation, religion,
gender, age, disability, national origin or ancestry.
RESPONDENT: Any person or persons who is a village official and is accused by a
complainant of engaging in discriminatory conduct against a complainant.
SUPERVISOR: The current head of the village department in which the respondent was
employed at the time that the discriminatory conduct was alleged to have occurred.
VILLAGE: The village of mount prospect, cook county, illinois.
VILLAGE BOARD: The mayor and trustees of the village of mount prospect, cook
county, illinois.
VILLAGE OFFICIAL: An officer or employee of the village. (^d. 6228,- 12 18 2004-)
A. Creation Of Subcommittees: The chair, with the consent of a majority of the voting
members present at the meeting at which the consent vote is taken, may establish
and appoint a subcommittee chair and members to such subcommittees of the
2964531 19
jo S7i
A. Creation Of Subcommittees: The chair, with the consent of a majority of the voting
members present at the meeting at which the consent vote is taken, may establish
and appoint a subcommittee chair and members to such subcommittees of the
2964531 19
commission as may be necessary from time to time to make reports to the full
commission in connection with the duties assigned to the commission.
B. Secretary Of The Commission: The village manager shall appoint a staff liaison to
the commission who shall be the secretary of the commission. The secretary shall
not be considered a member of the commission and shall not vote on any matters,.
A Op en , Meetin en+' Recording Of Meetings: Due no +in° shall be g iven of all
meet of the n�risr n a nd any of i ts s ubGG m M i ttee5, and sha GGn ° Ted
and held in the manner nrnvided in the Illinois open meetings aGt. All hearings on
complaints shall be audio taped or recorded by a certified stenographic reporter.
B. Regular Meetings: The commission shall hold its regular meetings not less than
quarterly, but may meet more often if the commission or the mayor and board of
trustees deem it necessary. The commission shall establish a schedule of its regular
meetings for each calendar year prior to the beginning of each calendar year. All
meetings shall be held on village property unless otherwise approved by the village
C. Special Meetings: The commission may call and conduct such special or emergency
meetings as it determines may be necessary from time to time.
Lb -. - . .
D. Workshops: The commission may hold such workshop sessions as it determines
may be necessary from time to time.
E. Closed Meetings: The commission may hold meetings or portions of meetings that
are closed to the public only in accordance with applicable law.
F. Notice Of Absence: Any member of the commission, who is unable to attend any
meeting, shall notify the chair, his or her designee, or the staff liaison. Such notice
shall be provided as far in advance as is practical under the circumstances.
1110 1P 6011
2964531 20
A. Establishing The Agenda: The chair shall establish the items to be included on the
agenda for each meeting of the commission. In establishing each agenda, the chair
shall consider the number of pending complaints and other agenda items, the
complexity of such matters, and any applicable time constraints for the processing of
such matters.
B. Order Of Business: i n gen eral, the ordor of b liners fnr each agenda sba may
contain the following additional item an t he fall aFde before Old Business:
Discriminatory Conduct Complaints:
a. Reports: Consideration of reports of findings and commission
b. Continued Complaints: Consideration of complaints for which the hearing or
meeting has previously been convened and continued by the commission and
on which testimony has been heard by the commission.
c. New Complaints: Consideration of complaints for which no hearing or meeting
has previously been convened or on which no testimony has been heard by the
296453_1 21
9 - S ee
Discriminatory Conduct Complaints:
a. Reports: Consideration of reports of findings and commission
b. Continued Complaints: Consideration of complaints for which the hearing or
meeting has previously been convened and continued by the commission and
on which testimony has been heard by the commission.
c. New Complaints: Consideration of complaints for which no hearing or meeting
has previously been convened or on which no testimony has been heard by the
296453_1 21
ro „fY}. 7 AA;^i irn
10, A w
. a Ash a
C. Distribution Of Agenda And Related Materials: The agenda for eac nnmmiccinn
meeting shall be posted on aGGOFdanGe with appl law. The agenda and all
relevant materials prepared by complainants or village staff shall be distributed to
each commission member. Unless it is objectively impractical to do so, the agenda
and supporting materials shall be distributed at least forty eight (48) hours in
advance of the meeting.
D. Voting:
General Matters: Except as required by subsection E3 of this section, the
commission may take action to conduct its business without a written resolution
before it. In such cases, the vote required to approve such an action shall be a
majority of those voting members present.
2. Minority Or Dissenting Reports: Members of the commission may file minority or
dissenting reports in support of any position concerning a matter brought before
the commission.
3. Reports And Findings On Complaints: The commission shall vote to approve a
report of findings and to make a recommendation on a complaint only by
adoption of a written resolution. In such cases, the vote required to pass such
resolution shall be a majority of the voting members of the commission present at
the meeting at which the vote is taken. A roll call vote shall be taken on all
resolutions. A member absent from all or any portion of a hearing on a complaint
shall not be qualified to vote on the matter unless that member first certifies that
he or she has reviewed the entire record of such missed portion of the hearing
and has been fully informed of the essential facts and issues of the matter being
heard so as to be able to make an informed and independent vote. ( Ord. 6228,
12 1820
A. Filing Procedures For Complaints Of Discriminatory Conduct:
1. Filing A Complaint Of Discriminatory Conduct: The following procedures shall be
employed by individuals seeking to file a complaint through the commission for
alleged discriminatory conduct by a village official:
296453_1 22
C. Distribution Of Agenda And Related Materials: The agenda for eac nnmmiccinn
meeting shall be posted on aGGOFdanGe with appl law. The agenda and all
relevant materials prepared by complainants or village staff shall be distributed to
each commission member. Unless it is objectively impractical to do so, the agenda
and supporting materials shall be distributed at least forty eight (48) hours in
advance of the meeting.
D. Voting:
General Matters: Except as required by subsection E3 of this section, the
commission may take action to conduct its business without a written resolution
before it. In such cases, the vote required to approve such an action shall be a
majority of those voting members present.
2. Minority Or Dissenting Reports: Members of the commission may file minority or
dissenting reports in support of any position concerning a matter brought before
the commission.
