HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/29/1994 COW minutes MINUTES ~ COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MARCH 29, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meebng was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at approximately 6 15 p m Present at the meebng were Trustees George Clowes, Timothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Trustee Clowes arnved at 6 17 p m. Also present at the meeting were V~llage Manager M~chael Janoms, Assistant to the V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Pubhc Works D~rector Herb Weeks, Deputy D~rector of Pubhc Works Glen Andler, Solid Waste Coordinator L~sa Angell, Finance D~rector Dave Jepson, Human Services D~rector Nancy Morgan, F~re Chief Edward Cavello, Pohce Chief Ron Pavlock and Planmng D~rector B~II Cooney " ~ MINUTES Approval of the Minutes of March 22, 1994 was deferred s~nce they had not been ~completed and submitted pnor to the meeting for review CITIZENS TO BE HEARD ,' Resident Jim Johnson, 1802 Pheasant Trail. He wanted to confirm w~th the Board that the add~bonal staff that they have added in th~s budget are to address the south s~de msues and tncreased services specifically relabng to the south s~de Frank Vlasny,~2103 Jody Court, spoke He stated that 1993 was a bad year for residents in add~bon to the V~llage Costs have increased and all taxes have increased which are affecting residents adversely He stated that according to h~s 'figures,'the add~bonal tax ~ncrease proposed and approved by the Board amounted to $876 per resident He recommended the Board look at ways to cut costs such as why add three more Pohce Officers w~thout assurances cnme w~ll be decreased, combine the Pohce and F~re Departments' functmn, d~sband Human Services and ~ contra~t out for Paramedic sen/ices ' ~ Joe Sodaro, 1777 Cnjstal Lane, spoke According to a survey recently done by Terry Parke's office, 60-70% of the people want less Vdlage services He felt the Pohce services should be increased and spending and ~ncreased costs are out of control He wants to stop expanding government and ~s concerned that the apathy of the c~bzenry allow such tax increases to occur Trustee Corcoran stated that he does not see apathy among c~bzens especially ~f one looks at the c~bzen turnout on the March 19 meeting concerning the Route 83 SRA ; * , Dennis P¢it~ger, 1731 Pheasant Trail, stated that he ~s a participant on the V~s~ons Sub-Committee and is qu~te happy w~th the funding that the V~llage has earmarked for the add~bonal Police, Inspectors and B~-Lmgual Social Worker and feels that ,,~ , these services are desperately needed on the south s~de r ' , ~ , IV. 1994-1995 BUDGET DISCUSSION ' , ,~ ,' · Op c , ,, enmq Remarks - Mayor Gerald L Farley ~ ~.~ ~ ¢ · .,~'Mayor Farley stated that the V~llage BoArd ~s responsible ,foEestabhshmg the ., , spending pohc~es for the coming year Unfortunately, the slow economy has made th~s year's budget especially d~fficult because.of the levels of service whmh have to be maintained w~th hm~ted funds He read the recommendabons from the Rnance Commission to the Vdlage Board ,, ,;, ¢~ j~ ,-Dick Bachhuber, Chairman of the Finance Commission, spoke ,He stated that h~s Commission spent many hours rewewmg the budget and stated that the budget recommendabons submitted by the F~nance Commission reflects a generally conservative outlook on municipal services , ,, ,,, ~ · Refuse Contract Overview ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ , ,, ~. Ken Westlake, Solid Waste Commission Chairman, spoke He stated that the Mount Prospect program has been very successful and has had three good years -., w~th Arc ,, Arc also came m w~th the lowest b~d among the seven that prowded ,~ .; b~ds Included m w~th the b~ds was an expansion of the R~cychng Program, the ;, , ~ ' conbnuabon of the Brush Program m the same fashion that ~t ~s now, d~rect bdhng ~,: of white goods Th~s n~w program ~s expected to increase the dwers~on rates of : Mount Prospect's sohd waste by 10-20% -,, ~ ,. , ,~ ,-. -, Trustee Wilks stated that she had received 80 phone calls about the refuse charge remaining on the property tax and of those 80 cells, her tally was 79-1 to keep the charge as part of the property tax Trustee Hoefert stated he agrees w~th the analys~s of mowng to one container based on the ~ncreased recychng effort (~ ~ 2 Trustee Clowes stated he was pleased~w~th the b~d result ~ However, he would hke to see SWANCC cost reductions s~m~lar to the amount of reductions that Arc has prowded ~n their latest bid Mayor Farley stated the question before the Board ~s whether to accept the Arc b~d for a three-year penod Trustee Hendrlcks requested unhm~ted p~ck-up at the meeting w~th the Sohd Waste Commiss~on and h~s rewew of the b~d results submitted to the Vdlage Board show a substanbal sawngs to the residents Total sawngs which he projects is approximately $108,537 for the three-year period of the contract He stated he