Saturday, October 4, 1997
ATTENDING: Elmer Blasco, Corky Dunn, Steve Durlacher, Janice Farley, Leo Floros, Lil Floros,
Adriane Lewis, Laura Luteri, Laury Youngquist
1. The meeting was called to order by Leo Floros. Minutes of the September 6, 1997 meeting were
2. Welcome to Mount Prospect. Prior to the event, a committee will meet at Village Hall and call people
who have been invited. Volunteers include Adriane Lewis, Steve Durlacher, Corky Dunn, Laury
Youngquist and Janice Farley.
3. Holiday Events Calendar is at the printer and will be inserted in the November/December issue of the
Village Newsletter.
4. Sounds of the Season. This 4th Annual event will need lots of help. Elmer Blasco will again direct
traffic for the area designated for the singers. Soloist and narrator is Rev. Joob from Christian Life
Church. Steve, Corky and Janice volunteered to help contact churches and schools.
5. Shining Star Awards. There are 10 nominations to date. Laura Luteri will be appearing on "Talk of
the Town," promoting the Shining Stars and SEC up- coming events.
6. Veterans Memorial. Elmer Blasco reported that everything seems to be on hold as far as money-
raising is concerned. There is a need for a dynamic leader. Laury Youngquist reported that the Arts
Council is dissolving and will be donating funds to the memorial. Lil made a motion to approach the park
district and village to each contribute $50,000. Seconded by Laury Youngquist. Motion failed.
7. Arts Council voted to disband. There was a discussion on the future of the Arts Fair. It was agreed it
should be salvaged and a committee will be formed to work on this.
8. Banquet. Invitations will be sent soon. The commission members will address them to save time.
"Mardi Gras" is the theme using bright colors. Cost is increased to $30.00 and the time has been changed
to 5:30 p.m. social hour and 6:30 p.m. dinner.
9. Year 200 Event. Laury Youngquist is working up ideas.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Farley, Secretary