3. Reports And Findings On Complaints: The commission shall vote to approve a
report of findings and to make a recommendation on a complaint only by
adoption of a written resolution. In such cases, the vote required to pass such
resolution shall be a majority of the voting members of the commission present at
the meeting at which the vote is taken. A roll call vote shall be taken on all
resolutions. A member absent from all or any portion of a hearing on a complaint
shall not be qualified to vote on the matter unless that member first certifies that
he or she has reviewed the entire record of such missed portion of the hearing
and has been fully informed of the essential facts and issues of the matter being
heard so as to be able to make an informed and independent vote. ( Ord. 6228,
12 1820
A. Filing Procedures For Complaints Of Discriminatory Conduct:
1. Filing A Complaint Of Discriminatory Conduct: The following procedures shall be
employed by individuals seeking to file a complaint through the commission for
alleged discriminatory conduct by a village official:
296453_1 22
a. Eligibility For Filing: Any person claiming to be aggrieved by discriminatory
conduct of a village official while that official was acting within the scope of his
or her authority may file a complaint.
b. Complaint Form: A person wishing to file a complaint must submit the
particulars of his or her complaint on a standardized complaint form provided by
the office of the village manager. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
c. Place Of Filing: The complainant shall return the complaint either by regular
mail, facsimile or in person to the address designated on the complaint.
d. Time Of Filing: A complaint must be filed no later than sixty (60) days from the
date of the last occurrence of the alleged discriminatory conduct.
e. Response To Filing: Subject to section 5.709 of this article, within thirty (30)
days of receiving a fully executed and completed complaint, the secretary to the
commission shall:
(1) Schedule a commission hearing on the complaint in accordance with
provisions of the Illinois open meetings act, on a date not later than sixty
(60) days after receiving the fully executed and completed complaint, unless
automatically postponed pursuant subsection Alf of this section or waived
by the complainant pursuant to subsection A1g of this section; and
(2) Deliver a copy of the complaint to the parties listed below, along with a
written notice of the time and place of the hearing (unless waived by the
(A) The complainant;
(B) The chair and the other members of the commission;
(C) The supervisor (if a complaint is lodged against employee);
(D) The village manager; and
(E) The village board.
The notice to the supervisor shall advise the supervisor that the respondent,
or the supervisor, or both, may attend the hearing and present testimony to
the commission on the scheduled date. It shall be the responsibility of the
supervisor to notify the respondent of the complaint.
Automatic Postponement For Pending Litigation: Notwithstanding anything in
these rules to the contrary, no hearing shall be scheduled or conducted with
respect to a complaint that is related to, or concerns, a matter that is the subject
of any pending litigation in a court of law until a date that is at least thirty (30)
days after the final disposition and adjudication of such litigation.
g. Waiver: A complainant may waive his or her right to a hearing. In such event,
the commission shall base its report and findings, and any recommendation, on
the complaint and the written answer, if any, provided by the supervisor or the
2964531 23
2. Answering A Complaint: The supervisor and the respondent shall have the right,
but not the obligation, to respond to the complaint. Any such response shall be in
accordance with the following:
a. Place Of Filing: The answer may be filed by the supervisor or the respondent
by regular mail, facsimile, or in person to the secretary c/o the office of the
village manager at the village hall.
b. Content Of The Answer: The answer shall contain the full name of the
respondent, and if represented by an attorney, the name and address of the
attorney. The answer may contain a denial, a rebuttal or an admission of the
complaint, in part or in whole, as well as documentary evidence to indicate the
verity of such denial.
c. Time Of Filing: The answer shall be filed within fourteen (14) days from the
date of service of the complaint upon the supervisor.
B. Commission And Subcommittee Procedures For Complaint Hearings:
1. Hearings By A Quorum: No hearing shall take place unless a quorum is present.
2. Standards Of Decorum: All commission members and all others attending
hearings of the commission shall conduct themselves in a manner that shall not
disrupt the business of the commission. The u s e Of ^ell u l a r p hone s in the meeting
rnnm is nrehihiterl The ^hair may mitigate that nercens whn hennme nercnna4y
eFder and if the v persists he required to leave the meeting rnnm
3. Introduction By The Chair:
a. General: The Chaw chairperson shall begin each hearing by announcing the
name of the complainant and the title of the complaint. The chair shall explain
the procedures for conducting the hearing.
b. Swearing In Witnesses: The chair shall administer an oath to all persons
intending to testify during the course of the hearing, whether for the
complainant, the supervisor or for the respondent.
c. Counsel: Parties to the complaint will be permitted to attend the hearing
accompanied by attorneys, but such attorneys will be allowed to participate in
the hearing only as advisors to their clients. Such attorneys shall refrain from
speaking on behalf of their clients or cross examining other parties.
d. Time Limits: Prior to the start of the hearing or meeting, the chair, in
conjunction with appropriate village staff, shall establish reasonable time limits
for the oral presentation of the complaint by the complainant, for the answer by
296453_1 24
the supervisor and, or the respondent, if attending, and for the testimony of
witnesses, if any.
4. Chair's Summary Of Complaint: The chairperson or his or her designee shall
explain, in summary form, the basic facts of, and relief requested in, the
5. Complainant's Presentation: The complainant shall present the complaint in such
form and with testimony of witnesses and other evidence as the complainant
deems desirable. In general, the commission shall allow the complainant to make
this presentation without interruption, except for those questions allowed by the
chair that may be immediately necessary to aid the commission in understanding
the material being presented.
6. Supervisor's And Respondent's Presentation: If in attendance, the supervisor,
based on his or her internal investigation, and the respondent, on his or her own
behalf, may answer the complaint in such form and with testimony of witnesses
and other evidence as he or she deems desirable. In general, the commission
shall allow the supervisor and, or the respondent to make this presentation
without interruption, except for those questions allowed by the chair that may be
immediately necessary to aid the commission in understanding the material being
7. Prohibition Of Cross Examination: No party shall be entitled or permitted to cross
examine or ask questions of any other party. All questions and comments shall be
directed to the commission.
8. Questions By The Community Relations Commission: At the conclusion of each
presentation, the commission members may ask such questions of the
complainant, the supervisor, the respondent or the witnesses as may be
necessary to clarify the material presented.
9. Commission Statements: Members of the commission may read statements
related to the complaint into the hearing record.
10. Commission Discussion And Deliberation: Following testimony, the commission
may close the hearing and discuss, in an orderly fashion, the complaint and all
material presented. During this discussion, members of the commission may ask
the chair to direct additional questions to the complainant, the supervisor, the
respondent or witnesses during this portion of the meeting.
