HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. VB Meeting Minutes 12/6/2011MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT December 6, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Wilks called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Irvana Wilks Trustee Paul Hoefert Trustee Arlene Juracek Trustee John Korn Trustee John Matuszak Trustee Steven Polit Trustee Michael Zadel PLEDGE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Trustee Hoefert led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION INVOCATION Trustee Polit gave the Invocation. APPROVAL OF APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES Trustee Korn, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to approve the minutes of the regular Village Board meeting held November 15, 2011. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Abstain: Matuszak Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AND APPROVE BILLS AND APPROVE Mayor Wilks stated the next item on the agenda, "MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AND BILLS APPROVE BILLS" was noted by an asterisk, and unless there was a request to remove an item(s), all items further listed in that manner would be considered with one (1) vote as business item "IX. CONSENT AGENDA." MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT A. Resolution: Mayor Wilks presented a Resolution for the Holiday Season. Trustee Polit, seconded by Trustee Juracek, moved for approval of Resolution No. 33 -11: RES 33 -11 "A RESOLUTION FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON" Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Wilks, Zadel Nays:None Motion carried. NATIONAL DRUNK B. Proclamation: "National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month," AND DRUGGED December 2011 DRIVING (3D) PREVENTION Mayor Wilks presented the "National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month," MONTH to Deputy Police Chief Michael Semkiu. Deputy Chief Semkiu thanked the Village Board for their support in addressing this important and all too often tragic safety concern. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 1 of 11 He stated the apprehension and conviction of impaired drivers is a priority; drivers were reminded that driving while impaired is never acceptable. AMEND CHAPTER C. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 13 13 (ALCOHOLIC (Alcoholic Liquor) of the Mount Prospect Village Code. LIQUOR) OF THE VILLAGE CODE This ordinance amends the Village Code by decreasing the number of Class "F -1" liquor licenses by one (1) issued to Sho Restaurant Inc. d /b /a Sakura Restaurant and increasing the number of Class "S -6" liquor licenses by one (1) for Sho Restaurant Inc. d /b /a Sakura Restaurant at 105 South Main Street. Mayor Wilks provided background information on the public hearings before the Liquor Commissioner (Mayor Wilks) regarding liquor code violations and the "S -6" classification; liquor license with special conditions. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Juracek, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Korn, seconded by Trustee Juracek, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5883: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 (ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR) ORD 5883 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. D. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 13 AMEND CHAPTER (Alcoholic Liquor) of the Mount Prospect Village Code. 13 (ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR) OF THE This ordinance amends the Village Code by increasing the number of Class "F -1" liquor VILLAGE CODE licenses by one (1) for Pizza 5 Inc. d /b /a CRAVE PIZZA at 106 West Northwest Highway. Mr. Rafael Manjarres Dickson, owner and manager of Crave Pizza, provided additional information and responded to questions from the Village Board. ■ 80% of business —take out with delivery ■ Mount Prospect great place to market product; specialty is thin crust pizza. ■ Grand opening December 15 Trustee Korn, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Korn, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5884: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 (ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR) ORD 5884 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes Nays: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel None December 6. 2011 Page 2 of 11 Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS None. CITIZENS TO BE COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS — CITIZENS TO BE HEARD HEARD Lions Club representatives Mr. Nick Acearenza, Mr. Fred Steinmiller and Mr. Mike Giblin provided an overview of this year's Farmers' Market. Mr. Acearenza stated the Farmers' Market raised $16,000; half of the money goes to the Mount Prospect food pantry and the remainder of the money will be donated to various charitable organizations. Ms. Victoria Brand, Human Services Social Worker accepted the check on behalf of the Village. In response to Mr. Acearenza's request for assistance with traffic control, Deputy Chief Semkiu indicated the Police Department will work with the Lions Club next season. Mr. Mike Giblin highlighted the special activities featured at this year's market. He indicated the Lions Club donated approximately 400 -450 pounds of left -over perishable food from the market to the Mount Prospect food pantry each week. Mr. John Desai, Prospect High School student, provided an overview of the customer survey he conducted at this year's market; his Eagle Scout project. Ms. Brand thanked the Lions Club for the generous donation and their continued support of community programs. Mayor Wilks and the Village Board also thanked and recognized the significant contributions of the Lions Club to the community. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Juracek, moved to approve the following business items: FINANCIAL REPORT 1. Bills dated November 10 — November 30, 2011 & APPROVE BILLS 2. