HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/2011 P&Z Minutes 20-11MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE
CASE NO. PZ -20 -11 Hearing Date: August 25, 2011
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 999 N. Elmhurst Road
PETITIONER: CLP /SPF Randhurst LLC, c/o Casto Lifestyle Properties
PUBLICATION DATE: August 10, 2011
REQUEST: 1) Amendment to the Special Use for Signs Associated Nvith a Large
Scale Development
2) Variation to Increase Illumination Levels for an Electronic
Message Center
MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Rogers, Chair
Joseph Donnelly
Leo Floros
Ronald Roberts
Keith Youngquist
Jacqueline Hinaber, Alternate
MEMBERS ABSENT: William Beattie
Theo Foggy
STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Consuelo Andrade, Development Review Planner
Brian Simmons, Deputy Director of Community Development
Chairman Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. DonnelIv made a motion, seconded by Mr.
Youngquist to approve the minutes of the July 28, 2011 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting; the minutes
Nvere approved 5 -0 Nvith Ms. Hinaber abstaining. After hearing one (1) previous case, Chairman Rogers
introduced Case PZ- 20 -11, 999 N. Elmhurst Road at 8:33 p.m.
Ms. Andrade said the Petitioner for PZ -20 -11 Nvas seeking approval to amend the Special Use for large scale
development signs and a Variation to increase illumination levels for an electronic message center for the property
located at 999 N. Elmhurst Road.
Ms. Andrade stated the Petitioner received Special Use approval in 2008 for large scale development signs for the
Randhurst Shopping Center, which included the corner monument sign at the Rand and Elmhurst intersection.
Ms. Andrade said the Petitioner has redesigned the corner monument sign that Nvas approved as part of the
original Special Use and proposed to install two (2) monument signs versus one at the Rand and Elmhurst
intersection. The first monument sign Nvould highlight special events and identiA- Randhurst Village's tenants
via an electronic message center. The second monument sign Nvould identIA- the AMC theatre and replace the
existing AMC changeable copy sign. Since the proposed corner monument signs do not reflect the design or
number as approved in the original Special Use in 2008, an Amendment of the Special Use is required. The
existing Randhurst sign located at the base of the Nvater tower Nvould remain resulting in a total of three signs
along the Rand Road frontage.
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Ms. Andrade stated the monument signs are over an existing twenty -four (24) inch storm sewer and near an
existing Nvater main. The monument signs, including any overhang, Nvould be required to be relocated to comply
Nvith a five (5) foot setback to any property line and utility.
Ms. Andrade referenced a site plan that illustrated the number of existing and proposed freestanding signs along
the public right- of- Nvays. The signs that Nvere labeled in blue represented existing monument signs that either
identIA- Randhurst tenants or outlot businesses. The Petitioner's two (2) proposed signs Nvould increase the overall
number of signs from ten (10) to twelve (12).
Ms. Andrade showed an image that illustrated the original sign that Nvas approved as part of the Special Use. The
original sign measured fifty (50) feet Nvide by just over fourteen (14) feet tall. The proposed signs Nvere designed
to match the pylon signs recently installed at the four (4) entrances to the Randhurst Village shopping center.
Each of the proposed signs Nvould measure fourteen (14) feet. The Randhurst monument sign Nvould measure
1939 feet Nvide and the AMC sign Nvould measure 20.45 feet Nvide.
Ms. Andrade said he Petitioner would be required to provide landscaping at the base of each sign that met code
Ms. Andrade referenced the folloNving table:
Ms. Andrade stated the table compared the original sign proposal Nvith the revised signs. The original sign
measured 715 square feet, which is over 400 square feet than the proposed signs. The Randhurst sign Nvould
measure 271.46 square feet and the AMC sign Nvould measure 286.3 square feet. The original sign identified six
(6) tenants. The proposed Randhurst sign Nvould not include any tenant panels, but Nvould include an electronic
message center where special events and tenants Nvould be identified.