11. Report And Findings: At the conclusion of any hearing, subject to section 5.709
of this article, a written draft report and findings shall be prepared by the
commission in the manner it deems appropriate. The draft report and findings
shall be distributed to the commission members for review at the next scheduled
The report and findings shall be based solely on the statements, documents and
296453_1 25
other evidence provided at the hearing by the complainant, the supervisor and the
respondent. It shall include:
a. Brief statement of the complaint;
b. The solutions sought by the complainant;
c. The recommended solution of the supervisor and /or the respondent;
d. Findings of fact;
e. A determination of whether the complaint has merit; and
f. The proposed recommendations of the commission.
12. Commission Action: Upon receipt and review of the report and findings, the
commission shall, by resolution duly adopted, either: a) approve the report and
findings in the form as drafted, or b) approve the report and findings with
designated modifications. Although the commission shall have the right to make
recommendations, it shall have no obligation to do so in the final resolution.
13. Transmittal Of Commission Action Documents: The secretary shall, within
fourteen (14) days after the conclusion of the meeting at which the commission
approved a report and findings, transmit the same along with any minority reports
to the village manager. The village manager will then provide copies of the report
to the village board, the complainant, the supervisor and the respondent. The
village manager will also notify the village board of any change in administrative
procedures or any disciplinary action that has been or will be taken with respect to
any employee.
14. Continuances: Any complainant, supervisor or respondent, may request, and
shall be granted, one continuance, without cause, of a hearing on a complaint. If a
complainant fails to appear at a scheduled hearing without giving prior written
notice to the secretary and has not previously used a continuance, the hearing
shall be continued. Any further requests for a continuance by the complainant,
supervisor or respondent, shall be subject to the approval of the commission for
good cause shown.
15. Withdrawal Of Complaint: If the complainant chooses to withdraw his or her
complaint, then the proceeding may be deemed complete and the commission
shall have no obligation to transmit a report and findings to the village board.
However, if the complainant alleges that he or she withdraw his or her complaint
because he or she was the subject of overt acts of retaliation, harassment or
threats committed by an official of the village, then the complainant may renew his
or her prior complaint within sixty (60) days of the alleged overt retaliatory,
harassing or threatening act in conformity with these rules. ( 6228 i 2 18
It is required that the hiring, promotion and discipline of sworn fire and police personnel
be governed by specific state and local law. Because of the specificity and complexity of
these procedures, it is neither practical nor proper to have them compromised in any
296453_,1 26
manner by providing a concurrent process for investigating or hearing complaints
against such officials. Therefore, while retaining the authority to receive complaints
against sworn fire or police personnel, the commission will immediately forward such
complaints to the respective fire or police chief. The appropriate chief will then provide a
written monthly report to the commission and the village manager as to the procedural
progress of the matter and will file a final report describing its ultimate disposition.
Occasionally, certain portions of a final disposition may be subject to a confidentiality
requirement. In such instances, these portions may not be transmitted to the community
relations commission. However, no disposition to be presented to the board of fire and
police commissioners may be subject to confidentiality provisions unless approved in
writing by the village manager.
If, after all administrative and judicial appeals have been exhausted, the complainant is
not satisfied with the result of the board of fire and police commissioners process, the
complainant may then request a hearing on the matter before the commission and such
hearing shall be conducted pursuant to these rules. In the event a hearing is
commenced pursuant to this section, the commission may make recommendations with
respect to avoiding such complaints in the future, but shall make no recommendation
with respect to the disciplining of the respondent. (Q-1 .5-02Q I7 In )nnlN
Article VIII
5.800: CREATED:
There shall be a police pension board consisting of five (5) members. Of these
members, two (2) shall be appointed by the village president with the advice and
consent of the board of trustees, serving a term of two (2) years each; two (2) shall be
elected from the regular police force of the village, and one shall be elected from the
beneficiaries of the pension. Each member shall serve for two (2) years and elected
members shall be selected in the manner provided by law. (1957 Code, 5.501)
The general requirements set forth in Article II apply to the board to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
It shall be the duty of the members of the p0liGe p ens board to manage, invest and
control the police pension fund and all monies pertaining thereto in the manner provided
by statute'. (1957 Code,
Footnote 1: 40 ILCS 513 -128.
Article IX
2964531 27
5.900: CREATED:
There shall be a firefighters' pension board consisting of five (5) members. Of these
members, two (2) shall be appointed by the village president; two (2) shall be elected
from the active participants of the pension fund; and one shall be elected from the
beneficiaries of the pension fund. Each member shall serve for three (3) years and
elected members shall be selected in the manner provided by law. Officers of the board
shall be elected, hold office and have such authority to act for said board on such terms
and in such manner as said board may provide and as provided by law. Notwithstand
any prevision of this seotien to the nontrary the term of offine of eanh member of the
village of Mount PFOsp-eGt e
i pension beaFd established on OF befoFe the thiFd
Monday 0 ' - 20- shall Gentinue to and terminate on the thmFd Monday On April f , hP
all of the duties of a member of the firefighters' pension heart) until all of the nei
memhem of the hoard take offine
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the board to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
It shall be the duty of the members of the firefighters' pension board to manage, invest
and control the firefighters' pension fund and all monies pertaining thereto in the manner
provided by statute'. ,
Footnote 1: 40 ILCS 514 -122.
Article X
There is hereby established the mount prospect transportation safety commission to
assist, inform and advise the village's staff and elected officials on matters pertaining to
the transportation of people and materials within the village, between the village and
adjoining municipalities, and throughout the northeastern Illinois region as it affects the
village. ,
The general requirements set forth in article II aoDly to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
296453_1 28
The transportation safet., commission shall consist of nine (9) voting members and one
nonvoting member, who shall be appointed as follows:
A. The village president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees shall
appoint six (6) voting members, not in the employ of the village, who have an
interest in the transportation of people and materials, and transportation safety,
These members shall serve without compensation.
B. The chief of police, fire chief and director of public works shall assign a
representative from the mount prospect police department, Mount Prospect fire
department and mount prospect public works department, respectively, to serve on
the commission as voting members without additional compensation.
C. A representative of the engineering division shall serve without additional
compensation as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the commission and shall
perform the duties of the secretary of the commission.
The v ill a ge president the a dyine and nonsent of the beam) of tr u s tees, sha
appoint the nheirneFSen of the nommission and nonsirder the renommenrdation of the
nommission members in so ,d„iRg. The chairpeFSen shall serve no more than two (2)
consecutive terms in the position.
