HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/25/1995 COW minutes REWSED 5/9/95 MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APRIL 25, 1995 I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Gerald Farley called the meebng to order at 7 38 p m Present at the meebng were Mayor Gerald L Farley, Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Trustee Paul Hoefert arrived at 8 34 p m Absent from the meebng was Trustee R~chard Hendncks Also present at the meebng were V~llage Manager M~chael Janon~s, Assistant to the V~llage Manager David Strahl, V~llage Attorney Everette H~II, Commumty Development D~rector Wilham Cooney, Deputy Community Development D~rector Dawd Hulseberg, Enwronmental Health Coordinator Robert Roels, F~nance D~rector Dawd Jepson, F~re Chief Edward Cavello, F~re Captain Dennis Thlll and Public ~ Works D~rector Herbert Weeks II. MINUTES Acceptance of the Minutes from March 14, 1995 Motion made by Trustee Clowes and Seconded by Trustee Wilks to accept the M~nutes M~nutes were approved Acceptance of the Minutes from March 28, 1995 Mobon made by Trustee CIowes and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to accept the M~nutes M~nutes were approved Acceptance of the M~nutes from April 11, 1995 Mobon made by Trustee Clowes and Seconded by Trustee Skowron to accept the M~nutes M~nutes were approved II1. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD John Horn, of 301 North William, spoke He stated that he was concerned about the t~mely follow-up of past due bckets He stated he has a past due t~cket from 1991 and ~s now paying ~t off due to follow-up by the V~llage He ~s concerned that ~t takes the V~llage such a long bme to get past due bckets resolved Mr. Janonis stated that part of the system upgrades for the computer system which ~s currently under way wdl ~mprove collection procedures and follow-ups to past due ~tems consistent w~th the collection of other revenue sources IV. DRAFT AMENDMENTS TO LANDLORD/TENANT ORDINANCE, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE AND USE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Bob Roels provided a general outhne of the specific areas which are recommended for rewslon and the background as to why these recommended changes are proposed He referred to a memorandum which had been drafted by Bdl Cooney which outlined the changes Among the ~tems being recommended for changes or additional Ordinances are the following 1 Regulation of shopping cads ~ 2 Restncbons on the repair of vehicles on public streets 3 Regulabon of mobde food vendors 4 Creabon of adm~n~strabve fees to encourage compliance w~th mulb-famdy rental ~nspecbons 5 Inclusion of occupancy requirements as a rider attached to a lease He stated these ~tems and recommendabons have come about through vanous d~scuss~ons among staff and V~s~ons Committee members Shopp~nq Cart Ordinance ~ncluded the following comments One of the items d~scussed was the possible d~sposal as unclaimed property, a refund for cart return and the I~m~tabon of store owners who do not have the proper vehicles to retneve carts which have been collected by the Public Works Department The Pubhc Works Department has invested over 200 hours of total staff bme ~n deahng w~th the shopping cart s~tuabon and would hke to avoid the requirement of returmng collected carts back to businesses Lil Perham, W,ndsor Court, spoke She stated that she Is supportive of the Ord~nanca and feels the Ordinance addresses the business owners' respons~bd~bes to retrieve the carts Conrad May, 1410 Can-Dota, spoke He recommended the V~llage go after the persons who remove the carts and attempt to catch them in the act Consensus of the Village Board was to move forward with this Ordinance for approval at its next regularly scheduled Village Board meet,ng. 2 Requlat~on of mobile food vendors General d~scuss~on ~ncluded concerns about sanitation and required refngerabon Such an Ordinance would apply to push carts and vendor catering trucks A recommendabon was made to add a regulabon concerning loud and obnoxious music which may emanate from such mobile food vending vehicles Consensus of the Village Board was to move forward with this Ord,nance for approval at its next regularly scheduled Village Board meeting Repair of vehicles on pubhc streets General d~scusslon h~ghhghted the fact that there has been damage to the Village streets due