HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Mayor's Report 12/20/2011KLEIN, THORPE & JENKINS, LTD. Attorneys at Law 20 N. Wacker Drive, Ste 1000 Chicago, Illinois 00000 -2903 T 312 984 0400 F 312 984 0444 DO 312 984 0420 emhill9ktjlaw.com MEMORANDUM TO: Michael E. Janonis Mount Prospect Village Manager FROM: Everette M. Hill, Jr. DATE: November 10, 2011 RE: World Market Liquor License wvvw.ktjlaw.com Cost Plus World Market is a retail chain, similar to Pier One, that plans to occupy space at Randhurst. Part of the World Market business model is the sale of packaged imported beer, wine and spirits. Our current Liquor Code would permit such sales only in supermarkets. World Market is not a supermarket and although it has an extensive food section, its primary sales relate to imported home furnishing goods. They have requested a new license classification that would allow them to operate according to their standard business model. Rather than create a new classification, we have expanded the existing P -2 (Supermarket) license classification to include "a premises where the primary business is the sale of goods and products other than alcoholic beverages" rather than "a premises where the primary business is the sale of groceries and related products." In order to assure that every "big box" store doesn't apply for this license; we have also added that "The sale of pre - packaged food items must be a significant (not merely incidental) aspect of the business model." This should assure that home improvement stores don't start selling six packs with their hot dogs. The 10,000 square foot minimum restriction will remain. It should also be noted that World Market will sell individual bottles of imported beer, but they will not be chilled. Our Liquor Code prohibits the sale of chilled individual bottles. We have also changed the Code to provide that P licensees may obtain an annual "daily sampling" permit for $1,000, rather than requiring a separate $25 permit application for each day of sampling. If you have any questions, please contact me. 15010 S. Ravinia Avenue, Ste 10 Orland Park, Illinois 00402 -5353 T 708 349 3888 F 708 3491500 277276_1 COST PLUS WORLD MARKET ORDINANCE MODIFICATION 11 -10 -11 Proposed Modification Current Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 ENTITLED "ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR" OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: Subparagraph (A)(1) of Section 13.204 entitled "Classifications" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by deleting the word "Supermarket" for Class P -2 and replacing it with the word "Secondary" package. Class General package P -1 license. Class Supermarket P -2 pack lic ense. Class Wine and beer only P -3 package license. Class Wine only package P -4 license. Class Home delivery P -5 license. SECTION 2: Subparagraph (13)(1)(b) of Section 13.204 entitled "Classifications" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by changing "Daily sampling permit" to read "Daily (annual) sampling permit." b. Those requiring a Mount Prospect license: -Daily sampling permit. Mount Prospect caterer's permit. -Outdoor entertainment permit. COST PLUS WORLD MARKET ORDINANCE MODIFICATION 11 -10 -11 SECTION 3: Subparagraph (A)(2)(b) of Section 13.204.1 entitled "Descriptions and Restrictions" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by deleting subparagraph (b) in its entirety and inserting a new subparagraph (b) which shall be and read as follows: b. Supermarket Package License: Class P -2, for delivery of alcoholic b. Secondary Package License: beverages in an original package Class P -2, for delivery of alcoholic beverages only, at a premises where the in an original package only, at a premises primary business is the sale of where the primary business is the sale of groceries and related products. goods and products other than alcoholic Regulations specific to a class P -2 beverages. Regulation specific to a Class P- license: 2 license: (1) A class P -2 licensed premises (1) The Class P -2 licensed shall contain not less than ten premises shall contain not less than thousand (10,000) square feet of ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area. floor area. (2) The sale of pre- packaged food items must be a significant (not merely incidental) aspect of the business model. SECTION 4: Subparagraph (D)(2)(b)(2) of 2) Daily Sampling Permit: A permit allowing the holder of any class P Section 13.204.1 entitled "Descriptions and license to serve wine or beer, without charge, in small and Restrictions" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic limited amounts, for sampling purposes only and in conjunction Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be with sales promotional