does not agree w~th the Commission's recommendation and would hke the Vdlage Board to consider unhm~ted p~ck-up. Trustee Clowes stated that ~t is a good point that Tr"ustee Hendncks brought up concerning unhm~ted pick-up However, one critical component of unhm~ted p~ck- up ~s increased bpplng fees due to add~bonal refuse Therefore, we wdl end up paying more to SWANCC for unhm~ted p~ck-up Village Manager Janonis stated that in order to cover the total ~;ost of the program, there ~s a need for revenue which is generated by the sale of refuse stickers All revenue goes back into the program to cover the total costs The Vdlage does not make any money on the program For example, 6100 tons of waste was d~verted 'which amounted to avoided bpp~ng fees by recychng With unhm~ted p~ck-up, there would be no mcenbve for recychng For example, the refuse sbckers generate a specific amount of revenue which ~f not available would have to be made up through ~ncreased property taxes Therefore, techmcally, the sale of refuse st~ckers reduces the amount of property tax rehance to cover the refuse program Trustee Wilks asked ~f the revenue were not avadable from the sbcker sales, how much addlbonal revenue ~would have to be generated thr~ough the property tax Dave jepson st.~ted that the property tax would have to ~n~rease approximately $80,000 He also stated that ~f one could add 10% diversion to the recycling program, there would be a $24,000 sawngs in t~pp~ng fees Mayor Farley summarized the pos~bon of the Vdlage Board as 6-1 ~n favor of the Arc contract He also summarized the pos~t~on of the Vdlage Board for the five- year contract The consensus was approximately 6-1 to s~gn up for the five-year program , Trustee Skowron stated that ~he would I~ke to b~d the last'two years and would hke ~ an overview of the past h~story if we had provided a five-year contract prewously Mayor Farley requested additional information about the five-year contract optmn by the April 5 Vdlage Board meeting 3 Trustee Clowes ~stated he tho~ight ~t was a good ~dea to ~use th~ CPI as a basis for future cost ~ncr~es' Non-DepaAment Expend~ms Dave Jepson prowded an ove~ew of the Non-Depadmental Expenditures ~ncludmg a rewew of the ~nbngency funds, ~p~tal improvements, ~p~tal proje~ requests, ~mumty and owc seduces, debt se~, pension funds and the self- insurance fund He fudher noted that there ~s a request for a decrease of $64,000 for debt se~l~ and reducbon of the refuse budget based on the bid prowded by Arc ..... , The change m the self-~nsurance fund refle~s the ~st sawngs attributed to the change in the insurance program whmh o~urred m 1993 This cost redu~lon will reduce p~m~d~ cos~ for rebrees ~Mr. Janonis ~tated that the Vdlage has ~ntrolled the cost of health' insurance through rewsmg the out-of-pocket msuran~ ~sts and tying these ~sts to an employee's actual sala~ Also, the msuran~ plan includes no ws~on or dental ~nsuran~'~ 'The ~ns~rance ~awngs amounted to ~pprox~mately $300,000 below ~rojecbons for~the~fis~l year Tm~ee Cl°~s ~tat~d that he was opposed to the~in~ea~d funding for the H~ston~l Society bemuse.. ~ there are other priorities besides ; Tm~ee Henddcks~st~ted he ms,~lso opposed to ~n~rease mn Hmstorm~l Socmety May&r Fadey~tated that the reason for the increase m fundmng for the Hmston~l 'Socmety ms~ to~p~owde a 'steady stream ~of funds for them m order to provmde programs of edu~bon for the c~unmty. Mayor,Farley asked for a ~nsensus of the Board ' ' ' ~ ' The general co~sen~u~ for the Non-D~p~dmeBt Items was geheral ac~ptance including a consensus of 4-2 w~th ~o against the H~ston~l So~ety funding Mayor Farley provmded an outhne of the vanous ~tems ~n the~budget that had ?hanged smgnmfi~ntly fr?m the prevmous budget year 1 Vdlage Manage?s O~ mncrease .m~ trammng budget ~ Consensus of the Wllage Board was to s~ppo~ ,thms expenditure Trustee Hendncks was agamnst the expenditure' Communications Division was discussed, specifically, the Vdlage Newsletter There was general d~scuss~on concerning the frequency of the Newsletter, however, no specific d~recbon was prowded to the staff Funding of Commun~cabons Dw~s~on The F~nance Commission had recommended th~s D~ws~on be discontinued The general consensus was to continue funding cable with the consensus of 6-1,:- Trustee Hendncks recommended the Cable Dw~s~on be deleted In the absence of documentation prowng that the cable funding is not worthwhde, cable should be conbnued as Resident Emle Lasse, 805 South Elm, spoke He recommended a c~tlzens survey to determine the effecbveness of the Cable D~ws~on Manager Janonis stated that the Village must do a survey as part of ~ts cable renewal process and that wdl take place th~s coming year. Computer ' System Funding General, consensus supporting th~s expenditure Public Works Budget Manager Janonis stated that last year was the first year the budget included conbngencies for possible emergency funding There Is an option to put some of the proceeds from