Thursday, February 10, 2000
ATTENDANCE: Tokiko Bhine, Carole Bloomquist, Yngve Bloomquist, Lan'y D~rso, Janice Farley, Skip
Farley, Leo Floros, Lil Floros, Melanie Karsen, Mike Karsen, Dorothy Kucera, Mama Jandris, Barbara
Persenaire, Jud Stfickland, Adelaide Thulin, Fred Thulin.
The meeting was called to order by Barbara Persenaire at 6:06 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Secretary Jandris presented revised minutes of December 6, 1999, and the minutes of January 13,
2000. It was moved by Dorothy Kucera and seconded by Carole Bloomquist to approve the minutes of
January 13.
Melanie Karsen requested the following corrections: to note that Melan/e Karsen passed around a card
fi:om Rolande Sarinelli of the staff of Mayor Koscinsko-Moreizet of S~vras; and under officers to
change the title Recording Secretary to Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary to French
Correspondent. The Commission also asked that comments made by the Secretary concerning
membership in Sister Cities International be included in the January 13 minutes. The minutes were
approved with the corrections.
Home Stay Assignments for Delegates
Jud Sfficldand stated that as hc was in the process of selling his home, he could provide a conditional
yes that a delegate could stay with him.
Finalize Itinerary for May Visit
It was reported that the delegation would be arriving in Chicago on Tuesday May 15 at 12:15 p.m., and
departing on Friday May 19 at 1:00 p.m. The idea ora rain plan was discussed, and it was suggested
that we have umbrellas on hand rather than developing a rain plan.
Lil Floros explained the itinerary. On Tuesday, May 15, the delegation will arrive, and the Village
Board will host a reception for them at Village Hall.
Wednesday, they will tour Mount Prospect, and in the evening the banquet will be held at Bristol
Court. Carole Bloomqulst reported on the banquet menu, stating that it would consist of 3 types of hors
d'oeuvres (meatballs, pizza bagels, and chicken nuggets), tomato basil bisque soup, Bristol salad, roast
turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans and carrots, and for dessert, apple pie a
h mode. There will also be an ice sculpture of the Eiffel Tower.
Carole Bloomqnist had drafted an invitation letter to clubs, businesses and residents. Lil asked Janice
Faley to design a logo for the event. The theme is "The French Couneciton." It was suggested that a
favor could be a lapel pin of crossed American and French flags.
Lil Floros went on to explain that Thursday, the delegation would be visiting Chicago. Friday's events
would include a brunch (possibly at Friendship Conservatory) and the official signing of the Sister
Cities agreement at village Hall. She said that more details would be discussed the coming weekend at
the Special Events Commission meeting, and that Special Events would be assisting in the planning
and coordination of the visit.
Pen Pal Program
Melanie Karsen reported that she had received information on teachers that she could contact fi:om
S~wes, and had been communicating with them via emaii. She explained that the Mount Prospect
students would write descriptions of themselves, and the teachers in S~wes would pair them up with
the students there.
ister Cities Commission Minutes Page 2 Meeting of February 10, 2000
New Business/Announcements
Lan3, D%lrso reported that a volunteer at the Library, Julie Collins, was fluent in French and had
offered to translate during the visit.
Mayor Farley announced that Thiband LeSeguillon would be joining the Commission. Mr. Le
Segnllion is from France, and has lived in Mount Prospect for 6 years. He had written a letter to Mayor
Farley expressing an interest ia joining the Commission. Thibaud works at Axon, a subsidiary of a
French company, located in Kensington Business Center.
Lil & Leo Floros discussed the idea of meeting with school district Superintendents to inform them of
the visit, and involve the schools.
Mayor Farley requested that the subcommittees and chairs be detenniued. The Commission reviewed
and approved the Mayor's suggestions:
1) Service Clubs - Trustee Irvana Wi[ks
2) Commercial - Dorothy Kucera
3) Special Events - Lil & Leo Floros
4) Municipal - Mama Jandris
5) Schools - Melanie Karsen
6) Churches - J.L. Scott, Adelaide Thulin
7) Seniors - Jim Caulfield
Barbara Persenaire inquired about the status of the communication with Upplands Vasby. Mayor
Farley responded that it had been tabled for now, so that the Commission could concentrate on S~vres.
Leo Floros requested that Secretary Jandds and Village Manger Janonis prepare a list of recommanded
places to visit for the Mount Prospect tour to be discussed at the March meeting. It was emphasized
that they would only be able to spend a short time at each place. Melanie Karsen suggested that if there
is more time on Tuesday, something could be moved from Wednesday to Tuesday.
Janice Farley raised the idea of presenting engraved silver platters in honor of the ceremonial signing
of the Sister Cities agreement. A platter for both Mount Prospect and for S~vres would be appropriate,
both engraved in French and English.
Lil Florns passed around sign-ups for sub-committees.
Melanie Karsen reported that she would be presenting a "Passion for Paris" slideshow at the Mount
Prospect Library. She is also teaching a community education class at Prospect High School entitled
"France on Your Own" for people interested in visiting France.
Barbara Persenalre announced that a Sister Cities Convention was to be held on April 7 & 8 in
Naperville. The cost is $40. This issue was tabled until next month's meeting.
The next meeting of the Sister Cities Commission will be March 9, 2000.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,