efforts occurring on the licensed amended by adding the word (annual) to the two premises. (See subsection C4d of this section with respect to an S -4 locations where "Daily Sampling Permit" is currently license.) Regulations specific to a daily sampling permit: used. The language "Daily (annual) Sampling Permit" is found in the subsection heading and in the last sentence. COST PLUS WORLD MARKET ORDINANCE MODIFICATION 11 -10 -11 B. Permits: SECTION 5: Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic 11. Temporary: Liquors" of Appendix II entitled "Fees, Rates and Civic permit: $0 Taxes" of the Village of Mount Prospect Village Library permit: $0 Code by amending "Daily sampling permit: $25.00 Village permit: $0 per day" in paragraph B "Permits" of Section 13.204 Non -Mount Prospect caterer's permit: $100.00 per day "Classifications" to now read "Daily (annual) Promotion permit: $25.00 per day sampling permit: $25.00 per day; $1,000.00 annually." SECTION 6: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this of , 2011 day Village President ATTEST: irvana K. MIKS, Mount Prospect caterer's permit: $75.00 per day Daily sampling permit: $25.00 per day Outdoor entertainment permit: $0 M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 ENTITLED "ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR" OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION 1: Subparagraph (A)(1) of Section 13.204 entitled "Classifications" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by deleting the word "Supermarket" for Class P -2 and replacing it with the word "Secondary" package. SECTION 2: Subparagraph (13)(1)(b) of Section 13.024 entitled "Classifications" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by changing "Daily sampling permit" to read "Daily (annual) sampling permit." SECTION 3: Subparagraph (A)(2)(b) of Section 13.204.1 entitled "Descriptions and Restrictions" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by deleting subparagraph (b) in its entirety and inserting a new subparagraph (b) which shall be and read as follows: b. Secondary Package License: Class P -2, for delivery of alcoholic beverages in an original package only, at a premises where the primary business is the sale of goods and products other than alcoholic beverages. Regulation specific to a Class P -2 license: (1) The licensed premises shall contain not less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area. (2) The sale of pre - packaged food items must be a significant (not merely incidental) aspect of the business model. 275451 1 SECTION 4: Subparagraph (D)(2)(b)(2) of Section 13.204.1 entitled "Descriptions and Restrictions" of Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquor" of the Mount Prospect Village Code shall be amended by adding the word (annual) to the two locations where "Daily Sampling Permit" is currently used. The language "Daily (annual) Sampling Permit" is found in the subsection heading and in the last sentence. SECTION 5: Chapter 13 entitled "Alcoholic Liquors" of Appendix II entitled "Fees, Rates and Taxes" of the Village of Mount Prospect Village Code by amending "Daily sampling permit: $25.00 per day" in paragraph B "Permits" of Section 13.204 "Classifications" to now read "Daily (annual) sampling permit: $25.00 per day; $1,000.00 annually." SECTION 6: That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form in the manner provided by law. AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: PASSED and APPROVED this day of , 2011 Irvana K. Wilks, Village President ATTEST: M. Lisa Angell, Village Clerk 275451 1 Ik Mout o P", PC" Village of Mount Prospect Mount Prospect, Illinois INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: MAYOR IRVANA WILKS DATE: NOVEMBER 21, 2011 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT /REAPPOINTMENT I nominate the following individuals for appointment to the Sister Cities Commission. Sister Cities Commission Appointment: Barbara & Steve VanArsdale 414 S. Can -Dota Avenue H) 847 - 877 -7224 C) 847 - 420 -1088 Term to expire November 2015 Replaces Denise Rano Who resigned in August Attached is the completed Appointee Information Sheet. I believe Barbara and Steve would make a helpful addition to the Sister Cities Commission and I heartily recommend their confirmation. Safety& Transportation Commission Reappointment: Angel Campos 1724 W. Verde Drive 290 -8237 (h) 312/907 -2126 (c) 708/939 -0080 (w) Term to expire November 2015 Robert Fisher 604 S. School 253 -3340 (h) 508 -3341 (c) Term to expire November 2015 I recommend the above - listed individuals be reappointed. I believe they will represent the Village fairly and objectively. Irvana K. Wilks c: Sister Cities Commission Chair Dorothy Kucera Safety Commission Chair John Keane