Ms. Andrade said the electronic message center would occupy twenty- -nine (29) percent of the overall monument
sign area, which is under the Sign Code's maximum fifty- (50) percent alloNvable area for electronic message
centers. Per the Petitioner, the electronic message center would provide a display period of approximately three
(3) seconds. The Village has previously supported intervals of up to six (6) seconds between messages, but not
three (3) seconds.
Ms. Andrade stated the text Nvould be required to be uniform in color, appearance, and font. Flashing text or
animated graphics are not allowed per the Village Sign Code.
Ms. Andrade said per the Petitioner, the electronic message center would operate Nvithin the permitted
illumination between dusk to daN -,n, but not during daylight hours. The electronic message center would provide
an illumination of 7,500- 10,000 nits during daylight hours when the Code limits it to a maximum of 5,000 nits.
The Petitioner Nvas seeking a Variation to increase the permitted illumination from 5,000 nits up to 10,000 nits
during daylight hours.
Ms. Andrade stated that Staff found the Petitioner's proposed signs to be reasonable as the signs Nvould be
consistent Nvith the existing pylon signs currently placed at the four (4) primary entrances to the shopping center.
Staff found the Variation to increase the permitted illumination levels not Nvarranted.
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Original Corner ID
Proposed Randhurst
Proposed AMC Sign
14.33 ft.
14 ft.
14 ft.
50 ft.
19.39 ft.
20.45 ft.
715 s .ft.
271.46 s .ft.
286.3 s .ft.
Number of Tenants Identified
Electronic Message Center
77.67 s .ft.
Ms. Andrade stated the table compared the original sign proposal Nvith the revised signs. The original sign
measured 715 square feet, which is over 400 square feet than the proposed signs. The Randhurst sign Nvould
measure 271.46 square feet and the AMC sign Nvould measure 286.3 square feet. The original sign identified six
(6) tenants. The proposed Randhurst sign Nvould not include any tenant panels, but Nvould include an electronic
message center where special events and tenants Nvould be identified.
Ms. Andrade said the electronic message center would occupy twenty- -nine (29) percent of the overall monument
sign area, which is under the Sign Code's maximum fifty- (50) percent alloNvable area for electronic message
centers. Per the Petitioner, the electronic message center would provide a display period of approximately three
(3) seconds. The Village has previously supported intervals of up to six (6) seconds between messages, but not
three (3) seconds.
Ms. Andrade stated the text Nvould be required to be uniform in color, appearance, and font. Flashing text or
animated graphics are not allowed per the Village Sign Code.
Ms. Andrade said per the Petitioner, the electronic message center would operate Nvithin the permitted
illumination between dusk to daN -,n, but not during daylight hours. The electronic message center would provide
an illumination of 7,500- 10,000 nits during daylight hours when the Code limits it to a maximum of 5,000 nits.
The Petitioner Nvas seeking a Variation to increase the permitted illumination from 5,000 nits up to 10,000 nits
during daylight hours.
Ms. Andrade stated that Staff found the Petitioner's proposed signs to be reasonable as the signs Nvould be
consistent Nvith the existing pylon signs currently placed at the four (4) primary entrances to the shopping center.
Staff found the Variation to increase the permitted illumination levels not Nvarranted.
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Ms. Andrade said based on the analysis, Staff recommended that the Planning & Zoning Commission approve the
motion to allow two monument signs that included one (1) electronic message center. Staff recommended that
the Planning & Zoning Commission deny the Variation request to increase the illumination levels for the
electronic message center.
Chairman Rogers confirmed Nvith Staff that the Petitioner Nvould not be alloNved to show movie previews on the
message board. He clarified that Staff recommended a six (6) second interval on the message board instead of a
three (3) second interval.
Mr. DonnelIv discussed a previous zoning case from 2011 that addressed the issue of monument signs being
installed Nvithin utility easements. Ms. Andrade confirmed that there Nvere utilities along the Rand Road property
line and the Petitioner Nvould be required to setback the proposed signs at a minimum of five (5) feet from anV
utility. She stated that the site plan as originally presented Nvould need to be updated since it does not reflect the
Chairman Rogers asked if the existing foundation in place for the existing AMC sign could be used for the
proposed new AMC sign. Ms. Andrade stated that the foundation could not be used and the proposed AMC sign
Nvould need to be moved.
