HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. MANAGERS REPORT 4/15/03Mount Prospect Public Works Department
APRIL 10, 2003
The current 2003 budget has allocated funding for replacement of our existing Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) computer system, which controls and monitors all of our
water distribution and sewer collection network. This computer system was ~nstalled as part of
the project to connect the Village to Lake Michigan water in the early 1980's The central
SCADA network was installed at the Public Works facihty to monitor and control the operations
of the water distribut~on and sewer collection systems without the need for operators to
continually v~s~t each facility site. Attached please find a map indicating where all our sites are
The system, manufactured by Aquatrol Digital Systems, is based on 1982 technolc~gy and in nee~l
of replacement. Aquatrol Digital Systems has since gone out of business and getting replacement
parts and service has become restricted. Additionally, the system has limited capab~hty as
compared w~th current SCADA technology and its proprietary nature requires us to rely
exclusively on outside service support for all of the problems that may arise.
Therefore, the V~llage solicited proposals for technical engineering serwces to replace the present
SCADA system and up-grade the control network to facihtate improved performance, reliabihty,
and prowde for some future expansion Industrial Control & Computer Systems (ICCS), of
Savoy, Ilhnois was selected on April 16, 2002 to serve as our integrator and has been responsible
for the system evaluation, design, and will ultimately do the installation/start up of the new
SCADA network. Part of ICCS's contract involved preparatmn of two (2) formal bids and
specifications for the purchase of all the necessary hardware, software, and electrical materials,
needed to complete the project The project needed to be split into two b~ds due to the nature of
the equipment being ordered, whmh were not readily available from a single source. This
recommendation covers these purchases.
Page 2
B~d Results Water/Sewer System SCADA System
April 10, 2003
On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, bids were received from six (6) quahfled vendors for electrical
system control panels And on February 18, 2003 SCADA system computer and hardware bids
were recetved from three (3) vendors Ail of the solicited bids were from vendors who had
previously performed this type of work for other municipahtles with similar control systems.
Below please find the results of the b~ds.
Electrical Control Panels
Simplex System Controls, Bensenville, IL ,
Triton Controls & Eng, Baton Rouge, LA
TLC Controls, Inc., Mt. Prospect, IL
Westerman Companies, Bremen, OH
Automation Solutions of America, Janesvdle, WI
Telemetry and P~ocess Controls, Sttllwater, MN
$184,902 00
$193,250 00
$201,487 00
$218,357 O0
SCADA Computer Hardware/Software
Telemetry and Process Controls, Stillwater, MN $61,914.00
Industrml Network Systems, Mt Prospect, IL . $74,102 71
Daly Computers, Clarksburg, MD
ReJected 0ncomplete btd and no bid bond)
Durtng ICCS's evaluatton of our system a number of tnstallaiion, operational, and safety issues
came to light. For example, due to the obsolete nature of our communication system we would be
required to upgrade almost fifty percent (50%) of our telephone network just to integrate w~th the
new system. Because of this ICCS has recommended we convert our communication system to a
radm-based network, which wdl require less outside service support' and more independence.
Annual telephone service charges for the new system; if we stayed w~th telephone'telemetry,
would be $20,570/yr. Whtle the radto-based system's initial Cost is $63,860 as compared to the
telephone system lnstallatmn upgrade cost of $21,500. The eliminatton of the $20,570 annual
telephone service charge will allow us to reahze a two (2) year payback by converting to the
radio-based system.
Additionally, almost all of our sewer hft and relief stations, which account for half of our system
network, have control panels which wall be incompatible with the new control system
technology. Some of the enclosures, which house these controls, have deteriorated beyond repair
and are late 1960s or early 1970s technology. There are also cases where these controls are
located below grodnd (20 to 30 feet) in ttght quarters presenting operational and safety issues for
our crews.
