HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/09/1996 COW minutes ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ REVISED
~' "~ ' ~ ~ ~ 4/23/96
~" ' ....... *" ~'~ '* MINUTES ~ ·
APRIL 9, 1996
CALL TO ORDER ' ~ ' ~,' ~', ~ .' ~
Mayor Farley, called the meeting to order at 7,35 p m Present at the meeting
were Trustees George'CIowes,:T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, Paul
Hoefert, M~chaele Skowron and Irvana Wilks Also present were V~llage Manager
Mmhael Janonm, rAss~stant V~llage ~Manager Dawd Strahl and Community
Development D~rector Wilha, m Coo~ney
II MINUTES I~ ~ ...... ?
, ~, Minutes of March 26, 1996 ~Mobon made by Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by
Trustee Wilks~ M~nuteswere approved unanimously Trustee Corcoran abstained
J~ None '~ "~ ~ ~ ~" ,'~" , ~'~ ~"-,
" f Mayor Farley provided a general overview of the topic and requested that the
~ Board attempt to come to a conclusion as to a possible solution of th~s ~ssue He
· ' , ~ also stated that he w~ll accept public comment and then bring the subject back to
the V~llage Board members for d~scuss~on and input
Community Development D,rector Bill Cooney stated that the topic has been
brought to the Board for d~scuss~on at th~s point because of a recent Court ruling
which stated that the Village defin~bon of a commercial vehicle was too broad He
stated that the ong~nal ~ntent of the Code was to permit a commercial vehicle less
than 8,000 pounds to be stored w~thm a residential garage and prohibit storage of
commercial vehicles larger than 8,001 pounds to be stored w~thm a res~denbal
garage unless a Cond~tmnal Use Permit is secured Staff ~s requesbng d~recbon
from the Vdlage Board to determine and clanfy the intent of the Code or modify the
Code as necessary ~'~'~,'~ - ,' ~'~
Mr Cooney provided a general summary of the prewous discussion which took
place m the fall of 1995 He also outhned the proposed staff definition of a
commercial vehicle and hsted the four ~tems which came up during a prewous
Vdlage Board d~scussmn on commercial vehicles The four ~tems which were
d~scussed prewously ~nclude the follow~ng
,~ ," ~, 1: ~ -~Home occupancy ~;~,:~
~',,,'2 ' ~,.,'~ Logos and adved~s~ng on vehtcles
'". ~.,, ~3 ~,~.Regulat~on of the s~ze of the vehicles
~:~ ~, 4 "1.~Cons~stency ~f regulabon and enforcement .
After the Committee of the ~ole d~scuss~on ~n the fall of 1995, the ~ssue of
commercial vehicle parking was remanded to the ZBA for ~d~scuss~on and
recommendation to the Vdlage Board The recommendabons fr~'~the ZBA are
included m the packet of info.abort which has been prowded ~Staff has proposed
'~,a ,number,of options.for, cons~derabon ~; Among those-~tems are I 1) No
restrictions, 2) no s~gnage on the vehicles and no restncbon on the number of
vehicles, 3) unhm~ted parking ~n the garage and one ~mmercial vehicle hm~ted to
the driveway, 4) garage only parking of commercial ~h~cle~;' and 5)~omplete
proh~b~bon of commercial vehicle parking ~n residenbal areas Staff re~mmended
that commercial vehicles be hm~ted to garage storage only, however, the ZBA has
re~mmended a ~ntra~ ~olut~on than the staff recommendabon~ Therefore;the
ZBA re~mmendabon would sta~d'~nl~s~fi~e ~llage~B&a~ me~b~ vote to
over-turn the ZBA recommehdat~on The g[st'&f the ZBA-~commendat~on was
that the members were uncomfo~able re~mmendmg any restn~on,wh~ch would
for~ residents and businesses out of town although they.were not opposed to
~plac~ng restrictions on some vehicles used for commercial purposes as long as
these regulations were enforceable,,
.~,~Jen7 Adams of 502 South Owen, spoke ' He felt that the V~llage Board was
messing w~th people's I~vel~hoods and requested that the Village Board adhere to
the ZBA recommendation as outhned, however, ~f the Village Board did determine
that they wanted to restrict commercial vehicles, he suggested a grandfather
clause be considered for exlsbng commercial vehicle owners
Don Quinn, 401 North Wille, spoke ~'He had concerns about how the enforcement
of such a regulation would take place He also stated that the V~llage Board ~s
segregabng residents who have to ubhze a commercial vehicle for their hvehhood
compared to an ~nd~wdual who may use the home as a base for a bus~ness s~m~lar
to a white collar operabon He also requested reformation on the Court Case in
quesbon that has forced th~s discussion ~n the first place
Mike Collins, President of the Concerned Homeowners' Association, 1103 Ash
Drive, spoke He stated he represents a group of 600 single-family residents and
is here to speak on their behalf He favors some type of restnct~on on commercial
vehicle parking ~and supports enforcement of'the Yegulabon He stated the
neighborhood that he I~ves~ln has very small lots and the closeness of the
~properties'are not conducive to mulbple commercial vehicles He stated the
vehicles are blocking s~dewalks and creating blind-spots which could create safety
concerns He also felt the property was being devalued because commercial