Chairman Rogers swore in Jim Conroy, 55 E. Euclid, Mount Prospect, Illinois. Mr. Conroy stated that there is a
large storm seNver that is located Nvhere the proposed signs Nvould be installed. He understood the desire not to
have anv additional load placed on the utility. Mr. Conroy believed there is an effective Nvav to straddle the pipe
and not bear anv load on the utility. He said that he Nvould comply Nvith the five (5) foot setback, but Nvould prefer
the flexibility to investigate the ability to design the sign Nvithout bearing the load on the utility.
Mr. Conrov stated that he discussed the electronic message board Nvith sign designer Mike Mallon. He discussed
how the technology has evolved in regards to signs and sign ordinances. Mr. Conroy said that he Nvould comply
Nvith the nighttime requirements of the Village Code, but requested an exception during the day. He discussed
how sunn -,T days Nvould have an effect on the sign. Mr. Conroy stated that the sign Nvould only be at its highest
illumination level if even-thing in the background Nvas Nvhite.
Mr. Conrov discussed a photo cell in the proposed sign that Nvould automatically regulate the illumination. He
said the sign Nvould adjust the illumination levels based on Nveather conditions (sunny / cloudy day). Mr. Conroy
stated that the proposed sign Nvould not show moving graphics, but it Nvould show logos for Randhurst's tenants.
He stated the sign Nvould give representation on Rand Road for those businesses located on Main Street Nvithin the
development. The sign Nvould also announce special events for Randhurst Village.
Mr. Conrov discussed the time intervals between messages on the proposed sign. He said the sign designer stated
that two (2) to three (3) seconds Nvould be an appropriate length of time for the intervals. Mr. Conroy stated that
six (6) seconds Nvere too stale.
Mr. Roberts asked Mr. Conrov if he Nvould be okay Nvith 7,500 nits for the da -, -time. Mr. Conrov said that a
maximum 10,000 nits Nvere requested, Nvith the sign only using approximately sixty (60) percent of the
illumination level. Chairman Rogers said that the Village Nvas trying to limit the brightness of the signs. He
believed the Petitioner could get messages out Nvithin the permitted 5,000 nits. Chairman Rogers stated in
previous Nears that the Planning and Zoning Commission Nvorked Nvith local sign companies to establish the
maximum illumination levels.
Chairman Rogers swore in Joe Doyle, Doyle Sign Company, 232 W. Interstate Road, Addison, Illinois. Mr.
Dovle stated that he Nvas not personalIv involved Nvith Nvorking Nvith the Village on establishing illumination
levels, but his company could have been a consultant. He explained how the light levels Nvere previously
Richard Rogers, Chair PZ -20 -11
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting August 25, 2011 Page 3 of 5
established for the maximum levels that signs use to be able to reach, however technology has advanced. Mr.
Dovle discussed how Nveather impacts signs during dad -mime hours.
Mr. Roberts stated how important it Nvas for the proposed sign to be able to adjust to Nveather conditions.
There Nvas discussion regarding illumination levels of signs in surrounding communities and the ability to dim the
proposed sign. Mr. Doyle discussed how signs are dimmed manually and Nvith the new photo cell technology.
Chairman Rogers stated that if the higher illumination levels Nvere granted, then the Village Nvould lose control.
He understood that the Petitioner Nvants the maximum exposure, but there are safety issues in regards to the sign.
Mr. Donnelly asked if the proposed signs Nvould be the final signs for the development. Mr. Conroy stated there
Nvould be additional directional signs added once traffic reaches the Subject Property. Mr. Donnelly asked if there
Nvould be an -,T additional signage at the east entrance along Kensington Road. Mr. Conroy said that initially Pylon
Sign A Nvould be located there, but it Nvas moved due to the storm seNver and fiber optic lines being located there.
He stated that the Village Board suggested moving the pylon sign by the Costeo signal. Mr. Conroy discussed the
approval process Nvith tenants in regards to moving the sign. He said the only concern came from JeNvel who
Nvanted to identIA- access from Kensington doN -,n the east drive. Mr. Conroy stated that a directional sign is in the
Nvorks to be placed at the east Kensington Road entrance, but it Nvould need to be approved by JeNvel.