ICCS's ortginal scope of services included a complete inventory and evaluatton of the SCADA
water and sewer telemetry system, but the replacement was based only on the existing water
age 3
B~d Results Water/Sewer System SCADA System
Aprd 10, 2003
SCADA headquarters system and telemetry. 'It did not include the sewer hfi and relief statton
upgrades, which were mentioned above. Their estimate for these services as detailed ~n the
original request for proposals was $74,960 for evaluation/design/programming, and $122,132 for
installation. As discussed above it was determined that all of the existing remote SCADA system
units at all the sewer lift and relief stations as well as the water booster stations need to be
replaced. As a result of this ICCS deagn services and installation services need to be adjusted.
Their additional fee for the design and programming is $45,820 and installation is $72,708.
ICCS recommended, and ! concur, we accept the best-qualified bid of $181,551 submitted by
Simplex System Controls, Bensenville, 1L for the equipment control panels. They also
recommend, and I concur, accepting the best-quahfied bid of $61,914, submitted by Telemetry
and Process Controls, Stdlwater, MN for the computer hardware and software. Both vendors
have experience with similar projects of this scope and we found them to be well recommended.
S~mplex System Controls has supplied similar eqmpment for ~the C~ty of Napervflle, IL and the
Village of Montgomery, IL. Telemetry & Process Controls has supplied similar equipment for
the Vdlage of Hazel Crest, IL and the Village of Baldwin, WI.
Add~tmnally, staff is recommending accepting ICCS's request for $I 18,528 to complete the
addittonal design, programming, and installation work. Approval of the two (2) bids and the
add~nonal scope of services under this recommendatmn amounts to $361,993 and will bring the
total project cost to $559,085. We originally estimate this project would cost $500,000 back ~n
1999, but due to the unanticipated addmonal work, transition to radio-based telemetry, and
annual cost of living increases since 1999, we have seen a slight increase.
There are however sufficient funds for these proposed expenditures, whmh can be found on page
261, of the 2003 Budget book, in account no. 6105505-670038 Booster Pump/Panel
Replacement (CIP). The current budgeted amount of $250,000 will be increased to $518,622 by a
pending budget amendment. Once we recetve Village Board approval for th~s purchase we will
order the equipment and should see installation start within 8 to 12 weeks with completion by the
end of November 2003. All of the additional items will provide for a better project outcome and
assure the Village of greater long-term reliability and performance, f~_,~.~.
Roderick O'Donovan
Director of Public Works, Glen R Andler
I \ROdonova\Usrdat\WORD~.003Prol~SCADAb~drecMElfinall doc
Water/Sewer System SCADA Sites
Mount Prospect Public Works Department
APRIL 10, 2003
During the 2003 Budget presentation we discussed with the Village Board the need to purchase a
utility locating management system. Currently we are a member of the statewlde run Joint Utility
Locating Information for Excavators (J U.L.I.E.) System As you may know this system was
designed to give contractors and other individuals who may be performing any type of excavation
on public or private property information about buried utilities or other underground
infrastructure through the use of a toll-free nUmber
Membership in JULIE is mandatory and the Village is only obligated to locate all of its facilities
located on Village owned property, in easement areas, or in the public ROW. Other utilities, such
as telephone or gas, are responsible to mark their own underground utilities The Public Works
Department responds to JULIE requests around-the-clock and on average we receive over 3,500
JULIE requests per year. In addition to the time spent locating utilities we are also required to
maintain a record of these requests ~ ~
The current 2003 budget has allocated funding for the purchase of a computerized JULIE
database management system, which would essentially provide a clearing-house for all JULIE
requests. The system is known as "Teleticket" and is manufactured by American Computer &
Communications, Inc. (ACC) of Downers Grove, Illinois. Our current system, which utilizes two
(2) printers (one located at Public Works and one located at Public Safety) is a paper intensive
system, which does not allow for electronic archivlng or provide any means of searching JULIE
requests other than by manually looking through each paper printout.
