HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2000 COW minutes MINUTES~ ~ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ~ FEBRUARY 8, 2000 The meeting was called to order at 7.31 p m by Mayor Gerald Farley. Present at the meeting were. Trustees Timothy Corcoran, Paul Hoefert, R~chard Lohrstorfer, Dennis Pnkkel, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana W~lks. Staff members present included Vtllage Manager M~chael E. Janon[s, Assistant V~llage Manager David ~Strahl, Pubhc Works Director Glen Andler, Finance D~rector Doug EIIsworth, Commumty Development D~rector Wllham Cooney, Human Services D~rector Nancy Morgan and Pubhc Information Officer Maura Jandris. II. APPROVALIOF MINUTES Approval of M~nutes from January 25, 2000. Mobon made by Trustee Lohrstorfer and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to approve the M~nutes M~nutes were approved un~mmously. III. , CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None IV. VILLAGE HALL DISCUSSION Village Manager Janonis stated this is the beginning of numerous d~scuss~ons , over the next several months to d~scuss the possible options regarding the V~llage Hall He stated that in the 1980s, the community focused on braiding a new Pubhc Works facihty. In the 1980s, the new Pohce and F~re building was constructed and most recently in the 1990s up until th~s point, there has been s~gnificant effort made · toward addressing flood control and street reconstruction needs, The V~llage Hall is the last pubhc facihty and there has been some penpheral discussion regarding the V~llage Hall for the last 15 years The building has basically reached the end of its useful hfe and the staff has physically outgrown the fac~hty. Any decision on the · status of the V~llage Hall w~ll d~rectly impact the momentum of the downtown redevelopment and the possible reuse of the property. Assistant Village Manager Strahl provided a summary of the reports that V~llage staff has provided to date. He stated the V~llage Hall is a commumty landmark to prowde commumty needs and the basic question is whether the fac~hty ~s fulfilhng the existing and projected future service needs of the community. 1 He h~ghhghted numerous c~t~zen service ~ssues w~th~n the Vdlage Hall ~nclud~ng poor c~t~zen flow and no wa~tmg areas and the ~nab~hty to group hke office functions together to m~n[m~ze the need to send residents to other departments for service He also h~ghhghted the fact there ~s very hm~ted meeting space for the pubhc and staff and there was no designated computer training room He stated electncal w~r~ng has gone beyond its useful hfe and dunng dome recent office reconfigurat~ons, ~t was determined that extensive rew~nng wdl soon be critical The current electncal demand m the budding does not match the electrical service that was budt ~nto the budding some 38+ years ago , ',~ He also stated there are a number of Code ~ssues relating to the building including a lack of a spfinlder system, inadequate generator to supply emergency hght~ng and the mechamcal systems are no longer supported by vendors thus making replacement parts wrtually ~mposs~ble to come by , The Senior Center has additional ~ssues relating to insufficient meeting space and no ~ntake areas for prowd~ng service to chents " Part of the d~scuss~on tn the past has been whether the Vdlage Hall should be moved to an alternate s~te ~n the downtown or moved out of the downtown or rehabd~tate the ex~st~ng site Based on just a general overview, ~t would seem that redeveloping the ex~st~ng Wllage Hall s~te and combining the V~llage Hall and Senior Center into one location would be the best option for the highest'and best use of the s~te The value of the ex~st~ng property that the Vdlage Hall ~s currently located could generate an additional $200,000 the first year tn Property Taxes for all taxing bodies and would allow the downtown redevelopment theme that wdl soon be under construction at Northwest H~ghway to extend down Emerson The projected cost for a Village Hall/Sen~or Center is estimated at approximately ~, $125 per square foot w~th a total of 35,000 or 45,000 square feet or $5 6 m~ll[on Th~s figure is only provided for d~scuss~on purposes only and it is not a firm figure and very little research has been dedicated to ~t In order to maximize the use of a new s~te, there would be the need for the construction of a parking structure to prowde desperately needed downtown parking, commuter parking and additional parking for the Library itself Such a ',,parking structure would cost approximately $15,000 per parking space and It ~s estimated that approximately 400 spaces would need to be constructed The estimated price for the 3arkmg garage is approximately $6 3 mllhon Staff ~s suggesting that the Village Board determine whether the Village Hall (1) should be replaced, (2) evaluate whether the current Vdlage Hall s~te should be redeveloped, (3) determine whether the Vdlage Hall should be combined with the Semor Center and (4) determine commumty needs for the use of a new fac~hty. It was suggested that the Vdlage Board sohc~t ~nput from an Ad Hoc Commumty of community volunteers to formulate recommendabons for the pubhc use aspect of the Vdlage Hall/Sen~or Center facd~ty. There obviously would have to be a clear charge to th~s committee for d~scuss~on so any recommendations would be cleady valuable in the V~llage Board dehberabons for a new structure Village Manager Janonis stated that staff has attempted to ~dent~fy possible stakeholders in the d~scuss~on for discussion purposes and could further hone that hst for the Village Board to consider. Alicen Prikkel, 173'1 West Pheasant Trail, Chairperson of the Youth Commission, spoke. She wanted to thank the Vdlage Board for the inwtat~on to consider youth acbvlt~es as part of any facd~ty that may be considered for construcbon She provided a hst of suggesbons for the V~llage Board to consider to make a port~on of the facd~ty a teen center. John Korn, 301 North William Street, Chairman of the Finance Commission, spoke He stated that h~s concern ~s that the facdlty must be budt to accommodate current needs and all future space needs He does not personally prefer budding above three stones and would encourage a rewew of other Vdlage Hall s~tes ~n other towns ~n order to formulate recommendabons for th~s s~te. Jackie Hinaber, President of the Mount Prospect Library Board, spoke She stated that the Library staff and the Vdlage staff have had some general d~scuss~ons and talked ~about space needs and parking relationships between the two structures. She would hke to propose the inclusion of a L~brary representative in the Ad Hoc Task Force. Mike Zadel, 800 NaWaTa, Chairman of the Plan Commission, spoke; He feels the current building is madequata for current uses and has outhved ~ts design hfe He would volunteer to participate as a member of the Plan Commission on any Ad Hoc Committee to discuss the future of the building George Clowes, 604 South Elm, Chairman of TAP Mount Prospect, spoke He stated the Village Boardroom has value to the commumty because of its s~ze and the vadety of uses that it can incorPorated. He stated that TAP has d~scussed the use of a Teen Center m th~ past, however, through their discussions, it was found that teens would most hkely not use a Teen Center. Club RecPlex was created to ~try to address the need for a Teen Center and that has worked relatively well primarily through the use of professional staff'when it was determined that volunteer staff d~d not work well. 3 He stated there ~s a s~gn~ficant expense to operate such a facility and there should be some determination whether there ~s a need to duphcate services that may already be prowded by the Park D~stncts He also suggested that a member of the Park D~stnct be included ~n the Task Force General comments from Vdlage Board members included the follow(ng ~tems There was a d,scusslon whether the Wllage Hall should remain ,n the downtown There was also a d~scuss~on regarding the need to cons,der rehabd~tabon of the exisbng facd~ty There was also comments made regard)ng the consohdabon of the Vdlage Hall and Sen,or Center to the same block that the L,brary currently res,des on. A comment was made recommending that the Task Force, ~f created, should look at the option of rehabd,tat~on as part of their charge for recommendabon to the Vdlage Board Trustee Hoefert stated that th~s d~scuss~on has been deferred and work has been deferred much too long He stated the studies all say the same that the building ~s currently defic,ent He would feel that it is cnt~cal ~n h~s mind that the V~llage Board consider going to a Referendum to dec,de whether to budd a new facd~ty or not He has personally made th~s commitment ~n the past and would recommend such action . Other comments by Vdlage Board members included the following ~tems: There was a d~scussion ~f the current Village Hall was to be expanded within ~ts 'current footpnnt, ~t would utd~ze or reduce currently valuable parking space and stop any add~tLonal development at the Wllage Hall property border. Some Trustees felt ~ that it was bme that the Vdlage Trustees themselves made the decision on whether to build a new Village Hall and do not feel a Referendum was necessary A comment was made at some point the value of rehabd~tat~on costs meet or exceed the cost of new construction Such costs should be considered in the discussion ' If rehab~htat~on ~s considered, there would be sigmficant relocabon costs while the building was under rehabd~tat,on. The community should prowde input on what the community desires for servmes to be built into the structure ' Trustee W~lks felt that it is ~mportant to ask the people through a Referendum to ~ determine whether a new budding should be constructed. General consensus of the Village Board was to consider creating a Task -~ Force to make recommendations to the Village Board for the future of the ..... Village Hall.