HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. MAYORS REPORT 4/15/03PR 0 CLA MA TION "ARBOR DA Y" April 25, 2003 WIIEREAS, tn 1872 J Sterhng Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agrtculture that a spectal day be set astde for the plantzng of trees, and WtlEREAS, this hohday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the plantmg of more than a mdhon trees tn Nebraska, and WtlEREAS, Arbor Da), ts now observed throughout the natron and the world, and ~VHEREAS, trees can cut heattng and coohng costs, clean the atr, provute habttat for wtldhfe, beauttfy our communtty, and produce hfe-gtvtng oxygen, attd WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource gtvmg us paper, food, wood for our homes, and fuel for our fires NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald L Farley, Mayor of the Vtllage of Mount Prospect, do hereby proclaim Frtday, April 25, 2003, as "ARBOR DA Y" in the Village of Mount Prospect and I urge all ctttzens to observe Arbor Day by attendmg the ceremomal tree-planttng at Satnt Raymond's School, 300 S Elmhurst Avenue on Aprt125, 2003, at 10 O0 a m A TTES T Gerald L Farley Mayor Velma W Lowe Vdlage Clerk Dated thts 15t~. day of Aprd 2003 PR 0 CLAMA TION "EAR TH DA Y" APRIL 22, 2003 WHEREAS, constantly aware of the problem created by the tncreastng use of non-~ ecyclable products, the Umted States Conference of Mayors has, as tn prewous )'ears, announced the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" Earth Day Challenge, and WHEREAS, the purpose of this celebratton ts to emphastze the tmportance of preserving our natural environment through recychng, and WHEREAS, local authonttes, on behalf of the commum~y, sahtte the orgamzers of and parttctpants tn this worthy crusade atmed towards the preservation of our planet NOW, THEREFORE, L Gerald L Farley, Mayor of the Vdlage of Mount Prospect, Ilhnots, do hereby proclatm Aprd 22, 2003 as "EAR TH DA Y" and tn observance thereof I call upon residents of the Vdlage of Mount Prospect tojotn wtth me tn the celebratton of thts tmportant event ATTEST Gerald L Farley Mayor Velma W. Lowe Vtllage Clerk Dated thts 15'h day' of Aprtl, 2003 PR 0 CLA MA TION "MUNICIPAL CLERKS WEEK" APRIL 27 - MAY 3, 2003 WttEREAS, the Office of the Mumctpal Clerk, a ttme honored and vttal part of local government, extsts throughout the wo~ ld, and WItEREAS, the Office of the Mumctpal Clerk ts the oldest among pubhc servants, and WHEREAS, the Office of the Mumctpal Clerk provtdes the professtonal hnk between the ctttzens and the local govermng bo&es and agenctes of government at other levels, and }VHEREAS, Mumctpal Clerks have pledged to be ever mmdfid of thetr neutrahty and tmparttahty, rendering equal servtce to all, and ~VHEREAS, Muntctpal Clerks contmually strtve to tmprove the admmtstratton of the affatrs of the Office of the Mumctpal Clerk through parttctpatton tn educatton programs, semtnars, workshops and the regular meetmgs of thetr state, county and mternattonal professional organtzattons, WHEREAS, tt ts most approprtate at thcs ttme that we recogntze the contrtbuttons and accomphshments of the Office of the Muntctpal Clerk NO,V, TtlEREFORE, I, Gerald L Farley, Mayor of the Vdlage of Mount Prospect, do proclatm the week of Aprd 27 through May 3, 2003, as "MUNICIPAL CLERKS WEEK" and fitrther extend apprectatton to our Vdlage Clerk, Velma W Lowe, to our Deputy Clerk Ktmberly A Dewts, and to all Municipal Clerks for the vttal servtces the3, perform and thetr exemplary dedtcatton to the commumttes the)' represent ATTEST Gerald L Farley Mayor Vehna W Lowe Vt #age Clerk Dated thts l Y~' da)' of Aprd 2003 PROCLAMATION "NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK" April 27- May 2, 2003 WHEREAS, from the earhest days o four natron's h tstory, the sptrtt of volunteer~sm has been reflected tn helptng netghbors to overcome obstacles, and WHEREA& the basis for a safe and producttve America ts the people 's wtlhngness to work together, wtthout prejudtce, to find solutions to our human and soctal problems, and WHEREAS, the talents and energtes of Amertcan volunteers conttnue to be one our greatest resources, and WtlEREAS, vohtnteermgrenews our connection to our commumty and bmlds self- worth and soctal respons~bthty tn our chddren; and WHEREAS, expertenceproves that by working together as volunteers we can help change the hves of others whde changing our own, and WHEREAS tt ts fittmg to honor the people who donate thetr ttme, energy and strength to make our communmes a safer and more producttve place to hve and work NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gerald L Farley, Mayor of the Vtllage of Mount Prospect, do hereby proclmm Aprt127-May 3, 2003 as "VOLUNTEER WEEK" tn the Vdlage of Mount Prospect and I urge all restdents of Mount Prospect to jomt the volunteer effort tn our communtttes by volunteering and by recogmztng those who serve ATTEST GeraM L. Farley Mayor Vehna W Lowe Vdlage Clerk Dated thts i Sth day of .4prt[, 2003