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT TO THE MOUNT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY UNDER THE TERMS OF A GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT RES 34 -11 3. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND THE RES 35 -11 VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT 4. A RESOLTION FOR MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS BY RES 36 -11 MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE (BLR 14230) 5. A RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE RES 37 -11 ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE 6. Request Village Board approval to accept proposal for Workers' Compensation Third -Party Claims Administration for fee totaling $13,900.00 Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Mayor Wilks opened the public hearing to approve a proposed property tax levy for the fiscal PUBLIC HEARING year January 1 — December 31, 2011 at 7:37 pm. Notice of the public hearing was published in The Daily Herald on November 25, 2011. 2011 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 3 of 11 Finance Director David Erb provided a summary of the proposed 2011 tax levy which included staff's recommendation of a net Village tax levy of $15,852,353; a 4.33% increase over the 2010 tax levy. The Mount Prospect Library Board approved their tax levy request of $9,854,744, a 3.65% increase over the 2010 levy. Mr. Erb stated there are three (3) ordinances related to the 2011 Tax levy. Two (2) of the ordinances establish the initial levy of the Village (including the Library) and the Village's special service area. The third (3 rd ) is an abatement ordinance that reduces a portion of the Series 2009C debt service tax levy established by its bond ordinance. Ordinances: (1) The levy and collection of taxes for the corporate and municipal purposes of the Village of Mount Prospect including the Library for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2011 and ending December 31, 2011. The Village's 2011 tax rate is expected to decrease to $0.821 from the 2010 rate of $0.828; the Library's 2011 tax rate is estimated at $0.510 compared to the 2010 rate of $0.518. To illustrate the tax rate, Mr. Erb stated a home with an EAV of $115,500 (market value of approximately $350,000) in 2011 will pay $947 in taxes to the Village of Mount Prospect and $568 to the Library; a $39 increase in the Village levy and a $21 increase in the Library levy from the levy extended in 2010. (2) Village's Special Service Area No. 5 which helps fund the delivery of Lake Michigan water to the Village's water system. Staff recommend the 2011 tax levy remain the same as the 2010 levy ($1,545,773). (3) Abate part of the taxes levied for corporate and municipal purposes of the Village Mount Prospect for fiscal year 2011. The abatement is the result of issuing these bonds as Build America Bonds (BAB). The BAB's provide a federal subsidy of 35% of the interest paid on the bonds to the issuer which lowers the overall cost of borrowing. The BAB subsidy for 2011 is $4,258. Mayor Wilks stated as part of the budget process the proposed budget and tax levy have been discussed at previous COW and Finance Commission meetings. Mayor Wilks stated the proposed 2012 budget includes modest changes; residents recognize the Village Board is very frugal. Mayor Wilks opened the Public Hearing for questions /discussion; there being none the hearing was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. The following ordinances were presented for first readings: LEVY AND A. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION COLLECTION OF OF TAXES FOR THE CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES TAXES CORPORATE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE AND MUNICIPAL FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2011 AND ENDING PURPOSES DECEMBER 31, 2011. LEVY AND B. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF COLLECTION OF TAXES FOR THE MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF SPECIAL SERVICE TAXES SPECIAL AREA NUMBER FIVE OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, SERVICES AREA #5 ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2011 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2011. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 4 of 11 C. AN ORDINANCE TO ABATE A PART OF THE TAXES LEVIED FOR ABATE A PART OF CORPORATE AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES OF THE VILLAGE OF THE TAXES LEVIED MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING FOR CORPORATE JANUARY 1, 2011 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2011. AND MUNICIPAL PURPOSES 2010 The ordinances will stand for a second (2 reading at the December 20, 2011 Village Board meeting. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 reading an ordinance to adopt the Village's 2012 annual budget. A Public Hearing for the 2012 Budget will be held at the December 20, 2011 Village Board meeting. ANNUAL BUDGET D. 1 St reading of AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FOR FISCAL YEAR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012 COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2012 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 IN LIEU OF PASSAGE OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE. This ordinance will stand for a second (2 reading at the December 20, 2011 Village Board meeting. AMEND WATER AND E. