HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1994 COW minutes MINUTES
FEBRUARY 22, 1994
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley, at approximately
6.00 p m Present at the meeting were ~ Trustees George Clowes, Timothy
Corcoran, Paul Hoefert, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Absent from the
meeting was Trustee R~chard Hendncks Also present at the meebng were
V;llage Manager M;chael Janon~s, Assistant to the Village Manager Dawd Strahl,
F~nanca D~rector Dawd Jepson, Ass;stant F~nance D~rector Carol Widmer and
Commumcat~ons Administrator Cheryl Pasal~c
. Acceptance of the M~nutes of February 8', 1994 Mobon made by Trustee
Corcoran and Seconded by Trustee Wilks to accept the Minutes Minutes were
approved unanimously. Trustee Skowron requested a minor change on page 8,
Item VIII, relabng to placement of Trustee Comments on the Agenda to correspond
w~th Trustee Corcoran's comments
Ooen;n.q Remarks - Mayor Gerald L Farley
. Mayor Farley detailed the Budget process and how the Heanngs are structured
and prowded background material for c~t~zens who may be watching on telews~on
and may be ~nterasted ~n prowd;ng ~nput
Trustee Wilks detailed how c~t~zens can call ~n and offer quesbons and comments
and I~sted the add;t~onal meeting dates of March 8 and March 22
Village Manager Janonls prowded an overview of the Budget by prowd~ng a hst of
Budget pnonbes as defined by the V~llage Board The Budget
for all residents and people who vtsit, work or hve m Mount Prospect He stated
Mount Prospect is at a crossroads due to decisions that were made m the earty
1970s Past budgets were related to bricks and mortar, however, today the
Budget relates more to people and services Budget reflects an overall decrease
of 1 3% and the Budget ~s balanced w~th no drawdowns of m~scellaneous funds
The d~fference m Revenues and Expenditures ~s balanced by altenng the future
purchase of Capital Equipment
He also prowded an overview of new Services, Capital Improvements and the
disbursement of the Pme/W'~lle sale proceeds and Refuse Disposal costs He also
stated that Mount Prospect again ranked 18 out of 18 of the Park R~dge Survey
based on expenditures and population Therefore, Mount Prospect ~s shown to be
prowdmg s~m~lar services to the other 17 commumtles at a much lower cost The
proposed Budget reflects the V~llage Board pnonbes incl~dmg a retenbon of core
services, in~babng the means to address urban issues and an expanded Road
Resurfac~ng Program
Expenditure overview relates to services the V~llage Board has targeted including
the south s~de, the addlbon of a Traffic Engineer to focus on traffic-related issues
and Htstoncal Society funding
C~bzen Ralph Hlderbrand, 1318 Mallard Lane, spoke He was concerned that the
Village d~d not receive Grant funding for add~tmnal Police Officers as other area
communities had
Tony Pavlatos, 1314 Quail Walk, also asked why Mount Prospect d~d not apply for
the Grants However, he also stated that he understands the problems that Mount
Prospect ~s experiencing ts beyond just additional Pohce There ~s also a problem
w~th the lud~c4al system
Manager Janonls suggested that these comments be brought up when the Pohce
Department presents their Budget at the next Heanng and stated that Mount
Prospect intends to apply ~n the future for these Grants
Finance Director Dave Jepson prowded an overview of the Budget document He
stated that the Budget ~tself should be used as a reference book and the last
Budget would be the starting point for fiscal year 1994-1995 He also prowded an
overview of the Budget process and detailed the legal authority that the Budget
possesses By adopbng the Budget, the V~llage Board prowdes legal authority to
the adm~n~strabon to expend funds for services as outhned m the Budget The
Budget ~s constructed around a program Budget format w~th performance criteria
and performance data included ~n the Budget for each Department
Mr Jepson provided additional detail of Revenues and stated that the total Budget
projected was $47,278,385 He also prowded informat~on relating to the Property
Tax'estimate of $8 2 m~ll~on and showed the spread of Revenues of Mount
Prospect whereby the amount of Property Tax as a percentage of the total
Revenues ~s approximately 18% All Property Tax Revenues go to Pubhc Safety,
Refuse D~sposal and Pubhc Improvements and not for gene?al operations
Mayor Farley stated that he d~d not ~ntend to ask the Village Board for spec4fic
decisions on ind~v~dual Departments and would I~ke them to reserve judgment and
look at the Budget as a whole
Manager Janonls prowded an overview of the AdmlnL~[[aflon Budget which
~ncludes the V~llage Board, the Village Manager's Office, the V~llage Clerk's Office
and the Commun~cabons Division
The Village Board Budget shows a decrease of approximately 10% The decrease
~s related to the Northwest Municipal Conference Transportation Subsidy
