HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1994 COW minutes REVISED
JANUARY 25, 1994
The meeting was celled to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at 8 07 p m Present at
the meebng were Trustees George C[owes, R~chard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert,
Michaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Absent from the meebng was Trustee
T~mothy Corcoran Also present at the meebng were Village Manager M~chael
Janon~s, Assistant to the Village Manager Dawd Strahl, Finance D~rector Dawd
Jepson, Inspecbon Services D~rector Chuck Benc~c, Enwronmental Health
Coordinator Bob Roels, V~llage Planner M~ke S~ms, Crime Preventmn Officer B~[I
Roscop, Crime Preventmn Officer John Wagner and F~re Inspector Skip Hart
Acceptance of the M~nutes of December 14, 1993 Mobon made by Trustee Wilks
and Seconded by Trustee Hoefert to accept the Minutes Trustee Hoefert
requested an ~tem to be corrected ~n the Minutes which was a repeat of a
sentence ~n the first paragraph
Minutes of January 11, 1994, Mobon made by Trustee Skowron and Seconded by
Trustee Hoefert to accept Minutes Trustee Clowes asked that the M~nutes be
rewsed as it relates to h~s abstention for approval of the Minutes of the last
meebng He was, ~n fact, not present at the t~me the M~nutes were approved He
ceme late to the meebng
Lee Learman, 318 North Eastwood, asked for a schedule of when the Budget
meebngs were going to take place Manager Janon~s related the dates as
scheduled at this point
Larry Selbach, 213 Can-Dota, sa~d he was upset beceuse the tax discussion was
not postponed due to the weather of last Tuesday n~ght He asked the Village
Board why the ~ssue was not postponed so c~bzens could comment on th~s very
important ~ssue
Mayor Farley responded to Mr Selbach's quesbon by stabng that he takes
responslb~hty for a poor job of cha~nng the meeting and d~d not move things along
He d~d not expect the parking ~ssues to take as much time as they did There
were c~bzens present at the meeting and felt that postponing the meeting would
create addlbonal problems for the c~t~zens who were ~n attendance at the meeting
There is st~ll t~me for c~bzen ~nput at the bme of the scheduled Budget Hearings
Joanne Falco, 525 Lois Court, spoke She asked whether the tax ~ssue could be
reconsidered and was concerned about the 2% Utility Tax She stated she
surveyed 12 other communities ~n the area and only one has some type of Ut~hty
Tax She also asked for reconsideration of the Sales Tax ~n add~bon to the Ubhty
Tax Cibzens have not commumcated any desire to receive reduced services
Mayor Farley stated that c~t~zens should bnng forward options they may have for
balancing the budget because there ~s no good tax and no one wants to raise
Trustee Hendncks stated that he commends the residents for bnng~ng up the ~ssue
of weather and how It may have affected ~t~zen participation He felt the weather
d~d, in fact, affect ~bzen part~c~pabon last week
Trustee Clowes stated that the most recent vote put ~n place how revenues were
going to be generated based on the change m the taxes Unless there ~s a
reconsideration of the preva~hng s~de, the vote can techmcally not be reconsidered
There was prewous pubhc~ty put out on th~s ~ssue beg~nmng on November 30 He
wanted to correct the question of whether the issue could be reconsidered during
the budget process He felt that the budget process is not reflective of the
previous vote concerning these ~ncreases ~n taxes
Mayor Farley stated that he felt c~tizens should be made aware that Trustee
Clowes' proposal had prowslons for ~ncreased taxes also The s~gn~ficant
d~fference between h~s proposal and the proposal the Board approved ~s that
clbzens would be taxed through a d~fferent spread of taxes ~nclud~ng user fees
compared to the proposal which was approved
Mayor Farley stated that citizens had suggested the Village Board adopt a
Resolubon on Gambhng or propose a Referendum and also get the V~llage Board
op~n~on on the record
John Melzenthin, 1418 Birch Drive, spoke He stated h~s proposal ~s only focused
on additional legalized gambling not the gambling that ~s currently approved by the
State Specifically, he is concerned about wdeo poker and gambling parlors His
concern relates to ensunng that the c~t~zens have an opportunity to address the
gambling ~ssue at the ballot box Other communities have attempted to address
th~s issue and he felt that Mount Prospect should also consider addressing this
issue in a s~m~lar fashion
Reverend Robert Tuzik, Pastor of SL Emily's-Church. He is here to present a
recommendabon from the Church Councd concem~ng gambhng The Council
quesbons whether ~t ~s proper for the V~llage to use gambhng as a means to raise
funds because of the social costs related to gambling They generally feel that the
