HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/11/1996 COW minutes ~ ~ REVISED 6/25/96
JUNE 11, 1996
Mayor Farley called the meeting to order at 7 30 p m Present at the meeting
were Trustees George Clowes, T~mothy Corcoran, R~chard Hendncks, M~chaele
Skowron and Irvana Wilks Trustee Paul Hoefert arrived at 7,35 p m Also
present were V~llage Manager M~chael Janon~s, Assistant V~llage Manager Dawd
Strahl, Deputy Pubhc Works D~rector Sean Dorsey, Traffic Engineer Sean Won
and Police Sergeant ~lohn Dahlberg
M~nutes of May 28, 1996 Motion made by Trustee W~lks and Seconded by
Trustee CIowes to accept the Minutes Trustee VVilks requested a rews~on on
page s~x of the Minutes to ~nclude her comments concermng d~spos~t~on of the
commercial vehicle matter w~th the ZBA M~nutes were approved w~th the rews~on
as requested by Trustee Wilks
Mayor Farley introduced the topic and stated that the V~llage Board had requested
the Safety Commission rewew the current railroad grade crossing areas and
recommend any possible changes to improve safety
Arlene Juracek, member of the Safety Commission, spoke She stated that the
Commission met three d~fferent t~mes and went to a number of seminars in the
area to formulate its recommendatmns which are to be presented tonight They
also mventoned the current s~gnage at each crossing and reviewed s~gnage which
is used In surrounding commumt~es
She stated that the Commission dec~ded to focus on the Umon Pacific crossings
and rews~t the VViscons~n Central crossings at a t~me ~n the future after the
commuter ra~l hne becomes operational She also stated that ~t was their desire
to ensure that ~nstallat~on of additional warmng s~gns could occur w~thout
increas~ng the amount of s~gn clutter around the ~ntersect~ons She,provided a
summary of the recommendations as follows
Central Road Install "Do Not Stop on Tracks" s~gns on Central Road for east
bound and west bound traffic
Main Street (Route 83 and Northwest HiqhwayIProspect Avenue Install
~llummated "No Left Turn" sign on Northwest Highway at Main Street (for turning
traffic from northwest bound Northwest H~ghway to southbound Main Street)
Emerson Street and Northwest Hi,qhway Install an ~llumlnated "No Left Turn" s~gn
on Northwest H~ghway at Emerson Street for turning traffic (from northwest bound
Northwest H~ghway to southbound Emerson Street) Install "Do Not Stop on
Tracks" s~gn at Emerson Street for northbound traffic
Mt. Prospect Road and Northwest Hi,qhwayIProspect Avenue Install "Do Not Stop
on Tracks" s~gn at Mt Prospect Road for northbound traffic
The Commission also recommended placement of warning s~gns on the fencing
that separates the tracks, the s~gnage would be for pedestrians who use the
The s~gns would prowde the crossing warning and warn wolators of a $500 fine
The Commission also requested the pavement marking be inspected and
remarked as necessary In order to warn drivers of the crossing Pubhc education
should ~nclude the placement of flyers in the area coffee shops, parking toll booths
and m the train station as well as penod~c Public Safety Officers hand,ng out the
flyers to the train-riding public Additional public education could include more
V~llage cable telewslon programs on the subject and wdeo tapes shown at the
area schools F~nally, the V~llage Newsletter and press releases could also get the
,'word out
General comments of the V~llage Board members included the following items
Some Board members asked whether sufficient space ex~sted for additional
s~gnage Other Board members ~nqu~red whether additional gates would help
alleviate the problem
A~tene Juracek responded to a number of the comments and stated that the
additional gates could ~ncur a s~gn~ficant expense to the V~llage and the
Commission felt that the add~bonal s~gnage and pubhc educabon could be an
mtenm step before cons~denng whether additional gates would be necessary She
also stated that ~n d~scuss~ons w~th State legislators, the Commissioners felt that
some local d~screbon would be helpful m addressing tram crossing safety
Consensus of the Village Board was to support the recommendations of the Safety
Commission and request the items be brought backto the Village Board for formal
Manager Janonis stated the Federal VVh~stle Blowing Law has been postponed but
he has been told that there w~ll be some form of whistle blowing which w~ll be
required ~n the future depending on whether grade crossings are ~mproved or not
Mayor Farley stated th~s is one of the items he had requested be placed on the
Committee of the Whole Deferred Items hst He ~s requesting that the V~llage
Board consider term hm~ts for the various Chairs of Boards and Comm~ssmns the