D. Vacancies on the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term of the
chairperson or any member who is not employed by the village, by appointment of
the village president with the consent of the board of trustees.
The term of office for members, who are not employed of-_by_the village, shall be:
.111 IN. 0.01 ON ROM
2. EaGh term of nffine shall he fer four (4) years or unto! a sUGGesser has qualified
aR d been appointed
Any member shall be eligible for reappointment.
2964531 29
The objective of the transportation safety commission shall be to encourage and
facilitate safe and efficient transportation throughout the village, between the village and
adjoining municipalities, and throughout the northeastern Illinois region as it affects the
village. The commission shall function as advisor to village staff, the village president
and board of trustees on the following transportation topics:
A. The efficient and safe movement of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians along village,
county and state roads.
B. Safety plans around schools, churches and other locations that generate a high level
of vehicle /pedestrian interaction.
C. Bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects in support of the village's
comprehensive plan and bicycle plan.
D. On street parking and village owned parking lots.
E. Mass transportation including trains, buses and other such means.
F. Multijurisdiction and regional transportation issues. ( Ord. 5 86T 9 -2011)
5.1004: DUTIES:
In advising and assisting village staff, the village president and board of trustees, the
transportation safety commission shall have the following duties:
A. To review and consider topics described in section 5. of this article, and to
recommend such action, as it deems appropriate, to the president and board
of trustees.
B. To consider and make recommendations on transportation issues, as directed by the
village president and board of trustees.
C. To provide feedback and recommendations to village staff on local and regional
transportation projects and programs presented to the commission by the
engineering division or others.
D. To create an open atmosphere that allows the public to communicate with the
commission and participate in its meetings.
E. To invite and encourage community organizations such as schools, churches,
homeowners' associations and civic groups to participate in the work of the
296453,1 30
F. To submit correspondence to the village president and board of trustees on all
activities of the commission including, but not limited to, agendas, meeting minutes
and recommendations.
G. To request statistical and other information from village departments for review in
relation to the commission's duties.
H. To consider appeals from decisions of the engineering division with respect to sight
obstructions, as provided in section 9.308 of this code. , 7 19 201
5.1005: MEETINGS:
The trans perta +ion safe+., commission shall meet on the second Monday of each month
unless notice of cancellation is given by the chairperson or director of public works. The
Ghairperson may Gall for spenial meetings as needed The nommission shall adopt rules
fnr the Bend ue+ of its meetings and keep wr mini rtes of all meetings and
proneedings All meetings and antiens of the commission shall be nenduGted in
accordance wi the ts of the Illinois open meetings ant (Q � $ 67 7 19
Article XI
(Ord. 5793, 4 -20 -2010)
Article XII
There is hereby established a Committee to be known as the Special Events
Commission of the Village, consisting of fifteen (15) members, a majority of whom shall
be citizens of the Village. The members of the Special Events Commission shall he
addition, The village president shall be an ex officio member of the Special E.,en +�
Tee (3) for one year
T r ,
Three (3) for tWO M\ years;•
Three (3) for three (3) years;
Two (2) for fide (5) dears
i and
296453_1 31
�■ . . fJT��7:�T�C1 ■�1TTlS Tri7.
.T.T�:C11 ■. -
- -
the Village President
with the
r.ensent of the - . ard Trustees. (Q 4573, 8 3
1993 Q 4738, 7 5
4820, 9 3 1996
A. After the - initial tean;, The saGess Each member and the Chairman chairperson
so appointed, shall serve f ^r ° f °r"^ o s taggered four (4) year terms, O until hi� /h °r
The GhawFinan chairperson shall
serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chairman chairperson
The general requirements set forth in article 11 apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
M A.
whese seat has beGGme YaGant by app intment of
the Village President
with the
r.ensent of the - . ard Trustees. (Q 4573, 8 3
1993 Q 4738, 7 5
4820, 9 3 1996
The general requirements set forth in article 11 apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
M A.
A. It shall be the duty of the SpeG E. ° ^ *c Commission to develop, promote and
coordinate a series of community events for the enjoyment and education of the
residents of the village and visitors to our village.
2964531 32
0 IMV MWE M.N.Myti
e M Z - - -
2 99e
. rjr
- -
A. It shall be the duty of the SpeG E. ° ^ *c Commission to develop, promote and
coordinate a series of community events for the enjoyment and education of the
residents of the village and visitors to our village.
2964531 32
B. All activities organized by the SpeGi E Y ° ^ *c commission shall be conducted within
the financial constraints placed upon the Commission as established by the
president and board of trustees through passage of the annual budget for the village.
C. The SpeGi °I F = v ° ^ *° commission shall have the authority to enter into agreements
with participants, organizations and /or groups solicited by the commission to
participate in the specific events organized by the commission.
D. The SpeGi °I E Y ° ^ *c commission shall prepare a calendar of events for the Village.
Said calendar shall be presented to the president and board of trustees of the village
on a quarterly basis.
E. The Speci F = v ° ^ *° commission shall have the power and authority to solicit and /or
accept contributions of cash and in -kind services or products in furtherance of the
promotion and /or staging of any special events. ,
5.12045: MEETINGS:
The SpeGi °I E Y ° ^ *° commission shall meet on a regular basis, as established by the
commission. Sp e cial m°°*iRgG of the Special Events Gem micc• inn may be Galled by the
GhaiFpeFGen of said .( ,
Article XIII
There is hereby established a centennial commission of the village of mount prospect to
plan and promote a coordinated effort to celebrate the village of mount prospect's
centennial year. Unless action by the corporate authorities is taken to shorten or extend
the life of the commission, it shall cease to exist, by operation of law, December 31,
2018. ( O r �0 79 , � -- 7 2012)
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
A. The centennial commission shall consist of seven (7) to eleven (11) members as
may be determined by the village president. All members shall reside or work in the
296453_1 33
B. The membership of this commission in^l, ceding t h e person shall be app o int
by the t village presiden wi +h the adVioe and oonsen+ of the hoard of trustees and
"' J c uc� r rn T C rr c rr a. cTr - vrc rr a�va r a - v
shall consist of persons from community organizations that have previously shown
an interest in the cultural life of the village.
