HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/1994 COW minutes MINUTES
JULY 12, 1994
The meebng was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at 7'36 p m Present at
the meebng were Trustees Timothy Corceran, R~chard Hendr,cks, Paul Hoefert,
M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Trustee George Clowes amved at 7 38 p m
Also present at the meeting were V~llage Manager Michael Janonis, Assistant to
the Village Manager Dav;d Strahl, Police Chief Ronald Pavlock, Village Attorney
Everatte Hill and Planning Director Will,am Cooney
Motion was made by Trustee Wilks and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to approve
the Minutes of June 28, 1994 Minutes were approved unanimously. Trustees
Corcoran and Hendncks abstained
Mayor Farley stated that the Village ;s rewewmg vanous Codes and Ordinances
as part of its general rewew of all Codes Th~s is the first comprehensive review
of the Liquor Ordinance m some time. The Village has requested and received
extensive c~flzen ~nput on the proposed draft which has resulted in a staff copy for
review for tonight's meet;ng
Three sections of the Code which received extensive rawew ~nciude the live
entertainment section, the underage dnnklng section and the fighting prowslons
Village Attorney Hill provided a summary of all three areas which have been
changed and described what spec;fics w~thin each area have been changed The
live entertainment section prowdes a better defimbon of entertainment and it
removes the restriction on the type of entertainment relating to whether it was live
or disc jockey type of entertainment
The underage dnnklng section has been revised to prohibit m~nors from sltbng at
a~bar or being seated in a lounge w~thout a parent or guardian The fight
prowslons have been rewsed to remove the presumpbon that the individual was
over-served to cause the fight in the hcensed estabhshment The change requires
a "maintenance of order" standard placed on the licensee
Chief Pavlock stated that he believes the fight regulabons are much better than
before and would wholeheartedly support them
Tod Curtis, owner of Ye Olde Town Inn, spoke He stated he is speaking on
behalf of numerous hcense holders ' He would request a change to Secbon
13 129 2 relating to m~nors seated m lounge areas He questions the defimtlon of
a lounge He also would request a change ~n Section 13 108(c) whereby the
licensee automabcally forfeits his hquor license if he is closed for four consecutive
days He would request a Hearing by the Liquor Control Commlssmner prior to
losing the hcanse He stated h~s group would provide additional comments by
July 14 for consideration by the Village
General discussion followed where vanous Board members discussed the three
areas where there had been major changes and other miscellaneous parts of the
Ordmance Attorney Hill stated he could revise the language concerning the
supervision of minors in the lounge areas to ~nclude non-parent or guardians
whereby minors could still use the lounge-type areas for consumption of food He
also stated he could revisit the definlbon of a lounge, however, he felt that the
broad definition as described in the Ordinance probably covers the vast majonty
of the types of lounges of hcansees
The general consensus of the V~llage Board was to address the definltmn of
lounge ~n order to allow minors to s~t in lounge areas w~thout a parent or guardian
Also, they recommended that partnership definitions mclude a requirement that the
applicant must be a resident of the Village ~of Mount Prospect They also
requested a revision of the automatic forfeiture of the hcense and requested the
burden be put on the licensee to show why the licensee was unable to operate
during the period described in the Ordinance which would require forfeiting the
The meeting was recessed at 8 27 p m due to a power failure The meetmg
reconvened at 8 36 p m; at the Mount Prospect Police and Fire Headquarters
tra~mng room
Consensus of the Board was to rewew any forfeitures of licenses and reiterated
the fact that the number of hcense types are automatically reduced each t~me a
license is forfeited Therefore, any new establishment must go before the Board
to add an add~bonal license
The Board members felt the language in Section 13 102 prohibits honor bars ~n
hotel rooms but does not prohibit room service to hotel rooms ~ The Board further
requested the Class defimbon be included with the type of letter of the I~cense
which corresponds in the descnpbons The Class V definition should also include
the floor area I~m~t and the service station prohibition for th~s hcense type The
V~llage Board also requested the inclusion of the prohibition of alcohol
