HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/1995 COW agenda COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA Meeting Location: Meeting Date and Time: Mount Prospect Senior Center Tuesday, June 27, 1995 50 South Emerson Street 7:30 P.M. i. CALL TO ORDER - ROLL CALL II. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1995 III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD IV. PRESENTATION OF FLOOD STUDIES - SEE-GWUN/MILBURN MAPLE/BERKSHIRE As part of the ongoing Village-wide Flood Control Program, the Village Board earlier this year authorized the preparation of Studies for the See-Gwun/Milburn and Maple/Berkshire drainage basins. The See-Gwun/Milburn Project was part of the original multi-year program approved by the Village Board in 1991. The Maple/Berkshire area was considered but was not made a part of the original 1991 Project list. The Maple/Berkshire Study was commissioned at this time as the result of extensive basement flooding arising out of a very heavy rain storm last summer. Funding for the See-Gwun/Milburn Project has been provided for in a recent analysis of debt capacity for Flood Control Projects. If the Board wishes to proceed with the Maple/Berkshire project, it will be necessary to rank same within the remaining phases. Previously, the Board has suggested that projects which alleviate basement flooding should receive priority over projects which address overland flooding and erosion issues. This preference would need to be considered. The Consulting Engineer, RUST Environment and Infrastructure, will be in attendance to present the Study results and answer any questions you may have. Additionally, residents from these two areas have been invited to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion. V. REVIEW OF RECALL PROCEDURE Based upon discussion at the June 6 Village Board meeting, staff has conducted additional research and redrafted elements of the proposed Referendum question and recall procedures. Additionally, information was developed regarding the issue of cause and how same is treated in the recall provisions of other states. With regard to the Referendum question, the previous language has been redrafted to provide for the recall of Village Board members. It was noted that the previous draft could be construed to cover all Mount Prospect elected officials regardless of governing body. NOTE: ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THIS MEETING BUT BECAUSE OF A DISABILITY NEEDS SOME ACCOMMODATION TO PARTICIPATE, SHOULD CONTACT THE VILLAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE AT lO0 SOUTH EMERSON, MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS 60056, 708/392-6000, EXTENSION 5327, TDD #708/392-6064. With regard to the recall procedures, staff has redrafted the proposed procedures along the lines of the current Village of Wheeling provisions. The redraft retains the "Mount Prospect provision" that the recall petition must be signed by not less than 10% of the total number of votes cast in the last general election for elected officials for the Village of Mount Prospect. With regard to the issue of cause, research indicates that there are four broad options to addressing this question. The first is to have no definition of cause or the requirement of any statement of grounds for initiating the recall procedure. The second option would be to define cause in terms of specific acts or omissions (that list would need to be determined - see Trustee Clowes' 1/24/95 memo). The third option is to define cause generally in terms of malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance or failure to carry out the requirements of the office. The fourth option is to require a general statement of grounds by the petition initiator. That statement probably should be related to actions or omissions of the elected official related to the office. The attached excerpts from various state recall procedures cover these four options. Where there is a definition of cause, either specific or general in nature, there appears also to be a mechanism for a third party -- usually the Court -- to certify the sufficiency of the question. The draft provisions under consideration here include a requirement that the Recall Petition contain a statement of grounds that is not subject to third party review. This tracks the provisions of the Colorado Recall Statute. There is also a statement regarding use of municipal funds in conjunction with a legal challenge to an attempted recall. This provision comes from a Michigan legal opinion. If the Board wishes to proceed with adopting a Referendum question, same will need to be accomplished by the second Village Board meeting in August. In the interim, discussion can continue about the particulars of the Recall procedure with the idea that an "agreed-to" procedure would be available for citizens to consider in deciding how they would like to vote on this matter. Appropriate staff will be present to facilitate discussion and answer questions. VI. MANAGER'S REPORT VII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Viii. ADJOURNMENT CLOSED SESSION - Personnel