C. The term of office for the members shall be until the commission ceases to exist
pursuant to section 5.130 of this article. M embers of this oomrrmission shall senee
( ^6021, 7 17 2012)
A . Immediately upon the naming of the members the ^en +ennial ^ommissinn shall
s eleot from its members Vice chairperson and secretary Th nere• ^n^ re sole
hall serve in the se pos i tions. These positions-may be rotated among the
membership at the discretion of the chairperson.
The commission will perform and exercise the following functions:
A. Cooperate with the village president, board of trustees, village staff and various
community organizations to develop a program that will appropriately and officially
commemorate the village's centennial year.
B. Recommend such actions to the board of trustees as it may deem appropriate to
carry out its responsibilities.
C. All activities organized by the commission shall be conducted within the financial
constraints placed upon the commission as established by the president and board
of trustees through passage of the annual budget for the village. Any proposed
expenditures or financial commitments of the commission are subject to the written
approval of the village manager.
D. The commission shall have the power and authority to solicit and /or accept
contributions of cash and in -kind services or products in furtherance of the promotion
and /or staging of any special events.
E. The commission shall have the authority to enter into agreements with participants,
organizations and /or groups solicited by the commission to participate in the specific
events organized by the commission, so long as such agreements are within the
restrictions set forth in subsection C of this section. ( 6021 2012)
296453_1 34
5.1305: MEETINGS:
The ^en* vcr te commission shall meet on a regular basis, but not less often than
bimonthly. Spenial meetinoc of the nnmmis ion may he Gelled by the nhairnercon The
meeting schedule will be determined by the commission. ARy nerSon shall he
reaG GRably entitled to appear and he heard on any matter before the oomm 0 6e 0 0n . /Glrrl
6021, 7 17 2012)
Article XIV
There is hereby created the mount prospect youth commission. The membership of the
Mount PFOspen+ Youth Commission shall be broadly representative of the entire
community, taking into particular account the various high schools and junior high
schools attended by the youth of mount prospect. ( QFd 4850 4 7.1007)
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
Members of the Mount PFG6peGt Youth commission shall be appointed by `pillage
President with the GOncent of the BeaFd of Trustees, for a term of one year. Members
may be selected from recommendations from schools, youth organizations, churches,
businesses, residents, other government agencies, etc. It shall be an objective, but not
a mandatory requirement, that each school serving Mount Prospect youth above the
age of eleven (11) years old be represented on the MOURt PFOSpeGt YOUth commission.
/Orel it QA1) it I CIC17N
i _
A. The membership of the Mount PFOspeGt YOUth commission shall elect a sha+ffnae
chairperson. who shall vote on every final decision of the commission.
295453 1
There shall be nine (9) voting members of the
Commission, each having one (1) vote.
C. Members of the Mount PFG6peGt Youth commission shall be between the ages of
twelve (12) and twenty one (21), inclusive, when appointed or reappointed to the
Mount PrespeGt Youth commission. When a member of the Mount Prospect Youth
Commission reaches the maximum age for membership, said member shall
complete the term for which he /she was appointed.
D. There shall be no limit on the number of terms a member may serve. ,
2 1°°74
There shall be at least three (3) adult advisors to the Mount PFespeGt Youth commission
appointed by the Village President, with the advice and consent of the Village Board.
The adult advisors shall consist of a village trustee, a sworn member of the Mount
Prospect Police Department and an adult associated with mount prospect. Adult
advisors shall serve for a term of four (4) years and may be reappointed for additional
four (4) year terms. An adult advisor shall not be a voting member of this commission.
5.1405: DUTIES:
The duties of the Mount o respeG t YGUth Commission shall be as follows.
A. Formulate recommendations on specific topics as assigned by the president and
board of trustees or initiated by the commission, including, but not limited to,
vandalism, liquor and drug law enforcement, automobile and bicycle safety, and
youth and family issues;
B. Identify youth issues in the community by holding public meetings, studying youth
services in the village and in other communities, and receiving communications from
schools, community groups, and village residents; where possible, develop solutions
to these problems and, if appropriate, present recommendations to the president
and board of trustees of the village;
C. Compile, maintain, and distribute a current directory of existing services and
programs for youth in the Village furnished by public and private agencies;
D. Organize and coordinate existing youth programs such as youth in government day;
E. Develop and implement new programs for youth in the Village;
F. Foster and promote cooperation among governmental and nongovernmental
organizations serving youth within the village;
2964531 36
G. As needed, recommend changes in the structure or function of the Mount PFespeG-t
Youth commission so that the commission may better accomplish the purposes for
which it was created; and
H. Prepare annually and present to the village manager the
commission budget recommendations for inclusion in the annual village budget
submittal. (Q 4 85 0 4 2 1997)
5 -1406: MEETINGS:
The MOURt PrespeGt Youth commission shall meet on the first Wednesday of each and
every calendar month, which meeting date, time and location shall be included on an
agenda which agenda shall be posted. The Cha+rmaa chairperson may call a special
meeting as required or change the date of the monthly meeting to accommodate
calendar conflicts. In addition to its regular monthly meeting, the
Commission shall meet in June and December of each year with the president and the
board of trustees at a committee of the whole meeting. The first priority of these
meetings shall be to report on issues currently before the commission. Min o +h
meetings of the Mount PPOrneGt You Comm s hall he taken ��i a none of hinh
. f1.7 l:T- T.7 1�i►- T- �11r .T.T���
5 -1407: VOTING:
Article XV
5.1500: PURPOSE:
The purpose of the Sister Cities Commission is to recommend policies and programs to
enhance the village's participation in the Sister Cities International Organization, and to
maintain any relationship the village might establish with a sister city. It is recognized
that there is no financial, political or religious goal of the program. The sole objective of
the commission and the program is to promote goodwill and international
understanding. (Ord. 5095, 3 22 2000)
2964531 37
Article XV
5.1500: PURPOSE:
The purpose of the Sister Cities Commission is to recommend policies and programs to
enhance the village's participation in the Sister Cities International Organization, and to
maintain any relationship the village might establish with a sister city. It is recognized
that there is no financial, political or religious goal of the program. The sole objective of
the commission and the program is to promote goodwill and international
understanding. (Ord. 5095, 3 22 2000)
2964531 37
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
There is hereby created a permanent commission, which shall be known as the sister
cities commission of the village, consisting of fifteen (15) members, a majority of whom
shall be residents of the village, and one member shall be a village trustee. The
the noncom of the board of trustees. In addition, the village president shall serve as an
ex officio member of the sister cities commission.
