HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/1995 COW minutes MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE NOVEMBER 14, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Gerald Farley celled the meet;ng to order at 6 12 p m Present at the meeting were' Mayor Gerald L Fadey, Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Michaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Trustee Hoefert arnved at 6 30 p m Also present were Village Manager M~chael Janon;s, Assistant V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Jepson, Finance Dlractor David Assistant F~nance D~ractor Carol Widmer, F,re Chief Edward Cavello, Deputy F~re Chief Steve Dumowch, F~re Prevenbon Coordinator Paul Valenbne, Police Chief Ronald Pavlock, Deputy Pohce Chiefs Thomas Daley and Ronald R~chardson, Community Development D~rector Wilham Cooney and Building Coordinator Brad Paulson MINUTES Acceptance of the M~nutes of October 24, 1995 Motion made by Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee Clowes to approve the M~nutes M~nutes were accepted Trustees Corcoran, Hendncks and Wilks abstained CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None 1996 BUDGET DISCUSSION Openinq Remarks: Mayor Gerald Farley prowded general opemng remarks stating that th~s ~s the second of three Committee of the VVhole Budget Heanngs leading up to the eventual approval of the 1996 V~llage Budget General Overview:. Finance Director Dave Jepson prowded a general overview of the Budget Heanng schedule and a review cf the schedule for approval of the Tax Levy Fire Depa~b,ent Budqet Ovewlew Fire Chief Edward Cavello prowded an overview of the cell h~story for the prewous year The F~re Department Budget shows an annual increase of 3 2% He prowded an overvmw of the 1995 goals and object;yes and hsted the 1996 goals He stated one of the h;ghhghts of the prewous year was the ~mpreved hmng process whereby mm;mum hmng standards have been established relating to proper schoohng and experience ' Deput3/Chief Dumovich provided an overview of the planned operational changes to supplement the Qu~nt use for cells He also stated that the plan ~s to enhance EMT tra~mng and cert~ficetlon to expand ab~htles of F~refighters on s~te Th~s advanced training w~ll allow additional personnel who have some type of advanced med~cel training to assist Paramedics The Department also plans to ubhze the Med~cel Engine concept as basic Paramedic umts Deputy Chief Dumowch further provided an overview of the spec~ahzed tra~mng of F~re Department personnel ~n the Tra~mng Academy and other programs w~th~n the ,) F~re Department General comments by the V~llage Board included the following ~tems An overview of the response time from one year to the next was d~scussed Some add~bonal details on EMT tra~mng and ~ncreases ~n the Pa~d-on-Call (POC) costs were discussed A quesbon also ceme up regarding the cost of prowd~ng add~bonal vehicles to supplement the Qu~nt, specifically the rescue squad as recommended ~n th~s Budget year. Chief Cavello prowded general answers to Board members' questmns Some of the ~ncrease ~n response bme ~s due to enhanced training at the D~spatch Center whereby d~spatchers are required to get as much mformabon as possible before actually d~spatchmg emergency personnel Also, the rescue squad purchase was part of the overall plan when the Qu~nt purchase was contemplated last fiscel year The Chief also stated he is working w~th Chiefs from other Departments to determine ~f there are any possible consohdabon opportumbes s~m~lar to Northwest Central D~spatch available Police Deparlznent Overview Chief Pavlock provided a general overview of the Police Department Budget stabng a proJected annual increase of 6 3% ~s illustrated ~n the Budget document He stated that the increases ~n the personnel costs are pnmanly due to the full cost of the add~bonal Officers which have been added to the Department over the last couple of years Furthermore, the Department ~s currently ~n the process of tesbng to establish a new Pohce Officer h~ring list He stated that some of the more creative programs which have been ~mplemented over the prewous fiscal year have shown some success in expanding the Community Pohc~ng effort of the -Department General comments of the Wllage Board members ~ncluded the following ~tems A recommendation to consider adding an additional Officer to focus on traffic enforcement and overweight trucks throughout the commumty There was also a discussion concerning the use of the automabc vehicle Iocabng systems ~n each vehicle and the use of computers by Officers as part of their report wnbng Consensus of the Village Board was to providesteff direction to review the costs and provide an overview of adding the additional Officer to focus on traffic and overweight bucks to determine Impact on operaUons~and provide this Information to the Board at a future date. ~ ~ Community Development Depad~ttent Overview Bill Cooney prowded a general overview of the Department and an overview of how the recent reorganization has changed the structure w~thin the Department Among the activities which have been undertaken by the Community Development Department ~s a reded~catlon to economic development through the use of attendance at trade shows and putting togethera promotional brochure The emphas~s has been on developing a positive relationship between V~llage staff and area businesses or potenbal businesses An overview of the Health D~vls~on was provided by Mr Cooney. He stated that the recent ~mplementat~on of the relnspectton fees have generated approximately $5,000 ~n additional fees He stated the number of vlolabons which have been documented through inspections has increased from 1,900 in 1993 to approximately 5,000 for the year 1995 Some of the programs which have been ~mplemented in conjuncbon w~th the Health Div~s~on include the Cnme Free Housing program and the door hanger .~ program for v~olatlon nobce Among the currant problems which have been experienced by the Health and Housing D~v~slon are the ~ntens~fied recordkeeplng necessary for the complaints which have ansen through ~ntemal ~nspectlons It ~s anticipated that staff wdl be requesting add~bonal help from the Vdlage Board in the near future to assist in the internal ~nspect~ons The Permit D~vls~on has been extremely busy pnmanly due to the ~ncraased level of economic development w~thln the community. The Department wdl have a computer program ~n place allowing for all relevant reformation to be pnnted and maintained effective January 1, 1996 The D~ws~on has also worked extensively on developing how-to informabon for residents or interested part~es who need Permit ~nformat~on General comments of the V~llage Board included updated information concerning the economic development brochure which is in the process of being drafted Board members also requested updates on numerous economic development actlv~bes and the status of the construction projects related to these activities Generally, the Board members were extremely sabsfied and happy w~th the actlwbes which have been undertaken by the Commumty Development Department and its staff dunng the past year. V. ANY OTHER BUSINESS ~ None VI. MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Janonis provided a general overview of the items which wdl be discussed at the November 21 Vdlage Board meeting Among the ~tems to be d~scussed include the Gun Sale Ban and the rewew of the Park Distnct Rezonmg matter. It ~s not anbclpated that the Commercial Vehicle Ordinance for residential areas be d~scussed at that meebng He also stated that leaf pick-up has been extended by one week in all areas due to the sudden snowfall from last week VII ADJOURNMENT There being no further bus~ness, the Committee of the Whole meeting was adjourned at 9 24 p m Respectfully sub,m,tte/d,//~ DAVID STRAHL "'"'~ DS/fcc Assistant Wllage Manager 4