HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/28/1995 COW minutes MINUTES'
FEBRUARY 28, 1995
V~llage Manager M~chael Janoms celled the meebng to order at 6 24 p m He
asked for Motions from the floor for Mayor Pro Tern Motion made by Trustee
Skowron and Seconded by Trustee Hoefert to appoint Trustee Corcoran as Mayor
Pro Tern Motion was unamrnous Present at the meeting were Trustees
T~mothy Corcoran, Paul Hoefert, Michaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Absent frorn
the meebng were Mayor Gerald Farley and Trustee George Ctowes Trustee
Hendncks arr,ved at 6 35 p rn Also present at the meeting were V~llage Manager
M~chael Janonls, Assistant to the V~llage Manager David Strahl, F~nance D~rector
Dawd Jepson, Assistant F~nance D~rector Carol Widmer, Human Services D~rector
Nancy Morgan and Communicet~ons Administrator Cheryl Pasahc
Acceptance of the Minutes from January 24, '1995 Motion made by Trustee W~lks
and Seconded by Trustee Hoefert Minutes were accepted unanimously
Resident Tom Davies, 203 South Owen, spoke He requested the Board consider
using the proceeds from the sale of the Pme/Wille property to lower taxes or for
a purpose other than use on the V~llage Hall rehab~l~tatmn 'He explained a
proposal whereby the short budget year provides an opportunity for Property Taxes
to be reduced by reducing the Levy He felt that increases In Sales Tax would
make up the d~fference dunng the short budget year whereby the proceeds from
the Pme/Wille sale could be replemshed for use for Village Hall rehablhtatmn ~f
necessary He also recommended the purchase of a Pohce substation w~th some
of the money from the sale of the property
Mayor Pro Tem Comoran prowded general opening remarks outhn;ng the reasons
for the change in the fiscal year The change ~n the fiscal year allows for early b~d
release for construction projects, improves financial planmng, makes ~t eas~er for
residents to understand the budgeting process and more closely matches the State
and Federal funding cycle The major reason for the change ~s the Board will now
have an opportunity beginning next budget year to estabhsh a Levy at the time the
budget ~s prepared instead of passing a Levy assuming available funds pnor to the
budget taking effect He stated that the budget ~s a policy document which
prowdes a strategic rewew of pohc~es and services on an annual bas~s
Manager Janonis prowded a budget overview stating th~s budget as proposed
continues the goals outhned by Mount Prospect 2000 Among the goals of Mount
Prospect 2000 was to rewse the budget to make ~t more responsive to service
demands more understandable by the general public Th~s budget represents no
new personnel and focuses on ma~nta~mng current services Some of the new
items proposed ~n th~s budget include two add~bonal issues of the V~llage
Newsletter to res;dents Under the proposed budget, the Newsletter will be s~x
issues annually, funding for expanded downtown Holiday lighting and expanded
downtown redevelopment Th~s budget also assumes a refuse sticker ~ncrease on
July 1, 1995 This small increase ;s recommended so that large increases or b~g
jumps tn the pnce of the refuse st~cker do not occur sporadically.
Manager Janonis also prowded an overwew of the past fiscal year
accomphshments The accomplishments from the previous year include increases
tn Police activity whereby the fruffs of the additional personnel are beginning to
show, the Pme/VVille Project ~s now under construction, seven Flood Control
Projects have now been completed at a cost of approximately $11 million, the
V~s~ons Group, made up of vanous Departments, has been involved ~n addressing
quality of hfe issues ~n the multi-family complexes, a reorgamzat~on of the Planning
and Inspecbon Serwces Departments and combining them into the Community
Development Department, and the conbnued ~mplementation of the V~llage-w~de
computer system
Finance Director Dave Jepson prewded a general overview of the budget
document ~tself He stated a budget ~s a complex and comprehensive document
outhnmg the details of the cost of various services He stated that the V~llage ~s
different than many other businesses because it does not produce a product, it
only produces services
An overview of the Revenues which are used by Mount Prospect for its operabng
funds followed The Revenue m~x w~th~n Mount Prospect is d~fferent from other
communities The m~x of Revenues must be adequate and equitable and based
on the make-up of the community. For example, the four main items which affect
Revenue m~x in Mount Prospect are Sales Tax, Property Tax, Permit Fees and
Utility Taxes, He stated that Sales Tax dollars have been fiat for a number of
years compared to the early 80s when Sales Tax was growing on a regular bas~s
Permit Fees have also been fiat s~nce most of the avadable land w~th~n Mount
Prospect has been filled in Without the growth of these Revenues through
add~tmnal monies coming in, other Revenues were ~mplemented such as the Utd~ty
The assessment of property w~th~n Cook County affects businesses adversely due
to the level of Property Tax they must pay compared to other Counbes Mr
Jepson also pointed out that due to the favorable Refuse Contract, the V~llage
Board has an opportumty for some uncommitted funds under the Property Tax
Levy for 1995
Manager Janonls prowded a general overview of the Administrative
Departments/D~ws~ons of the V~llage He provided an overview of the Public
Representabon section of the budget and provided a detailed breakdown of the
orgamzabonal memberships which are included In th~s hne ~tem A rewew of the
V~llage Manager's office was prowded showing the three ma~r~ components that
make up the Manager's Office They are Commumcat~ons, the V~llage Clerk and
the V~llage Manager's office. The proJected ~ncrease ~n Personal Services is due
to a shift of the intern from Finance to the Village Manager's office The funds to
operate the Commumcat~ons D~wsmn come from Franchise Fees pa~d by cable
subscnbers Dunng the upcoming summer, a c~t~zen survey w~ll be completed as
part of the Franchise renewal process
Cheryl Pasalic provided an overview of the accomphshments of the
Commumcat~ons D~wslon which ~nclude the completion of the first phase of the
phone system and the ehmination of the volunteer stipend A recognition d~nner
and program w~ll supplement the Village's thank you for their services A survey
of volunteers found they provided assistance through thmr desire to help and the
stipend was not the motivating factor.