�S�1 /T -T.1E .S7:T -T :T�:"•1:TT�4f7. _ :L11
Throe (3) for ono dear•
Three (3) for fide (2) dears•
Three (3) for three (3) years•
FGUF (4) for four (4) years
Two M\ for fide (5) years
A A er the initial t eFFn, the S Unnesse of Each member and the chairperson so
appoi to shall serve staggered f a term o four (4) year terms, or until his /her
cUnoeccor has been d appointed and qualified The chairperson shall serve no
more than two (2) consecutive terms as chairperson.
D Immediately upon its ornanization, the sister ieo commission shall elect fFGFn s
meFnberchin a vice Ohaiffnan c hairperson and a secretary . The nerconc Co
6 e I �Q who shall serve for terms of one year and may be reelected.
E. The commission may also establish committees as it may, from time to time, deem
appropriate. The committees may include, but not be limited to, the following: 1)
special events; 2) schools; 3) houses of worship; 4) service clubs; 5) seniors; 6)
municipal; 7) commercial; and 8) youth. Committee members need not be
2964531 38
:E11 ■. -
A A er the initial t eFFn, the S Unnesse of Each member and the chairperson so
appoi to shall serve staggered f a term o four (4) year terms, or until his /her
cUnoeccor has been d appointed and qualified The chairperson shall serve no
more than two (2) consecutive terms as chairperson.
D Immediately upon its ornanization, the sister ieo commission shall elect fFGFn s
meFnberchin a vice Ohaiffnan c hairperson and a secretary . The nerconc Co
6 e I �Q who shall serve for terms of one year and may be reelected.
E. The commission may also establish committees as it may, from time to time, deem
appropriate. The committees may include, but not be limited to, the following: 1)
special events; 2) schools; 3) houses of worship; 4) service clubs; 5) seniors; 6)
municipal; 7) commercial; and 8) youth. Committee members need not be
2964531 38
commission members, but committee membership requirements shall be the same
as for commission membership. ( ,
5.1503: MEETINGS:
A. The smsteF Gities commission may meet as needed but shall be required to meet on
the first Thursday of each March, June, September and December. Special
meetings may be called by the village president, the sisteF ^;+,eG GOMM
Chairman chairperson or by any three (3) members of the sisteF Gitie6 commission.
.. 999
The objective of the sister cities commission shall be to encourage and facilitate
programs and exchanges between mount prospect and its sister city. The sister cities
commission shall function as advisor to the village board on the following objectives:
A. Development of annual programs and exchanges.
B. The provision of such programs and exchanges, including finding and providing for
host families and cultural experiences for approved visits by sister cities residents,
and plans for reciprocal visits for mount prospect residents and business persons in
the sister city.
C. The smsteF Gities commission shall have the power and authority to solicit and /or
accept contributions of cash and in -kind services or products in furtherance of such
programs and exchanges. ( Ord 5095 3 2000, am d Ord 5459 9 cry
Each September, the steF Git;es- commission shall make an annual report to the
president and board of trustees with respect to the following:
A. Exchanges and projects in the village within the past twelve (12) months.
B. Planned exchanges and projects for the future.
C. Recommendation of measures with respect to the sister cities program that should
be considered by the corporate authorities in the following twelve (12) months.
D. Quality of cooperation between mount prospect and its sister city.
296453_1 39
E. Budget recommendations for the program's future. ( QFd. 5005, 3 -" -2000
Article XVI
There is hereby established a foreign fire insurance tax board of the village of mount
prospect to receive and expend foreign fire insurance tax funds for the maintenance,
use and benefit of the village fire department, in accordance with the illinois compiled
statutes'. ( ^rd 5611 ° - 20 -2005
The general requirements set forth in Article II apply to the board to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
"Members of the department ", for purpose of this article, shall include all members of
the fire department, including sworn and nonsworn members, but excluding
probationary members. (QFd. 5511, 9 20 2005)
A. Membership: The f ore i gn fir i nsurance tax board shall consist of seven (7) board
members, who need not be residents, as follows:
1. One board member shall be the chief of the fire department,
2. One board member shall serve from the sworn rank of battalion chief and above,
3. One board member shall serve from the sworn rank of lieutenant,
4. Three (3) board members shall serve from the sworn rank of firefighter, and
5. One board member shall serve from the department's nonsworn personnel.
B. Nomination And Election: Except for the chief of the fire department, the board
members within each of the categories in subsection A of this section shall be
nominated and elected by the members of the department within the respective
C. Village Liaison: The village finance director, or designee, shall serve as the village's
liaison to the foreign fire insurance tax board.
D. Officers: At the first meeting of the f o r e i gn fire ins uranno ta* board and annually
thereafter, the board members shall select a Chairman chairperson vice GhaeFman
chairperson secretary and treasurer.
296453_1 40
E. Term Of Office:
1. in the event no SUGGesseF board member assumes Off PF tG the expiFatie
the two 21 year term then the h eard member shall Genie until a c Unnesser bn.�rrl
membeF assu nffine The i n i t ia l terms of e#ine of the bead members sh
beg thirt (3 d ays aft nemnletinn of the eleGti„n. Each board member shall
hold office during his /her term unless the member resigns from the department,
retires from the department, or is discharged from the department. If any of these
three (3) events occur, the board member shall automatically be removed from
the board and the position shall be deemed vacant.
2. Vacancies in the fereinn fire inS Fanne board shall be filled by election of the
members of the department from those members within the vacant category, and
such election shall be for the balance of the unexpired term. Any person elected
to fill a board position vacancy shall assume office immediately upon completion
of the election.
F. Election Procedures:
1. Temporary Election Procedure: There is hereby established a temporary election
committee, which shall consist of five (5) members of the department. The chief of
the fire department shall serve as a member and as Chairman chairperson of the
committee. The chief shall appoint a member of the department to represent each
of the categories of members set forth in subsection A of this section. The
temporary committee shall be responsible for organizing, conducting and
supervising the initial election of department members to serve on the board.
2. Permanent Election Procedure: The foreign fire insurance tax board shall
develop a procedure for the nomination of members of the department to the
various categories set forth in subsection A of this section. All rules and
regulations with respect to the election process shall be posted throughout the
department a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the election.
