HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/14/1995 COW minutes REVISED
MARCH 14, 1995
Mayor Gerald Farley celled the meeting to order at 6 10 p m Present at the
meeting were Mayor Gerald L Farley, Trustees George CIowes, T~mothy
Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert and Irvana Wilks Trustee Michaele
Skowron arrived at 6 18 p m Also present at the meebng were V~llage Manager
Michael Janon~s, Assistant to the Village Manager David Strahl, Finance D~rector
Dawd Jepson, Assistant Finance D~rector Carol Widmer, Fire Chief Edward
Cavello, Deputy Fire Chiefs Del Ulre~ch and Steve Dumowch, Community
Development Director William Cooney, Building Code Coordinator Brad Paulsen,
Environmental Health Coordinator Robert Roels, Pohce Chief Ronald Pavlock and
Deputy Pohce Chiefs Thomas Daley and Ronald R~chardson
Acceptance of the M~nutes from February 28, 1995 Motion made by Trustee
Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee Clowes M~nutes were accepted unammously
Trustee Clowes abstained
Mayer Farley prowded general opening remarks concerning the stage that the
Budget d~scussmns are at to this point He stated that th~s is a contmuatmn of the
Budget discussions for the e~ght-month budget penod
Manager Janonls reminded the Village Board and citizens that we are discussing
an eight-month budget The Budget reflects a 2 8% ~ncrease overall The Budget
provides a continuing level of service and breaks no new ground He also
reminded the Village Board and the citizens that the Budget Hearings for the 1996
Budget w~ll commence approximately October of 1995
Fire Department Over~ew
Fire Chief Edward Cavello provided an overview outlining the restructunng of the
Command Staff due to a recent retirement He also stated that there are currently
67 sworn personnel which has been reduced by one through the use of a =whan
employee He also prowded a genera; overview of the Departmental operations
Deputy Chief Del Ulreich provided an overview of the operabons budget outhmng
the current servzca level and the current projects which are currently being
~mplemented Among the projects they are working on at this tame is the
implementation of a Rescue Squad so that the new Quint which was purchased
last year does not have to go on each fire carl He also stated that they are m the
process of rews~ng the response grid to reduce the overall response t~me from the
various stations Deputy Ch;ef Ulreich also stated that there have been an
increased number of duty-inJury days off th~s year compared to prewous years
He also stated that the Operations Diwsmn ~s also looking at financing a training
tower in the future
Deputy Chief Steve Dumovich provided an overview of the Fire Prevention
act~wt~es for the previous year outhning the number of Inspect~ons and pubhc
educabon programs in addition to the number of plan rewews which were
performed He also stated fire prevent[on activities account for approximately 5%
of the total Fire Department budget
Chief Cavello prowded an overview of the acbvlt~es of various F~re Departments
in order to estabhsh a F~re Service Accred~tabon Program s~mllar to the program
which the Mount Prospect Police Department has recently been reaccred~ted In
He stated that the accredltatmn program recently received valuable input from the
ICMA Conference participants which was recently held in Chicago He stated that
they are in the process of rewewmg the means to assign costs and benefits of
estabhshing such a program
General comments of the Village Board ~ncluded the following
Numerous Board members asked how businesses are contacted as part of the
pubhc education effort These contacts are estabhshed through the Chamber of
Commerce and through personal contact including the Community Development
Department which will be involved in future presentations to the various business
owners for fire safety
The sale of the old ladder truck is still pending The Department recently explored
the least expensive approach to selling the vehicle but were unable to obtain a
reasonable bid representative of its value At this point, the Department is
rewew~ng the poss~b~hty of using a broker to market the vehicle The broker will
take a percentage of the overall costs for the sale of the vehicle
A question was asked whether there was a poss~b~hty of staffing the Department
for h~gh and Iow service demand t~mes Unfortunately, due to the variance m the
staff service demands, the opportunity to vary the number of personnel which are
on shift at any one time would be I~m~ted There has been extensive use of
Automatic Aid Agreements to supplement full-bme personnel
The Capital expenses requested include in-mask communications and an update
and replacement of the Opflcom system throughout town
The traimng tower would need approximately two acres to be effective due to the
number of vehicles and the space needed for appropriate maneuvering The
Department is currently reviewing the possiblhty of Grant Funds for ass~sbng m
tra~mng tower ac, qu~s~tion and construction
A review of the Carbon Monoxide Detector responses was also d~scussed Some
Board members also expressed a concern about the number of personnel sent on
a carbon monoxide call
Other members of the Wllage Board expressed concern about the on-duty inJury
totals which, during the past year, were due to back injunes associated w~th
removing wctims from vanous confinements
Resident Dick Bachhuber asked whether the Fire Department has estabhshed an
estimated cost per fire and ambulance run
Chief Cavello stated the best guess on such a cost estimate would be based on
the total budget d~vided on the number of calls for the past year.
