Saturday, August 31, 1996
ATTENDING: Elmer Blasco, Corky Dunn, Janice Farley, Leo Floros, Lil Floros, Jill
Friedrichs, Laura Luteri, Mike Janonis, Bill Tucker
1. The meeting was called to order by Lil Floros. Minutes of the August 3, 1996
meeting were approved.
2. Finance report. No activity since last report.
3. Corky Dunn was welcomed as a new member of the commission.
4. Arts Fair. The event was excellent with good attendance and beautiful weather.
5. Veteran's Memorial. The Arts Council has been asked to use the design of the band
shelter for the 1997 Village sticker. The committee has received around $14,000 in
contributions. The sub committee of Steve Durlacher, Mike Janonis and Bill Tucker met
to discuss the relationship of the Special Events Commission to the Memorial Committee
and the policy regarding promotion of community causes at the Celestial Banquet. The
report was distributed. Since there wasn't a full committee in attendance, discussion was
tabled until next meeting. It was suggested that the sub committee meet with the Memorial
Committee representative, a park district representative and a legal assistant. Information
will be sent out prior to the October meeting.
6. Banquet. Committee will meet September 4 12:00 at Lil's home.
7. Shining Stars. Article is in the Village newsletter for nominations.
8. Welcome to Mount Prospect. Leo drafted a letter to new residents, but it was
decided to wait until Spring -- Sunday, April 13, 1997 - -to hold the first event.
9. Everyone was reminded of the Anti -Drug March October 6. Janet Hansen can use
10. Sounds of the Season. Lil and Leo met with Brian at Randhurst. The date is set for
December 7. The Messmers will be singing.
11. Next meeting will be at Rob Roy Club House for breakfast -- Saturday, October 5 at
9:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice Farley, Treasurer