Having a computerized database management system removes many obstacles of the day-to-day
task oforgamzing and responding to JULIE questions or requests The database can be searched
based on address, caller name, date, or a host of other criteria. Automatic dialing will be
available wherein we can program the system to call the on duty locators directly instead of
relying on the Police Department officers, as we now do, for notification Additionally, the
age 2
JULIE Management System Computer Purchase
April 10, 2003
system will allow us to work remotely from the field, to open and close tickets, and search for
information on particular JULIE requests
ACC ~s the sole provider for this unique product They are experienced working with other
organlzatmns and commumtles who are JULIE members such as Illinois American Water
Company (formerly Citizens Utdlties) of Woodndge, IL and the Village of Downers Grove, IL
The management system will include the purchase of a computer, software licenses, necessary
cabling, installation, and all necessary training for implementation of the system It should be
noted that staff did check with the JULIE admlmstratlon and they endorsed the system as an
effective way to manage JULIE requests . ,
It is therefore my recommendation that we accept the proposal for the purchase 6f the
computerized JULIE database management system known 'as "Teletmket" manufactured by
American Computer & Communications, Inc. (ACC) of Downers Grove, Ilhnois for an amount
not to exceed $19,395 If you concur w~th this recommendation I would respectfully request the
Village Board to authorize the system purchase at their April 15, 2003 V~llage Board meeting
Funding for th~s purchase can be found in the 2003 Budget, an the amount of $20,000, in account
#6105505-670036 found on page 261. Thank you for your attention and I await your decision
Rodenck O'Dbnovan
Deputy Director of Public Works, S ean Dorsey
I \ROdonova\Usrdat\WORDk2003ProI\Telet~cketPURCH2003 DOC
Village of Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect, Illinois
APRIL10, 2003
The Village's Community Development Depadment has been working with a software
vendor called Black Bear Systems, Inc. for the last two years. They have determined that
Black Bear's PTWin32 building permit software would address their needs. Working with
IT staff and Black Bear, Community Development has defined the steps necessary to
successfully--i~nplement the application and is now ready to move to the next step. Staff is
requesting approval to purchase services from Black Bear Systems to conve~t existing data
from an outdated software program into PTWin32. ', ~ ~
To track building permits Community Development has been using a set of RPG programs
that were originally written on an IBM System by staff over 10 years ago and converted to
the Lattice emulation software in the mid-nineties in preparation for IBM dropping support
for the IBM System 36 hardware, The Lattice software vendor no longer supports the
Lattice emulation environment, The IT staff has managed to keep the applications
operabonal by running the Lattice emulation software within a DOS window emulation
session. W~th each operating system upgrade, th6 applications w~th~n Lattice are becoming
unstable as it is running an emulation w~thin an emulation. There are a number of other
Lattice applications that Vdlage staff has been working toward replacing as well.
When the Finance department implemented the GEMS (formerly SCI) financial software,
GEMS indicated that there would soon be a permitting module available. GEMS' staff
members made several visits to the V~llage collecting input from Vdlage staff on their permit
software requirements and the Vdlage planned to purchase the GEM permit module.
To bridge the time period until the GEMS module would be available, Community
Development purchased PTWin32, a permit tracking software from Black Bear Systems.
PTWin32 was relatively inexpensive ($2,1, 05) and appeared capable of addressing the
Vdlage's permit tracking needs. ,Following the purchase of the software, staff began
working closely with the software company to determine what modifications might be
Recommendation to Purchase Serwces to Convert Data into PTWin32 Software
April 10, 2003 ~
Page 2
necessary to allow the program to interface with the GEMS financial software. The
process was delayed significantly due to Black Black's development of a new version of the
PTWin32 program, which would incorporate some of the modifications the Vdlage required
at no cost to the Vdlage. The Village was reluctant to proceed until Black Bear had
flnahzed the updated version and related features.
GEMS never completed the development of the planned budding permit module, so that is
no longer an opbon. Although the Lattice program is stdl runmng, V~llage staff does not
have confidence in it and is eager to replace it. Even though PTWin32 is a Iow-end
solution, staff feels it would adequately handle the building permit needs for the
foreseeable future. There are other more comprehensive software soluhons available but
not at a price that would reasonably fit into the budget at this time..
