HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1994 COW minutes MINUTES
AUGUST 23, 1994
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at 7 33 p m Present at
the meebng were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R;chard
Hendncks, Paul Hoefert and M,chaele Skowron Absent from the meeting was
Trustee Irvana W~lks Also present at the meeting were V~ltage Manager Michael
Janoms, Ass;stant to the V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Commumcatlons
Admm;stretor Cheryl Pasahc, V,llage Clerk Carol Raids, Human Serwces D~rector
Nancy Morgan, Planning D~rector W~lham Cooney, V~llage Planner Make S~ms and
Inspection Services Chuck Benc~c
Acceptance of the M~nutes from August 9, 1994 Motion was made by Trustee
Corcoran and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to accept the Mmutes M~nutes were
unammously approved
Dean Prlkkel, 1731 West Pheasant Trail, spoke He requested a Stop S~gn to be
~nstalled at Pheasant Tra~l and Lavergne He submitted a Petition from residents
~n the area w~th 34 s~gnatures
Manager Janonis ~ntroduced the topic by prowd~ng general background on tax~-cab
rates He also stated that the V~llage also works w~th other area commumt~es to
coordinate efforts relabng to rates and service He stated that he has been
~nformed of no s~gn~ficant service problems dunng the past couple of years
Mayor Farley declared the Pubhc Heanng open at 7 41 p m w~th Trustees Clowes,
Corcoran, Hendncks, Hoefert and Skowron present Nobce was pubhshed on
August 4, 1994 ~n the Da~ly Herald ~
Nick Zajac, of American Taxi, spoke. He stated that he ~s requesting the rate
~ncrease at th~s time due to the ~ncreased cost of doing business which ~ncludes
insurance and fuel increases He stated his last increase was granted ~n 1991
Village Clerk Carol Fields stated that the V~llage has regulated rates s~nce before ~')_~
1974 and has used the regulabons to regulate the number of companies and
vehicles through the Ordinance ~n the past
Trustee Hoefert spoke He stated there appears to be three companies operabng
w~th~n Mount Prospect He would request the V~llage Board consider deregulating
tax~-cabs However, he would I~ke to retain the ab~hty to hcense and ~nspect and
st~ll prowde semor clbzen rate oversight
Mayor Farley stated that he felt ~t was important the tax~-cab companies nobfy the
V~llage of ~ncreases so the Village would be aware of the effect on semor c~tlzens
Trustee Corcoran stated that he th~nks the ~ncrease ~s justified and agrees to the
~ncrease but does not want to deregulate
Trustee Clowes stated that he supports the rate ~ncraase but would like to
deregulate also
Trustee Skowron requested some mformabon about the hand~capped/semor c~bzen
d~scount program works
Nancy Morgan stated that ~n order to qualify for the program, riders must have a ~
doctor's note and must have mob~hty I~m~tat~ons She stated that there were
approximately 5400 rides tn 1993 and the ndersh~p so far this year has remained
consistent w~th the prewous year
Trustee Skowron stated that she supports the ~ncrease and would support
Trustee Hendrlcks stated that he had no comment
Mr. Lynch, of South Louis, suggested the Board consider setting the rates as
maximums or not to exceed rates Therefore, it would allow compet~bon for other
taxi-cab companies to charge less than the maximum rates
Dick Bachhuber, 625 South Edward, spoke He stated that he has expenencad
some service problems with poor dnvlng and poor malntenanca of the vehicles
Mr. Janonis stated that the vehicles are respected four t~mes per year
Mr. Zajac stated that if nders see problems, it ~s ~mportant that they report them
to the company for resolution
Randy Moss, 303 Cab Company, spoke He stated that he has been expenenc~ng
the same cost increases as Amencen Taxt He stated he would recommend
deregulabon and stated that the market determines the rates to be charged He
(~ayor Fted he operates m towns which are deregulated and theyrequ~re prior
obce requirements for rate tncreases ~,~[~¢N.~.-~
arley d~rected staff to determine the ~mpact of Ordinance language whtch
stated tn part a maximum rate or not to exceed figure for the rates and
recommended bnnging back the d~scuss~on of deregulation at another Commtttee
of the Whole meeting
Trustee Hendrlcks stated that he ~s opposed to the rate tncrease and he has no
pos~t~on on deregulabon because ~t ~s not on the Agenda
Trustee I-Ioefert stated that there appears to be a majonty and wants to move
Mayor Farley closed the Public Hearing at 8:18 p.m,
Cheryl Pasalic stated that as part of the Franchise Renewal process, ~t ~s
necessary to look at the performance of the cable televts~on system Jonathan
Kramer, President of Commumcet~ons Support Corporabon, spoke He ~s
responsible for the techn~cel rewew to determine the cond~bon of the cable system
as part of the Franchise renewal He stated that he found p~cture-quahty problems
at the beginning of the cable hne at TCl and recommended changes ~n order to
~mprove the p~cture He also stated that he has been unable to complete the test
due to the problems at the head end of the cable hne at TCI's fac~hbes He
anticipates completing the technical testing dunng the first week of December and