G. Duties Of Officers:
1. The Chairman chairperson shall preside over meetings of the fere lry l�TG
mnne t -., board. He /she shall be the executive head of the board and an ex
officio member of all subcommittees. He /she shall appoint such committees as
may be provided for in this article and any special committees as may be from
time to time established by the board to carry out specific tasks. The ChaffFnan
296453, 1 41
1. in the event no SUGGesseF board member assumes Off PF tG the expiFatie
the two 21 year term then the h eard member shall Genie until a c Unnesser bn.�rrl
membeF assu nffine The i n i t ia l terms of e#ine of the bead members sh
beg thirt (3 d ays aft nemnletinn of the eleGti„n. Each board member shall
hold office during his /her term unless the member resigns from the department,
retires from the department, or is discharged from the department. If any of these
three (3) events occur, the board member shall automatically be removed from
the board and the position shall be deemed vacant.
2. Vacancies in the fereinn fire inS Fanne board shall be filled by election of the
members of the department from those members within the vacant category, and
such election shall be for the balance of the unexpired term. Any person elected
to fill a board position vacancy shall assume office immediately upon completion
of the election.
F. Election Procedures:
1. Temporary Election Procedure: There is hereby established a temporary election
committee, which shall consist of five (5) members of the department. The chief of
the fire department shall serve as a member and as Chairman chairperson of the
committee. The chief shall appoint a member of the department to represent each
of the categories of members set forth in subsection A of this section. The
temporary committee shall be responsible for organizing, conducting and
supervising the initial election of department members to serve on the board.
2. Permanent Election Procedure: The foreign fire insurance tax board shall
develop a procedure for the nomination of members of the department to the
various categories set forth in subsection A of this section. All rules and
regulations with respect to the election process shall be posted throughout the
department a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the election.
G. Duties Of Officers:
1. The Chairman chairperson shall preside over meetings of the fere lry l�TG
mnne t -., board. He /she shall be the executive head of the board and an ex
officio member of all subcommittees. He /she shall appoint such committees as
may be provided for in this article and any special committees as may be from
time to time established by the board to carry out specific tasks. The ChaffFnan
296453, 1 41
chairperson shall have general supervision of the activities of committees created
in accordance with this article.
2. The vice Chairman chairperson shall assist the Cha+rFnan chairperson in any such
manner as the Gha+rman chairperson may determine. In the absence of the
Chairman Chairperson he /she shall preside at the meetings of the board. If the
office of the Cha+rrnan chairperson becomes vacated, the vice ChafrmaR
chairperson shall be acting Cha-iFinan chairperson until the office of Chairman
chairperson is filled in accordance with this section.
3. The secretary shall be custodian of all documents, records, books and papers
belonging to the board. He /she shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of
the board and of the various committees of which he shall be the secretary.
He /she shall conduct correspondence of the board promptly.
4. The treasurer shall be charged with the responsibility of monitoring the
expenditures of all monies. He /she shall work closely with the village's finance
director with regards to the fund balances and financial transactions affecting the
fund. He /she shall maintain a current ledger showing the starting fund balance
and subsequent debits for items purchased. He /she shall present a financial
statement at all regular business meetings.
i a
A. The f fire ins Anne t board shall make all necessary rules and regulations
with respect to the foreign fire ins uranno +^., board and /or the management of funds
appropriated to the board.
B. The foreign fir in GUFa n Ge t board shall develop and maintain a listing of those
items that it determines are appropriate expenditures for the maintenance, use, and
benefit of the fire department. The funds received by the village pursuant to this
article shall be appropriated to the foreign fire insurance tax board annually by the
village board and set apart as a separate fund.
C. All expenditures by the f^r °i ^n fire iRG ranno +^., board shall be in accordance with
the village's ordinances, rules, procedures and policies concerning the expenditure
of municipal funds.
D. The funds of the foreign fir in u r ^nno tax board shall be annually reviewed as part
of the village audit. The audit shall verify that purchases by the board are for the
maintenance, use and benefit of the fire department, as described in section 5.1606
of this article.
E. The treasurer of the f^roiryn fir insur^nno tax board shall give a sufficient bond to
the village in the amount set forth in appendix A, division I of this code. The bond
2964531 42
shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the treasurer of his duties
under statute, the provision of this article, and the rules and regulations adopted by
the foreign fire insurance tax board.
F. The treasurer of the f fire inS Fannc tax board shall receive funds appropriated
by the village, and shall pay out such funds and /or otherwise make expenditures
upon the order of the board, in accordance with current village purchasing policies.
Any expenditure made by the treasurer, pursuant to the order of the board, shall be
solely for the maintenance, use and benefit of the fire department, as described in
section 5.1606 of this article. (Ord. 5611, 9 20 2005)
The faFeinn fire ins +.,., board shall , in aGGerdanGe w the „non m e e tin gs aG t
n � uv
es a regular time and place for its meetings and pu blish n„+i„e of these
meetings. The beaFd sha ubje6 to th n� �f the 111innic open meet aGt
Four (4) board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The
GhaiF Chairperson may call a special meeting at any time. A special meeting may
also be called upon the written notice by three (3) board members. Such notice shall be
in writing, duly signed by the board members, describing, in brief, the nature or object of
the special meeting.
5.1606: USE OF FUNDS:
A. Funds received by the foreign fire insurance tax board may be used solely for the
maintenance, use and benefit of the fire department.
B. No funds shall be used for the personal benefit of any persons, use, or function not
directly related to the village fire department. No funds shall be used for parties,
alcoholic beverages or any activities deemed inappropriate by the foreign fire tax
board or violate fire department or village policies.
C. The costs for the treasurer's bond and those associated with the annual audit of the
foreign fire insurance funds, which is conducted as part of the village audit, shall be
paid by the board from the funds of the board. ( .
