HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 57-85 12/03/1985
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I, ................Ç,<:.E.?~...!\..:....~~.~}-.?.~................"""""""'""".....,..,..... do hereby certify
that I am the duly {~;~d } and qualified Secretary and the keeper of the records. a~d corporate seal of
,.......~JJ.~.. .Y.:t..~ :l~g. ~.. .g.r...~.9..~n.t...rJ:9.§.p'~g.:t;:........ ........ .,... ......................... .u...........~~o~~o; ft~~ organized and
existing under the laws of ...t.h,~;...$..t.9-..t.~...9.t....J).),J.D.9.i.ê........ and that the following is a true and correct copy
of certain resolutions duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors thereof, convened and held in accordance
with law and the by.laws of said corporation on the ..................~E.~......................uu.....u.......u............u........ day of
...!?!:5?~~J:::r::.................................., 19..~.~..., and that such resolutions are now in full force and effect and are not
in contravention of, or in conflict with the by.laws or the charter or articles of incorporation of said corporation:
BE IT RESOLVED That Oak Brook Bank, Oak Brook, IIJinois be and hereby is designated
a d~positary in which rhe funds of this corporation may be deposited b, it, officers. agents and emp10yees and that the President. any Vice
Pr~sident. the Treasurer. any Assistant Treasurer, the Secretary. any AS5istant Secretary. or any other officer of this corporation be and
hereby is authorized to open and maintain an account or ac,counts with said Bank and to endorse and deposit with said Bank negotiabJe
instrument, and orders for the pa)m~nt of money which endorsements may be made in writing or by a stamp and without designation of
the person so ..ndorsiog, and it being under~tood and, a~reed that on. all such items deposited, '111 prior endorsements 'Ire guaranteed by
this corpor'ltion whether or not an express guaranty J~ Incorporated In such endorsements.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any .....u9..~~.................._......_...._......_.. of the followin&:
(OÐO or .wo, e.e.)
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of thi. corporation be authorized: .
To ma.ke and from time to time continue to make such arrangementa and to issue such inatructiol1.l as to ~ ~ I ehap seem
ì them í
proper for the conduct of any such account or accounts, and
To <;ign checks and ord~r5 for the payment of money withdrawing funds from said account or accounts and 0 a k B r () <1 k
Bank, Oak Hwok, Ill. is haeby authorized and directed to act upon and honor any insrructions so issued and to honor, pay and charge
to any account or aceounts of thi, corporation all checks and orders for the payment of money so drawn when so signed without inquiring
as to the circumstances of their i~sue or the disposition of thcir proceeds. whether such checks be payable to the order of, or endorsed
or negotiated ùy any officer or person signing them. or any of said officers or persons in their individual capacities or not. and :whether
they are deposited to the individual aedit of any officer or person signing them or of any of the other officers or persons or not, and
To endorse for negotiation, negotiate, and receive the proceeds of any negotiable inatruments or order. for the payment of
money payable to or belonging to thia corporation, and
To identify, approve, endorse, and guarantee the endorsement of any payee or endorser on any checu or drafta whether drawn
by this corporation or anyone else and to guarantee the payment thereof, and delegate tl) others authority to so identify, approve, and
endor&e, and guarantee the endorsement of any payee or endorser on any such checu or drafts and to guarantee the payment thereof.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any ..._......_.._g.~.~._..._.._.._............._.. of the following:
(ODe or two, ....)
~KD{ ~R~ ......-V-,i.l.l a.g.e....p. F-e-S-i -d-ent...,....-V-i.l.1a-g.e-...!l!:1?e-a -su-r,-e:1? ,.....Ò;!;,..-.................-.-...-..-....-,,-.-
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of this corporation be authorized upon such terJIJ.'\ and conditions M to {~ } &hall seem proper:
To borrow money and incur lia.bilities for, on behalf and in the name of thia corporation, to sell or discount ita bilà and
accounts receivable, to enter into, make, aign, and d~liver repurchase, re'Volving credit, term loan and other agreement&, including sub.
ordination and similar agreementa. to sign, execute, and deliver acceptancea and promissory notes (including notes with a confeee.ion of
judgment clause) and other obligaûona of thið corporation for such amount&, for euch time, at such rate of interest or di&count, and con.