PTWin32 Benefits over Lattice
Users have experienced problems with the Lattice program not reporting accurate
information. When a user looks up a permit that was entered some hme before, ~t
sometimes looks hke there was no permit issued.
PTWIn32 is easier to use than Lattice because it has a GUI interface instead of a text-
based window. PTWin32 is also more efficient than Latt,ce. For example, ~f a house were
sold five times all the permit information could be viewed on a single screen in PTW~n32.
In Lattice each permit for each owner must be looked up individually, which might take one
or two hours.
PTW~n32 includes functions online that are currently done by hand. Two examples are the
routing book and the citabons. When building plans aro routed to the various depadments,
the routing book is used to track each department's comments. The comments currently
done on paper would be noted w~thln appropriate PTWin32 record. ,The Budding Division
may give citations when inspections are not successfully completed. Cltabons currently
done on paper would be tracked with the permit in PTWm32. ~
Conversion Costs and Details
Black Bear has prepared a quote for the modifications the Village requires and for data
conversion. The quote is divided into three parts. The first part ~nvolves creating tables
and importing current and historical data into the new software. The second includes the
creation of the interfaces necessary to automate the update of the Black Bear system w~th
GEMS and GIS data. The third part ~ncludes some necessary modifications that the new
version of Black Bear does not address. The modification in Item #7 is required to allow
staff to export data to an escrow tracking system, which eliminates the current need to
enter this reformation twice. Item #8 is prowded to reduce the introduction of typing errors
when account numbers are entered. Item #9 prowdes a pull-down address I~st for escrow
deposits from PTW~n32's owner and contractor tables. ~This would provide a consistent
address format in addition to reducing typing errors. ,,
ecommendation to Purchase Services to Convert Data into PTWin32 Software
April 10, 2003
Page 3
I Import approximately 42,715 permit records rotc PTW~n32 Hourly $7500 / 60 hrs.
tables Separate and import approximately 13,053 acbve
permit records ~nto PTW~n32 tables. Create associated fee and
receipt records. Create a pamel detail table that displays
approximately 32,662 historic permits along with a printable
report. No changes to h~stonc permit data will be possible
2 Import approximately 4,758 contractor records ~nto PTWin32 Hourly $2000/16 hrs
3 Import approximately 16,369 parcel/owner records into PTWm32 Hourly $4250 / 34 hrs.
Subtotal $13,750
Interface with GEMS and GIS ,~ ~,~ ~?'~:~ ~ ~,,~,,~ .... ~,:,~-,~,'-~,~,,~,~,.~ ,~,~ ,~,~¥,~; ~. ~
4 Create custom ~mportatlon program from GEMS to update F~xed $3000
PTWm32 contractor records.
5 Create custom ~mportabon program from G IS to update PTWm32 Fixed $3800
parcel/owner records
6 Create custom ~mportatlon program to update PTWm32's permit F~xed $2750
records w~th escrow forfeitures.
Subtotal $9550
7 Dehne escrow helds across all permit types. Hourly $625 / 5 hfs
8 Default account if and descnpbon for fees based on permit type. F~xed $1250
9 Permit escrow borrow button Fixed $1250
Subtotal $3125
If an opportunity comes along in the future to integrate the permitting application with the
financial system or other system it will be explored at that time. Staff expects PTWin32 to
handle their needs until that opportumty is available. It is expected that the project could be
completed w~thm ninety days after approval.
Commumty Development has worked closely with Black Bear and hrst version of PTWms32 and
feels that with the new features implemented in new version it will serve their needs. Mowng
away from the current unsupported environment would improve efficiency and provide a stable
apphcation environment. I recommend that the Vdlage purchase the conversion services
defined ~n the chart above for an amount not to exceed $26,425. Funds are available in account
number 5107701-650039 for the purchase. Please feel free to contact me w~th any questions or
JC~oan M~ddleton IT D~rector
I \lnventory~,Black Bear Conversion Request doc