HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/1995 COW minutes " ' MINUTES~' ~'
~ .. ,, OF THE WHOLE
'OCTOBER 24~~ 1995
Mayor Gerald Farley called th~ meei~ to order at'7.30 p m Present at the
meebng were Mayor Gerald L Farley, Trustees George Clowes, Paul Hoefert and
M[chaele Skowron ~Absent from the meeting were Trustees T~moth~, Corcoran,
R~chard Hendncks and Irvana Wilks~* Aisc present w~re ~Village Manager Mmhael
Janonls, Assmtant V~llage Manager David Strahl, Rnance Director Dawd Jepson,
Assistant F~nance D~rector Carol Widmer, Human Services D~rector Nancy Morgan,
Assmtant Human Services D~rector Janet Abernethy and Commumcabons
Adm~mstrator Cheryl Pasallc ~~ ~
Acceptance " ~ ' '
of the M~nutes of October 10, 1995' Mobon made by'Trustee Hoefert
and Seconded by Trustee Clowes to approve the Minutes Minutes were
~ None
Opening'~ Re'harks: ' '" '~"",
Mayor Gerald Farley ~ntroduced the discussion by~ stabng that th~s ts the Village's
first calendar year Budget The fiscal year cycle was changed due t6 the Tax Levy
bmmg within Cook County and to take advantage of a favorable construcbon
b~dd~ng cycle for Pubhc Works proJects The Board had prewously approved the
change in fiscal year m early 1994 to take advantage of numerous bmmg
~mprovements for financial sawngs
General Overview-
Village Manager Janonis prowded a general overview of the Budget He stated --J
that Revenues and Expenditures are on target as outhned in Mount Prospect 2000
He stated that changes m the Commumty Development and F~re Departments
have ~mproved efficiencies and reduced costs associated w~th prowd~ng proper
staff to perform assigned funcbons :He stated that the Vdlage of Mount Prospect
~s aggressive ~n working with other commumbes ~n order to reg~onal~ze service
delivery whenever possible ~He stated that the V~llage currently enjoys favorable
agreements with many other cbmmumbes and ~s continually looking at other
opportunlbes to reg~onahze service delivery to reduce costs to Mount Prospect
residents He stated there is an extensive amount of redevelopment currently
underway within Mount Prospect He stated that th~s Budget reflects a Budget
,surplus which is used to smooth out ~Revenue fluctuabons or Revenue
shortcomings A good example of the be,nefit of a Budget surplus'is the fact that
the payments from Cook County for Property Taxes are runmng approximately two
months behind, however, the V~llage,sbll n,eeds to fund the necessary services so
the Wllage w~ll be funding those, services w~th,Bu'dget surpluses untd the money
comes in from Cook ~ounty from the Property Tax payments
The budget document reflects a movement toward more co~t centers which
estabhsh and track actual cost of doing business w~th~n specific Departments He
stated that th~s Budget reflects an 8 46% increase from the previous full fiscal year
Budget He stated the General Fund reflects an increase of 3 6% Among the
anticipated ~ncreases which have been bud! ~nt,o~th~s Budget are health ~nsurance '~-")
~ncreases, refuse d~,sposal ~ncreases and pension funding ~ncreases
Dave Jepson provided a general overview of the Revenues which are detailed
w~th~n the Budget He stated ~n order to fund a complex operation such as the
Vdlage of Mount Prospect, the Budget tends to be very detailed to show
accountab~hty for the funds and how they are allocated .A $48 mllhon Budget of
the commumty ~s very comprehensive ~n terms of service dehvery as d~ctated by
the Vdlage Board He also prowded the general background on the reasoning for
fund balances or surpluses and an overview of the Property ~Tax history of the
V~llage.~ He stated the Property Tax Levy of the V~llage has remained ~rtually the
same for the last four~year~s ~ He"also provided ~a general o~,erv~ew of the Debt
payo~ffschedule ;r , ,~ ~ ,, /~ ~
Frank Vlasny, 2103 Jody Court, spoke He felt that the ~n Assessed Value ~n
~ndustr~al~areas and the breaks g~ven to entice them to locate w~th~n Mount
Prospect has created an ~nequ~table burden of Property Taxes upon the residents
He stated that any Property Tax ~ncrease ~s a burden and spending ~s not under
control and urged the Board to consider the overall tax burden ~n an attempt to
control overall ~ncreases~
Dick Bachhuber, 625 South Edward Street, spoke He asked whether the State's
tenuous financial s~tuat~on has an affect on the V~llage's finances
Dave Jepson responded to Mr Bachhuber's quesbon by stabng that the State's