6618, 3 6 2007)
Every corporation, company, and association which is not incorporated under the laws
of this state and which is engaged in effecting fire insurance in the village of Mount
Prospect, shall pay to the director of finance for the maintenance, use, and benefit of
the fire department thereof, a tax in the amount of two percent (2 %) of the gross
receipts received from fire insurance upon property situated within the village. All
payments under the provisions of this article shall be made on or before July 15
2964531 43
following the termination of the year for which such payments are due. ( Ord. 5511 9 2
5.1608: ACCOUNT:
Every person acting as representative for or on behalf of any such company or
association shall, on or before July 15 of each year, render to the director of finance a
full, true and just account, verified by his oath of all premiums which have been received
by him on behalf of the company during the year ending the preceding July 1 on such
fire insurance policies on property located within the village. Such agent shall at the time
of rendering such report, pay to the director of finance the sum of money for which the
company, corporation, or association represented by him is chargeable, by virtue of the
provisions of this article. ( Q F d 6511 9 20 -2005)
If the account is not rendered on or before July 15 of each year, or if the sum due
remains unpaid after that day, it shall be unlawful for any corporation, company, or
association, so in default, to transact any business in the municipality or fire protection
district until the sum due has been fully paid. This provision shall not relieve any
corporation, company, or association from the payment of any loss upon any risk that
may be taken in violation of this requirement. ,
The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to receipts from contracts of marine
insurance, even though they include insurance against fire, where the premium for the
fire insurance is not separately specified. (Ord. 5511, 9 20 2005)
Footnote 1: 65 ILCS 5/11 -10 -2.
Article XVII
There is hereby established an audit committee of the village of mount prospect. The
purpose of the audit committee is to further enhance an auditor's independence by
providing a link between the auditor and the village president and board of trustees.
The committee is advisory in nature and assists management and the village president
and board of trustees to ensure a fair and accurate presentation of the village's financial
statements. The committee shall also be responsible for audit selection, oversight of
the annual audit and oversight of financial policies.
296453,_1 44
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the committee to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
A. There shall be 5 voting members of the audit committee. All members shall
be residents of the village, except the director of finance, who shall serve as
an ex- officio member. The voting members, who shall be appointed by the
village president with the advice and consent of the board of trustees, shall
consist of the following:
1 Two (2) members of the board of trustees;
2. One (1) member of the finance commission; and
3. Two (2) residents -at- large.
B. Every two years at the first meeting of the calendar year, a chair shall be
elected by the members of the committee. The chair shall serve no more
than two consecutive terms as chair.
C. Each member of this committee shall serve for a term of four (4) years
Terms may be adjusted by the
village president and board of trustees to assure no more than 3 terms end in
any particular year. In the event that a member of the audit committee is an
elected official who fails to retain a seat on the board of trustees, the
committee position shall be vacated and another member of the board of
trustees shall be appointed to serve any remaining portion of the term.
A Immediately upon its OFganizat , The audit committee shall select fFem its
memherchip a vice chair and a secretary, who The neFSans so se!en4eel shall
serve for terms of two (2) years, and may be reselected to the same position.
In advising and assisting the village president and board of trustees, the audit
committee shall have the following duties:
2964531 45
In advising and assisting the village president and board of trustees, the audit
committee shall have the following duties:
2964531 45
A. Selection of an independent auditor. Results of a competitive RFP process
will be brought to the audit committee for discussion and recommendation to
the village president and board of trustees.
B. Oversight of the village's fraud risk assessment program. Guidelines for
monitoring compliance are included in the Statement of Auditing Standards
No. 99 entitled — "Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit ".
C. Oversight of the annual audit to include 1) an update on pre -audit conference,
2) a status report on progress of annual audit, and 3) the results and findings
of the final audit report.
D. Present annually to the village president and board of trustees and
management a written report on its activities in discharging its duties and
responsibilities set forth in this Section. .
5.1705. MEETINGS:
A. The aWA committee shall meet at least twice a year. Its meeting schedule
will correspond to Village staff's work on the annual audit. NGtinec and the
GO nd ant of its meetings will be in annnrdanoe with the open meetings ant
The nhair may Gall fnr Snenial meetings as needed
Article XVIII
There is hereby established a citizen corps commission of the village of Mount Prospect
to promote and enhance homeland security by providing a means of communication
and coordination among the various citizen corps programs throughout the village of
Mount Prospect. ( Ord 571 19 7 2 08 )
The general requirements set forth in article II apply to the commission to the extent not
specifically otherwise provided herein
A. The citizen corps commission shall consist of eight (8) commission members. All
members shall reside or work in the village.
B. The membership of this commission in the Chairman Choirn erseEl ch ime
�- . k t e d b the village president with the adYine and nnncent of the bearit of
try ,stew and shall be constituted as follows:
296453_1 46
1. One commission member shall serve from the first responder community:
emergency management, police, fire, EMS;
2. One commission member shall be an elected official;
3. One commission member shall be from the volunteer, community service or faith
and community based organizations;
4. One commission member shall serve from an educational institution;
5. One commission member shall serve from a medical facility: hospital, long term
care, health department physician;
6. One commission member shall serve from the business and industry community;
7. One commission member shall serve from an established neighborhood
8. One commission member shall serve from an established not for profit
C. The term of office for the members shall be for a period of four (4) years OF unto!
their S,, GGeS S^rs are appointed and qu a . Terms may be adjusted by the
corporate authorities to assure that no more than two (2) terms end in any particular
year. MembeFS of this n^mmission shall serve without additional n^mn°nsatien
(Ord 5711 1 !1_7_ 26 7 2009)
, cvr 7 1 rr - - G°v °v° /T
A. Immediately upon itS GFgaRizatffien,
m embership A vice chair and a secretary Th° n °rc ^i so s eleGte l shall serve in
there positienc, for terms of one year, and may be elected to the same positions for
subsequent terms.
- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -
The commission will perform and exercise the following functions:
A. Cooperate with the village president and board of trustees in carrying out a program
of emergency response in the village.
B. Recommend such actions to the board of trustees as it may deem appropriate to
serve the cause of emergency response. ( )
5.1805: MEETINGS:
2964531 47
- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -
The commission will perform and exercise the following functions:
A. Cooperate with the village president and board of trustees in carrying out a program
of emergency response in the village.
B. Recommend such actions to the board of trustees as it may deem appropriate to
serve the cause of emergency response. ( )
5.1805: MEETINGS:
2964531 47
The ^itizen ^^F^° commission shall meet twice each year at a minimum. The meeting
schedule will be determined by the commission. MeetiRgG w ill b e held and ne g i.,o.,
0 n aGGGFdanGe with the Illinois open meetings aGt. Any person shall be entitled to appea
and be heard on any matter befeFe the GOFFIM MiRutes of all GOFFIFFI FneetingG
hhall�ri with the v eFk. iOFd. 5711 10 7 'M
SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its
passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law.
M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk
day of 2012
Irvana K. Wilks, Village President
296453_1 48