HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 41-86 12/02/1986
WHEREAS, Section 10 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution
of 1970 authorizes units of local government to contract or
otherwise associate among themselves in any manner not prohibited
by law or by ordinance, and
WHEREAS, Chapter 127, Section 741, eto seqo, Illinois Revised
Statutes, entitled the fiIntergovernmental Cooperation Act!!,
authorizes public agencies to exercise any power or powers,
privileges or authority which may be exercised by such public
agency individually to be exercised and enjoyed jointly with any
other public agency in the State; and
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act in Section 746 in
furtherance of the provisions contained within Article VII,
Section 10 of the Constitution authorizes an intergovernmental
contract which among other undertakings allows public agencies to
jointly self-insure and authorizes each public agency member of
the contract to utilize its funds to protect, wholly or
partially, any public agency member of the contract against
liability or loss in the designated insurable area; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 85 of the Illinois Revised Statutes authorizes
multi-year contracts for joint self~insurance and allows
self-insured governments to assert a range of immunities, and
WHEREAS, units of local government within Illinois have found it
increasingly difficult to purchase excess insurance from
commercial sources and where such insurance is available the
costs of such coverage often exceeds the ability of the units of
local government to pay for such insurance; and
WHEREAS, many governmental bodies are capable of self-insuring or
conventionally insuring risks below one million dollars, but
require the participation of other governmental bodies to deal
with infrequent but catastrophic claims above one million
dollars; and
WHEREAS, a number of municipalities have studied the possibility
of creating a joint self-insurance pool to provide coverage for
its members above claims which at the commencement date of the
Agency will be $1,000,000.00; and
WHEREAS, the Members of the proposed Agency, including the
Village of Mount Prospect, are prepared to individually fund a
self-insured retention amount of $1,000,000.00, which they may
fund through individual self-insurance, conventional insurance or
membership in a self-insurance pool; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Mount
Prospect acknowledge that the concept of an excess insurance pool
requires each Member to assume the obligation for all claims
below the high-level excess self-insurance amount at which the
Agency will commence its coverage; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities recognize that membership in
such a pool requires a multi-year commitment and an obligation to
fund claims made against the Members of the Pool for an extended
period of time after the occurrence of the incident which caused
the claim to be made; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have reviewed the Contract and
By-Laws of the proposed High-Level Excess Liability Pool and find
Page 2 of ¿.
that the goals of that organization and the obligations imposed
upon the Village of Mount Prospect are in accordance with the
philosophy and public policy objectives of the Village of Mount
Prospect; and
WHEREAS, self-insurance pools have successfully served the needs
of Illinois government bodies since at least January 1, 1979; and
WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities of the Village of Mount find
that it is in the best interest of its citizens that it become a
Member of the High~Level Excess Liability Poolo
SECTION ONE: That the Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby
authorized to execute on behalf of the Village of Mount Prospect
the Contract and By-Laws of the High-Level Excess Liability Pool
(hereinafter referred to as "Agency"), a copy of the subject
Contract and By-Laws is attached hereto and hereby made a part
hereof as Exhibit "1".
SECTION TWO: That the powers of the Agency, unless the
Contract and By-Laws be ~~ended, shall be limited to those
contained within Exhibit "1".
SECTION THREE: That the commencement of the operations of the
Agency and the obligation of the Village of Mount Prospect to
fully participate in such operations shall be effectuated in
accordance with the Contract and By-Laws.
SECTION FOUR: That except to the extent of the limited
financial contributions to the Agency set forth in the Contract
and By-Laws, the Village of Mount Prospect by its entry as a
Member of the Agency shall not be held responsible in any way
for the claims in tort made against any other Member of the
Agency; and the financial obligations are limited to the payment
of claims above the self-insured retention with claims and costs
below this amount individually assumed by each Membero
SECTION FIVE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner
provided by law.
AYES: Arthur, Farley, Murauskis, Van Geem
Floras, Wattenberg
day of
, 1986.
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Caroly~ H. Krause
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Carol Ao Fields
Village Clerk
Page No.
56 -
Definitions and Purpose.
Participation and Term.
Commencement of the Agency.
-Board of Directors.
Board of Directors Meetings.
Finances and Risk Management Pool.
Scope and Amount of Loss Protection.
Obligations of Members.
Liability of Board of Directors
or Officers.
Additional Coverage.
Optional Defense by Member.
Host Member
Expulsion of Members.
Termination of the Agency.
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Definitions and Purpose.
As used in this agreement, the following terms shall
have the meaning hereinafter set out:
AGENCY - The High-Level Excess Liability Pool (HoE.L.P.)
established pursuant to the Constitution and the statutes
of this State by this intergovernmental agreement.'
ANNUAL PA~ - The minimum amount a MEMBER shall be
obligated to pay to the AGENCY during a fiscal year.
CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR - A person or group of persons who
either as employees or independent contractors are employed
to administer the claims made against the MEMBERS.
CONVENTIONAL INSURANCE - Insurance coverage which may
from time to time be purchased by or through the AGENCY
from an insurance company approved by the Department
of Insurance to write such coverage in Illinois for risks
which the MEMBERS determine will not be covered or be
entirely covered by the JOINT RISK MANAGEMENT POOL; also
excess insurance.
DEBT INSTRUMENTS - Bonds, letters of credit, loan agree-
ments, or other documents by which funds are borrowed
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by the AGENCY or by a MEMBE~ of the AGENCY to fund in
whole or in part the Joint Risk Management Pool.
HOST MEMBER - A MEMBER of the AGENCY which issues or
becomes principally obligated for a debt instrument.
JOINT RISK MANAGEMENT POOL - A fund of public monies
established by the AGENCY-to provide risk management
services, administer and jointly self-insure certain
claims within an agreed scope, to purchase conventional
insurance where such coverage is available in reasonable
amounts and, where issued, to repay debt instruments
and to pay other costs within the purposes of the AGENCY;
JOINT SELF-INSURANCE - A self-insurance program in which
MEMBERS agree to contributè annual, and where required,
supplementary payments and other required payments such
as interest payments to support the costs of administra-
tion, a risk management program and a joint risk management
MEMBERS - Units of local government and joint contractual
agencies composed of units of local government which
initially or later enter into the intergovernmental con-
tract established by this intergovernmental agreemente
POOL CONTRIBUTiON FORMULA - A formula approved by the
Board of Directors which will establish the amount of
required annual payment to the AGENCY.
RISK MANAGEMENT - A program attempting to reduce or limit
injuries to persons or property caused by the operations
STEERING CO~TTEE - A committee organized to bring about
the creation of the AGENCY.
Documents or funds to be
sent to the Steering Committee should be sent to:
George Coney
Steering Committee Chairman
High-Level Excess Liability Pool
c/o Village of Elk Grove Village
901 Wellington Avenue
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - Payments which may be called
for, in accordance with the Contract and By-Laws, by
the Board of Directors from time-to-time if the amount
of the annual payment is insufficient to fund the AGENCY.
The AGENCY is a cooperative agency voluntarily established
by contracting units of local governments and similar govern-
mental entities as defined in the Illinois Constitution of
1970 pursuant to Article VII, Section 10 of the 1970 Constitu-
tion of the State of Illinois, Chapter 85, Sections 1-101
through 9-101, and Chapter 121, Section 746 of the Illinois
Revised Statutes for the purpose of seeking the prevention
or lessening of liability claims for injuries to persons or
property or claims for errors and omissions made against the
MEMBERS and other parties included within the scope of coverage
of the AGENCY.
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It is the intent of the MEMBERS of the AGENCY to create
an entity which will administer a joint risk management pool
and utilize such funds contributed by the MEMBERS to defend
and protect, in accordance with these By-Laws, any ~~~BER
of the AGENCY and other parties against stated liability.