to these repairs and a concern about the dumping of vehicle hqu~ds and wastes ~nto the V~llage sewer systems Consensus of the Village Board was to move forward for consideration at the next regularly scheduled Village Board meeting. Creabon of the Adm~n~strahve Fee Ordinance to encouraqe comphance throuqh a monthly fee ~f outstand~nq v~olabons ex~st General d~scuss~on focused on the fact that such a fee ~s lewed on a monthly basis and ~s intended to free up staff brae The fee would be charged monthly as long as wolat~ons remained outstanding Th~s Ordinance puts the burden of nobflcat~on of correcbon upon the owner Generally, there ~s a 30 day not~ce to correct the wolabons and certain prows~ons are ~ncluded to account for poor weather cond[bons hmitmg the ab~hty to resolve extenor v~olat[ons Consensus of the Village Board was to move forward for considerat,on at the next regularly scheduled meehng, Ordinance ~nformabon attached as a R~der to the Lease Th~s ~s a housekeeping change and is intended to get additional ~nformat~on out to the tenants by attaching Ordinance ~nformabon to a lease for the tenants to review Also a change to the Ordinance allows the V~llage to recover relocation costs due to ~mmed~ate safety v~olabons whereby a building must be vacated by Order of the V~llage Consensus of the V,llage Boa rd wa s to move forwa rd for conside ration of this ire m at its next regularly scheduled V,Ilage Board meeting Manager Janon,s stated that he would hke to thank Bob Roels for all of h~s efforts in putbng these ~ssues ~nto Ordinance form and the V~s~ons Sub-Committee for working together to resolve any outstanding concerns 3 ~ V. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS INFORMATION Fire Chief Edward Cavello prowded a general outhne of what disaster preparedness requires In terms of planning and s~mulabon He stated there are four phases of a typical d~saster Preparedness, M~bgat~on, Response and Recovery He stated that many mun~c~pahbes can easily be overwhelmed by a d~saster and ~t ~s cnbcal that training and s~mulat~ons w~th other Departments takes ~ place on a regular bas~s Captain Dennis Thill outlined the three types of training for disaster drills Table top exercise, funcbonal exercise and full scale exercise Table-top s~mulabons require m~n~mal amount of overtime and staff t~me but have I~m~ted scope because these types of dnlls assume orders are camed out Funcbonal dnlls require s~multaneous action for complebon of acbwt~es and varying ~nformabon Full scale exercises require ~ntens~ve coordination and actual action or s~mulabon by participants He stated the Fire Department ~s required to perform at least one dr~ll per year of the three types he has prewously outhned Chief Cavello stated that the F~re Department and other agencies train w~th local hospitals on a regular bas~s Dave Jepson stated that the V~llage has a two-month cash flow ~f necessary and could go for approximately s~x months ~f necessary and would be able to get a I~ne of credit from local banks to continue operabon from the V~llage Chief Cavello stated that the V~llage has extensive mutual a~d agreements with surrounding Departments He sa~d there ~s a general overlay of mutual a~d among approximately 20 Departments ~n the Northeast Ilhno~s area Mutual a~d agreements are also m place with Police and Public Works in addition to Fire mutual a~d agreements General d~scuss~on of the V~llage Board ~ncluded some recommendabons for rews~ons to the D~saster Plan itself whereby a clear I~ne of succession w~th key personnel is outlined The V~llage Board suggested the D~saster Plan clearly depict the role of V~llage Board members dunng a d~saster and whether they should be considered press contacts Chief Cavello stated that the plan is currently In the process of being updated to reflect accurate informabon and these recommendabons w~ll be ~ncluded ~n the next revision VI Mana,qer's Report None 4 II. ANY OTHER BUSINESS The d~scuss~on of mowng the Coffee w~th Councd four t~mes a year was d~scussed at a prewous Committee of the Whole meebng although no clear d~recbon was prowded due to a 3-3 fie vote Trustee Corcoran stated he would I~ke to keep Coffee w~th Councd at the Village Hall on ~ts regular schedule VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further bus~ness, the meebng was adjourned at 9 45 p m DAVID STRAHL DS/rcc Assistant Vdlage Manager 5