Police Department Oven/iew
Police Chief Ronald Pavlock provided a general overview of the current service
levels provided by the Pohce Department personnel He stated that this budget
reflects a conbnuat~on of the previous service level established by the Village
Board He also prowded a general overview of the C~tlzens' Survey which was
recently completed as part of Accred~tabon requirements
Some hlghhghts of the Budget included an increase in overtime over last year due
to stepped up activity in Court due in part to additional arrests He also stated that
the s~x add~bonal Police Officers which had been authorized to be hired are now
paying off in ~ncreased act~wbes Chief Pavlock also stated that dunng 1995, there
will be a need to schedule a promotional test for the Sergeant list which is soon
to be expiring
Mayor Farley read Candidate Tom Davies' letter which he sent concerning
recommendations to purchase a mobile Police substabon for use in the areas of
h~gh activity
General d~scuss~on by the V~llage Board members ensued It was determined that ,
the Student Resource Officer (SRO) discussion w~ll occur after the general ~,~
d~scusslon of the Police Budget
The Department is currently considering the poss~b~hty of putting a program
together which w~ll adJudicate mowng violations to minimize the Court time ~f the
wolator pays the fine to avoid having to appear in Court and would be able to keep
the m~nor vlolabon off of their general dnwng record
The increase in statistics from the prewous year ~s expected to increase even
further in 1995 when all the new Officers become fully operational which did not
occur until February of 1995
A cell-in question was answered concerning Randhurst secunty and the numb&r
of young people who congregate at the Randhurst Mall The Randhurst secunty
force works very closely w~th the Mount Prospect Pohce Department and there
have been no concerns expressed by the secunty detail to the Police Department
ccncem~ng the number of people which are congregating at Randhurst Mall It ~s
not unusual for groups of young people to be seen at the Mall
The SRO d~scusslon took place ~n which Board members d~scussed the poss~b~hty
of the funding w~th the Pohce Department personnel
Village Manager 'Janonis prowded an update to the Village Board on the ~
d~scuss~on with the Ad Hoc group with school staff and Village personnel which
prewously took place to d~scuss the poss,b~ht~es of funding assistance for the SRO
Program However, since the Grant apphcaflon was fast approaching pnor to
getting consensus of the group, he authorized the Grant application being
submitted pnor to approval by the Village Board ~n order to protect the opportunity
to receive the funding ~f, m fact, the Village Board d~d so designate
Chief Pavlock prowded a general overview of the Grant process He also stated
that the V~llage could opt out of the program ~n future years and stated that the
Grant itself provided some percentage of funding for at least three years The
concept that he is recommending at this point ~s a problem-solving umt of two
Pohce Officers These Officers would focus on specific problems which have been
ident~fied by these Officers for a specific penod of bme The measure of success
of such a program would be based on the number of partnerships estabhshed with
vanous commumty groups including neighborhood groups and Vismns Committee
involvement in addition to Cnme Prevention The Officers would be responsible
for identifying and resolving problems which have been pointed out to them
through these contacts The key component of this Program is the flexlbihty of the
Officers to work in any problem area Such a problem area may also include a
school or any other location
Trustee Skowron stated that she supported the proposal of a problem-solwng umt
because she thought it was important to do more than just respond to 9-1-1 calls
She also was supporbve of acflwty measures to determine the success of the
Trustee Corcoran stated that he also supported the proposal and would be
~nterested m cons~denng an SRO Program m the future if the statistics justify ~t
Trustee Clowes stated that he is supporbve of the problem-solving unit He also
was favorable to the fiex~b~hty that such a Program lends itself to The program
should sunset after three years w~th the unit presenting recommendations to the
Wllage Board at the end of the three-year period for ways to do away w~th the umt
The focus should be to eliminate the problems which create the need for Officers