the Pine/Wille sale ~nto a conbngency fund A general questmn of the need for con~bnual funding for the Solid Waste Coordinator was d~scussed Herb Weeks stated that there remains a need for Sohd Waste Coordinator in order to pohce fiy dumping There also remains work to be done in managing the sohd waste program for multl-famdy dwelhng units There was general consensus to support the Pubhc Works Budget as presented by staff The add~bon of three new Pohce Officers was discussed General d~scussmn concerning the three add~bonal Pohce Officers followed The three new Pohce Officers are part of the overall package as venfied by the ~Vlsions Sub-Committee which remains very ~sbpport~ve of the overall package presented by the Vdlage Therefore, the Finance Commission recommendabons would be rejected Trustee Clowes recommended that the value of the three add~tional Officers by quantified m order to know what benefit is being received He supports the three additional Officers 5 ~Mayor ,Farley ,summarized the ~ViIlage Board's pos~bon as general consensus for the addition of three new Officers Planning Department was the next area rewewed Economic Development Fund ~ . ~ ~ Trustee Hendricks quesb ned whether the full ,000 needed to be put into the fu~nd and asked if the funding could be spl~t over a couple of fiscal years r.-Manager Janonis stated that any e~pend~ture of th~s fund would still need Village Board approval and any amount not spent would roll into next year's The general consensus of the Boa~:d wa's to support th~s fund on a 5-1 ~,consensus ,Trustee Hendncks voiced opp0s~bon to the funding Fire Department Budget General consensus of the Board 'was 4-~ t~ fund the 17-man sh~ft Trustees Clowes and Hendncks voiced opposition to th~s funding ger Ja onis stated that the ggest of ,Trustees Cio and Mana n at su ion wes Wilks, at the last Committee of the Whole meebng, he instructed the F~re Chief to add the ESDA and pa~d-on-call funding back ~nto the budget and reduce other ~tems to make up the d~fference He assured the Board that service would not be compromised ' Trustee Hoefert suggested that a future Committee e Whole discussion occur about the necessity ?f the pa~d-on-call personnel Purchase of a Quint General consensus of the Board was 6-1 w~th Trustee Hendncks opposing the purchase , ,, Inspection Services Department , ,- ,~ '~ ' Add~bon of Inspector. ;General consensus, of the Board was 6-1 w~th ~Trustee Hendncks against the addition Trustee Clowes recommended th~s pos~bon be rewewed ~n three years, to determine ~f the need remains after the three year penod -,, , Add~bon of Traffic Engineer General consensus of the Board was 5-2 with Trustees Hendncks and Clowes voicing opposition to th~s expenditure Trustee Corcoran recommended a three-year sunset to rewew whether ~ there conbnues to be a need for the Traffic Engineer after a three-year ~, ~, .... period The need should be based on the comparison of b~d for services between what the V~llage could prowde and what private contractors can prowde 9 Human Services Department Additional of B~-L~ngual Social Worker from part-time to full-brae General consensus of the V~llage Board ~s to approve the increase ~n hours and funding Consensus was 6-1 w~th Trustee Hendncks against V~s~ons Group Funding General consensus of the Board was to approve the funding w~th a general consensus of unanimous support General budgetary comments of various Board members include the following A rewew of the Network 50 Program and the value the program is providing pnor to next fiscal year A follow-up report about Sales Tax projections and the add~bonal revenue generated by Sales Tax. Dave Jepson stated he would report to the V~llage Board penod~cally about the new revenue sources and how they are tracking over time Manager Janonis suggested that a Committee of the Whole meeting be set up ~n the near future to talk about general financ4al ~ssues prior to these issues becoming cribcal Mr Janoms stated the Budget is up for first reading on April 5 and a Public Heanng on April 19 with the second reading at that t~me He said he would I~ke to thank Finance Department staff for budget assistance and pulling all the documentation together, V. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Hendricks stated he has s~gned the letter objecbng to the Route 83 SRA and the letter has been sent out Trustee Wilks stated the V~llage recently received Tree C~ty USA Award and sa~d there were sbll some campaign s~gns on light poles throughout the V~llage Manager Janonis stated the Public Works Department ~s in the process of pulling those s~gns down at th~s point Trustee Corcoran would like a scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting m the near future to d~scuss emergency preparedness 7 VlJ' ADJOURNMENT .... The Committee of the Whole meebng/Budget Heanng wa~ adjourned at 10 10 p m ~?~ Respectfully submitted, .... ' ~ ~ DAVID STRAHL ~ [ DS/rcc" ' / , ~Ass~stant to the Wllage Manager