HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/23/1996 COW minutes REVISED 2/14/96 MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE' JANUARY 23, '1996 Due to the absence of Mayor Farley, the meebng was celled to order at 7.33 p m, by Village Manager M~chael Janonls who began by requesting a Mobon for nomination for President Pro Tern for the evemng A Motion was made by Trustee Hoefert nominating Trustee Corcoran to serve as President Pro Tern for this meeting The Mobon was seconded by Trustee Wilks and Passed unammously. At th~s point, Trustee Corcoran took up the center chair and began the meeting CALL TO ORDER Present at the meebng were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Paul Hoefert and Irvana Wilks Approyamately ten m~nutes later, Trustee M~chaele Skowron arnved Absent from the meeting was. Mayor Gerald Farley Also present were' Village Manager M~chael Janoms, Finance D~rector Dawd Jepson and Adm~mstrat~ve Intern Curt Barrett MINUTES Acceptance of the M~nutes There were two d~fferent sets of M~nutes to be accepted These were December 12, 1995 and January 9, 1996 An m~t~al Motion was made by Trustee Clowes to accept the Minutes for December 12, ho~wever, due to a lack of votes, this Motion was w~thdrawn by Trustee Clowes M~nutes for the meeting of January 9, however, were accepted with the Motion to approve coming from Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee Clowes Trustee Wilks d~d abstain on th~s vote All others voted Aye III .CITIZENS TO BE HEARD Richard A. Bachhuber, 625 South Edward Street, spoke H~s complaint dealt w~th some mailers that are put out around the street every Monday morning These are advertisement sections w~th just a few pages wrapped up m plastic that the gentleman complained ended up strewn along the street and were actually not typically read by neighbors but simply tended to clutter the area He asked whether there was anything the Board or V~llage was able to do about th~s Village Manager Michael Janonis responded that they knew who to contact, th~s being the Chicago Tribune Company Trustee Corcoran asked the V;llage Manager to again contact the Chicago Tribune since there had been correspondence already over th~s issue. Trustee Corcoran also asked the V~llage Manager look into the Ordinance to see what strategy the V~llage might take to address the issue ~ IV BUDGET EXPENDITURE COMPARISONS Village Manager Michael Janonis ,ntroduced the ;ssue deta~hng the ;tiaa of cost centers at each Department as a method and means of allowing a s~mple cost benefit breakdown He then introduced Rnance D~rector Dave Jepson who was to make the presentation Finance Director Dave Jepson began h~s presentation offenng a s~mphfled approach to breaking down the main Wllage Budget ,nto more understandable sub- budgets which would help to ~llummate the varying degrees of ~mpact on overall year-to-year budget fiuctuat~ons from sub-budget to sub-budget Itwas hoped that this would (1) Further attempt to make the budget document more~ understandable to ~nterested ~t~zens, and, (2) Continue the efforts to make a clearer picture for those concerned w~th what ~t costs to run the V~llage Th~s took ~approx~mately 20 m~nutes and was followed by an informal question and answer session between the Trustees and Mr Jepson Trustees VViiks, Corcoran, Skowron and Clowes expressed their apprec4at~on for Mr Jepson's efforts ~n making the Budget more understandable and are supportive of efforts to better ~llustrate Vdlage finances to the general pubhc Trustee Timothy Corcomn requested the Wllage Board to contact the V~llage Manager w~th other potential Committee of the Whole top~cs for a future Committee of the VVhole d~scuss~on Trustee Skowron was opposed to any change ~n procedure and recalled that the ~ssue had already been dec~ded upon at an earher date Village Manager Janonis stated that he was planning to ~nvlte discussion on Deferred L~st at the next Committee of the Whole meeting Trustee Clowes suggested that the Board also look again at the assumptions contained m Mount Prospect 2000 V. PROPOSED 1996 BOND ISSUE Village Manager Janonls introduced the ~ssue and then turned the stage over to Dave Jepson who recommended renewing the contracts w~th the current Bond Adwsor and Counsel used by the mummpahty reasomng that their pnces had not changed since 1980, they were very compeflbve ~n the marketplace and prewous work had been of excellent quahty. Mr. Jepson then referred to his Interoffice Memorandum to M~chael Janonis with an attachment enbtled, General Obhgat~on Bonds Senes 1996 sent from the firm of R V. Norene and Asso~ates This memorandum and the attached page were referred to by F~nance D~rector Jepson as he bnefed the Board on des~rab~hty of the proposed Bond Issue for 1996 Trustee Clowes requested of Finance D~rector Jepson that the Bond prospectus, once received, be forwarded to the L~brary. ~ ~ VI. ,t996 PARK RIDGE SURVEY RESULTS The most recent ed~bon of the Park R~dge Survey had been released and once again, Mount Prospect found itself at the very bottom of the hst Mount Prospect residents overall receive an excellent return on their tax dollars The point was happily made by V~llage Manager Janoms and warmly received by the Board and I those present · VII. .MANAGER'S REPORT No report Village Manager Janonis d~d make menbon of the Celestial Celebrabon forthcoming on February 3 and stated that tickets were available ~ VIII. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Trustee Wilks wanted to clanfy for members of the med~a that the Closed Session the Board had gone into the n~ght of the January 16, 1996 Board meeting had been solely to deal w~th ~ssues regarding the Pop Shop and no other properties X ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Committee of the Whole meet,ng was adjourned at 8 43 p m Respectfully submitted, CURT BARRETT Adm~mstrat~ve Intern CB/rcc