vehicles are parked ~n nelghbonng driveways He felt the vehicles should be
restricted to be parked only in'garages ~or parked elsewhere overnight He
recommended several solutions ~n'order to ehm~nate 'parking of commercial
vehicles on driveways Among the alternatives suggested are the following items
1) Alternabve parking s~tes, 2) The V~llage could allow h~gher headers on garage
doors; 3) Provide time to resolve parking issues for persons who own commercial
vehicles He concluded by stabng that other towns have been'successful ~n
regulating commercial vehicles In res~denbal neighborhoods and sees no reason
why Mount Prospect could not als0 enforce the s~milar regulation
Duane Meyers, $03 North Maple,~spoke' He asked where he was supposed to
park if there was a restncbon on h~m parking in h~s own driveway He stated he
has two trucks which he ubhzes for snowplowing and painting depending on the
and works 12 15 ho~urs, pe~r ~ay
Anthony Malogio, 1001 Grace Drive, spoke '~ He stated that his employer requires
h~m to have a vehicle because he ~s on 24-hour notice and is required to respond
if called He has attempted to park his truck elsewhere and the vehicle was
burglarized. He stated that regulabons should be'considered for multiple trucks
in residenbal neighborhoods
Michael Stukbua/118 South Can-Dora, spoke ,;He stated that he
keep a sen/~ce vehicle at home In order to respond for call-out ,,He also stated
~ that parking the truck mn his garage ~s unreasonable because of the limited raze of
~ the opening of h~s garage and any regulation would affect his hvehhood
Jim Petemon, 1511 ~mh, spoke He has parked his commercial vehicle ~n h~s
dnveway for 18 years and has not had any problems wRh neighbors or the Vdlage
j~ncernmg h~s vehicle ~He requested a summa~,or a count of the number of
~mpla~nts the Wllage has recmved on th~s ~ssue ~ He stated that he suppo~s
restncbons ~for multiple _vehicles ~parkmg~ ~n .the dnveways of, remdenbal
neighborhoods ~ ~
Beve~ Ca~, 427 La.dale, spoke She stated that she has worked w~th her
~ nmghbors m the past to restrict speeding and tra~c flow w~thm the neighborhood
She,also stated that if the Village were to consider.the regulations, they should
also prowde parking alternatives to commercial vehicle owners who must pa~
~elsewhere ~.She stated that ~n her, research of,~llmg other towns,about thmr
. restrictions of ~mmeraal vehicles, other mun~c~palmes also enfor~ the regulation
': on a:~mpla~nt-only bas~s ..She ,stated that she suppo~s the garage plus one
Vincent Cen~cchio, ~ 006 Grace D~e, spo~e, He stated he suppo~s the garage
.t.plus one opbon He stated that as long as people keep their,vehicles ~n good
,~repmr and ~n good appearance, there should be no problem .He stated that any
~, restnct~ons besides the re~mmended garage plus.one opbon would drive blue
;.collar persons ~rom the Wllage and only en~urage out of town people to pedorm
;work for Wllage residents ~LHe ~tated there ~s a trend toward home-based work
.... and regulabons of commermal vehicles w~ll ~nh~b~t that trend
Clarence Bobik~, I~14 Meadow
whereby commercial vehicles are only allowed to park'within a garage He has
~me to this conclusion pnmsnly bemuse a new nelghbor h~s recently moved in
with five taxi ~bs
Nan~ ~bike~, President of ~e Meado~ Homeo~e~' A~claUon, spoke
She has seen what happens in Cou~ when the Wllage bnngs ~mplamts for
~ judgment -She stated the focus should be on defining what a commercial purpose
~ ~s and people running a business out of their home should be allowed as long as
~t doesn't affe~ the neighbors ,r She is suppRA~ve pf a,l~m~t on the number of
~,,veh~cles in residenbal areas
Bill Dusick, 507 West Lonnquist,~spoke ~He operates a single commercial vehicle
~. and parks it ~n h,s driveway · He feels that commercial vehicle operators are just
: as safe as any other drlvers ~:~. ~ ~ .~ ,~:' , ~·, ~
. Kevin Fanning, 601 South Emerson,'spoke He ~s supportive of Opbon C, the
garage plus one proposal : ~
Paul Tait, 906 Sumac, spoke He feels the Ordinance ~s an invasion of pnvacy
'and the use of private property by the.Vdlage He does not own a vehicle of the
"~ type being d~scussed and has no problems w~th neighbors who operate vehicles
~ ~n h~s neighborhood for commercial purpose." ~, ~ ~ ,
.'Ramon Rubio, 412 North Elmhurst Avenue, spoke He questioned when the
Ordinance would be ~n force, for example, the brae of day that the Ordinance
would be enforced He stated that Vdlage Code allows residents to park on the
street for 20 hours per day and would only require vehicles to park in a garage for
four hours per day ~He stated that ~f he happens to be working for a client and
~ h~s vehicle is parked ~n their driveway wh~le he ~s doing the work, wdl he be c~ted
for a commercial vehicle In a res~denbal area ~ He estimates approximately 4,000
V~llage residents wdl be affected by any regulabon of commercial vehicles Hehas
, received no complaints about h~s vehicles from his neighbors He stated that if the