Mr. Donnellv discussed the potential for additional signage when the outlets are occupied. Mr. Conroy believed
there Nvould oniv be an additional N,-o (2) to three (3) signs added to the subject property.
There Nvas additional discussion regarding the various signage on the Subject Property. Mr. Conroy explained the
various tenants' needs for signage in relation to the development. He stated the proposed AMC sign Nvould be
smaller than the existing ground sign. It Nvould match other signage Nvithin the development. Mr. Donnelly said
that he preferred one sign along Rand Road instead of two signs.
Mr. Youngquist understood that signs could be built over public utilities and easements to not increase the load.
He discussed a previous zoning case (Lube Pros) that required the five (5) foot setback from the public utility and
stated that the Petitioner Nvould need to comply Nvith the setback requirement. Mr. Conroy stated that the storm
sewer along Rand is private and oN -,ned by Randhurst. He believed that it is not located Nvithin an easement. Mr.
Youngquist said he Nvas not aware that the seNver Nvas owned by Randhurst.
There Nvas additional discussion regarding Nvater detention and utilities on the subject property. Mr. Simmons
stated that the utilities are all on private property and maintained by the Petitioner. He said in regards to the
original Planned Unit Development agreement, Public Works requested that the access rights to the property be
addressed and the utilities Nvould be platted within easements folloNving the completion of the project so the area
could be accessed. Mr. Simmons confirmed Nvith Mr. Donnelly that the Village Nvould have rights to the
There Nvas additional discussion regarding the proposed signs being placed over a utility
Chairman Rogers asked if there Nvas anyone else in the audience to address this case. Hearing none, he closed the
public portion of the case at 8:48 p.m. and brought the discussion back to the board.
Mr. Floros asked the Petitioner which of the conditions he Nvould like to see eliminated. Mr. Conrov stated he
Nvould like to see the request for the six (6) second interval on the electronic message board be reduced to three
(3) seconds. He said the other requirements listed in the Staff report Nvere fair.
Mr. Donnellv did not understand the need for something flashing every three (3) seconds for the proposed sign.
Mr. Roberts believed it Nvas in the best interest of the Petitioner to identiA- the time interval needed for the
intersection at the subject property. There Nvas additional discussion regarding the time interval.
Richard Rogers, Chair PZ -20 -11
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Mr. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Mr. Floros to approve an Amendment to the Special Use for Large
Scale Development Signs granted in Ordinance No. 5705, and amended in Ordinance No. 5 82 1, for the Randhurst
Village Planned Unit Development to allow two monument signs, including one Electronic Message Center sign,
as illustrated on the plans prepared by Doyle General Sign Contractors dated April 19, 2011, subject to the
conditions of approval A, B, C, D, and F as listed in the Staff Report.
UPON ROLL CALL: AYES: Donnelly, Floros, Hinaber, Roberts, Youngquist, Rogers
NAYS: None
Motion Nvas approved 6 -0. The Village Board's decision is final for this case.
Mr. Roberts made a motion, seconded by Mr. Floros to approve a modified condition of approval E to read
"Messages shall not change more frequentIv than once every three (3) seconds."
UPON ROLL CALL: AYES: Floros, Hinaber, Roberts, Youngquist
NAYS: Donnelly, Rogers
Motion Nvas approved 4 -2. The Village Board's decision is final for this case.
Mr. Floros made a motion, seconded by Mr. Youngquist to approve a Variation to increase illumination levels for
an electronic message center from 5,000 nits to 10,000 nits during daylight hours.
UPON ROLL CALL: AYES: Floros, Youngquist
NAYS: Donnelly, Hinaber, Roberts, Rogers
Motion Nvas denied 4 -2. The Village Board's decision is final for this case.
After hearing one (1) additional case, Mr. Donnelly made a motion, seconded by Mr. Roberts to adjourn at 9:47
p.m. The motion Nvas approved by a voice vote and the meeting Nvas adjourned.
Rvan Kast, Community Development
Administrative Assistant
Richard Rogers, Chair PZ -20 -11
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