in the first place He felt that the statistics as they currently exist do not support
an SRO Program in the schools
Trustee Wilks stated that she also supports the concept and feels that three years
worth of funding assistance should prowde a good review of the program She
also stated that she felt th~s was a proactive approach to addressing the problems
which have been ~dentlfied
Trustee Hoefert stated that he has concerns w,th the SRO approach but supports
this program due to its flexibility as outhned and proposed by the Chief
Manager Janonis stated that he did not anticipate funding assistance from the
schools for the program as outhned The Grant monies would assist ~n training
and getting the Officers on board for the three-year period of the Grant
Trustee Hendricks stated that he felt the Officers should be used on a commun~ty-
w~de bas~s and the head count should be reduced back to 1995 levels once the
funding for the program has expired
Mayor Farley asked for a poll of Board members to determine their level of support
for the SRO Program and the problem-oriented Pohc4ng Program as outlined by
Chief Pavlock
Consensus of the Village Board: There was unanimous support for the problem-
solwng unit to be established with Grant funds The SRO Program had majority
support for additional discussion In the future
Community Development Overview
Community Development Director Bill Cooney prowded an overview of the
reorganization of the Planning and Inspection Serv~cas Departments He also
prowded a general overview of the functions of each D~ws~on w~thm Community
Development He also prowded an overview of the highhghts of both Departments
for the last fiscal year. He stated ~t ~s anticipated that by 1997, a new Bu,ld~ng
Department ret~ng system w, ll be in place to rata effectiveness of a Building Code
Permit system s~m~lar to the ISO rating system
General comments and questions from the Board included questions concerning
the status of the computenzed permit tracking system Also, Board members
asked about the number of food service inspections and number of re~nspect~ons
from the last calendar year The increase m the number of housing remspect~ons
~s based on ~mproved follow-up by Inspectors and the Court pohcy which has been
estabhshed Currently, staff ~s working on numerous approaches to reduce the
burden on staff but to maintain a h~gh level of comphance At th,s point, the focus
of many of the Inspectors has been to at least get fines of some type lewed by the
Dennis P~tkkel, 1731 West Pheasant Trail, spoke He wanted to congratulate staff
on their actlwt~es in addressing the problems of the south s~de However, he
wanted to point out h~s concerns at T~mberlake and the general poor attitude of the
building owners in trying to address the problems which extst there.
Manager Janonls stated that he has been made aware of the concerns at
T~mberlake and staff is addressing those ~ssues as we speak
Trustee Cora)mn stated that he beheved each Board member had received a
letter about Gun Control Preemption and requested the Wllage Board consider
sending a letter requesting our respective elected representatives at the State level
to vote against th~s legislation or to consider passing a Resolution due to the
proposed preemption of home rule powers ~n th~s B~II
There was general support of all Village Board members to consider a Resolution
at the next Village Board meeting
Trustee Hendricks stated that he feels that the conservator of the peace regulation
which currently exists under State Statutes continues to provide h~m w~th the
necessary powers to continue as a conservator of the peace due to h~s elected
official status He also is requesting the V~llage Manager s~gn h~m up to attend a
weapons training class s~mllar to the one that sworn Police Officers must attend
pnor to becoming active Patrol Officers He also stated he opposes the Village
selling water to Prospect Heights for use at their Police Station which is currently
under construcbon
Trustee Clowes requested that the Gang Suppression Ordinance draft which was
prowded to the V~liage Board members include an area which h~ghl~ghts the
Sections which are currently existing in the Municipal Code elsewhere
Trustee Wilks stated she hopes to get the final revisions to the Gang Suppression
Ordinance completed as soon as possible so that the Village Board members can
consider the Ordinance at its earliest convemence
There being no further business, the meeting was adJOUrned at 10 17 p m
Respectfully submitted,_ ,
DS/rco Assistant to the V~llage Manager