Such By-Laws shall constitute the substance of a contract
among the MEMBERS.
All funds contained within the Risk Management Pool are
funds directly derived from its Members which are units of
local government or similar governmental entities within the
State of Illinois.
It is the intent of the parties in entering
into this agreement that, to the fullest extent possible, .
the scope of risk management undertaken by them through a
joint self-insurance program using governmental funds shall
not waive, on behalf of any local public entity or public
employees as defined in the Local Governmental and Governmental
Employees Tort Immunity Act, any defenses or immunities therein
provided 0
Specifically, the MEMBERS of this AGENCY intend to effect
no waiver of immunities through their contribution of public
funds retained within the risk management pools
Such contribu-
tions being reserves to protect against uninsured risks in
accordance with Chapter 127, Section 746, are not intended
to constitute the issuance of a policy for insurance coverage,
(by an insurance company authorized by the Department of Insur-
ance to write such coverage in Illinois), as provided in Chapter
- r 'lJ/S6
85, Section 9-103 of the Illinois Revised Statutes.
Nor do
the MEMBERS, if permitted by law, intend to waive any immunities
by the purchase of conventional insurance by the AGENCY.
In order to give the MEMBERS the ability to partially
pre-fund the joint risk management pool, through the possible
sale of debt instruments, it is necessary to establish a term
for the AGENCY which is long enough to permit the sale and
retirement of debt instruments payable over a period of up
to the term of the AGENCY to be retired by the commitment
of the MEMBERS to make payments.
In addition, by entering
into a contract which will provide some coverage on an occur-
rence basis, even if the claim is filed at some time after
eleven years from the date of the commencement of this contract,
the MEMBERS state and acknowledge their continuing contractual
obligations arising out of occurrences which take place during
the term of this contract.
In creating an excess self-insurance pool, the MEMBERS
of this AGENCY are entering into a type of intergovernmental
contract which has not previously existed in Illinois.
forming such an AGENCY, the MEMBERS state and acknowledge
that the AGENCY has no responsibility for the payment of claims
for amounts less than the level at which the scope of coverage
of this AGENCY shall from time to time commenceo
The scope
of coverage to be provided by the AGENCY is excess coverage
to commence only after the MEMBER or some other party on behalf
of the MEMBER has fully paid the amount of its self-insured
term of
occurrence 0
The AGENCY, always subject to any limit on aggregate payments,
shall not be obligated. to expend any funds or pay àI.Y claim
until the MEMBER, or some party on behalf of the MEMBER, has
paid $l,OOO,obo, including costs of defense, for each occurrence
against which a claim is made against the assets of the AGENCY.
The powers of the AGENCY to perform and accomplish the
purposes set forth in Article I shall, within the budgetary
limits and procedures set forth in these By-Laws, be the fol-
(a) To employ agents, employees and independent contrac-
(b) To lease real property and to purchase or lease equip-
ment, machinery, or personal property necessary for
the carrying out of the purpos~ of the AGENCY,
(c) To carry out educational and other programs relating
to risk reductions,
Cd) to cause the creation of, see to the collection of
funds for, and administer a joint risk management
pool and to repay debt instruments of the AGENCY,
its MEMBERS, or both,
(e) To purchase conventional insurance to supplement
the joint risk management pool,
(f) To establish reasonable and necessary loss reduction
and prevention procedures which shall be followed
by the MEMBERS.
It is the intent of the M~ÆERS
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that the use of this power shall be exercised with
discretion with a goal of undertaking oversight re-
sponsibilities rather than the direction by the AGENCY
of the day-to-day operations of a MEMBER,
(g) To provide risk management services, and, where re-
quired, the investigation, defense, litigation, or
settlement of claims,
(h) To admit ~nd expel MEMBERS as provided herein,
(i) Solely within the budgetary limits established by
the MEMBERS to carry out such other activities as
are necessarily implied or required to carry out
the purposes of the AGENCY specified in Article I-
or the specific powers enumerated in Article IIs
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Participation and Term.
All MEMBERS of the AGENCY, except for those whose member-
ship is terminated in accordance with the expulsion provisions
of Article XV, and such extension of the term as may be made
if the fiscal year of the AGENCY is changed, shall remain
MEMBERS of the AGENCY for a period of eleven (11) years after
the AGENCY shall have comwenced its operations.
New MEMBERS, including those units of local government
listed in Appendix A, which do not join at the inception of
the AGENCY, shall be admitted only by a two-thirds (2/3) affir-
mative vote of the entire membership of the Board of Directors
and subject to the payment of such funds and under such condi-
tions as the Board
shall in each case or from time to time
Provided further that before new MEMBERS may be admitted
these by-laws will be amended to provide for the method by
which the payments received from new MEMBERS will be used
in the JOINT RISK MANAGEMENT POOL and the manner in which
such new MEMBERS wil~ receive the payment of any funds available
after all claims have been paid or provision has been made
for the payment of all claims..
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It is anticipated that within the first year of the term
of the AGENCY, the amount of coverage as specified in
Article VIII to be provided will be increased to not less
than $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate for each
This increased amount of coverage is expected to
be backed by the issuance of. bonds by a host MEMBER, the pro-
curement of a Letter of Credit, or through some other debt
In the event that the ámount-of coverage provided
by the AGENCY should not be increased to at least $5,000,000
per occurrence and in the aggregate during the first year
of its term or to commence at the beginning of the second
year, any MEMBER of the AGENCY may withdraw from the AGENCY
by giving written notice to the Chairman of the Board of Direc-
tors within fifteen {IS} days after the close of the first
fiscal year.
Such withdrawal shall relate back to the end
of the first fiscal yearo
In addition, if the AGENCY should
vote to increase its scope of coverage to not less than $5,000,000
at some time during the first fiscal year and should require
all MEMBERS to execute documents providing in more detail
the manner in which they shall be obligated to pay their propor-
tional share of the retirement or repayment of a debt instru-
ment, a MEMBER may withdraw from the AGENCY by refusing to
execute such documents.
Such withdrawal shall be effective
at the date that the AGENCY shall increase the amount of its
coverage, but in no case later than the end of the first fiscal
Any MEMBER which withdraws from the AGENCY in the manners
1010 s~
specified above shall, however, be responsible for its propor-
tional share of claims within the scope of coverage of the
AGENCY as it existed prior to the effective date of its with-
The proportional share due from that MEMBER shall
be that proportion which its annual payments bear to those
annual payments of all of the other MEMBERS.
l". E. L. P.
Commencement of the Agency.
The AGENCY will commence its term at 12:01 a.me on January
1, 1987, if:
by December 15, 1986, there has been deposited
with the Steering Committee resolutions or ordinances approving
the Contract and By-Laws of the AGENCY by at least ten (10)
of the governmental bodies, the names of which are set forth
in Appendix A, obligating themselves to become MEMBERS of
the AGENCY in accordance with these By-Laws, and to pay in
the first fiscal year annual payments totalling at least
At the time that the submission of the resolution or
ordinance approving the Contract and By-Laws of the AGENCY
is sent to the Steering Committe-e, the MEMBERS shall enclose
a check in the amount of 50% of the first year's initial payment
to the AGENCY as is shown on Appendix A.
The other 50% shall
he due within 30 days after the AGENCY commences its term.
Provided, however, that if necessary to produce at least
$1,100,000.00, each MEMBER which signs the Contract and By-Laws
shall be obligated to increase its second installment payment
to a total annual payment not more than 10% higher than the
amount shown on Appendix A.
