HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/1994 COW minutes MINUTES
MARCH 22, 1994
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at approximately 6 12 p m Present
at the meeting were Trustees George Clowes, Paul Hoefert, M~chaele Skowron, Irvana
W'dks, Tnnothy Corcoran and Pachard Hendncks Also present at the meeting were Village
Manager Michael J'anoms, Asszstant to the Village Manager David Strahl, Finance Director
David Jepson, Asszstant Finance Director Carol W~dmer, Fire Chief Ed Cavello, Inspection
Services D~rector Chuck Benc~c, Human Services D~rector Nancy Morgan, Jeff Wulbecker,
Dan Jakes, Robert Rods, Lonme Jackson, Del Ulmich, Steve Dumowch, Ruth Maychszak,
Jan Abernethy and Human Services staff
Acceptance of the M~nutes of March 8, 1994 was made by Trustee Wflks, seconded by
Trustee Hoefert Trustee Wflks requested some revisions of her comments and of revisions
of what a resident stated at the end of the meeting The minutes were approved as re,nsed
Trustee Clowes and Trustee Hendncks abstained
Trustee ltendrieks stated that he had been requested to s~gn a letter rejecting the SRA Route
83 IDOT proposal at the March 16 Village Board meeting He refused to sign at that t~me
because he felt ~t was premature to send a letter rejecting a plan prior to hearing from the
c~tizens of the Village which was scheduled at a meeting on March 19th He also stated that
he objected to the letter because them was no mduct~on ~n speed hrmt as requested, and there
was no rer0~utmg of Route 83 as requested by some of the restdents at the March 19th
meeting However, he would s~gn the letter but he feels that the letter has already been sent
to ID~O~T.
Mayor Farley sa~d that the lowering of the speed hrmt and the rerouting of Route 83 are
~tems which need to be d~scussed by the entire Village Board prior to commumcating that to
IDOT He also felt that Trustee Hendncks' comments should be made under the section of
"Any Other Bus~ness" and not under "Cmzens to be Heard"
Trustee Clowes stated that he feels Trustee Hendncks xs bnnging up some addmonal points
which need to be commumeated to IDOT based on the czttzens input from March 19th The
questxons presented include the rerouting of Route 83 and putting a full ~nterchange at
Arhngton Heights Road, also some consideration on the ~mpact on traffic level due to the
~mproved road surface needs to be addressed by IDOT He felt it was important for the
Village to enforce the speed hmits on Route 83 The V~llage should dictate the items to
IDOT and not be in a reactionary mode to IDOT's revisions He also stated that it was
important to commumcate residents' comments to IDOT so the comments can be made part
of the record
Trustee Wilks asked if the recommendations from citizens w~ll come back to the Board for
Village Manager Michael Janonls stated that follow-up commumcatton with the Board is
expected Now the original proposal from IDOT has been rejected by the Board No other
options are available at the t~me from IDOT At this point we are setting parameters
mtemally in order to deal with IDOT based on residents' concerns He expects the discussion
to continue and the Saturday meeting was only a beginning There may be add:t:onal
meetings if necessary to finalize our postt~on He reminded the Board that this issue wdl not
be resolved in the tlurty-day window for pubhc comment He stated that czt~zen comments
will be commumcated to IDOT
Mr Sanoms responded to the three questions that had been received at the prevmus meeting
Ouestion No. 1. Why not hire back pohce officers on overtime instead of luring three new
officers? He stated that lure-backs of officers is somewhat hrmted due to the fact that they
are for special details, and special detmls have beginnings and ~nds I-bring police officers
back on overtime ~s meffic~ent in relating to a long-term sustmned pohce enforcement effort
Ouestion No 2 Vdlage Board had made a commitment to address the problems that were
identified in the special semce area which was defeated Is the Board stdl committed to
prowd~ng the resources necessary to address these problems7 He stated that resources are
be'rog committed with additional personnel, V~s~ons fundtng, and Crime Prevention funding
Ouest~on No, 3, The c~t:zen was opposed to the hinng ora traffic engineer and felt the
serwce could be contracted out The dects~on as to whether to lure the traffic engineer ~s yet
to be approved and still under dtscussion by the V~IIage Board
Mr. Janonls stated that this is the tlurd m a series of budget hemngs the departments that
will be presented tonight are F~re, Inspectton Serwces, and Human Services Departments
There will be a need for a spectal Committee of the Whole meeting on March 29 for a budget