taining such terms and provisioDA and such collateral powers as to ~ :: ~ ahal1 seem proper, and
To receive and receipt for and to sign ordeu and aaue inatructions for the handling and delivery of the proceeda of proJIÛð8ory
notes and other obligations, and
To pledge, endorse, guarantee. assign, transfer, and deliver the bills and accounts receivable, bills <,f lading, warehouse receipt&,
stocks bonds or other properry of tills corporation a~ security for any moneys borrowed and as security for any liability incurred or to be
incun~d by this corporation in connection with any acceptance. note. Jetter of credit, guaranty, trust receipt or otherwise, and
To grant liens' by way of mortgage, pledge, assignment, factor's lien, trUgt receipt. or a'ny other liens whether similar or
dissimilar to th~ foregoing) on any and an properry or interest tberein (including, without Jimiting tbe genera!ity of the foregoing, real
property, chattels, materials, work in proce", bins and accounts receivable, w3I~house receipts, stocks and bonds) from time to time owned
by this corporarion, as security for any monev, borrowed and any liahilities. direct or contingent, now or hereafter owing or to become
owing from thi, corpo'Tatjon to Oak Brook Bank. O,¡k Brook, Illinois, and in connection rherewith to endorse and deliver any such
prop':rty or inlere<t therein a;',j 10 execute a~d deli"..r agreern..nls concerning such ~ecority and the rights and power> of said Bank with
respect thereto, and
To buy and aell foreign e"change. to pUTchqse letters of credit. travelers' checks. and similar instruments and for, on behalf
and in the name of this corporation to incur liahiJitjes in ClJnnection therewith and in connection with tbe purchase, sale, or negotiation
of any bill! of exchange, letters of credit, travelers' cbecks. acceptances, drafts, bills of lading, and siJIÛJar instruments, and to receive
and receipt for, and to sign receipts and tr~st receipts tberefor, and to Sig~, execute, ~d deliver or~a~plicationa, and a;;;reements in
connection tberev.-itb. which orders, app]¡catlons, and agreements may cont8Jn sucb prOVJSlon¡; as to J b .. 6hsll seem proper.
~ ~,
J AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEÌ>, Thu Dr 0 ;'L-.-_~~- of the foDowinc:
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of thi. corporation be authorized upon luch term.a and condiûonl .. to1~ f .hall aeem proper:
To deliver to and deposit with Oak Brook Bank, Oak Brook. Illinois for u(ekeeping, custody, or olher purpo.ea any
bonds. stocks, securities, and other property owned or otherwise held by this corporation and in connection therewith to open and m'lintain
with said Bank 'I safekeeping or custody account or accounta and to make the initial deposit therein and from time to time to make other
and additional deposits and to sign orders and i5&ue instructions to !'oðid B'Ink for the conduct of said account or accounts, and
To withdraw, .rece1Ve., and receipt for and to withdraw upon au.t reCeipt on the rMpon8.Ìbility of, and at the risk of thil
corporation, and to ai¡n orden and illue m.tructionl for the handling, transfer, re¡istraûon, we, lu.bwtution, exchange., and delivery of any
bonda, atocu, securities, and other property and the proceedt thereof, delivered to. depoaited with or otherwise held by aaid Bank for the
account of thia corporation. Such withdrawalA, ,Iu.bstitution.. exchanges, and deliveriM whether aubject to payment or not and whether
pursuant to we, exchange., or other tranllction, may alao ,be m.,de by the bearer of any order, receipt, or requeat 10 8.Ì¡ned. and .
To purchaae bond&, .tock.a, aecuriLiee, and other property and to lign orden and iaaue .in.atructionl in connection with the
purchaae. the p.yment, the re¡Î&tration. and the delivery thereof, and '
To sell. pledge., tran.fer, a.aai¡n, exchange, depocit with any reorganization comm.ittee, bondholden protective, or other &imilar
committee., or otherwise dispose of any bond., Itock.a, aecuritiM, and other property belo.C to or .tandin¡ in the name of thia corporaûon
. or ita nominee or herd by tbis corporation for the account of others, and to lip¡ orden and iaaue inatructiona regarding the handling of any
mItten connected with luch tranaacÛQn" ~d
To identify and ¡uarantee uaignment.. transfer&, and endonementa for tranafer on banda, atack certificate&, interim, partici.
pation, and other Certi~tM and to identify and ¡u&rantee aignaturea on ~.Dd and &tack powen of -"Onley.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That each of the aforementioned oflicera, or penona author.
ized to act for thia corporation in any cue aforeu.id, .hall be and hereby ia further authorized, without the concurreace, of any other
officer or perIOD:
To Rye presentment, demand, protest, and notice of dishonor or protMt and to live inatructionl in regard to the handling or
delivery of any negotiable or non.negoûable pIP en or docUDlenta involyed in any tranaactiOlU for or on behalf of thia corporation. and
To ai¡n reconci1ementa and certify to the correctD- of atatfilllenta of ICCOnnt and approye and authorize adju.atmenta therein,
To <let for this corporation in the transaction of all other business for ita account and to sign orders and issue instructions
to Oak Brook Bank. Oak Brook, Illinois in connection therewith.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Secretary or any olher officer of this corporation be
and hereby is authorized to certify to Oak Brook Bank, Oak Brook, Ulinois a copy of these resolutions and the names and signatures
of this corporation's officers or employees hereby authorized to act in the premises, and ~8id Bank ís hereby authorized to rely upon such
certificate until formally advised by a like' certificate of any changes therein. and is authorized to rely on any such additional certificates.
I do hereby certify that the following persons have been appointed or elected, have qualified and are now acting as
officers or employees of said corporation in the capacity set before their respective names:
Village President
Carolyn H.
Village Treasurer
Richard L.
Director of Fina~ce
David C.
Affix Corporate ~al Below:
I --,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have subscribed my nazqe as Secretary and have caused
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corporation to be: hereunto affixed this ..........................l':"""""""""""""'..................n day of
19,'~.L.. .......~.~.~.,......,.....
the «;orpir~àÎ1 ;t~d
December -:;..
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