If the required acts necessary to bring about the commence~
ment of the AGENCY have not occurred by December 15, 1986,
the obligation of those governmental bodies which have passed
the resolution or ordinance to become a MEMBER of the AGENCY
shall cease and all funds sent to the Steering Committee will
be returned with any interest earned.
ltJ/1J., ,S6
Board of Directors.
(a) Th~re is hereby established a Board of Directors
of the AGENCY.
Each MEMBER shall appoint one (1)
person to represent that body on the Board of Directors
along with another person to serve as an alternate
representative when the initial representative is
unable to carry out that representative's duties.
The representative and alternate shall be appointed
in the same manner as other appointive officers are
selected when no specific method for such office
is established by statute.
Once such appointments
are made known to the AGENCY the persons appointed
shall remain in office until the AGENCY receives
evidence of the appointment of other persons.
AGENCY shall be the judge of the proper appointment
of representatives and alternates to the Board of
Directors and shall utilize in case of dispute general
principles of Illinois law.
The representative and
alternate selected need not be elected officials
of the MEMBER.
It is anticipated, but not required,
that persons chosen to serve on the Board will have
responsibilities within their MEMBER community for
some management duties relating to the AGENCY.
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The Board of Directors shall select from among
the representatives a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secre-
tary and Treasurer.
In the first fiscal year of
the AGENCY, these persons shall be selected during
the first quarter of the fiscal year to serve terms
of two (2) years from the commencement date*
after, they will be selected during the final quarter
of the appropriate fiscal year to serve two year
terms commencing at the start of the next fiscal
No person may serve as Chairman of the Board
of Directors for more than two (2) consecutive full
two-year terms.
The Chairman shall. be the chief'
executive officer of the AGENCYs
The Chairman shall
preside at all meetings of the Board and the Executive
Committee at which the Chairman is presentœ
Chairman may request information from any officer
of the Board or the AGENCY or any employee or independ-
ent contractor of the AGENCY.
The Chairman shall
vote on all matters that come before the Board or
Committees on which the Chairman serve~.
The Chairman
shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all commit-
tees of the AGENCY on which the Chairman does not
directly serve.
The Chairman shall have such other
powers as are set forth in these By-laws and such
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other powers as he may be given from time to time
by action of the Boardo
The Vice Chairman shall carry out all duties of
the Chairman of the Board during the absence or inabil-
ity of the Chairman. to perform such duties and shall
carry out such other functions 'as are assigned from
time to time by the Chairman or the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of
and be responsible for all funds and securities of
the AGENCY; receive and give all receipts for moneys
due and payable to the AGENCY from any source whatso-
ever; deposit all such moneys in the name of the
AGENCY in such banks, savings and loan associations
or other depositories as shall be selected by the
Board of Directors; invest the funds of the AGENCY
as are not immediately required in such investments
as the Board of Directors shall specifically or gener-
ally select from time to time; and maintain the finan-
cial books and records of the AGENCY.
however, that all investments of AGENCY funds shall
be made only in the manner permitted to an Illinois
home rule community.
The Treasurer shall, in general,
perform all the duties incident to the office of
Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time
may be assigned to him by the Board of Directorso
11) /10, S,:
The Secretary shall keep the official records
of the AGENCYe
The Secretary shall see to the keeping
of the minutes of meetings of the AGENCY and shall
retain past financial records of the AGENCY.
Secretary shall see to, the sending 0,£ all notices
required by these By-Laws and shall carry out other
clerical duties of the AGENCYe
The AGENCY shall purchase a bond in the cumulative
amount of at least $2,50Q,OOOeOO to assure the fidelity
of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, the
Treasurer and any other officer, committee member,
or employee who shall have the right to authorize
the transfer or paymen~ of AGENCY funds.
amending these By-Laws, the Board of Directors, by
motion, may increase the amount of the bonds or the
persons covered.
The Board may select a financial institution
to carry out some or all of the functions which would
otherwise be assigned to a Treasurer and may select
a risk management company or agent to serve as claims
The Board may also employ persons
or companies as independent contractors to carry
out some of the functions of officers of the AGENCYe
The Board of Directors may from time to time establish
other officers of the Board and may elect a representa-
tive on the Board to serve in any of such officeso
, J /11J/8f5
The Board shall fill any vacancies which may occur
in any offices for the remainder of the term.
(b) The Board of Directors shall determine the general
policy of the AGENCY which policy shall be followed
by the AGENCY officers, agents, employees and indepen-
dent contractors employed by the AGENCY 0
Among other
items, it shall have the responsibility for (1) Hiring
of AGENCY officers, agents, employees and independent
contractors; (2) Setting of compensation for all
persons, firms and corporations employed by the AGENCY:
(3) Setting of fidelity bonding requirements for
officers, employees or other persons: (4) Approval
of amendments to the By-Laws; (5) Approval of the
acceptance of new MEMBERS and expulsion of MEMBERS:
(6) Approval and amendment of the annual budget of
the AGENCY; (7) Establishment and amendment of the
scope and amount of pooled self-insurance coverage
offered by the AGENCY: (8) Resolution of disputes
over the scope of pooled self-insurance coverage
provided by the AGENCY; (9) Approval of educational
and other programs relating to risk reduction: (10)
Approval of reasonable and necessary loss reduction
and prevention procedures which shall be followed
by all MEMBERS: (11) Purchase òf conventional insurance;
(12) Authorization to a hast MEMBER to issue debt
instruments when all other contractual prerequi-
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sites for such issuance have been effected; (13)
Approval of annual and supplementary payments to
the Risk 11anagement Pocl for each MEMBER; (14) Approval
of rules and regulations regarding the payout of
funds from the Risk Management Pool as shall from
time-to-time seem appropriateo
(c) Each MEMBER shall be entitled to one (1) vote on
the Board of Directorse
Such vote may be cast only
by the designated representative of the MEMBER or
in the representative's absence, by an alternate
selected by the MEMBER in the same manner as specified
for the selection of the principal representativei
No proxy votes or absentee votes shall be permittede
Voting shall be conducted by voice vote unless one
(1). or more MEMBERS of the Board of Directors shall
request a roll call vote; provided, however that:
1.. Any vote which requires a greater than majority
vote for passage shall be by roll call vote, and
Any member of the Board who abstains or casts
a vote in a minority position on a matter
upon which a voice vote is taken may have
that vote specifically recorded in the minutes
by indicating such desire to the presiding
(d) The representative selected by the MEMBER shall serve
until a successor has been selectede
The representa-
H.:::. L. P.
tive chosen by the MEMBER may be removed in the same
manner as other non-tenured appointive officers within
In the event that a vacancy occurs in
the representative or alternate representative selected
by the Corporate Authorites of a MEMBER, that body
shall appoint ,a successor.
The failure of a MEMBER
to select a representative or the failure of that
person to participate shall not affect the responsibi-
lities or duties of a MEMBER under this Contract.
(e) The Board of Directors shall have the power to esta-
blish both standing and ad hoc committees.
It is
contemplated that the AGENCY will have at least the
following standing committees:
Finance, Risk Manage-
ment, Claims Review and Membership and Revenue.
The Chairman of the Board may also establish ad hoc
committees which do not conflict with those established
by the Board..
Unless the Board of Directors shall
establish some other procedure, the selection of
members of the Board of Directors who shall serve
on such committees and chair them shall reside with
the Chairman of the Board of Directors, but such
decisions shall be confirmed by the Board.
The Chair-
man may make interim appointments to fill vacancies,
which occur between Board meetings.