V~llage has He stated the reasomng for th~s request is he would hke to see some
opportunity for other members to have the ab~hty to hold the Chairs of the various
Boards and Commissions He also stated that the V~llage Board could follow
recommendabons as proposed without changing the Ordinance through the actual
appointment procedure of the Mayor However, he would hke V~llage Board input
to th~s proposal
General d~scuss~on ensued in which various Board members had the following
comments and questions
Some Board members felt it ~s necessary that each Commission and Board should
be rewewed every five years to determine whether that group ~s st~ll necessary as
part of the funcbon of the V~llage A suggestion was also made to consider
rotation of participants among various Commissions and Boards Some Board
members felt that there would be no need for the Ordinance change because the
Mayor retains the power to regulate the terms of the Chairman right now There
was also a question whether the proposed term hm~t ~s consecutive years of e~ght
and ~f so, ~f a Chairman wa~ted four years, could they come back to the
Chairmanship pos~bon There was also some d~scuss~on as to whether the
members of a Board or Commission should elect their own Chair
Mayor Farley felt it would be best to break th~s proposal into various segments for
1. Consensus of the Village Board was to limit the terms of the Chairs of
various Boards and Commissions.
2. Consensus of the Village Board was to define a term as four years for the
3. Consensus of the Village Board was to limit the terms to eight years (which
Is two consecutive terms) but Chairman may serve again after a one term
4. Consensus of the Village Board was the Chair should be picked by the
Village Board members.
5. Consensus of the Village Board was to rotate citizens between Boards and
Commissions as possible and as participants are willing.
6. Consensus of the Village Board was to allow for a sunset of Boards and
Commissions in order to review the need on a regular basis. ThIs review
would take place for all Boards and Commissions except the ones which
are required by Statute.
Village Manager Janonis stated that the L~brary Board would not be a part of th~s
proposed change and he stated staff w~ll prowde a draft to the Village Board at an
upcoming V~llage Board for consideration
Trustee Clowes stated that TAP had recommended a Youth Commission be set
up separately w~th terms d~fferent from the length d~scussed for the other Boards
and Commissions
Trustee Hoefert commented on the d~scuss~on at last week's V~llage Board meeting
concem~ng the rotation of the Coffee w~th Council He suggested that one meeting
per quarter be spl~t between the V~llage Hall Iocabon and another Iocabon to be
chosen ~n a geographic area of the V~llage ~n order to encourage c~t~zen
participation ~n that area Trustee Hoefert further suggested that the Coffee w~th
Council at V~llage Hall would be scheduled from 9 00 a m to 10 00 a m and the
Iocabon of the rotating port, on of the Coffee w~th Council be scheduled from
10 00 a m unbl noon
Mayor Farley stated he ~s supportive of the suggestion but would recommend that
the 10 00 start be to 10 30 start order to allow for travel
to the other location
Consensus of the Village Board was to approve the recommendation of Trustee
Hoefert whereby the Coffee with Council would start at 9:00 a.m. and run until
10:00 a.m. at Village Hall and then move to another location In the Village
convenient to the citizens for a 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon time. This scenario
would occur once per quarter.
Trustee Corcoran suggested that the first meebng of the traveling Coffee with
Council should take place ~n the southern part of the Village
Trustee Wilks stated she would I~ke to see some dates on the matenal prowded
by the Traffic Engineer She also asked whether the addition of Hoffman Estates
and Streamwood to Northwest Central D~spatch had any ~mpact on the current
Manager Janonis responded to Trustee Wilks' quesbon by stabng that over the
years, members have moved Jn and move out of the group As part of the rewew
of technology and staffing, the impact of the two other commumbes w~ll be
thoroughly considered before allowing them to participate The recent articles in
the newspaper concerning Hoffman Estates and Streamwood only authonzed their
respective V~llage Boards to allow their staffs to approach Northwest Central
D~spatch for possible participation Before the two other towns become operational
on the system, a thorough review w~ll take place
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
DS/fcc Assistant V~llage Manager