additional social services related to gambhng far outweigh the revenue that may
be generated from gambhng and he asked for a Binding Referendum instead of
an Adwsory Referendum
Mayor Farley stated that he ~s unaware that there ~s any casino under
consideration by the Village Board at th~s t~me
Reverend Tuzik stated he had been ~nformed by Trustee Hendncks that a wealthy
developer may want to bring a casino m to town and was informed of th~s
poss~b~hty at a recent church service
Mayor Farley stated he was unaware of any proposal and Trustee Hendncks has
not shared th~s ~nformat~on w~th the rest of the Board He also stated he felt a
Referendum would not be binding on any future Boards He feels that ~f the
V~llage Board wants to take a pos~bon through a Resolubon then the proposal
should go forward ~n order for it to be on record concerning th~s ~ssue
Bill Blaine, 119 North Emerson Street, spoke He feels that elected officials are
elected to make decisions, however, the decision concerning gambling should also
include pubhc ~nput He feels the pubhc should be offered an opportumty for input
because of the effect on Mount Prospect morals, community and hfestyle
Joanne Bjork, 516 Carol Lane, spoke She questions whether the community
and/or the Board would welcome gambhng at any Iocabon as other commun~bes
have VVhen welcoming gambhng, you welcome more crime and the fact that
c4tlzens are using money for gambling instead of other things which are important
Omar Logan, 223 North Emerson, spoke He ~s opposed to ~ncreaslng ~n gambhng
beyond what the current types of gambling are and thanks the V~llage Board for
considering such an ~mportant ~ssue as this
Mayor Farley read the proposed Resolubon concerning the gambhng pos~bon of
the Vdlage of Mount Prospect V~llage Board The Resolution also included a
requirement to estabhsh an Adwsory Referendum prior to the introduction of
permanent casino estabhshment w~th Mount Prospect voters Mayor Farley also
asked Trustee Hendncks if he is aware of any pending casino
Trustee Hendrlcks stated that at the last Coffee w~th Coun~l, th~s ~ssue was
brought up He felt this ~ssue should be brought to the full Board for cons~derabon
He feels it should go to the people for d~rect~on and ~t should be a B~nd~ng
Referendum He sa~d a local developer had menboned a poss~b~hty of looking at
a casino option in Mount Prospect, but prowded no firm commitment
Mayor Farley stated he assumes Trustee Hendncks is referring to a letter from
Mr Ben Trapanl, a Mount Prospect Trapan~'s
restated the ,ssue of whether he was interested ~n pursing a gambhng
estabhshment w~thm the V~llage of Mount Prospect The letter basically stated that
he is not ~nterested ~n pursuing a gambhng estabhshment w~th~n the V~llage And
further stated he feels the issue of expanding gambhng should go before c~t~zens
through some type of Referendum
Trustee Hoefert stated he felt the Board cannot make th~s a B~nd~ng Referendum
And ~s unaware of any interest of gambhng w~th~n Mount Prospect and would not
be ~n favor of expanding gambhng beyond ~ts current hm~tat~ons He would support
the Resolution in ~ts current form
Trustee Skowron spoke She felt that she could support the M~n~stenal letter as
read by Father Tuz~k and feels that gambhng should not be used to balance the
budget She feels that elected officials should make the de.sion concerning
gambhng w~th~n the community Because there is a chance that ~f the ,ssue were
brought to the people, the people may, in fact, support gambhng In order to lower
taxes and balance the budget which would probably be contrary to the feehngs of
the V~llage Board By taking such ~mportant ~ssues to the people, the question
rises whether the Board should take other cnt~cal questions to the people instead
of hawng elected offi~als dec, de the ,ssue because that ~s what elected officials
have been elected to do by the people
Trustee Wilks spoke She knows of no gambhng casino currently ~n the works
And feels th~s Referendum should k~ck ~n only ,f a proposal has come before the
V~llage Board VVhen this ~ssue does come up, ~t w~ll end up being considered as
part of economic development and feels the ~ssue should go before the people
This Resolution ~s d~fferent from Arhngton Heights' Resolution Also, the question
of b~nd~ng versus adwsory depends on requirements of the State Statutes or
Constitution The definition of Binding Referendum tends to relate d~rectly to a
structure of government issue, for example, the number of Trustees Courts have
also supported the ,ssue of Referendums as non-b~nd~ng for specific d~rect~onal
type ~ssues hke gambhng or other ~ssue-related questions which may come up
Trustee Clowes stated that gambhng has evolved ~nto an unhealthy ~ndustry and
the State has taken over the gambhng Industry which seems ~ron~c because they
also legislate gambhng He feels that gambhng should not be run by the State