The Board of Directors may assign to a committee
the authority to authorize the expenditure of funds
10 '1':: 'S.~
for administrative expenses, but the settlement of
claims ~r suits to be paid from th~ joint risk manage-
ment pool shall be decided by the Board of Directors,
except as the Board shall specifically assign in
whole or in part such function to a person or corn-
The Board of Directors shall create an Executive
That Executive Committee shall at a minimum
consist of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
Board, the Treasurer, the representative or alternate
of any host MEMBERS, and the Chairman of the other
standin9 committees of the AGENCY along with other.
The Executive Committee shall ~ake recomrnenda-
tions to the Board and shall undertake other functions
as the Board shall assigns
(g) A quorum shall consist of a majority of the MEMBERS
of the Board of Directorse
Except as provided in
S~section (h), herein, or elsewhere in these By-Laws,
a simple majority of a quorum shall be sufficient
to pass upon all matterSe
(h) A greater vote than a majority of a quorum shall
be required to approve the following matters:
(i) Such matters as the Board of Directors shall
establish within its rules as requiring for
passage a vote greater than a majority of a
quorum, provided, however, that such a rule
can only be established by a greater than a
majority vote at least equal to the greater
than majority percentage within the proposed
(ii) The approval of the payment of the settlement
of claims from the joint risk management pool
shall require the concurrence of a majority
of the entire membership of the Board of Direc-
By such a vote, the Board of Directors
may also establish procedures whereby in cases
where a rapid decision on the terms of a prospec-
tive settlement must be made, a committee or
person may approve settlements in an amount
higher than that previously authorized by the
(iii) The admission of a new MEMBER and the expulsion
of a MEMBER shall require at least the concur-
rance of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire member-
ship of the Board of Directors.
(iv) The purchase of excess or aggregate insurance
shall require at least the concurrence of two-
thirds (2/3) of the entire membership of the
Board of Directors.
(v) Any amendment of these By-Laws except as provided
in Subsection (vi) below, shall require at
least the concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of
the entire membership of the Board of Directorso
(vi) The amendment of these By-Laws to cause the
termination of this agreement sooner than eleven
(11) years after its commencement but only
if any debt instruments issue~ have been entirely
paid or provision has been made for their payment,
. or the amendment of these By-Laws to cause
a modification of more or less than the high
or low range of the debit-credit formula, as
provided for in Article VII(i), or the modifi-
cation of the scope or amount of coverage of
the AGENCY and the authorization to a host
MEMBER which has specifically agreed by resolu-
tion of its corporate authorities to obligate
itself to execute a debt instrument shall require
that specific written notice of the proposed
change be sent by registered or certified mail
to the chief executive officer of the MEMBER
and to the regular and alternate representative
of the MEMBER on the Board of Directors, no
less than ten (10) days prior to a meeting
at which this matter is proposed and that the
amendment as proposed or as amended at a Board
meeting shall require concurrence of at least
t',wo-thirds(2/3) of the entire membership of
the Board of Directorse
10: l.J:: ,:
(i) No one serving on the Board of Directors shall receive
any salary or other payment from the AGENCY.
salary, compensation, payment or expenses for such
representative, shall be paid by each MEMBER separate
from this Contract.
Provided, however, that the
Chairman of the Board, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and
Secretary and such other Board officers as are given
by the Board of Directors a right to reimbursement
may submit to the Board of Directors for its approval
claims for reimbursement of expenses incurred in
the pursuit of their positions as officers df the
The reimbursement for such expenses shall
include amounts advanced on behalf of the AGENCY
either by the officer himself or by a MEMBER of the
A host MEMBER may be compensated for agreeing
to issue or issuing a debt instrument, be reimbursed
for expenses or be granted credits for sums otherwise
due the AGENCY..
1 Ù / ll~: d 6
Board of Directors Meetings.
{a} Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall
be held at least three (3) times a year.
The dates
of regular meetings of the Board shall be established
at the beginning of each fiscal yearo
Any item of
business may be considered at a regular meetingo
A special organizational meeting may be held within
thirty (30) days prior to the commencement date of
the AGENCY upon not less than seven (7) days' written
notice from the Chairman of the Steering Committee 0
At least one (1) meeting must be held during
the first half of the fiscal year.
Special meetings
of the Board of Directors may be called by its Chairman,
or by representa ti ves of any three (3) MEMB.ERS Q
Ten (10) days' written notice of regular or special
meetings shall be given to the official representatives
of each MEMBER government and an agenda specifying
the subject of any special meeting shall accompany
such notice..
Business conducted at special meetings
shall be limited to those items specified in the
Provided, however, that where it is necessary
to call a special meeting of the Board to authorize
t-; . L . ~- . ;~ .
~ ~I ~: :i r
the payment of the settlement of a claim or claims
or other matter requiring rapid attention, such a
meeting may be called by delivered written or tele-
phonic notice of no less than 48 hours.
(b) The time, date and location of regular and special
meetings of the Board of Directors shall be determined
by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by the
convening authority.
(c) To the extent not contrary to these By-laws, and
except as modified by the Board of Directors, Roberts
Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern all
meetings of the Board of Directors.
(d) Minutes of all regular and special meetings of the
Board of Directors shall be sent to all members and
alternate members of the Board of Directors within
twenty (20) days after each meeting.
The Board shall
subsequently vote on the approval of the minutes.
Finances and Risk Management Paolo
(a) The fiscal year of the AGENCY shall commence on the
date the AGENCY comes into existence and shall be
for a twelve (12) month period except that the Board
may chanqe the date of the commencement of the fiscal
In the event that the Board chooses tocbange
the fiscal year of the AGENCY, the term of this con-
tract shall be extended for the number of months
necessary to accommodate the new fiscal year, provided,
however, that the right of withdrawal accorded MEMBERS
during the first fiscal year of the AGENCY shall
terminate twelve (12) months from the commencement
. .
date without regard to any change in the fiscal yearo
(b) The Board of Directors shall approve a preliminary
budget for the administration of the AGENCY for each
forthcoming year during the final quarter of the
prior fiscal years
Copies of all preliminary and
final budgets shall be promptly mailed to each member
of the Board of Directorso
The Board of Directors
shall, before the end of the year prior to the start
of each fiscal year, approve a final budget, the
1 r) / '~; ;":
, - " 0.,
pool contribution formula, and the amount of annual
payments due from each MEMBER, including, where applic-
able, a debit and credit calculation for each MEMBER
and the date upon which the.payment is due.
however, in its first year of operations, the initial
annual payment for the first year of the AGENCY shall
be that amount shown on Appendix A and the budget
shall be that approved by the Board of Directors
during the first quarter of the fiscal year.
Failure to approve a preliminary or final budget
within the times set forth within this Section shall
not relieve the MEMBERS of the obligation to make
ann~al or supplementary payments to the AGENCY so
long as such budgets are finally adopted, and the
MEMBERS are given at least thirty (30) days after
the passage of the final budget or the determination
of amounts due in which to make payments to the AGENCY.
Where the proceeds of a debt instrument have been
received, the obligation of MEMBERS to repay that
debt shall not be dependent upon the approval of
a budget.
Budgets may be amended at any time by
majority vote of the Board of Directors.
(c) Calls for supplementary payments shall be made by
the Board of Directors.