~ The charge of the Task Force would be considered at the February, 22 Committee of the Whole'~meeting at which time staff recommendations for the charge of the Committee would be considered. The V,llage Board did feel that the Comm,ttee should look at co-location opportunities and the public size or use of the building along with various funding options. There should also be some estimate of rehabilitation costs included in the discussion by the Task Force even though the Task Force is not charged or may not be charged w,th the task of considering rehabil,tatlon as an option instead of new construction. Committee or Task Force should be of a manageable size for valuable interaction. Village Manager Janonis stated that he would bnng back any staff recommendations to the February 22 Committee of the Whole meeting for the Vdlage Board to consider pnor to creating a Task Force, ~f desired V. MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Janonis stated that a meebng has been scheduled for February10 with the business representabves to d~scuss the Route 83 reconstruction He stated that Coffee w~th Councd is scheduled for February 12 from 9 00 a m untd 11.00 a m at the Vdlage Hall He also stated that a c~bzens' meeting is in the process of being organized for eady March to d~scuss the Route 83 reconstruction for all c~bzens to attend VI. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Hoefert wanted to thank all the pad~c~pants in the Celestial Celebration and congratulated all the Award winners CLOSED SESSION Motion made by Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to move ~nto Closed Session to d~scuss Libgabon Mobon was approved Meeting moved into Closed Session at 8'52 p m Meeting reconvened into Open Session at 12 42 a m. VII. ADJOURNMENT No other business was transacted and the meebng was adJOUrned at 12 43 a m cffully submitted, DAVID STRAHL Assistant Village Manager DS/rcc H ~GEN~Cow~/linutes\020800 coW Minutes do~ 5 MAYOR Gerald L Farley TRUSTEES T~mothy J Corcoran Phone (847) 392-6000 PauIWrn Hoefert Fax (847) 392-6022 R~chard M Lohrstoder TDD (847) 392-6064 ~(~'~ Denms G Pnkkel M~chaele W Skowron ffvana K Wilks VILLAGE MANAGER M,chaelE Janon,$ Village of Mount Prospect VILLAGE CLERK Velma W Lowe 100 SOUth Emerson Street Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 To Assistant Village Manage[ David Strahl From Ahcen Pnkkel, Chair, Mount Prospe?t Youth Cormmssmn Re Mount Prospect Teen Center February 10, 2000 m Here ~s a readable copy of the~presentation I made to the Vdlage Board on February 8, 2000 We suggest to the Village Board as they are in the process of bmldmg a new Village Hall that they consider all the opportunities they have to serve the Youth oftlus commumty. We feel that ~t ~s me for the Board to bmld a Mount Prospect Teen Center At our meeting last night we discussed some functions and needed eqmpment for the facility *We hope that the Teen Center will be a place for Teens to come and hang- out after school, chat w~th friends, and do thetr mounds of homework they get from those pesky teachers *We would also lake to see ~t become a drop-in help with homework or a mentonng center *It would be a good place to hold small comlmttee for the Youth Commission and d~scussmh and support groups *We beheve that many chfferent programs can be held at the Center *We recommend that the Teen Center be open after school and on Saturday afternoons *The Youth Colrmusslon would be more than wlllmg to oversee the safekeeping of the Center *Some equipment we would luke to have is -space for a job board, for merchants ~o l~OSt help wanted ads and teens to see where jobs were avmlable -we would luke a pool table, some couches, and tables and charts -a pop machine, a small refrigerator, and cabmets to hold supplies such as napkins, cups, and cleaning eqmpment -we would luke a bulletin board, a wlute board, and a telephone for the Youth Comlmsslon's voice mml ' ' -and lastly we would lhke a sink and a nucrowave for heating food and poppmg popcorn We hope that you will take our ideas mto considerat~on and we look forward to workmg with you on this issue m the future Respectfully subnntted, Ahcen Pnkkel Charr, Mount Prospect Youth Commission