financial problems would have no ~mpact.on Mount Prospect unless the State
w~thholds Revenues which are due to the V~llage so that the State may benefit
from any ~nterest from those Revenues to ~mprove their financial sltuabon
Human Services Department Overview
Human Services Director Nancy Morgan provided a general overview of the
services provided by the Human Services Department She also rewewed the
services which do generate revenue for the V~llage and the Human Services
Department The services provided by the Human Services Department are broad
and comprehensive and not just related to sen~or services alone as ~llustrated ~n
a case study whereby the recipient received numerous types of services from
Human Services personnel
The extensive use of volunteers in the Human Servmes Department has allowed
for over 7,500 hours of service provided to the residents wtthout mcurnng the cost
of prowd~ng the staff to prowde the same level of service The Human Serwces
Department does not provide or adm~mster social programs and welfare program
The Department focuses pr~manly on prowdmg services which are d~fferent from
other servme prowders or enhance services prowded by other servme prowders
and works d~l~gently to m~n~m~ze possible overlap of services
Ms Morgan stated that based on the Census data, 11% of the population of Mount
Prospect ~s sen~or c~bzens Of that 11%, 25% of the populabon of the total sen~ors
receive services through the Human Serwces Department based on Department
esbmates Recreational programs which are prowded and coordinated through the
Sen~or Center are wewed as opportun~bes to lay the groundwork for possible future
service contacts
General comments by the Vdlage Board ~ncluded the following ~tems
A concern was made that the Department must confirm which services are -~.~'
necessary based on needs and should be monitored periodically. Board members
also expressed a desire to strengthen the use of a data base use to track various
services prowded to residents~ Some members emphasized the need for
recreabonal acbwbes to conbnue to be managed by the volunteer network
ViIla,qe Administration Overview ';~
V,Ilage Manager M,chael Janonis provided a general overview of the Pubhc
Representation Budget which includes funding for Boards and Commissions and
stated that there were no s~gn~flcant changes m expenditures from the prewous
year Mr Janon~s also prowded a general overview of the acbwbes of the V~llage
Manager's office and stated that one of the primary goals for the upcoming fiscal
year was to focus on management training and staff development
Mr Janon~s also provided a general overview of the V~llage Clerk's Budget The
most s~gn~ficant change m the Clerk's budget from prewous fiscal years ~s the
increase m the number of Newsletters d~stnbuted per year The Newsletter was
prewously dehvered four t~mes a year, now ~t ~s dehvered s~x braes a year The
staff ~s m the process'of prowd~ng a rewew of a possible format change of the
Newsletter to increase readabd~ty and commun~cabon efforts
Commumcat~ons Administrator Cheryl Pasalic prowded a general overview of the ~
Communlcabons D~vls~on She provided an overview of the services provided and
h~ghhghted the results from the recent Cable TV Survey She also stated that the
~ ,figures in th~s upcoming budget show funds for complebng the phone system
which was started a few years prewously The complebon w~ll include connecting
Pubhc Works and the outlying Fire Stabons to the mare phone system
General comments of the Vdlage Board members ~ncluded the following ~tems
A recommendation to formulate an mcanbve program for rewards to staff for cost-
sawngs methods and encouraged staff to come up with creative solutions to
control msuranca and pension costs in order to manage these items within a target
budget amount the same as other ~tems ~, -. ,
Finance Department Overview
Dave Jepson prowded a general overview of Department operations and the
allocabon of resources He h~ghhghted the request for an add~bonal part-time
pos~t~on to assist the data processing acbv~bes of the Finance Department He
stated that the Department has been heavily ~nvolved in replacing the computer
system both software and hardware
Make A Dff[emnce Day has been scheduled for October 28 at 8 00 a m and all
residents are encouraged to participate ~f they desire
There being no further business, the Committee of the Whole meeting was
adjourned at 11 O0 p m
Respectfully submitted,
DS/rcc Assistant Wllage Manager