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 st) reading an ordinance to amend water and sewer SEWER RATES rates set forth in Appendix A, Division II of the Village Code. This ordinance increases the combined water and sewer rate by 5% effective January 1, 2012. Finance Director Dave Erb provided background information; since 1990 the Village has followed the practice of approving moderate annual increases in water and sewer rates, as opposed to implementing large increases periodically. [Village water rates are affected by the water rate increases by the City of Chicago for the purchase of lake water; to date the planned increases by the Village have help avoid spikes in Village water rates.] A five -year rate study prepared as part of the budget process increases the combined water and sewer rate by 5% for billing after January 1, 2012. Mr. Erb stated the current water rate increase schedule is a more cost - effective way to operate the water fund; no debt in water fund. Mr. Erb stated the cost to a Mount Prospect household using 15,000 gallons of water over a two -month period, would be $115.30, an increase of $4.95; bi- monthly water and sewer usage fee. Mr. Erb also provided an overview of the new water billing system scheduled for July 1, 2012 implementation. The utility billing component of the Village's ERP system will enhance the billing process. Implementation of monthly billing will allow for earlier detection of water related problems and improve cash flow. In addition, Mr. Erb and Village Manager Janonis presented the City of Chicago rate increases that could significantly impact the cost of the Village's water; 25% increase in 2012 and 15% increase 2013 -2015. There is an on -going dialogue with the City of Chicago and the Joint Action Water Agency (JAWA) regarding the rate increase and its impact. JAWA communities are reviewing contract with City of Chicago and questioning whether the City has the ability to raise rates without justification. Anticipate response in 2012; will update Village Board with long -range plan. May need to look at mid -year rate increase. Trustee Juracek, JAWA Alternate Director, stated the agency is looking at options to push back hoping to get clarification /justification for rate increases. In response to questions from the Village Board Mr. Erb provided the following: • JAWA — Village is one (1) of seven (7) communities that make -up agency. • Organized in 1980's; started receiving Lake Michigan water in 1987. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 5 of 11 Member communities manage system and maintain line receiving water from Lake Michigan. Village water customers will be billed the same day every month. Electronic billing — customers will be able to pay bill on -line; no charge under new system. Trustee Polit noted the rate increase is only Village residents /businesses in Special Service Area #5. Illinois American Water is also proposing a rate increase for their customers. Mayor Wilks stated this ordinance will stand for a second (2 reading at the December 20, 2011 Village Board meeting. F. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 reading an ordinance to amend solid waste AMEND SOLID residential rates set forth in Appendix A, Division II of the Village Code. This ordinance WASTE increases the annual residential solid waste rates by $25 per year; $100 annual fee per RESIDENTIAL residential property with curbside solid waste service. RATES Mr. Erb stated the cost of solid waste collection, provided by a third party, is supported by a property tax levy and a direct bill on each service address; the annual direct bill is $75. Based on projections for 2012 and 2013, an increase in the direct bill is needed to balance the Refuse Fund budget and to prevent further drawdown on reserves. Residential customers with Village water will be charged $8.33 per month and residents with Illinois American water will be billed $25 quarterly. Direct bill rates will be reviewed each year as part of the budget process to determine if subsequent increases are needed to support the refuse collection budget. Mr. Erb stated funds collected are only used for water and refuse services. Village Manager Janonis stated the leaf collection program is funded through the refuse fund. Mayor Wilks added elimination of the leaf program has been discussed in the past; residents have voiced their support to continue the program. Trustee Polit suggested staff monitor the Village's waste stream; with the Village's unlimited refuse collection, there is a potential the waste stream will climb, increasing the Village's disposal costs. Public Works Director Sean Dorsey stated the Village's diversion rate is at 40 %. Staff will continue to monitor and evaluate Village's waste stream; diversion rate. Trustee Hoefert suggested a reminder that residents can increase the size of their recycling containers be published in the Village Newsletter. Mayor Wilks stated this ordinance will stand for a second (2 reading at the December 20, 2011 Village Board meeting. AMEND CHAPTER G. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 st) reading an ordinance amending Chapter 18 (18) TRAFFIC (Traffic) of the Village Code. This ordinance amends Chapter 18 (Traffic), Section 2009.0 entitled Parking During School Hours. By a vote of 7 -0 the Transportation Safety Commission recommended to prohibit, stopping, standing and parking along the east side of Weller Lane between Busse Avenue and Cleven Avenue on school days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Project Engineer Matt Lawrie presented background information and Transportation Safety Commission's recommendation for approval. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 6 of 11 Weller Lane is adjacent to the rear of Westbrook School. Due to crowded conditions in the school parking lot, many parents choose to park on Weller Lane. At the beginning of this school year, residents along Weller Lane were notified the Village would monitor the parking situation. With over fifty (50) vehicles parking on the street during the afternoon the daily parking concerns along Weller Lane required immediate action. At the direction of the Village Manager Janonis, signs prohibiting parking along the east side of Weller Lane on school days were installed; none of the residents objected to the signs. Since installation of the signs parents have complied by parking only on the west side of Weller Lane; traffic conditions along the street have improved. The Transportation Safety Commission (TSC) voted 7 -0 in support of staff's recommendation to prohibit, stopping, standing and parking along the east side of Weller Lane between Busse Avenue and Cleven Avenue on school days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mr. Lawrie stated residents on Weller Lane were notified of the TSC meeting and staff's recommendations. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5885: ORD 5885 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 (TRAFFIC) OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. BINDING H. Mayor Wilks presented for a first (1 reading an ordinance providing for and requiring REFERENDUM the submission of a binding public question to determine whether the Village of Mount PUBLIC QUESTION - Prospect should have the authority to arrange for the supply of electricity for its residential ELECTRICAL and small commercial retail customers who do not opt out of such a program, to appear AGGREGATION on the ballot of the electors of the Village of Mount Prospect at the general primary election to be held March 20, 2012. Assistant Village Manager Dave Strahl stated at the November 22, 2011 he had presented an overview of electrical aggregation. Following a detailed discussion of the available options and steps that would need to be undertaken in the process, it was the general consensus of the Village Board to move forward with the referendum question. The binding referendum lets Mount Prospect voters decide whether the Village of Mount Prospect should have the authority to arrange for the supply of electricity for its residential and small commercial retail customers who do not opt out of such a program. If the ordinance is adopted the referendum will be on the March 20, 2011 ballot. The ordinance must be approved by January 3, 2012 to appear on the ballot. After a discussion as to whether this ordinance should be held for a second (2 reading, the general consensus was to waive the second (2 reading; opportunity for public comment since November 22, 2011 Village Board meeting. Trustee Korn stated he had received comments in support of the electrical aggregation. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 7 of 11 Trustee Juracek stated she would refrain from discussion and abstain from voting on the ordinance. In her position (Director of Illinois Power Agency) one of her responsibilities is to be a resource to municipalities regarding electrical aggregation. As such she can share information and respond to questions specific to electrical aggregation; to avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of impropriety she will not participate in the discussion or vote on this subject as it relates to the referendum. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Hoefert, moved to waive the rule requiring two (2) readings of an ordinance: Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Abstain: Juracek Motion carried. Trustee Polit stated he supports the referendum process but has numerous concerns with electrical aggregation. His primary concern is to protect the residents; making sure they are educated about the referendum and electrical aggregation. He identified several issues resident should be aware of including; opt out policy — cost to opt out; hidden costs to Village — managing program; hidden future costs; and third (3 rd ) party rates. Trustee Polit directed questions regarding the electric aggregation process and the Village's role in the process to Trustee Juracek. Trustee Juracek stated (1) the Village will not be acting as the Illinois Procurement Agency (IPA); massive and complicated procurement process administered by IPA. (2) Village could act as the facilitator but onus is on supplier to administer service to customers. (3) Information regarding current pricing municipalities with electrical aggregation can be found on the Illinois Commerce Commission's web site. (4) Bidding — do it once, good for term of the contract and (5) Village is under no obligation to accept bid if pricing is not favorable. In response to questions from the Village Board Assistant Village Manager Strahl stated: (1) referendum will not commit the Village to a supplier; bid process to follow; (2) residents can opt out; (3) energy providers use ComEd's infrastructure — ComEd involved with repairs (4) preliminary discussions with other communities to do joint bidding; (5) will utilize Village Newsletter for public education — article in winter Newsletter regarding referendum. Village Board Comments • Supports bringing the question to the voters; placement on March 20, 2012 ballot. • Village not obligated to accept bids if not favorable. • Cost to residents is the issue; if pricing not favorable always fall back to ComEd. • No down side — gives Village additional options. As a follow -up to his earlier comment regarding additional staff time and costs to municipalities utilizing electrical aggregation, Trustee Polit asked Village staff to contact the Village of Oak Park and the City of Evanston to confirm the information he had heard regarding these municipalities incurring additional costs. Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved for approval of Ordinance No. 5886: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 8 of 11 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND REQUIRING THE ORD 5886 SUBMISSION OF A BINDING PUBLIC QUESTION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT SHOULD HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ARRANGE FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY FOR ITS RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL COMMERCIAL RETAIL CUSTOMERS WHO DO NOT OPT OUT OF SUCH A PROGRAM, TO APPEAR ON THE BALLOT OF THE ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT AT THE GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 20, 2012 Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Abstain: Juracek Motion carried. Items I., J. K. and L. were approved under the Consent Agenda. MANAGER'S VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT REPORT A.Request Village Board approval for the purchase of various portable, mobile and consollete radios and radio accessories through the Northwest Central Dispatch System FIRE AND POLICE (NWCDS) in an amount not to exceed $850,000. PORTABLE, MOBILE AND COSOLETTE Deputy Chief Michael Semkiu and Fire Chief John Malcolm provided general background RADIOS information regarding NWCDS upgrading of its radio system infrastructure and the impact on their respective departments specific to the purchase of portable and mobile radio equipment. The upgraded infrastructure necessitates the purchase of new portable, mobile and consollette radio equipment and radio accessories for daily use by all member agencies. The new system will consolidate all member agencies onto one (1) system providing for true radio communication interoperability. Police Department Purchases - $415,245 100 multi - channel portable radio, 15 multi - channel vehicle radios, 3 multi - channel vehicle consoles, 1 multi - channeled based console and equipment and accessories.. Fire Department Purchases - $429,321. 55 multi - channel portable radios, 19 multi - channel vehicle radios, 4 base station consoles, and equipment and accessories; Fire Department radios require the more costly two (2) band widths. In response to questions from the Village Board, Fire Chief Malcolm, Deputy Police Chief Semkiu and Sergeant Steve Burrell provided the following: ■ Conducted thorough analysis of radios and equipment. ■ NWCDS is upgrading their computers and software to be compatible with the new radios. ■ Digital radios scramble the signals to eliminate eavesdropping from privately owned multi - channel radios. ■ Replacement cycle for radio average 12 to 14 years. ■ Enhanced radio technology maximizes building penetration. Mr. David Erb provided funding options for the proposed purchase. NWCDS will provide the Village with a loan to cover the cost of purchasing the upgrade. The Village has the loan options of a five (5) year term with three (3 %) percent interest and an estimated monthly payment of $15,296 or a seven (7) year term with three and a quarter (3.25 %) percent interest and an estimated monthly payment of $11,327. Staff requested Village Board approval to purchase various mobile, portable and consolette radios and radio accessories in an amount not to exceed $850,000. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 9 of 11 Mr. Erb presented the pros and cons of financing versus drawing down on the Village's reserve funds. He noted that with the delay in tax funds Village reserves are needed for emergencies. Village Manager Janonis indicated the Village Board could approve the purchase and staff could come with financing options /recommendations at a later date. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Zadel, moved to approve the purchase of various portable, mobile and consollete radios accessories an amount not to exceed $850,000. Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak, Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. B. Approved under the Consent Agenda. Status Report: Village Manager Michael Janonis made the following community announcement: ■ Coffee with Council — December 10 9— 11 am Village Hall Community Room OTHER BUSINESS OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Hoefert requested an update on the status of the commuter parking lot payment equipment; still problematic. Village Manager Janonis stated he will obtain an update from Public Works to share with the Village Board. In response to Trustee Hoefert's question regarding a recent power outage, Fire Chief John Malcolm confirmed there was a power outage in the Village on December 10 th ; approximately one (1) hour duration. Trustee Hoefert stated Mr. Walt Witkowski, a long -time resident and active member of the Mount Prospect Historical Society recently passed away. Mr. Witkowski dedicated himself to renovating the Historical Society museum from a house to a museum. He was also a World War II war hero. Trustee Korn added to the earlier discussion about the Village's waste stream by encouraging residents to breakdown their cardboard boxes for recycling. The material is recyclable; placement of the broken down cardboard in the recycling container reduces litter in the community. Mayor Wilks shared a recent interaction she had with a Mount Prospect resident. The resident approached her in the grocery store specifically to let her how appreciative he /she was for the excellent job the Mayor and Village Board do; a very well run community. Mayor Wilks stated she too appreciates all the hard work of the elected officials and staff. CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION Mayor Wilks asked for a motion to enter Closed Session to discuss: PERSONNEL 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity. REVIEW OF MINUTES 5 ILCS 120/2.06 (c)(21) - Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi- annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 10 of 11 Trustee Zadel, seconded by Trustee Polit, moved to meet in Closed Session to discuss PERSONNEL 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) and Review of Minutes 5 ILCS 120/206. (c)(21) Upon roll call: Ayes: Hoefert, Juracek, Korn, Matuszak. Polit, Zadel Nays: None Motion carried. The Village Board entered Closed Session at 9:26 p.m. ADJOURN ADJOURN The Village Board reconvened in Open Session at 9:40 p.m.; there being no further business to discuss the December 6, 2011 Village Board meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m. M. Lisa Angell Village Clerk Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect December 6. 2011 Page 11 of 11