wrap-up and discussion concerning the refuse contract
Fire Chief Ed Cavello provided a general overview of the Fire Department budget He
lughhghted the recommended 17 man sluft, the purchase ora new p~ece of equipment (Quint),
the ehminat~on of the volunteer fire fighter stipend, the ehminatmn of the funding for the
ESDA volunteers, and the ehrmnat~on of the trmmng academy He stated that the response
t~me has been reded by automatic responses of other departments Reciprocal md agreements
of Mount Prospect and Prospect Heights have necessitated a serious consideration for the 17
man sbat~ The reason for a 17 man sbaft is to prowde the same number offirefighters on a
piece of eqmpmant which would respond in an automatm md response in e~ther Mount
Prospect or Prospect Heights Therefore, it would be an equal exchange of personnel for fire
services, regardless of where the response originated from
A general &scuss~on followed in which numerous Trustees and the Mayor &scussed the
various hne items in the Ftre Department budget Among the items d~scussed were a detatled
explanation of mutual and automatic aid agreements, details of the benefit of bare-back to
create a 17 man shift and what the total number of days such bare-backs would occur, the
manning of emergency ambulance vehicles, the transportation procedures for residents being
transported by a Mount Prospect ambulance, the detmled cost of the volunteer firefighter
stipend and the ESDA stipend, the cost detmls ofpnvatization of ambulance serwce and the
accounting procedures to show reahstm expenses w~thin each department and all associated
personnel costs
Chief Cavdlo responded to the specific operational fundxng level questions by describing the
service prowded including the defimt~on of automatic aid, wbach ~s md that is d~spatched to
a specific zone by another commumty and mutual aid, wbach ~s called on as needed to
supplement firefighting act~wt~es for a large incident The bare-backs to maintmn a 17 man
sbaft would only occur less than one-half of the days of the year, therefore, it would not be
an excemve cost There would not be a need which would require a hire-back every single
day of the to provide the service He further stated that ~n order for automatm
md agreements to work, it is ~mportant to respond with in-k~nd serwces For example, ~fwe
expect Prospect Heights to respond w~th three men on an engine, the Vdlage must also
respond to three men on an engtne to ~ts designated zone He also d~scussed the ambulance
transportation pohcy to which hospitals the V~llage has an EMS relat~onsbap with He also
outhned the detmls of the cost sawngs of ehrmnatmg the volunteer firefighters stipend
Extensive d~scussion of the pa~d-on-call volunteer firefighter stipend ensued The &scussion
also touched on items which are prowded by the Village, such as, clothes, training, etc wbach
would be ehminated therefore, the prod-on-call participants would then have to purchase
eqmpment out of their own pockets Therefore, the number of prod-on-call volunteers would
decrease over time due to the cost outlay of the partmipants It was also discussed that paid-
on-call firefighters do not supplement full-time firefighters and there ~s hm~ted use of paid-on-
call firefighters Their use typically is hmited to participation w~th firefighters on large
incidents and supplement training with the full-t~me firefighters Some Trustees stated their
support for adding the pard-on-call firefighters back ~nto the budget and suggested that the
Chief find another ~tem to cut However, tbas opinion was not a majority opinion
Overview ofthe Inspection Services Department: Inspection Services Director Chuck
Benclc prowded an overview of Inspection Servmes h~ghhghting the cross-training of all
inspectors necessary for overall enforcement of Vdlage Codes, the future use of computers
and the replacement of radio equipment Computer usage will be necessary for proposed
permit tracking He stated that the level of~nspect~ons has increased over t~me based on the
number of reinspections and the focus of the proposed additional new inspector will be for
multi-famaly inspections Another capital item that he ~s requesting is the replacement of the
Topographical Maps The current maps were completed m 1978 and are badly outdated He
also stated that the budget of his department includes an increased resurfacmg program
General discussion followed in which numerous Trustees and the Mayor d~scussed various
line items in the Inspection Services budget Among the ~tems d~scussed was the funding of
the Traffic Engtneer and the necesmy of hiring an additional employee compared to
contracting out such service, the funding for the sidewalk hazard study, and general overview
of the resurfacing program