Supplementary payments shall
be called for where required in order that the scope
and amount of coverage of the AGENCY can be provided
:-: r:- c
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1) le. g;:
to all MEMBERSo
The Board shall, where necessary,
make calls for supplementary payments from MEMBERS,
including expelled MEMBERS, claims which occurred
during the time of their membershipo
Provided~ that
in any year in ~hich the scope of coverage is provided
on a ,eclairns made" basis ~ supplementary payments
may only be used to pay and administer claims made
during the subject year or such later period as assumed
by the AGENCY or specified in a conventional insurance
policy purchased by the AGENCYs
The forwarding of annual and supplementary payments
within a time specified in notices to the MEMBERS
giving them not less than thirty (3D) days to make
such payments, shall be of the essence of this con-
Supplementary payments shall only be required
by the Board of Directors in a situation in which
there is a reasonable concern that the sum remaining
from the annual payment or prior supplementary payments
will not be sufficient to meet the responsibilities
of the AGENCYo
MEMBERS shall be responsible for
supplementary payments during the entire life of
the AGENCY and any later period when claims or expenses
need be paid which are attributable to the year of
membership when the event out of which the expense
or claim occurred or for "claims made" coverage during
that claim year or such later period assumed by the
l'J ~-: '~.:
, AGENCY or specified in a conventional policy.
years after the first fiscal year, the Board of Direc-
tors may permit annual or supplementary payments
to be made on a monthly or quarterly basis.
(d) Each MEMBER shall have prepared and submit to the
AGENCY an annual audited statement of all revenues
prepared by a certified public accountant on a G.A.A.Po
for participation in the AGENCY, revenues shall be
For the purpose of computing amounts due
classified by fund type as follows:
General Fund:
1). taxation of all types; real
utility, income tax etc.
license and permit fees
intergovernmental revenue
fines and forfeitures
interest earnings
fees charges or service
franchisè revenues
2) .
7) .
1) .
2) .
estate, sales,
interfund transfers
Special Revenue Funds
I). taxation of all types
2). intergovernmental revenue
3). interest earnings
4). grant funds
1). interfund transfers
2). refunds
Debt Service Funds
Special Assessment/Special Service District Funds
W f-' T
'.0 ~ . u
'. iJ 1 i) ',~,;
1). taxation of all types
2}. interest earnings
I}. proceeds from new debt where proceeds are
to be used to retire existing debt
2}. interfund transfers
Capital Project Funds
1). taxation of all types
2}. interest earnings
3}. developer contributions
4). grant funds
I}. interfund transfers
2)0 bond proceeds
Enterprise Funds
I}.. all sales
2). license and permit
3). service charges
4)0 interest earnings
5). taxation
6) . grant funds
1). interfund transfers
2). revenues collected while acting as an agent
for another governmental body where amounts
collected are passed through
Internal Service Funds - Excluded
Trust and Agency Funds - Excluded
General Exclusion
All revenues associated with a specifically excluded
risk or activity will not be included for the calcula-
tion of premiums.
Revenues shall be computed using the figures shown
in the annual audit statement of the MEMBER for the
1 lQ 3~
last fiscal year available on the date at which the
audits are due$
In the event a current audited finan-
cial statement is not available, or, if available,
does not present revenues in the manner required,
the Board of Directors shall estimate the revenues
of the MEMBER based upon the best figures then avail-
The decision of the Board shall be final.
For the first year of the existence of the AGENCY,
revenues shall be those utilized in the development
of the computation of the annual payment shown in
Appendix A.
(e) The Board of Directors shall in subsequent years'
after reviewing the audit submitted from each MEMBER
establish a tentative computation of the revenues
of each MEMBER.
Written notice of this tentative
determination shall be sent to each MEMBER.
If a
MEMBER wishes to contest the determination of the
amounts, it may request a hearing before the Board
of Directors.
The decision by the Board after such
hearing shall be final unless the Board shall be
found by a court to have committed a clear abuse
of discretion.
(f) During the final quarter of each fiscal year, the
Board of Directors shall establish the pool contribu-
tion formula which will be used in determining the
annual payments due from each MEMBER for the next
E. f. L.
11) '~:~ ~,-
succeeding fiscal year.
The four factors which will
be equally weighted in creating the formula are:
Revenues, as defined in Article VII(d), Miles of
Streets, Full-Time Equival~nt Employees and the Total
Number of State Licensed Vehicleso
be required to provide information to the AGENCY
which will allow the Board of Directors to quantify
each of these four factors.
All questions relating
to the computation of these four factors will be
resolved by the Board of Directors and will be applied
equally to all MEMBERS.
The assessment of supplemen-
tary payments, whenever required to be paid, will
be based upon the same proportion which the payment
of one MEMBER bears to the payment of another MEMBER
in the annual payment, except where the Board of
Directors should modify that proportion based upon
an error in the information reported or an error
in computation..
In the event that for any reason
the proportional payments due from a MEMBER shall
be adjusted, the amounts due from other MEMBERS shall
lik~wise be subject to adjustment but the implementa-
tion of the adjustment may be delayed until the funds
are needed..
(g) If all claims known or unknown within the scope of
coverage provided by the AGENCY, plus any other amounts
owed by the AGENCY during any particular period for
W - i ::J
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which funds of the AGENCY were combined to create
the joint risk management pool, have either been
paid or provision has been made for such payment,
the Board of Directors as then constituted shall
distribute any surplus funds to the MEMBERS which
constituted the membership of the Pool during that
period after first deducting therefrom reasonable
administrative and other non-allocated costs incurred
by the AGENCY in the processing of the claims in
years other than the period for which the claim was
The distribution among the MEMBERS shall be
in the same proportion to the total as their payments
during the period bor~ to the payments of all MEMBERS
less any sums owed the AGENCYo
Provided, however,
that a MEMBER may elect to transfer such excess funds
to the Joint Risk Management Pool for any later or
prior period for which it owes or will owe funds
to the AGENCY..
MEMBERS shall remain obligated for
all payments due the AGENCY under this Contract and
By-Laws if it should be determined even after the
payment of any rebate that additional sums are neces-
sary to fulfill the contractual obligations agreed
to herein..
Such obligation shall continue so long
as there are claims made against the AGENCY for in-
juries that fall within the scope of coverage provided
by the AGENCY for the period in question..
(h) The Board of Directors shall provide to the MEMBERS
an annual audit of the financial affairs of the AGENCY
to be made by a certified public accountant at the
end of each fiscal year in accordance with the gener-
ally accepted auditing principleso
The annual report
shall be delivered to each MEMBER within 180 days
after the close of the prior fiscal year~
(i) The Board of Directors may require reports from all
agents and independent contractors including attorneys
with regard to the status of their work for the AGENCY,
problems encountered during the performance of their
duties, and recommendations for improvements in the
performance of the AGENCY including their efforts
on the AGENCY'S behalfo
(j) The Board of Directors may, commencing with the fourth
year of the AGENCY, apply to the annual and supplemen-
tary payments due from a MEMBER a debit or credit
computed in a manner determined by the Board of Direc-
tors which shall affect the payment due from the
MEMBER to the extent that the number and the amount
of reserved claims and losses attributable to that
MEMBER in no more than three prior years, in amounts
of at least $10,000.00, shall compare with the general
frequency and amount of similar claims and losses
attributable to MEMBERS of the AGENCY in proportion
to the level of their payments to the AGENCY in rela-
tionship to all payments made to the AGENCY.
developing a debit-credit formula, the AGENCY may
also consider the existence and effectiveness of
the loss prevention programs put in place by the
All adjustment shall not result in a credit
of more than 25% nor a debit of more than 25% from
the average 0
The Board of Directors shall approve
the debit or credit formulation either directly or
in the approval of the adjusted annual payment due
from the MEMBERS.
Provided, however, that the- Board
of Directors shall, for each year of the existence
of the AGENCY provide a sum in the joint risk manage-
ment pool which, after_the debit or credit adjustment
has been made, shall be in a gross amount sufficient
to pay for the anticipated total costs required to
fully fund the operations of the AGENCY.