government He feels ~t should go to the ~t~zens to get an Adwsory Referendum
and would support the Resolution m ~ts current form He would also recommend
that a Resolution be drafted concarmng home rule power preemption of the
General Assembly ~n order to protect the powers which Mount Prospect needs to
operate The expansion of gambhng ~n Mount Prospect would further preempt
home rule powers
Mayor Farley stated there appears to be general support of the V~llage Board
Trustee Skowron suggested a change in the wording to state the current Village
Board would be bound and the language of using gambhng for revenue sources
to balance the budget would be prohibited
Mayor Farley stated that he would ask that th~s ,ssue be brought forward for the
February 1 V~llage Board meeting and would concur w~th Trustee Clowes'
Resolution concerning home rule powers for consideration at that time also
Mr. Janonis stated that there had been d~scuss~ons over the last year to ~denbfy
the problems of apartment complexes and causes of such concerns w~th~n the
multi-family un~ts throughout the V, Ilage One of the subcommittees that was
formed was the Housing Committee Th~s Committee recommended the ,ssue for
cons~derabon and suggested rews~ons to the current BOCA Code As part of th~s
rewew, the ,ssue of occupancy hm~ts was raised as part of the current Code
~ssues In order to beg~n the process of addressing th~s ,ssue, we need to get
j c~t~zens ,nvolved ~n prowd~ng ~nput as to how the Property Maintenance Code
should be structured
Chuck Bencic stated that he is recemmend~ng approval of the BOCA Code as to
conform to other BOCA Codes which the V~llage has prewously approved The
BOCA Code ~s also more comprehensive ~n ,ts current form and there w~ll be few
local amendments necessary ,n order to put the Code ~n place
Bob Roels spoke He stated that the Code has been upheld by Courts where ~t
addresses property maintenance ,ssues The only need to rewse the Code would
be based on the desire to comply w~th more stnngent V~llage Codes which may be
currently ~n place He also stated that we could require all outstanding wolat~ons
to be resolved prior to sale of property and could control that through the Real
Estate Transfer process
Mayor Farley stated that staff wants to d~scuss the Code rews~ons w~th the V~s~ons
Subcommittee and schedule various c~t~zen input ,n order to get group consensus
and ,nput prior to the Code being approved by the V~llage Board
Trustee Clowes stated he supports the involvement of the V~s~ons group He felt
~t ~s ~mportant for the V~llage to prowde the means to help property owners resolve
tenant problems relabng and creabng property maintenance ~ssues
Mr. Janonis stated that th~s is one part of the larger ~ssues which need to be
addressed w~th the assistance of various landlords through the c~bzen ,nput which
we are requesbng at this brae The first step is to estabhsh occupancy hm~ts which
w~ll help toward the overall goal of property maintenance
Ullian Perham, 501 West Dempster, spoke She stated that many committees are
currently being formed to address the problems w~th the owners
occupancy hm~ts Is very prevalent in all d~scusslons She would hke to move
forward and parbc~pate in th~s ~ssue as quickly as possible She also stated that
she feels some businesses should also address the shopping cart issue and their
abandonment on multi-family properties
Chloe Herman, President of the Northwest Suburban Association of Realtors,
spoke Her group wants to congratulate the Village Board on mowng forward on
th~s ~ssue and also would hke to participate and be informed on what is occurring
She also requested a copy of the BOCA Code that is currently being proposed and
Mr. Janonis stated the BOCA Code would be d~stnbuted w~th V~llage comments to
all participants of the vanous committees that are currently being formed and to
individuals who would hke to participate ~n prowd~ng ~nput ~nto th~s issue He
would also recommend that meetings be set up to specifically address vanous
areas w~th~n the Code ~tself m order to expedite th~s process It would be more
efficient to break the Code into vanous components for d~scuss~on than to rewew
the enbre Code all at once
No Manager's Report
Trustee Hendrlcks stated he would hke to bnng back a couple of ~ssues relabng
to SWANCC at the next Board meebng and feels that all members of the V~llage
Board should be included ~n the Board of D~rectors of SWANCC He further stated
that Trustee Corcoran should remain the representabve for the Board and Trustee
Hoefert should remain as the alternate
Mayor Farley asked ~f th~s could be held until Trustee Corcoran returns s~nce he
is the Board's representative on the SWANCC Execubve Board
The meeting was adjourned at 9 57 p m
Respectfully subm~tt~ed,
DS/rcc Assistant to the Village Manager