HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/1994 COW minutes REVISED
FEBRUARY 8, 1994
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at 7.37 p m Present at
the meebng were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard
Hendncks, Paul Hoefert, M~chaele Skowren and Irvana Wilks Also present at the
meeting were Vdlage Manager M~chael Janoms, Assistant to the Vdlage Manager
Dawd Strahl, F~nance D~rector Dawd Jepson, Inspecbon Serwces D~rector Chuck
Benc~c, Planmng D~rector Bdl Cooney, Pubhc Works D~rector Herb Weeks, Deputy
Pubhc Works D~rector Glen Andler, Water Streets/Buildings Supenntenden~t Mel
Both and Commumcat~ons Adm~mstrator Cheryl Pasahc
Acceptance of the M~nutes of January 11, 1994 Mobon made by Trustee Hoefert
and Seconded by Trustee Wilks to accept the M~nutes Trustee Hendncks
requested a modification on page 6, item VII Minutes approved as modified
M~nutes of January 25, 1994 were approved Motion made by Trustee Hoefert and
Seconded by Trustee VVilks Trustee Corcoran abstained Mod~flcabon was
requested by Trustee Wilks and also a modification was requested by Trustee
Hendncks M~nutes were approved as modified
Robert McBride, 211 Prospect Manor, spoke He ~s concerned about the
increased taxes which the V~llage Board recently approved He stated he felt that
the Board should look at why add~bonal services are prowded and the related
expenses of those services and stop trying to be all th~ngs to all people He
suggested a survey of residents to determine how much household income has
~ncreased over a period of five or ten years related to how much taxes have
increased He stated that services may not have to be the best of everything at
all times He felt that the Village should follow the lead of businesses and
decrease the level of services based on the revenues avadable
Trustee Corcoran stated that he would be wllhng to d~scuss the Board's decision
process w~th the resident at h~s convenience The resident furnished h~s phone
number in order for Trustee Corcoran to contact h~m at a future date
Emle Lasse, 805 South Elm, spoke He stated he reviewed the tape from the
previous week's meeting and wanted to comment on that meeting He wants to
bring to the Mayor's attention the Mayor's comments just prior to the Referendum
on D~stnct 57, He stated that he felt that Trustee Hendncks should be allowed to
speak relating to the District 57 Referendum because the Mayor obviously has
stated h~s opinion prewously
Mayor Farley suggested Mr Lasse consider bnng~ng back something pos~bve
about hwng in the Village by the next Board meeting and spend less time focusing
on the negative items He stated it was ~mportant that the V~llage Board refrain
from taking the t~me for d~scuss~on of Referendum issues which have no beanng
on the general service delivery of the V~llage ~tself He also stated that he has the
right to voice h~s opinion in a letter to the editor just as any other resident
Trustee Hendrlcks stated he wanted to clarify h~s comments from last week's
meeting relating to the D~stnct 57 Referendum He related h~s comments had to
do with the question of b~nd~ng versus advisory Referendum and used D~stnct 57
as an example of repeated ws~ts to the ballot box in order to receive d~rect~on He
felt it was important that the Board take the position recommending a b~nd~ng
Referendum Ifa Referendum were approved by the residents, there would be no
need to go back for further Referendum votes
Manager Janonis provided an overview of the Wedgewood Terrace situation He
stated that last summer, m response to resident concerns, the Village Board
authorized a study to determine the nature and extent of flooding m the
Wedgewood Terrace Subd~ws~on area and to make prehmmary recommendations
~n rectifying negative conditions He stated the Eng~neenng study is now complete
and is asking for direction from the Village Board to proceed w~th the process of
includ~ng the recommendations in the Flood Control Program for fiscal year
Melse Pond, of Rust Engineering, summarized the report The general area that
was stud~ed is bounded by Euchd, Rand and Wolf They looked at four specific
areas w~th~n the subd~ws~on and ident~fied five causes and recommended solutions
based on the location of the area of problems Each recommended solution