(k) Those MEMBERS which did not contribute to the initial
developmental costs of the AGENCY and became MEMBERS
at the commencement date shall be required to pay
an additional sum to the AGENCY such that all initial
MEMBERS shall have equally contributed to such costso
Any excess sums may be returned or placed within
the joint-risk management pool.
H. E. L.
scope and Amount of Loss Protection.
Scope of coverage and the amount of coverage to be provided
by the AGENCY shall be determined from time to time by the
Board of Directors.
The AGENCY may modify both the scope
of coverage and the amount of coverage, both upward and down-
ward, provided, however, that any modifications shall only
apply prospectively.
The AGENCY shall provide coverage for each MEMBER up
to $1,000,000 in the aggregate for losses in excess of $1,000,000
per occurrence.
No indemnification shall be provided by the
AGENCYûntil the MEMBER has expènded $1,000,000 in loss payments
as a result of the occurrence.
Defense costs shall be included
toward satisfying both the loss payment by the MEMBER and
the coverage provided by the AGENCY.
Coverage, other than errors and omissions coverage, is
provided by the AGENCY only for those occurrences which occur
during a fiscal year for which the MEMBER has made an ANNUAL
. PAYMENT and all required SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS and for which
written notice is given to the AGENCY within ten (10) years
subsequent to the date of occurrence.
Where an occurrence
is continuous and involves more than one such fiscal year,
Lvi. ~: ')
coverage is provided only to the extent of the coverage amounts
in effect, as regards the MEMBER, during the fiscal year in
which the occurrence begans
Errors and omissions coverage is p~ovided by the AGENCY
only for those occurrences which occur subsequent to the first
day of continuous membership in the AGENCY by the MEMBER and
for which written notice is first given to the AGENCY during
a fiscal year for which the MEMBER has made an ANNUAL PAYMENT
Aggregate limits are provided on a fiscal year basis
and all payments to or on behalf of a MEMBER for occurrences,
other than errors and omissions, occurring during the fiscal
year plus all payments to or on behalf of that MEMBER for
errors and omissions occurrences for which written notice
is first given during the fiscal year accumulate towards the
satisfaction of the aggregate limit for the fiscal years
The amount of money which a member must pay before the
obligation of the AGENCY shall commence is known as the self-
insured retentions
The AGENCY will commence with a self-insured
retention by its MEMBERS of $1,000,000 per occurrences
no circumstances shall the obligation of this AGENCY commence
until a MEMBER has paid for that occurrence the amount of the
self-insured retention established by the AGENCY from time to
The MEMBERS of the AGENCY are aware of a limited number
of cases in the United States in which insurance companies
purporting to offer coverage excess of a deductible or a self-
.. - -
;-;.::.. -.
1. J, 1:J :;.:
insured retention amount have been compelled by Courts to
commence the level of their coverage at lower levels.
entering into this contract each MEMBER acknowledges that
it is the absolute understanding of the MEMBERS of this AGENCY
that under no circumstances shall the AGENCY be compelled
to make any payments until a MEMBER has fulfilled the full
responsibility of paying the total amount of the self-insured
MEMBERS may fund the amount of the self-insured retention
through reserve funds, conventional insurance, membership
in pools, the issuance of judgment funding bonds or other
The method by which a member of the AGENCY fulfills
its responsibility to fund the_self-insured retention is a
matter of no consequence to this AGENCY.
This AGENCY intends
to offer a scope of coverage which will commence only in excess
of the self-insured retention.
The extent of intergovernmental
cooperation or contractual obligation of the MEMBERS to fund
the AGENCY does not extend whatever to any primary coverage
or obligations below the amount of the self-insured retentiono
The MEMBERS of the AGENCY would not have entered into this
Contract and By-Laws if any MEMBER understood the obligation
of the AGENCY to its MEMBERS to extend in any manner below
the level of the self-insured retentions
For the first year of the existence of the AGENCY the
MEMBERS intend to provide excess coverage which would typically
be provided by conventional comprehensive general liability
ti . i:. l... ~ .
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vehicular liability, and errors and omissions policies.
the parties desire to commence the term of this AGENCY as
soon as possible, they have not agreed upon the text of such
coverage, including provisions relating to the obligation
of the.members to report claims, to defend the claims within
the level of their self-insured retention, dispute resolutions
and other items typically found in conventional insurance
The parties intend to adopt such provisions as
are applicable for a joint governmental self-insurance pool.
Within the first six C6} months of the commencement of the
AGENCY, the Board of Directors shall, by a vote of at least
the concurrence of a majority of the entire membership of.
the Board of Directors, approve a specific text of the scope
of coverage offered which document shall apply to all claims
which occurred prior to the approval of the textural material,
and to all subsequent claims until the nature of the scope
-of coverage shall be modified in the manner provided in Article
v ( h) (vi) .
In the event that there should be a conflict between
the text of- the scope of coverage document and the Contract
and By-Laws, this later document shall prevail.
may from time to time expand the scope or amount of coverage
to be provided, which expansion may be extended to the payment
of claims which occurred prior to the øate of the expansion.
In the event that the AGENCY should reduce or modify the amount
or scope of coverage to be provided, such reduction shall
only apply to claims which occurred subsequent to the date
of the'modificationo
¡..; t:" ~
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Obligations of Memberse
The obligations of MEMBERS of the AGENCY shall be as
(a) To appropriate, budget for, where necessary to levy
for and to promptly pay all annual and supplementary
or o~her payments to the AGENCY at such times and
in such amounts as shall be established by the Board
of Directors within the scope of this agreemento.
MEMBERS shall also be required to pay their propor-
tional share of the repayment of principal and interest
obligations and other costs incurred by a host MEMBER
in obligating itself under a debt instrumente
proportional share of each MEMBER shall be that propor-
tion its annual payment for that fiscal year bears
to the annual payments of the other MEMBERSo
delinquent payments shall be paid with a penalty
which shall be equal to the .highest interest rate
allowed by statute to be paid by an Illinois home
rule municipality or the prime rate then in effect
at the Continental Illinois National Bank, or the
First National Bank of Chicago, whichever rate is
lower 0 .
u) ~ ') -.:;~
(b) To select a person to serve on the Board of Directors
and to select an alternate representative.
(c) To allow the AGENCY reasonable access to all facilities
of the MEMBER and all records relating to claims
and the financial obligations of a MEMBER.
Cd) To provide the Pool the right and give it the opportu-
nity to associate with the MEMBER or any conventional
insurance carrier providing coverage to the MEMBER,
or both, in the defense and control of "any claim,
suit or proceeding which involves or may involve
the Pool and in which event the MEMBER, such insurers
and the Pool shall cooperate in all things in defense
of such claim, suit or proceeding.
(e) To furnish full cooperation with the AGENCY'S attor-
neys, claims administrator and any agent, employee,
officer or independent contractor of the AGENCY relat-
ing to the purpose and powers of the AGENCY.
(f) To follow in its operations all loss reduction and
prevention procedures established by the AGENCY within
its purpose and powers, including, but not limited
to the use of release forms, posting of notice, parti-
cipation in educational and record-keeping programs,
limitations in activities offered, and the use of
loss preventative techniques and devices.