consumption on public property to be ~ncluded
Rick Russo, representative of El Sombrero Restaurant ~n Mount Prospect,
requested the Board consider live outdoor entertainment for non-profit purposes
be exempt from the I~m~t on the number of events which can occur annually
The Village Board requested staff to consider addressing the point brought up
relabng to the non-profit hcensees or chantable events and to reconsider allowing
one or more outdoor activities per year However, there should be inclusion on the
length of time such actlwtles occur such as, I~mlt the t~me of event to not more
than three days and w~thln a specific linear footage of res~denbal un,ts
Members of the Village Board requested the prohibition of employees or agents
of licensees consuming alcohol on the premises of the licensee
John McDermott, L~ons Club representative, asked ~f th~s prohibition ~s also a
restriction on consumption after someone works their shift at an event hke the
July 4 celebration
Harry Kl~ngeman, represenbng the Illinois Restaurant Assomabon, spoke. He felt
that certain portions of the Code wolates the ADA provisions and also some c~wl
rights relating to the fighbng prows~ons
John McDermott also stated that the s~gn which must be displayed concamlng
fighting felt was rather b~g and Attorney H~II stated the sign ~s only required to be
a summary and it is not that big
Manager Janonls stated that based on the comments provided by the Board, he
would I~ke to bnng back the Liquor Ordinance for m~t~al vote on August 2
Members of the Board approved th~s time frame
Mayor Farley brought up the draft of the Keg Ord~nanca for d~scuss~on
Chief Pavlock stated that a regional law would be more helpful ~n enfor~ng the
Keg Ordinance Based on his records, he has seen only three incidents of keg
purchases over the last three years He feels ~t is not a significant problem at this
t~me, however, it would be helpful in tracking the point of purchase of kegs He
said that there are nine establishments ~n Mount Prospect which could sell kegs
He stated that kegs are not very popular anymore
Members of the V~llage Board felt that the Keg Ordmanca can be brought back
s~nca it is wr, tten to define a keg as more than one and one-half gallons Also,
they would consider charging addibonal fee for keg tagging but is concerned about
encouraging participation among I,censees
, Trustee Clowes stated he ~s not comfortable w~th hcensees having to prowde a list
of keg purchases as required by the Liquor Ordinance' He felt ,t would be better
for the list to be available for ~nspecbon
The consensus of the V~llage Board after much discussion was that the Police can
inspect the logs on a spot-check basis Board members also felt there ~s general
support for the Keg Ordinance and would hke to get the input of keg sellers pnor
to the Keg Ordinance coming before the Board for ~n~bal vote They also felt the
fee should be a minimum fee charg~ for the keg and the tap and ~t Would be
considered a deposit for the tag Chief Pavlock should survey area communities
which have a Keg Ordinance to determine appropriate fees Finally, the Keg
Ordinance should be part of the L~qu. or Code
· ~ ' pi gO
~, , Manager Janonls introduced the Second Housekee n rdlnance and the details
relating to it and stated that the Ordinance provides a mechanism for staff to
administer the regulations as outhned to el~minate two housekeeping units within
a residential unit in the Residential Zoned D~stnct
Bill Cooney prowded a general overview of the Ordinance and provided details of
the admmlstrabon
Mayor Farley stated that he has concerns relating to church-related buildings that
house teachers, s~sters and/or pastors He requested that staff review and survey
area churches to determine what types of units they have because he felt
uncomfortable prohibiting church uses m residential areas
William Reddy, 105 South Elm, spoke to the Board He wants to encourage the
Board to do something to eliminate non-conforming residential use which th~s
Ordinance would address
The consensus of the Village Board was to review and survey area churches and
community homes as necessary in order to include them in the Ordinance as to
not prohibit their use within a residential area
Trustee V~lks stated that there was a foul odor emitting from Weller Creek
recently. Manager Janoms stated that the heavy rain caused MWRD to allow
sewage to fiil in w~th the Creek and ;t w~ll take a couple of rams to wash out the
sewage that may be I,ngenng ;n the Creek, however, the smell should be
ehm,nated w~th~n the next couple of days
The Execut,ve Session was cancelled due to the late hour by the Mayor.
The Comm;ttee of the Whole meet;ng adjourned 11'27 p m
DS/fcc Assistant to the Village Manager