addressed the 10, 25 and 50 year flood zones The primary cause of a vast
majority of flooding ~s due to mfilhng of ~ndlwdual residences and not allowing
proper flow of water off properties She stated the construction of the Thomas
Moore subdlws~on d~d not necessarily increase the problem but may have actually
~mproved the s~tuat~on by rel~ewng some of the water ~n the northern section of the
'General d~scuss~on followed where by details of the ~nfill process was discussed
S~nce the properties themselves were developed ~n a p~ece meal fashion, much
of the drainage was not designed for the enbre subdivision Also, heavy
landscaping has d~splaced much of the drainage swales Also, there was some
concern voiced that ~f the V~llage prowded the funds necessary to improve the
drainage, th~s problem would not be repeated at a future date Some natural infill
would be occurnng regardless of how the swales and drainage areas were
maintained However, there is a poss~b~hty of a drainage easement in order to
standardize the maintenance and m~mm~ze the ~nd~wdual homeowner's impact on
the flow of water
Mayor Farley asked what was the general consensus of the cit~zens in th~s area
which would be affected by this proposed drainage
Manager Janonis stated that the residents of the subd~ws~on had been not~fied of
th~s meebng and their input requested
Mayor Farley stated he felt it would be better to have a meeting ~n the area of the
subd~ws~on for ~bzens ~nput related to specific areas of concern and the V~llage
Board would consider their ~nput once they had concluded their input and rewew
Mayor Farley asked the audience ~f there ~s general support for the proposed
Peg Combs, 101 West Stratford, read a V~llage
Lucy D~ng of Three Oxford Place The letter bas~celly stated that Ms D~ng is
thanking the V~llage Board for looking ~nto the problem and attempting to resolve
the drainage problems Ms Combs continued speaking about the flooding
problems that are unique to her street and outhned which specific parcel on her
street has various problems She stated that water comes from Euclid and does
not flow properly through her lot or surrounding lots She ~s not satisfied w~th the
proposed solution
Trustee Skowron spoke She stated that she would encourage a neighborhood
meebng now that the overall plan has been presented She stated that ~nd~wdual
property owners could d~rect specific comments d~rectly to the consulbng engineers
for resolubon ~nstead of at th~s forum w~th the V~llage Board
Debble Forsander, 1120 Meadow Lane, spoke She quesboned who ~s going to
pay for the solution - the V~llage or the homeowners?
Mayor Farley stated at th~s point ~t has not been dec~ded who w~ll be resl~onslble
for the cost, however, he ~s concerned about making sure there is a long-term
solution to the problem He sa~d ~t would be a waste of money to build a drainage
system that would again fill ~n s~m~lar to what has caused the current problems
Nancy Boblkewiecz, 1114 Meadow Lane, spoke She stated that each lot was
developed ~nd~vldual w~th no regard for overall drainage of all the homes once they
were completely developed She stated that the homeowners would keep up the
new system if ~t was installed She stated that the Wedgewood Homeowners
Association was going to meet th~s coming Thursday to d~scuss th~s issue
Mayor FaHey stated that he feels the number of people present is a small amount
of the residents affected and felt in order to get a full heanng of residents'
concerns, he recommended the report be d~scussed at a neighborhood meebng
Trustee Corcoran suggested that the meebng th~s coming Thursday be deferred
until proper not~ce could be sent out to all affected residents That way, the full
input of all affected residents could be d~scussed at a s~ngle meeting w~th the
consulbng engineers present
Bob Regan, 1009 Meadow Lane, spoke He ~s the Acbng President of the
Wedgewood Terrace Homeowners Association He would ~nwte any members ~n
the audience to the Homeowners Assoc~abon meeting scheduled on Thursday and
requested that the V~llage assist ~n prowd~ng proper nobce to all affected residents
Trustee Hendricks stated that he felt th~s is the proper forum for ~nput from the
Trustee Clowes stated there seems to be some confusion as to whether the
system was ~n place before and whether ~t was designed to actually dra~n water.