(g) To furnish to the AGENCY an audit prepared by a Certi-
fied Public Accountant of all revenues of the MEMBER
1 ~, ",~ '~,:,
- - -'
for any fiscal year of the MEMBER for which figures
are requested by the AGENCYo
If an audit is not
furnished, the AGENCY may employ an auditor to peform
such an audit and the MEMBER shall be required to
pay the reasonable cost of such audit~
(h) To report to the Secretary of the AGENCY and the
claims administrator, at the earliest practicable
moment, any information of a claim received by the
MEMBER and from which the MEMBER could reasonably
conclude that coverage from the AGENCY will be sought~
In the event that the required information is not
submitted to the Secretary and claims administratòr
within the time periods set forth above, the Board
of Directors of the AGENCY, may in whole or in part
decline to provide a defense to the MEMBER or to
extend the funds of the AGENCY for the payment of
losses or damages incurredo
In reaching its deci-
sian, the Board shall consider whether and to what
extent the AGENCY was prejudiced in its ability to
investigate, defend or earlier settle the claim due
to the failure of the MEMBER to promptly furnish
notice of the claim to the Secretary~ In the absence
of a fraud or a clear abuse of discretion, the decision
of the Board of Directors shall be finals
must be furnished to the AGENCY not only at the time
that a claim is made which could reasonably be expected
n ~ T C
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to be within the scope of coverage of the AGENCY,
but also updated information must be provided as
the nature of the claim becomes more fully known
and litigation occurs and proceeds.
must also be furnished if a claim reasonably thought
to be below the level of the amount of coverage provided
by the AGENCY should approach or be asserted by the
claimant to fall within the amount of coverages 0
(i) To either employ a professional claims administration
firm to handle all self-insured claims, enter into
an insurance contract (for claims at lower levels
of . coverage than those provided for by the AGENCY)
which includes an obligation of that insurance company
to furnish information to the AGENCY of pending claims
or, if the MEMBER performs claims administration
utilizing its own personnel, the obligation to employ
a firm to perform claims auditing.
The claims auditing
firm will be chosen by the AGENCY and the reasonable
cost of such audit will be borne by the MEMBER.
(j) In the event that the AGENCY shall be required to
expend funds for adminis~rative, legal or other costs
brought about by the failure of a MEMBER to pay sums
owed the AGENCY or to take other actions required
under this Contract and By-Laws, such amounts expended
shall be added to the sums due the AGENCY and shall
be payable by the MEMBER.
,; ;:" r J
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- J i.. .-' OJ
Liability of Board of Directors or Officers.
The members of the Board of Directors or officers of
the AGENCY should use ordinary care and reasonable diligence
in the exercise of their power and in the performance of their
duties hereunder; they shall not be liable for any mistake
of judgment or other action made, taken or omitted by them
in good faith; nor for any action taken or omitted by any
agent, employee or independent contractor selected with reason-
able care; nor for loss incurred through investment of AGENCY
funds, or failure to invests
No Director shall be liable
for any action taken or omitted-by any other Directors
Director shall be required to give a bond or other security
to guarantee the faithful performance of the Director's duties
The Board of Directors shall authorize, if neces-
sary, the use of the joint risk management pool to defend
and hold harmless any Director or officer for actions taken
by the Board or performed by the Director or officer within
the scope of his authority for the AGENCYe
The AGENCY may
purchase conventional insurance providing similar coverage
for such Directors and officers and if such coverage has been
purchased shall require that the coverage of the insurance
company shall be relied upon before utilizing the funds of
the joint risk management pool to provide a defense or make
a settlement.
Additional Coverage.
Membership in the AGENCY shall not preclude any MEMBER
from purchasing any insurance coverage above those amounts
purchased by the AGENCY 0
The AGENCY shall make its facilities
available to advise MEMBERS of the types of additional or
different coverages available to units of local government.
/ 1,J/o6
Optional Defense by Member.
The scope of coverage provided by this AGENCY shall only
commence at such point that the MEMBER has made a good faith
offer to settle the claim at a level within the self-insured
retention of the MEMBER and that offer has been rejectedo
Where the scope of coverage of the AGENCY is activated, the
MEMBER, through the procedure set out in this article, shall
have an opportunity to object to a settlement whenever the
AGENCY proposes to settle any pending claim or suit.
MEMBER shall be given advance notice of any proposed settlement.
Such notice may be given by thë establishment of a reserve
amount in documents provided to the ~.EMBER by or through the
AGENCY, provided that the amount of the settlement does not
exceed the amount reserved.
The officers and employees of
the AGENCY shall, however, endeavor to give specific oral
or written notice to a MEMBER of the exact amount of any pro-
posed settlement at least fourteen (14) days prior to the
date at which the AGENCY proposes to bind itself to pay such
settlement amount.
It is recognized by the MEMBERS that under
some circumstances the AGENCY may not be able to give fourteen
(14) days' prior oral or written notice of the propåsed settle-
¡..¡ 1:" r
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V) '1 0 '~. 13
The officers, employees or independent contractors
of the AGENCY shall attempt to give the MEMBERS as much notice
of the settlement as is possible under the circumstances of
each case*
- a
:::MBER should disagree with the amount for which
.::roposes to settle a case or claim, the represent-
: f . .-¡e MEMBER on the Board of Directors of the AGENCY,
the .. - ¡:erna ternembe.r, the local governmental attorney or the
chief administrative officer of the MEMBER may notify the
claims administrator of the AGENCY that the MEMBER exercises
its right to prevent the AGENCY from reaching a settlement
at the agreed-upon amount.
The claims administrator may require
that such informat.ion be. transmitted in writinge
In the event that the case or claim is eventually resolved
through a settlement or judgment within the dollar limits
pf coverage provided by the AGENCY and in an amount less than
the amount at which the case could have been previously settled
by the AGENCY, then the MEMBER which has undertaken the costs
of its defense shall be entitled to its additional actual
costs including-reasonable attorneys' fees, up to the level
at which its costs and the prior allocated costs of the AGENCY,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, equal the amount at
which the case could have been settled by the AGENCYe
the extent that the case or claim is resolved through settlement
or judgment at an amount greater than that at which the case
or claim could have been previously settled by the AGENCY
:.. ~. 1.. J ':3 ':
and a claim is thereby made within the dollar limits of coverage
provided by the AGENCY, the MEMBER shall be obligated for
that portion of the settlement or judgment which exceeds the
sum of money at which the case could have been earlier settled
by the AGENCY including all allocated costs of the AGENCY.
If at ~ny
~e the amount of the allocated costs of the AGENCY
- t_-
:he case shall equal or exceed the amount at which
the c ~e could have been settled and the AGENCY is providing
a defense, the AGENCY may require periodic supplementary pay-
ments from the MEMBER if the MEMBER wishes to have the AGENCY
continue to provide the defense.
Allocated costs shall mean those costs which are allocated
to individual cases under the bookkeeping and accounting system
utilized by the AGENCY.
The AGËNCY may establish the amount
at which it could have settled the case through a written
settlement offer by the plaintiff or through other competent
évidence of the availability of the settlement at a particular
sum and the desire of the MEMBER to preclude settlement discus-
sions and the sum at which the AGENCY believed the case could
have been settled.
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Contractual Obligation.
""i.is ~:..::ument shall constitute' a contract among those
:s ". ~.::..:h become MEMBERS of the AGENCY..
The obligations
and r >pc~sibilities of the MEMBERS set forth herein, including
the obligation to take no action inconsistent with these By-Law
as originally written or validly amended shall remain a contin-
uing obligation and responsibility of each MEMBER.
The terms
of this Contract may be enforced in a court of law by the
AGENCY or any of its MEMBERS.
The consideration for the ~uties herewith imposed upon
the MEMBERS to take certain actions and to refrain from certain
other actions is based upon the mutual promises and agreements
of the MEMBERS set forth hereino
If any dispute arises regard-
ing this Contract, the MEMBERS agree that a court shall inter-
pret the actions and duties of the parties in accordance with
the specific standard or burden of proof set out in this Contract
and By-Laws..
This Contract and By-Laws may be executed in
duplicate originals and its passage by entities listed in
Appendix A shall be evidenced by a certified copy of an ordi-
nance or resolution passed by a majority of the members of
the governing board then in office.
