HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1994 COW minutes MINUTES
SEPTEMBER 13, 1994
The meeting was celled to order by Mayor Gerald Farley at 7.39 p m Present at
the meebng were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard
Hendncks, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Trustee Paul Hoefert arrived at
8 50 p m Aisc present at the meeting were V~llage Manager M~chael Janonls,
Assistant to the V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Skip Hart of the F~re Department,
F~nance D~rector Dawd Jepson, Public Works D~rector Herb Weeks, Deputy Public
Works D~rector Glen Andler, Public Works Streets Supenntendent Mel Both and
V~llage Engineer Jeff Wulbecker.
Acceptance of the Minutes from August 23, 1994 Mobon was made by Trustee
Corcoran and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to accept the M~nutes Trustee Wilks
abstained from accepting the M~nutes M~nutes were approved
Roger C~ernlak, owner of the Conflrlbntaj Bakei~y, spoke I-]e s~ated ~ ceme to
t~e meeting to voice h~s cbncerns {'61at~ng t(~ the F~rd Department i'eqb~ement that
he install a Knox bdx A Kno~( box Is the for securing of a key to his building
which only F~re Departn~ent personnel would have access to the box In the case
of an alarm, they could use the key to enter the building without damaging the
building (w~ndows, doors, etc) He feels that h~s secunty ~s being compromised
by the requirement of ~nstalhng such a box and he has been ~n Court and been
fined $100 a day until ~nstallabon of th~s box He feels he ~s being singled out
beceuse he has a spnnkler system
Skip Hart spoke. He stated the Ordinance ceme out of a staff recommendabon
to prowde access to businesses for F~re Department personnel w~thout damaging
the property to gain entrance ~n cese of an alarm He stated that the had celled
the Knox box company and they reported to him they have received no reports of
vandalism or damage to the boxes they prowde He stated that there are 196
businesses in Mount Prospect w~th spnnkler systems and approximately 130
businesses with the Knox box The F,re Prevention Bureau is requmng Knox
boxes and spnnkler systems in businesses which are h~gh-nsk of fire due [o
vanous building conditions er the bus~ness operation ~tself
Mayor Farley stated that the box that he has examined appears to be secure and
beheves that Mr Czernlak ~s rece~wng fair treatment
Trustee Clowes asked whether a warranty ~s available from the company that
manufactures the boxes and whether there have been destruction claims filed
against the company
The consensus of the Village Board was that after review of the warranty, the
Mayor will poll the Village Board to determine if they want to change this regulation
of requiring Knox boxes to be Installed where sprinkler systems are In place.
Mayor Farley prowded a general overview of the Wedgewood Terrace Storm
Water Study area
Resident Nancy Bobikewicz, t 114 Meadow Lane, spoke She ~s President of the
Wedgewood Terrace Homeowners Associatmn She stated that she is satisfied
w~th the ~nteracbon which has occurred between the homeowners, the Eng~neer
and the Village m an effort to recbfy their situation She stated that her only
concern was the maintenance of the culverts and d~tches She stated that most
c~bzens ~n the area do maintain the d~tches but there are some ~nd~wduals who are
downstream that do not maintain the d~tches and she would recommend the
V~llage Board approve an Ordinance to charge homeowners for d~tch maintenance
Herb Weeks stated that there ~s currently no Ordinance ~n the V~llage Code which
requires people to maintain ditches Herb also stated that he currently does not
· ~ have the manpower to clean each and every d~tch in the Village and must rely on
~' c~tizens to maintain d~tches and feels that it ,s their respons~bihty. "
Mr. Janonis stated that ~fwe maintained d~tches, then there may be an expectabon
that the Village maintain parkways also He feels ,t is ~mportant to put the burden
on the homeowner
Melonle Pond, Project Engineer for RUST Engineering, spoke. She stated that
she had made changes to the ongmal plans at residents' requests and comments
relating to concrete culverts and add~bonal ditches and the number projected for
private property improvements may ~ncrease s~nce the numbers were esbmated
a couple of years ago There are five homes which w~ll need some type of grading
improvements and two other properties which will requfre some type of private
property improvements
· Consensus of Village Board was to request staff to draft an Ordinance relating to
~'~' ditch and culvert maintenance for consideration of the Village Board. There will
be approximately $11,000 in private property improvements. The Village will share
costs of these Improvements at $0%, however, some property owners will have
more Improvements than others, therefore, there will not be an equal division
among all property owners. The Board also requested research by staff relating
to drainage easements to specific properties affected by the Improvements.
