Minutes: January 17, 2013
Attendees: Paula Randant. Judy Thorne, Joint Korn, Skip Farley, Rachel Toeppen, Tricia Fusilero, Dorothy
Kucera, Galt' Randant, Barbara Vanleesdale, Steve Vanleesdale. Mary Amt Sibrava, John Sibrava, Lorrie Huber.
Ilan Wilks and Lois Malik, citizen
Not Attending: Paul Seils, Diana Sahakian,
The Iileeting was called to order by Dorothy at 5:40 PM.
II. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
III. Citizens to be heard. No one requested to be heard.
IV. Election: a. Nomination of Vice Chair- I year -2013 and b, Nomination for Secretary- I year- 2013
Judy Thorne was nominated and elected as Vice Chair for 2013, Paula RandaIlt did not watit to
continue as Secretary. Barbaric Vanleesdale was Nominate and elected as Secretary for 2013.
V., Mayor's Remarks: the Mayor, I.rvaIta Wilks spoke about the liquor license for Trivia Night, it is
ready. She also spoke of a new staff liaison as Maura has resigned from the Village. They have not
yet hired a person to take her place. Ill the lilealltlliie colitact Doreen Jarosz, Adilliillstrati6'e Assistailt
to the Village Manager for scheduling or agendas or any issues. Iivana also spoke about the key cards
to get into Village Hall after hours for meetings. She suggested that a felt' committee members have a
card to let members in for events and meetings in Village Hall.
Vl. Chairs Report: Dorothy discussed the French Market. The elate is 9/15/13. The visit from Sevres
will be 9/14 to 9 /19 /13.There will be 15 guests. The French Market date was chosen so visitors from
Sevres could attend.
VII. Treasurers Report: Skip provided a written report. It is attached to the minutes. There was one
correction. The dues for the Illinois Sister Cities Association dues and the Sister Cities International
clues were interchanged and thus incorrectly identified. They will be corrected.
a. Preliminary French Trivia Night report- Tricia. The event will be on Friday 1/18/13. It will be in
Village Hall.
b. MPPL National Library Week- April 16/13 Barbara reported that we will have a Sister Cities
display at the Library Community event.
c. Pot Luck diluter- April 25, 2013- Judy. Judy reported that plans are proceeding and she will be
contacting Commission members as the date collies closer. Judy is ivorkillg on the program.
cl. Wine Tasting /World Market May 23, 2013. Paola spoke to Dan Klysh, store manager and the event
looks good and will proceed. We will follow the same format as the November 2012 event.
e, 4' of July Parade- Gale Randant We will participate in the parade. Special events usually sends out
parade information and applications in April.
f. French Festival the week of July ld "'- Mary Ann. Plaits are proceeding. The event will be
during the meek and will feature language stars and be focused on young children.
g. French Farmers Market- Dorothy. The event will be September 15 in the Farmers market,
Maura usually lead the event but Dorothy will chair the event this year. Maura left great notes to
ll. Wine Tasting/World Mart- Paula November 7. 2013, The November event celebrated French
Week. Plans are proceeding.
i. French film night- Gary The film night has not proven economical at this time and will be put on
hold until 2014.
J. Sister Cities shirt purchases - Barbara Barbara brought shirt samples to look at and
members who wished to were able to order a shirt.
IX. 2013 Sevres visit to Mount Prospect- Paula Rolande of the Sevres Sister Cities group has sent us
an email stating they would arrive 9/14-9/19/13 if that works for us and would have 15 members. A
list of member names was included. The visit subcommittee will meet in Februarl. to move forward
oil plans.
X. Open discussion: possible programs for the Pot luck were discussed and possible events or places
were discussed for the Visit.
XI. The next meeting will be 3/21/13. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55PM.
Respectfully submitted.
Paula Randant
Commission member