The consensus of the V~llage Board was that the discussion of the eng~neenng
plan be sent to a neighborhood meeting ~n order for all affected homeowners to
have ~nput
Communications Administrator Cheryl Pasalic prowded an overview of the current
cable TV system w~th~n the V~llage of Mount Prospect and how ~t ~nterrelates to
other telecommunication services which are related to cable Her rewew ~ncluded
details of rate regulation, two-I~ne cable conversion to a s~ngle coaxial cable,
Franchise renewal, customer service and local commun~cabons One of the
problems that ~s affecbng the cable TV system m Mount Prospect ~s the lack of
finalized regulabons from the FCC However, until those regulabons are
completed, the V~llage is mowng forward w~th prepanng for our Franchise renewal
As part of th~s renewal which w~ll take from one to one and one-half years, the
Commun~cabons D~ws~on ~s prepanng for a community needs survey and ~s talking
to other communities ~n an effort to coordinate negot~abons to reduce costs related
to Franchise renewal Some of the most recent problems which have affected TCl
include the conversion to the s~ngle cable and the company reorgamzat~on which
has recently taken place
Sue Dean, Customer Service Manager for TCl, spoke to the Board She
addressed the customer service ~ssues and outhned TCl's response to resolve
issues which have been raised by Cheryl and the c~t~zens TCl is also instalhng
a new telephone system which ~s designed to handle more calls and offer quicker
solubons to customer concerns
Trustee Corcoran stated that he was concerned that TCI is not following the Cable
Complaint Ordinance and hoped the new phone system would resolve some of
these issues He also stated that he felt ~t was important for TCI to track the types
of complaints they receive ~n order to respond more quickly to common resident
Trustee Clowes stated he felt TCI was setting ~tself up for a large volume of
complaints again and of tackhng too many things at one t~me On the other hand,
he felt he generally had good service
Trustee Wilks stated she would hke to see TCl commumcate their
recommendabons ~n terms of a cost to the V~llage Board The cost relabng to
resolwng the outstanding complaints She stated she also felt they had generally
good service
Trustee Hoefert stated that he had experienced problems first-hand and asked that
the complaint matrix be explained to h~m F~nally, he stated that wh~le a decision
was made to shut off one of the cables at the bme of the conversion and
questioned why we were wa~bng on rate ~nformat~on that supposedly is confidential
but ~s necessary to be furnished by law
Sue Dean stated that it had been a d~fficult three months due to three ma~n ~tems
coming together at one t~me which would be the phone system problems, the
conversion and the general turnover due to the reorgamzabon She stated TCl d~d
their best to communicate to the c~t~zens at the time of the change over to the
s~ngle cable However, a decision had to be made at a point m time when the
sw~tch over was going to occur
Cheryl Pasalic stated she had received some ~nformabon relabng to the rates but
has not received all the ~nformabon due to the alleged confldent~ahty. She ~s
currently awaiting a legal op~mon to determine whether this ~nformat[on can be
rewewed as part of the rate analys~s
Trustee Hoefert asked why couldn't the mformat~on relabng to the rates be
prowded on the general outline TCl has previously provided Also what would be
the process or what would happen ~fthe V~llage Board d~d not renew the Franchise
Cheryl Pasalic stated the laws make non-renewal very difficult and there have to
be major items which constitute a major breach of the contract
Trustee Hendricks stated that we, as Trustees, must run government hke a
bus~ness It seems we have not played hard-ball w~th TCI ~n the past He
suggested we apply penalbes as necessary as ~t ~s ~mportant to enforce
Cheryl Pasalic stated that fines had prewously been lewed against TCI However,
TCI reformed the V~llage Board that fines would be passed along d~rectly to
customers based on regulations Therefore, the fine was lewed but was not
collected They have been put on nobce in the past for various finable offenses