Finally, the Board set the time frame for the Improvement as 1997.
Mayor Farley prowded general ~nformabon relating to concerns of the Village and
th~s ~nformabon prowded by SWANCC relates to SWANCC's response of the
demal of the landfill permit and the continuation of Mount Prospect's participation
in SWANCC F~nally, the Board is ~nterested in ~nformabon relating to the
proposed extension of hours of operabon for the Transfer Station
Brooke Beal, Executive Director of SWANCC, spoke. He stated the Agency ~s
currently rewewmg ~ts options and recommendations w~ll be brought forth to the
Board cf SWANCC on September 21 to determine the next move of SWANCC
Among the opbons to be d~scussed may be possible ht~gat~on He stated the
Transfer Station is currently accepting 600 tons of garbage per day and have had
no =tabons at the Stabon filed by the EPA or the c~t~zens which are included ~n the
"Good Neighbor" Program The recommendabon is to process waste unbl
9 00 p m ~nstead of 6 00 p m Aisc, the Stabon w~ll accept waste until 4 00 p m
in the future just as ~t does now, however, ~t w~ll have additional time to bundle the
bales and sh~p to the landfills the first th~ng the next morning The request ~s also
to store bales of garbage overnight ~n the building ~f the bales are totally enclosed
and are on the trucks inside at the brae the landfills close Aisc, the change ~n
hours of the Transfer facility ~ncludes a recommendabon not to operate on
Saturday because there ~s not enough material to warrant Saturday hours any
longer He feels that the change ~n hours w~ll be more cost-efficient and w~ll
prowde no negabve ~mpact on area residents
He stated that the Village of Mount Prospect's obligation under the Project Use
Agreement ~s 8 86% of the debt which ~s currently $60 m~lhon ~n Bonds He also
stated that the Agency charges rates to members to cover their percentage of the
cost of the overall operabon and port~on of the Capital costs
There was general d~scusslon of the V~llage Board relating to Transfer Station
There was no general consensus of support for a change in the hours of operation.
Dave Jepsen spoke He stated that h~s estimate of the cost of terminating the
Project Use Agreement to be approximately $5,484,340 and he beheved there
m~ght be a poss~b~hty of potenhal future hab~hty to the V~llage for Bonds The
Village would also be obhgated to pay an additional $2 00 per ton and be required
to use the Transfer Station even after termination of the Agreement
Brooke Beal stated that the V~llage would not have to pay $5 4 m~lhon at one t~me
It would just be pa~d through t~pp~ng fees and the V~llage would no longer have
voting rights He stated there would be no additional surcharge required of the
V~llage The Village would be required to cover ~ts port~on of the capital and the
debt currently outstanding He stated he was not sure of the details relating to
termination of the Agreement but th~s was h~s recollection
Trustee Hoefert recommended SWANCC prowde a cost breakdown to each
member if SWANCC was broken up
Mr, Janonis stated that these first changes to the operation of the Transfer Station
may or may not be a problem but future changes w~ll be based on economics
Furthermore, communities who are closest to the Station should get some type of
advance not~ce prior to d~scuss~on at the Executive Committee level of SWANCC
Trustee Comorsn stated that there appears to be a decrease In members' waste
and feels that the Agency w~ll market its excess cepac~ty to keep volumes steady
General consensus of the Village Board was to request review and summary by
SWANCC estimating the cost to get out of SWANCC based on the Project Use
No report
Trustee Hendricks stated that he is going to request the V~llage Board reconsider
the vote on the Nextel Tower at the V~llage Board meeting on September 20 He
also requested a Resolution to allow all Trustees to be considered alternate
SWANCC delegates
Consensus of the Village Board was not to direct staff to draft a Resoluaon
allowing all Board members to be considered altemate members to SWANCC.
A Motion was made to go into Executive Session to discuss L~t~gat~on and Land
^cqu,s~t~on Motmn was approved w~th Trustee Clowes and Trustee Hendncks
voting against going into Executive Sessmn The Board entered Executive
Session at 10 02 p m
Respectfully submitted,
DS/fcc Assistant to the V~llage Manager