Discussion concerning the traffic engineer focused on the justification for such a traffic
engineer compared to contracting out for that serwce The need for the traffic engineer ~s
based on the need to respond to the numerous SRA. projects which pass through the V~llage
and in order to be pro-active instead of reactive to traffic needs so that t~mely responses can
be formulated The training necessary for a traffic engineer would include an engineering
degree and some spectahzat~on m traffic engineering It is not necessary to hire a Professional
Engineer (PE) The hmited amount of staff time which is not dedicated to other projects
minimizes the level of engineering which can be done in-house for these road projects
However, a review can be performed to determane the ~nternal traffic engtneer costs compared
to bidding out the servaces Even though the traffic engineer's function would be to focus on
traffic englneenng, the cross-training of the additional engtneer would supplement the
engineering staff extensively
The discussion concermng resurfac~ng also touched on how streets are rated and then
prioritized for resurfac~ng or reconstruction The emphasis on road resurfacing and
reconstruction is to not only prioritize specific problem areas but also to spread out
reconstruction projects throughout the Vdlage
Human Service Director Nancy Morgan provided an overview of the Human Servaces
budget She stated her department places special emphas:s on ensunng that all staffare cross-
trained so that serwces are prowded to a broad based group of residents, and there is mm:mai
need for speclalmng The increases in the budget are due to increased hours for the bihngual
social worker Part ofthe justification for the increase ofhours for the bdmgual social worker
is due to the semce proxaded to the restdents and the increased demand of services as a safety
net Urban problems have been effectmg services prowded and in order to develop and
continue a realistic approach to service dehvery the additional staff m this department and
other departments wall prowde the expertise necessary to address the needs whtch have been
identafied Hopefully, this additional senace will reduce expendttures in the future for services
related to the fall-out of such urban problems She also highhghted a major rewslon in the
way record-keeping and services are monitored Ttus new means of record-keeping wall assist
the department in momtormg the true cost for specific servmes
General discussion followed in which numerous Trustees and the Mayor d~scussed various
hne items in the Human Servtces budget Among the items d~scussed were the cost of
additional staff mainly the bihngual social worker, the Network 50 cost and the benefit the
Network 50 Program is providing, and the need to provide a general review of serwces
available to residents in order to deterrmne if services provided by the Human Services
Department were duphcated by another service provider.
Nancy Morgan responded to the questions and comments She stated that there is no
detailed information concerning the actual number of residents who have received jobs
through Network 50 However, the department is in the process of defimng follow-up
procedures to momtor the success of the program She also stated that the department is
constantly reviewing its services to deternune whether other sennce providers are more
capable of providing the service than the Human Services Department in order to minimize
duphcataon She stated that the service the Village provides relates to expediting the ability
of receiving services to residents who are in need The department does utilize other sermce
providers and provides a large number of referrals to those other agencies as part of its
normal daily actlv~ties
Mayor Farley stated the next meeting on March 29 will be a budget wrap-up where it is
hoped the Board will come to an agreement for all departments Also a presentation
concermng the refuse contract is also anticipated
Trustee Hendricks stated that he had flied an appeal for the fence on 2 North Edwards and
~t was heard before the Board on March 18 In reviewing the file he has found discrepancies
and would like to discuss these prior to the Village Board meeting of April 5
Mayor Farley stated this item is for reconsideration and it is up to the entire Village Board
to determine whether a motion for reconsideration will be approved
Trustee Wilks asked Trustee Hendricks whether he would sign the Route 83 letter to IDOT
if he had the opportunity Trustee Hendricks stated that he would sign the letter ifit was
redrafted in order for the entire Village Board to go on record to come out m opposition
The Committee of the Whole meeting was adjourned at 10 18 p m
Respectfully submitted, / /- ,,
Assistant to the Village Manager