Provided, however, that
except to the extent of the financial contributions of the
AGENCY agreed to herein or such additional obligations as
may come about through amendments to these By-Laws no MEMBER
agrees or contracts herein to be held responsible for any
claim= in ~~=t or contract made against any other MEMBER 0
The c::¡tr - ..-::ing parties intend in the creation of the AGENCY
to es~ablksh an organization for joint risk management only
within the scope herein set out and have not herein created
as between MEMBER and MEMBER, except for that limited extent,
any relationship of surety, indemnification or responsibility
for the debts of or claims against any MEMBER.
Host Member..
The .:.:..lage of Elk Grove Village has agreed to consider
serving as 1 host MEMBER for the AGENCY"
During its first
fiscal year-! the AGENCY shall produce documents to present
to its host MEMBER and all other MEMBERS to cause the issuance
or commitment to issue a debt instrument..
It is anticipated
that the debt instrument will be general obligation bonds
in the amount of $15,000,000 or a letter of credit in that
am.Olli"1 t "
Elk Grove Village shall not be required to execute
any document obligating itself-to be a host MEMBER with which
it does not agree..
All of the reasonable costs incurred by
Elk Grove Village in considering whether to fulfill its role
as a host ~~BER shall be paid for by the AGENCY..
If the
AGENCY has on hand funds other than those received from the
debt instrument, Elk Grove Village may require that any claims
be paid first out of such funds before funds procured from
a debt instrument are utilized..
Funds procured by Elk Grove
Village through the issuances of a debt instrument issùed
to benefit the AGENCY shall be paid directly to the AGENCYs
Other MEMBERS of the AGENCY may also voluntarily agreed to
be a host MEMBER..
Expulsion of Members.
By t~: concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire
membersh~~ of the Board of Directors present at a regular
or special meeting, any MEMBER may be expelled. Such expulsion
may be carried out for one or more of the following reasons:
(a) Failure to ma~e any payments due to the AGENCY.
(b) Failure to undertake or continue loss reduction and
prevention procedures adopted by the AGENCY.
(c) Failure to allow the AGENCY reasonable access to
all facilities of the MEMBER and all records which
relate to the purpose or powers of the AGENCY.
Cd) Failure to furnish full cooperation with the AGENCY'S
attorneys, claims administrator and any agent, employ-
ee, officer or independent contractor of the AGENCY
relating to the purpose and powers of the AGENCY.
(e) Furnish incorrect financial, claims history or other
information to the AGENCY.
(f) A history of excessive pending or closed claims or
losses which in the absolute discretion of the Board
of Directors creates an unacceptable risk of similar
adverse future claims or losses.
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(g) Failure to carry out any obligation of a MEMBER which
impairs the ability of the AGENCY, to carry out its
purpose or powerso
No MEMBER may be expelled except after written notice from
the AGENCY of the alleged failure along with a reasonable
opportuni~y of not less than thirty (30) days to cure the
alleged failures
Provided, however, that no opportunity to
cure shall be necessary for an expulsion brought in whole
or in part because of a poor loss or claim historyc
may request a hearing before the Board before any decision
is made as to whether the expulsion shall take placeo
hearing must be requested in writing not later than five (5)
days after the time to cure has_expired or in case no time
to cure is required within 30 days of the notice by the Board
of an intent to expel.
Times required for notices under this
contract shall be measured from the date of mailing or delivery
if personally delivered.
The Board shall set the date for
a hearing which shall not be less than ten (Ie) days after
the request for the hearing~ If the time to request a hearing
. has passed and the MEMBER has not requested a hearing or if
no hearing is required or if such a hearing has been req~ested,
no later than sixty (60) days after the close of that hearing,
the Board shall determine whether the MEMBER will be expelleds
A decision by the Board to expel a MEMBER shall be final unless
the Board shall be found by a Court to have committed a clear
abuse of discretione
The Board of Directors may establish
the date at which the expulsion of the MEMBER shall be effective
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at any time not less than thirty (30) days after the vote
expelling the MEMBER has been made by the Board of Directors.
If the motion to expel the MEMBER made by the Board of Directors
or a subsequent motion does not state the time at which the
expulsion shall take place, such expulsion shall take place
thirty (30i days after the date of the vote by the Board of
Directors expelling the MEMBER.
After expulsion, the former MEMBER shall continue to
be fully obligated for any annual or supplementary payments
for which it was de~inquent at the time of its expulsion and
supplementary payments later voted by the AGENCY for losses
which were within the scope of coverage of the AGENCY during
the time of its membership, al~ng with any other unfulfilled
obligation as if it was still a MEMBER of the AGENCY.
expelled MEMBER shall, after expulsion, no longer be entitled
to participate or vote on the Board of Directors or to receive
the benefits of self-insurance coverage for any claim made
after the date of expulsion and depending upon the nature
and amount of pending claims against an expelled MEMBER, the
Board of Directors may limit the amount of coverage to be
provided or require the expelled MEMBER to make additional
payments to the AGENCY to retain the coverage 0
expelled from the AGENCY, except for the payment of third-party
claims, shall receive any return from the AGENCY of funds
paid into the Joint Risk Management Pool.
Termination of the Agency.
At the conclusion of the eleven-year term of this Contract
and By-Laws, all MEMBERS shall remain fully obligated for
their portion of any claim against the assets of the joint
risk management pool which is within the scope of coverage
of the AGENCY along with any other unfulfilled obligation,
including but not limited to calls for supplementary payments
attributable to the period of their membership which may be
called for in subsequent yearso
The Board of Directors shall
continue to meet on such a schedule as shall be necessary
to carry out the winding up of the affairs of the AGENCY.
Because of the nature of claims filed against governmental
bodies, it is contemplated that the Board. may be required
to meet for some time to conclude all matters relating to
the termination of the AGENCY.
When all of the affairs of
the AGENCY are wound up and all claims and expenses of the
AGENCY are paid, the members of the Board of Directors shall
distribute any funds remaining in the joint risk management
pool to the MEMBERS in the proportion which those MEMBERS
contributed funds to the AGENCYo
MEMBERS expelled from the
AGENCY shall not be entitled to the return of any funds.
At the conclusion of the eleven (11) year term of this Contract
and By-Laws, if all debt instruments shall have been repaid,
MEMBERS of the AGENCY may elect to distribute to the then
existing members some of the funds contained within the joint
risk management pool.
The distribution of those funds, however,
shall not affect the obligation of the MEMBERS to make supple-
mentary payments to the joint risk management pool in the
event that claims .which fall within the scope of coverage
of the AGENCY need to be paid at subsequent times.
In deter-
mining the amount of funds which may be returned to the MEMBERS,
the AGENCY shall procure the recommendation of an actuary.'
The AGENCY may also purchase conventional insurance to fund
either the remaining known claims against the AGENCY or incurred
but not reported claims.
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Municipal Clerk
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WHEREUPON under the authority granted to me by O=«i~~nce
(Resolution) No.. Y \ - )$'l,p
Authorities on the 1..;) (\..d
, passed by the Corporate
day of
'~ £ <:t: ~I'('\ ~
19 ~lo , I do hereby execute and the Clerk does hereby attest
to my signature as evidence that the f'<'\ f\"-\t\%t f\~..J~ ~tif\P...~ Of'
'~\R\).S\ELS l'\ ~ ~\'t4 ¿ \jiLLf\(-,E. of mOu.'f'T PRDSQE.O\
has approved participation in the
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for a te~ commencing on ~o \"\,.1-(1.. '(U
\. \q~L'
in accordance with this Contract and By-Laws in its executed
form and as it may subsequently be validly amended~
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