Manager Janonls further detailed the Village Manager's office which shows a 2 3%
~ncrease which ~s related to the full-time personnel costs for the Assistant to the
V~llage Manager and all related benefits
Emle Lasse, 805 Souttt Elm, Spoke He questioned the number of personnel ~n
the Village Manager's office compared to last year's budget to this year's budget
Manager Janonls stated that the Manager's Office was authorized four pos~tions
in the prewous Budget and now has three positions
Mr. Jepson stated that one should look at the dollar increase ~n the Budget for the
Manager's office and the cost of full-bme employee ~ncreases
~General discussion followed in which numerous Trustees and the Manager
d~scussed vanous hne items ~n the Manager's Office Budget
Mr. Janonls stated that the Communications Division shows a decrease of 1.4%
and reminded the Board that the Division ~s a self-susta~mng Division and is
financed completely from Franchise Fees One of the major expenditures
upcoming for the Communications D~ws~on ~s the replacement of Capital
Equipment since the current equipment ~s the original equipment that was
purchased w~th the ongmal Franchise Agreement
Cheryl Pasalic appeared and responded to ~m~scellaneous questions from the
V~llage Board members relating to miscellaneous line items ~n her budget and
details of her operation
Manager Janonis then deta;led the Village Clerk's Office with an ~ncrease of 7 2%
, The increase ~s related spec;fically toward the vesbng of compensated absences
of the V~llage Clerk because of her obtaining 20 years of service with the V~llage
The other major increase is related to the ~ncrease ~n Newsletter costs
General d~scuss;on followed ~n which the operations of the V~llage Clerk's office
was detailed by the Manager for the benefit of the Trustees and d~scuss~on of the
cost of Codification of the Mumc~pal Code There was also discuss~on of the
record-keeping requirement of the V~llage Clerk's office and the necess;ty to
modernize the record-keeping system
Dave Jepson provided an overview of the Finance Department. One of the major
~tems that are shown ~n this Budget ~nclude replacement of the System 36
computer and computer technological ~mprovements
Some d~scuss~on followed ~n which Mr Jepson detailed how he proposed to utlhze
as much free consulting t~me as possible ~n d~scuss~ng with vendors the future
needs of the V~llage and are d~scuss~ng what other towns have expenenced
relating to computer technology ~
There also was some d~scuss~on about'the purchasing procedures of the V~llage
and the use of attorneys ~n collecting the Real Estate Transfer Tax The
purchasing procedures currently ~n place seem to work pretty well mainly due to
the fact that the Departments are very aggressive in obtaining the lowest possible
price and he feels that as long as the decentralized purchasing system ~s working,
there ~s no need to change ~t, however, ~t ~s ~mportant to monitor the system and
may change ~t ~n the future
Mr Jepson continued to detail the necessity of updating computer technology.
One of the ma~n reasons for updating the technology including the hardware and
, software was the hmltations that have been created by the customized software
which the V~llage has been using for approximately ten years At th~s point,
replacement software ~s not available and there ~s I~mited adaptability available
Therefore, it ~s ~ntended that a move to an open architecture w~ll assist ~n keeping
all software up-to-date and functioning at ~ts h~ghest capacity ·
Resident Sam Camp, 216 Louis Street, spoke He stated that everyone ~s aware
of all the parking problems on Lou~s Street and the d~scuss~ons which have been
go~ng on w;th the property owners and the bus,ness owner in the past several
months However, a s~tuat~on occurred on Sunday in which some ws~tors to h~s
home were verbally abused by the bus~ness owners and he ~s now concerned
about h~s safety and the safety of any ws~tors due to these threats and ~ntlm~dabon
of the bus~ness owners
Manager Janonis asked that Mr. Camp call the Police Department if any other
occurrences hke th~s happen ~n the future Mr. Janon~s also stated he would talk
w~th the business owner about what Mr Camp stated occurred and w~ll remind the
bus~ness owner to refra,n from such act~vlbes Mr Janon~s stated that a
neighborhood meeting is scheduled in the future to attempt to resolve these
outstanding ~ssues
Mr Camp asked ~f the neighborhood meebng would include the business owner
Mr Janoms stated that it would
Manager Janonls stated that there is a summary of upcoming Bond Issues that
have been prowded to the V~llage Board would encourage anyone that would hke
some detailed mformatmn about the Vdlage to review th~s ~nformabon He has
found ~t quite useful
The Committee of the Whole meeting/Budget Heanng was adjourned at 10 01 p m
Respectfully submitted,
DS/fcc Assistant to the V~llage Manager