Village Manager Janonls prowded an overview of the Vdiage Clerk's office which
showed no s~gmficant changes in the budgetary figures except for the additional
cost of two Newsletters annually
Dave Jepson prowded an overview of the Finance Department's budget He
stated that one of the ma~n objecbves for the upcoming fiscal year ~s to complete ~--~
the conversion to the new computer system He also stated that due to the
conversion, there w~ll be an increase ~n contractual services for data processing
He stated that he is also revolved in complebng a program which w~ll allow d~rect
deposits for payroll checks to area banks He stated that the follow-up for vehicle
hcenses has been hampered by the out of date records the Ilhnms Secretary of
State's office provides to the Village
Therefore, the large number of additional vehicle hcenses which were purchased
the first t~me the review of the records was made has not been repeated because
people are more aware of the follow-up not~ficabons He has requested the
Legislature consider designating the Secretary of State as the collector of vehicle
hcenses for communlbes who have vehicle I~censes thereby reducing the
admin~stratmn costs ~ncurred by the Village of Mount Prospect
Resident Tom Davies spoke He stated there seems to be an ~nequ~ty between
the pnce of vehicle st~ckers He stated there is a d~fference between the charge
for p~ck-up trucks and cars
Mr. Jepson stated that the d~fference between cars and trucks attnbutes to the
type of license which the State prowdes the vehicle due to the weight of the
vehicle Typically, the heawer weight of a vehicle results m more damage to the
road than a hghter vehicle hke a car He also stated that he hopes to have a GIS ~
system on hne some time after the mare components of the current computer
system ~s completed
Manager Janonis stated that the V~ilage Board in the past has taken one-time
Revenues and used them for Capital expenses and not for operational expenses
as proposed by Mr. Dawes He stated the repairs to the Village Hall have been
deferred numerous bmes Soon, it w~ll be necessary to replace instead ofrepa~r
the V~llage Hall ~f these mon~es are not available for rehab~htat~on
Human Services Director Nancy Morgan provided an overview of the Human
Services Department She stated that the Human Services Department prowdes
general services to seniors and maintains a safety net of services which assist ~n
rehewng the urban problems which affect many c~tlzens The ~ncrease m the hours
for the bl-hngual Social Worker to full-bme in last year's budget has benefitted the
Department through expanded services for non-Enghsh speaking residents She
also stated that members of the Department are working dlhgently to ensure there
is no service overlap between the services which Mount Prospect prowdes and
other service prowders She also stated that there is a rewew regularly of the
services which other organizations, such as churches, provide to confirm whether
a need exists for the service to be prowded by e~ther the V~llage or someone else
Dick Bachhuber, Chairman of~e Finance Commission, spoke He asked whether
i; ~ Human Services goes out to recruit persons who need service or assistance or
; focuses specifically on walk-ins
Nancy Morgan stated that not only does her staff look to assist individuals, they
also get referrals from other Departments including the Pohce and Fire Department
who they feel may need some assistance She stated the maJority of people who
receive service are through self-referrals
Trustee Hendricks clanfied h~s request for a change in the Liquor Commission He
stated that he is asking that a change ~n the L~quor Commission be added to the
Deferred L~st of items for the Committee of the VVhole Agenda The change ~n the
Liquor Commission would be from a single L~quor Comm~ssmner (Mayor) to a
committee of three Commissioners
There being no further business, a Motion was made by Trustee Hoefert and
Seconded by Trustee Skowron to adJoUrn The meeting was adJourned at
Respectfully submitted,
DS/rcc Assistant to the Village Manager