~V~llage d~d proceed with the regulation they should also make a prows~on for larger
'garages at the same time w~thout hawngto'go through the lengthy approval
process He presented a Pet~bon to the Vdlage Board containing 251 s~gnatures
of which 62 s~gnatures were received at the meeting stating they are against the
, regulations as submitted for discussion by the Village Board ~ '
Laura Van Keleave, 42~ North Emerson, spoke' She ~s here represenbng her
father who happens to own a commercial vehicle She stated that these
' commercial vehicles'do not reduce property values as previously stated
-Mayor Farley thanked the residents who provided their input and feels that all the
issues have been brought out for the Village Board to consider ~,~ '- '
' Members of the Village Board had numerous questions concermng the comments
of the residents and also asked quesbons of staff on numerous other specific ~tems
relating to the proposals Some consideration should be discussed ~n order to
' define what a commercial vehicle ~s Even though a number of the citizens who
spoke d~d not have problems w~th their ne~ghbors,'there are problems in the
neighborhoods where people are not good neighbors and th~s continues to be the
LSome concern'was also expressed about pro-active enforcement and whether
,additional staff would be necessary 'Also,'th~s Ordinance has been on the books
mnce 1980 when the Ordinance focused on trucks only ~,ln 1992, the defimbon
was expanded to commercml vehicles and trucks ~n garages and ~n 1993, home
n occupabon was added as a component of the Ordinance ~ A concern was raised
relating to the use of mulbple vehicles w~th the home being a base for bus~ness
and the effect on the neighborhood
"The focus of the d~scuss~on should ~nclude the opportunity to allow commercial
~' vehmles w~thout a negative ~mpact on neighbors and neighborhoods, ,There was
also concern raised about the vehicle types which are ubhzed and the ~mpact on
garage s~zes In addition to numerous problems w~th vehicles m poor repair and
,,.~, w th poor appearance, the discussion should also focus on protecting single-family
"d~stn~s from th~s encroachment ~ Businesses are allowing people to work from
home and may be even allowing vehicle use as pa~ of their employment and the
.Wllage'should be sensitive to.this change Even though many speakers th~s
evemng were not suppo~lve of,any restn~ons,'.there are just as many, if not
d more, residents that would prefer restrictions that are hesitant to come fo~ard for
~' fear of offending neighbors who operate commercial vehicles
'There was also some d~scuss~on on whether the question of commercial vehicles
should be plaid on a Referendum ballot whl~ allows eye.one to padlc~pate
the decision · There was also concern expressed about major alterations to garage
structures to accommodate multiple ~mmerc~al vehicles
Mayor Farley suggested a sub-committee be formed of Vdlage Board members
and residents to d~scuss th~s ~ssue and prowde a re~mmendatmn to the Wllage
'~Board for consideration; ~,q~ ,-.~, ;. ~:~ ¢.. ,
General, d~scuss~on,~,followed - among ,.the ~ Board: members: ~ncermng the
subcommittee creabon suggestion Concern was raised about what the ~arge of
~the ~mm~ttee would be and what the solubon m~ght be ~f the Wllage Board does
not agree w~th the recommendation of the ~mm~ttee Also, a need to re.graze
the sltuabon as ~t exists and prowde a solution which would be equitable Also,
-~ ~t was recommended that the Wllage look beyond ~mmumbes ~n the ~mmed~ate
area to determine how they have addressed th~s ~ssue
Con~nsus of ~e Village ~a~ ~s to create a subcomm~ee to fo~ulate a
Mayor Farley will appoint two members of the Village Board and four residents to
meet and discuss th~s issue The focus of the committee would be to estabhsh
some form of regulation of commercial vehicles ~n residential neighborhoods
Manager Janonis reminded that Coffee w~th Council is scheduled for April 13,
1996, at 9 00 a m
Trustee Wilks asked what day Government Day has been scheduled for.
Mr Janoms responded stating that April 30 has been estabhshed as Government
Day for Mount Prospect
Trustee Wilks also requested ~nformat~on on the status of the Mayoral Veto
d~scuss~on Manager Janoms ind~cated it ~s h~s understanding the Board does not
have to act on th~s ~ssue The veto w~ll remain ~n effect until November 30, 1996,
at which time ,t will automat~cally lapse unless the legislature specifically grants
veto authority or a Referendum grating the authority ~s approved at the
November 5, 1996 elect~on
Trustee Hendricks requested some follow-up reformation concerning t~me of day
which refuse p~ck-ups occur and how cardboard ~s being recycled
Trustee Clowes requested reconsideration of a floating or remote site for Coffee
w~th Council in order to meet residents in various areas of the V~llage
Closed Session was cancelled due to the late hour.
The meeting was adjourned at 10 57 p m
~s~ .~u~ed,
DS/fcc Assistant V~llage Manager