and they usually responded quickly to resolve these concerns
Trustee Corcoran stated that he th~nks customer service must conbnue to ~mprove
and TCI must stop playing games relabng to the orgamzabon or name change and
the V~llage's priorities must match the service that TCI ts prowd~ng
Manager Janonis prowded a general overview of what had prewously been
d~scussed In summary, at the January 11 Committee of the VVhole meeting, the
Board formally d~scussed the ~dea of prowdmg hmlted assistance to businesses
coming ~nto or already existing ~n the V~llage VVh~le the Board was far from
unanimous in ~ts comfort for such a program, the staff was d~rected to begin
drafting a reasonable policy that would provide for the posslb~hty of limited
assistance under very bghtly drawn criteria based on a bona fide hardship or
special circumstances and to be prowded m such a way to strictly hmlt any risk to
the V~llage VVhlle a comprehensive program would include a policy covering both
new and ex~st~ng businesses, it was agreed that as specific components of overall
policy were ready for review, they would be brought forward for review and
Trustee Skowron suggested the Board set a bme hm~t for d~scuss~on as to not to
make th~s d~scuss~on a forum where prewous pos~bons would be rehashed
Mayor Farley suggested that the d~scuss~on end at approximately 10 20 p m
B,II Cooney outhned the parameters which came out of the last d~scusslon at the
Committee of the Whole meeting General components ~nclude ~ncreasmg
revenues, d~verslfylng the economic base, increasing the employment base and
improwng the competitive advantage of Mount Prospect He and staff attempted
to structure a program which would avoid opening Pandora's box The proposal
that ~s presented ~s specifically designed for retail estabhshments He feels that
the outline addresses the issues that were raised by the Village Board at the
previous meeting
Trustee Corcoran stated he generally accepts the outhne as reasonable but would
hke to see the up front targets of sales figures prorated over the five year period
For example, as an mcenbve for the business to remain ~n Mount Prospect, the
bus~ness would pay more tn year five than they would An year one
Manager Janonis stated that pubhc improvements help ~n defining the amounts of
reasonable assistance
Trustee Skowron asked for a definition of what an extraordinary cost ~s
Mr. Cooney stated that extraordinary cost must be estabhshed first before mowng
forward w~th the program ~tself and ~s typically defined as some type of so~l
contamination or s~te problems
Manager Janonis stated that he just reahzed that there was one component of the
program that ~s not outhned ~n th~s program For example, ~f the cost of the
extraordinary expenses exceeds the pubhc ~mprovement cost, the lesser of the
cost would define the assistance He felt ~t was a very tough standard to show
how the contamination has caused the land not to be developed and there must
be a h~story of development attempt
Trustee Skowron stated that the staff d~d a good job An prowd~ng the parameters
for pohcy development She stated she could generally support the pohcy outhne
Trustee Hoefert stated he feels the land will always have problems and the
resolubon of those problems ~s the buyer's and seller's respons~b~hty not the
Village's He also feels that a developer will try to h~t all the points outhned ~n this
Mr, Cooney responded to Trustee Hoefert's questions whereby he stated that At still
comes down to a pohcy decision by the Village Board whether they want to have
the opportunity value of a development relating to sales tax amounbng to
approximately $5 O0 of taxes for every $1 O0 of assistance prowded
Trustee W~lks stated she would hke to congratulate the staff for incorporabng the
V~llage Board's comments from the prewous meeting, however, she cannot support
the program She stated she did not feel ~t was the Village's responslb~hty to
ent~ca stores to come ~nto the Village She also feels the policy ~s too vague and
leaves too many open doors Finally, she feels ~t ~s inappropriate to increase sales
tax by one-quarter cent and then turn around and give At back to mult~-mllhon dollar
cerporat~ons as incentives to locate m the Village