he also stated that TCl has been cooperative tn h~s review efforts
Mayor Farley stated that the ~nformabon prowded ~s not necessary to be acted
upon and anbc~pates add~tmnal d~scussion once the written report has been
Manager Janonis stated that the V~llage has experienced numerous problems w~th
TCl's service ~n the past and ~s concerned that the past performance ts an
md~cabon of future service He feels that TCl has no commitment for quahty
service to the subscnbers
Trustee Coreoran stated that he feels that TCI should pay for the consultant to this
point s~nca TCl caused the problem which d~d not allow the consultant to fimsh his
Susan Dean, System Manager for TCI, stated that TCl has spent over $1 m~lhon
improwng the Mount Prospect head end and was ~n the process of activating the
head end when the auditor arrived She stated that TCl ~s not ~gnonng the system
as stated by the Trustees
Mayor Farley opened the Public Hearing at 8:47 p.m. Trustee Clowes, Corcoran,
Hendrlcks, Hoefert and Skowmn were present. The public not~ce of the Heanng
was published in the Da~ly Herald on August 8, 1994
Che~/I Pasalic stated that there is I~m~ted regulation authority available to Mount
Prospect and it must follow very specific regulation and formulas The V~llage was
certified to regulate local rates as of October of 1993 Th~s is only a preliminary
Hearing and at least one additional Heanng w~ll be scheduled ~n order to sohc~t
~nformabon from c~t~zens relating to the regulation of basic rates
Trustee Corcoran recommended a rewew of the rates s~nce the date that TCl
came ~nto being w~th~n Mount Prospect and compare the year-by-year increases
to ~nflat~on He also stated that he felt TCI was ~n the process of doing some cost
sh~ftlng and had limited impact on overall rates
Susan Dean, from TCl, stated that she would inwte Trustees and the Technical
Consultant to rewew the capital ~nvestment that TCI has made recently
Jim Mitchell, from TCI, stated that he had wanted to get the technical programs up
and running for Intelhgent TV pnor to the Consultant arriving He also stated that
TCl will provide a VIP box for rewew of all system channels although they have
not typically done this ~n the past
Trustee Coreoren recommended a future Committee of the Whole meeting to
demonstrate the new system and the d~fference between the old and the new
Mayor Farley closed the Public Hearing at 9:00 p.m.
Cheryl Pasalic stated that she hoped there would be an ~ntenm rate order ~n
Ord~nanca form by late September or early October for the Board to consider
Bill Cooney prowded a general overview of the Comprehensive Plan based on the
comments the V~llage Board members had made at a previous Committee of the
Whole meeting He stated that over 31 ~tems which received comments, 18 ~tems
were changed based on the comments made and 13 ~tems were recommended
to remain as is by the staff
V~llage Board members prowded comments on the proposed rews~ons
Item 4 of B~II Cooney's memo Trustees felt that services to all people should be
provided ~n the narrabve and not specifically target any individual groups
Item 15 of Mr Cooney's memo was requested to be rewsed so that the street
resurfac~ng I~st could be put ~nto an appendix or it could be referenced through the
annual Budget Capital Improvement Budget
Item 16 Various members of the Board stated they felt the statement relating to
the Park D~stnct and School D~stnct use of commumty property or reuse of such
fac~hbes may not be compabble to ong~nally ~ntended use Staff is to reword the
language based on the comments of the V~llage Board members
Item 19 Language should be rewsed The V~llage should work toward mutual a~d
for Paramedic serwces to ehm~nate the need for future north s~de fire stabon
Item 21. Board members would hke the language rewsed to menbon the
rehab~l~tabon of the water tower and the eventual moving of the water tower to
Melas Park
Don We,bel, Chairman of the Plan Commission, stated that item 15, repair of
infrastructure for flood control issues was ~ntended to protect the land use and
recommends the delebon of ~tems referencing ~nfrastructure ~tems not related to
protecbng land use
Manager Janonls stated that he would I~ke to bnng the Comprehensive Plan for
approval of the V~llage Board once these comments are incorporated into a revised
Manager Janonis stated that he would I~ke to receive some input from V~llage
Board members as to their thoughts for staff to prepare for long-term d~scuss~on
~tems relabng to budget and operations
Trustee Skowron requested a Committee of the Whole d~scusslon in the near
future to d~scuss the Baleflll and would I~ke a short bnefing from someone e~ther
on the Board or on staff deta~hng the Board's involvement ~n the Balefill tssue to
Trustee Hendricks stated that Centel has pebt~oned the Ilhno~s Commerce
Commission to engage ~ts $ 05 calhng area to respond to c~bzen complaints and
The remaining Items mga~llng Residential Garage Regulations and the
Zoning/Property Maintenance Code Issues were deferred until another Committee
of the Whole meeting.
The Committee of the Whole meebng adJOUrned at 10 07 p m
Respectfully submitted,
DS/rcc Assistant to the V~llage Manager