HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/1995 COW minutes MINUTES
JUNE 27, 1995
Mayor Gerald L Farley celled the meeting to order at 7.32 p m Present at the
meeting were Mayor Gerald L Farley, Trustees George Clowes, Timothy
Corcoren, Rtchard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert, and Mtchaele Skowren Also
present were Vdlage Manager Mtchael Janonis, Public Works Dtrector Glen
Andler, and Admmistrattve Intern Cathleen Freels Trustee Irvana Wilks arnved
at approxtmately 8 30 p m
t Acceptance of the M~nutes of June 13, 1995 A motion was made by Trustee
Hoefert and seconded by Trustee Corcoran to approve the Minutes Minutes
were approved
Resident Ralph Hillenbrand,'1318 Mallard Lane spoke He commented that
there was an article ~n the paper that d~sturbed h~m He was upset w~th
comments made by V~llage Trustees regarding prowd~ng free vehicle stickers
for disabled
Trustee Comoran responded that his statement was not that he was against
d~sabled indlwduals receiving free sbckers but that he wanted the receipt of free
stickers to be based on financial need
Trustee Clowes responded that individuals who serve on a commission are
g~ven free vehicle stickers as a token of apprec~ation for serving the Village
Resident Jerry Sodaro, 1777 Crystal Lane spoke He commended the Village
Board for doing a better job at keeping down taxes compared to the other
boards ~n the V~llage He asked whether the Village Board members were
going to support the L~brary's desire to put a referendum question on the
November ballot which asks the voters whether they support expanding the )
hbrary Mr Sodaro expressed h~s oppos~tion to the L~brary having another
referendum so soon after last year's referendum, the result of which ~nd~cated
that the voters objected to the expansion, He also indicated that state statute
gives the Village Board the authority to approve or reject a referendum question
proposed by the L~brary Board
Trustee Hoefert responded that he feels that the V~llage Board does not have
the nght to reject the decision of another duly elected government body
Trustee Clowes stated that there was a proposal ~n Spnngfield that recently
fa~led whmh stated that the same referendum quesbon cannot appear on the
ballot more that once w~th~n a year and one day
Trustee Skowron stated that she does not beheve that the Wllage Board should
d~ctate to another duly elected government body
-.Public Works Director Glen Andler presented an overview of the flood control
study In 1990, the V~llage Board approved the RJN Flood study As a result,
the Board authonzed 14 projects to be completed over a number of years The
See-Gwun/M~lburn area has 212 homes and the Maple/Berkshire area has 63
homes Although the Maple/Berkshire area was not ~ncluded in the original
RJN study, a study of th~s area was commissioned because of extensive
basement flooding arising out of a very heavy rain storm last summer The
See-Gwun ~mprovements have already been addressed from a budgetary
standpoint .
Mr. Dana Can'oll of RUST Envirunment and Infra~-ucture presented the results
of the study to the V~llage Board which included an evaluabon of existing
systems, ~denbflcebon of defects, and recommendations to either rehab~htate or
replace portions of the existing system
A d~scusslon followed concerning the capacity of the current system and
whether the repaired system would accommodate the amount of rain that would
fall dunng a storm such as a 10 year storm or 25 year storm
Glen Andler stated that a preapphcat~on has already been submitted to IEPA for
possible Iow interest loan ehg~bllty A 'ff'a~hty plan" ammendment will also have
to be submitted by RUST The sooner design drawings are completed, the
greater the hkehhood of rece~wng such funding ~
Several residents asked quesbons and addressed the Board
The consensus of the V~llage Board was to autho~'~ze the preparabon of the
plans to be submttted to iEPA Further d~scuss~on regarding the phasing of the
Maple/Berkshire project would be undertaken as part of the upcoming budget
process -
The Mayor asked the Board first to consider whether the wording of the
referendum questmn was acceptable A d~scussmn followed concerning the
wording of the referendum The consensus of the group was to approve the
referendum questmn and bnng th~s before the Board for a first reading on July
5, 1995
The Mayor asked the Board for their preference on the matter of "cause" A
d~scuss~on followed concerning whether the ordinance should contain a section
that requires a statement that specifically defines cause as malfeasance,
m~sfeasance, nonfeasance, or failure to carry out the oath of office The
second opbon considered was whether the voters should dec~de the reason for
the recall and require the pet~boner to s~mply provide a maximum 200 word
statement defining the reason for the recall petition Trustee Clowes, Trustee
Hendncks, and Trustee Wilks expressed their p?eference for "specific cause".
Trustee Skowron, Trustee Hoefert, Tru'st~e Corcol;~r~ a~d~{h-e'~Ma~ ~(~re~s~d
their preference for "voter cause",
The Board discussed add~bonal details of the recall peflbon The Board agreed
to retain the second option prowded for paragraph E, secbon 8 1706 concerning
hawng the petition contain a 200 word statement The consensus of the Board
was to remove the "or have attached thereto" statement from that paragraph
The Board wants to make ~re the statement ~s clearly pnnted on the petition
The Board d~scussed how many s~gnatures would be required on the pebbon
(Sec 8 1704 paragraph D ) The consensus of the Board was that a recall
pebt~on must be s~gned by electors numbering not less than 10% of the total
number of registered voters The number of registered voters would be
determined at the t~me of the last general elect~on
Staff was d~rected to make the appropnate changes to ~the draft recall
The V~liage Manager reported that the response to the Cable Telews~on survey
has been much greater than anticipated The Manager also announced that
after a year w~th the V~llage, Adm~nmtrabve Intern Cathleen Freels will be
leaving to pursue a pos~t~on ~n the pnvate sector ,~..~
~ Trustee Hoefert wanted to know whether the Board wanted to formally d~scuss
the subject of David Strahl's memo concerning complaints about leaf-blower
noise and other loud no~ses in the mommg The consensus of the Board was
not to add this subject to any agenda
Trustee Wilks expressed her concern that the Park D~stnct was cons~denng
purchasing the Trade Services building which would remove th~s budding from
the Wllage's tax roll Mayor Farley suggested that ind~wdual Board members
express any concerns they have d~rectly to the Park D~stnct Board
A mobon was made by Trustee Hoefert and seconded by Trustee corcoran that
the Board adjourn ~nto closed session to d~scuss personnel The Board moved
into Closed Session at 10 25 p m
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 38 p m
.... Respectfully submitted, ~
Admlmstrat~ve Intern