Mayor Farley suggested that this d~scuss~on carry over to another Committee of
the VVhole meeting because ~t appears that Board members are not yet ready to
prowde d~rect~on
Manager Janonis stated he feels that a deferral now would put the decision off
unbl April due to the upcoming Budget Heanngs
Trustee Hendrlcks stated that he is against providing any type of assistance
whatsoever He feels that assistance ~s inappropriate
Mayor Farley stated he can support the program but suggested the elimination of
Section C where extraordinary costs were defined ~ He felt that the seller could
~nfiate the extraordinary cost by wanting too much money for the land, therefore,
the land itself would be over valued based on the conditions that ex~st on the
property He further stated that it appears the V~llage Board ~s spht 3-3 and feels
a 4-3 vote does not prowde enough d~rect~on for staff He feels ~t should be a
stronger, more pronounced commitment from the Board than a 4-3 vote
Manager Janonis stated that maybe a 4-3 vote is not enough d~rectlon, therefore,
the Board may want to consider dropping th~s item at th~s point
Mayor Farley stated that he would I~ke better unification of the Board ~n order to
Trustee Skowron felt that ~f th~s ~ssue moves forward on a 4-3 vote, ~t w~ll open up
debate each bme a developer may approach the Board whereby conflicting
philosophies will again be discussed
Mayor Farley stated he felt th~s ~ssue should be dropped at th~s t~me based on the
consensus of the Board
Manager Janonis prowded an update of the Melas Park redevelopment Based
on the revised plans which the Arhngton Heights Park D~stnct ~s recommending,
the number of parking spaces have gone from approximately 230 plus the 109
spots at the Pubhc Works Fac~hty to approximately 679 parking spaces He felt
th~s change was ~n d~rect response to the Board's comments from a prewous
Committee of the VVhole meeting At this point, the plan w~ll move forward to
generate consensus necessary ~n order to approach the Metropohtan Water
Reclamabon D~stnct
Trustee Corcoran asked that Manager M~ke Janoms draft an Ordinance outhnmg
t~me hm~ts for elected officials who speak at the Board meetings and also asked
that an Ordinance be drafted whereby Trustee Comments are moved to the rear
of the Agenda ~nstead of the front
Trustee Hendrlcks stated that he would like to d~scuss the SWANCC Executive
Board membership He was concerned that he was not allowed to attend a
SWANCC Execubve Board meeting even though he was a V~llage Board member
He would ask that a new Ordinance be drafted to allow all V~llage Board members
to participate d~rectly tn the Executive Board meetings by designating all members
as alternates to the Board
Mayor Farley stated he could not support the Ordinance requested by Trustee
Hendncks because ~t would allow for all members of the Village Board to speak
at the Execubve Board meebngs He stated he ~s qu~te comfortable w~th Trustee
Corcoran's leadership and would I~ke to keep th~ngs as they are
Trustee Hoefert stated he agrees w~th Mayor Farley's pos~t~on concerning Mount
Prospect's representabon on the Executive Board
Mayor Farley asked the rest of the V~llage Board members ~f there was any
support for Trustee Hendncks' suggestion whereby all members of the Village
Board be added as alternates to the Execubve Board members of SWANCC
Trustee Hendrlcks stated he would I~ke to just go to the meetings and I~sten and
would promise not to speak He just feels ~t ~s important to know what ~s go~ng on
because Board members do not receive Execubve Board m~nutes
Mayor Farley stated he had requested Board members to refrain from attending
Commission meebngs where they may influence or ~nbm~date lay members of
these Commissions He stated that Trustee Hendncks' suggestion for add~bonal
membership at the SWANCC Executive Board as related to his attendance at
other Commission meebngs
Trustee Hoefert made the mobon to adjourn ~nto Executive Session Trustee
Skowron seconded the motion Village Board members entered ~nto Executive
Session at approximately 10 50 p m
V~llage Board members returned from Execubve Session at approximately
12 13 a m and promptly adJourned for the evening
Respectfully submitted,
DS/fcc Assistant to the V~llage Manager