November 8, 2001
ATTENDANCE: TOkiko Blaine, Carole Bloomquist, Yngve Bloomquist, Larry D'Urso, Evelyn
Eichman, John Eichman, Skip Farley, Lil Floros, Melanie Karsen, Mike Karsen, DorOthy
Kucera, J.L Scott, Adelaide Thulin, Fred Thulin, Irvana Wilks.
Staff: Maum Jandris
The meeting was called to order at 5:28 p.m.
1. Old Business
Peace Pole
John Eichman reported on the Peace Pole. The Commission had been looking into
purchasing peace poles for the Village of Mount Prospect and for S~vres. He requested
that we communicate with S~vres and Mayor Kosciusko Morizet to make sure they
would accept our gift. The Commission discussed when and where the pole could be
installed. It was suggested that both Mount Prospect and Sbvres could have ceremonies to
install them on the anniversary of the signing date of our sister cities agreement, May 19.
It was suggested that the Commission purchase the poles this budget year. The
Commission has $1,862 in its budget for 2001. The total COst of the poles including
shipping is $704. John Eichman and Maura Jandris will meet to make all arrangements
and complete necessary paperwork for the pumhase.
2. New Business
Committee Reports
Organizations - Irvana presented a letter to the committee that she intends to send to
organizations, which the committee reviewed and provided comments. The purpose of
the letter is to make the groups aware of our relationship with S~vres and encourages to
them to begin communicating with their counterparts in S~vres, and even to plan trips to
S~vres. The letters would be mailed out in the coming weeks.
Dorothy Kucera presented a letter that she had received fi.om the Community Band that
they had decided not to travel to Sbvres next year. The Commission suggested responding
to their letter, and encouraging them to go forward with the trip, and to consider traveling
at another time.
Business - no report
Government - Larry D'Urso reported that when Commission member Melanie Karsen
had gotten a contact person for the Library in S~vres. Larry had attempted contacting
them via email but had not yet received a response.
Schools - Melanie Karsen had recently been in S~vres and had met with French teachers
there about creating exchanges and correspondence with students here. Programs have
been set up between Hersey and Prospect High Schools and the lycee in S~vres. Also,
connections had been made between Nancy Lee from Lincoln and Rochelle Candioto at
River Trails with the eequivalent school in Sbvres. She was also communicating with the
Fairview School French club to connect them with an elementrary school in S~vres, and
had attempted to find a contact for St, Joan du Arc school in S~vres with a parochial
school here.
November 7-13 is National French Week. The Village issued a proclamation that is on
display at the library and the schools. Melanie also brought a copy of the proclamation
with her to S~vres to present to Mayor Kosciusko Mor/zet.
Churches - Scotty expected that Sister Cities would be discussed at the next Church
Council meeting.
Melanie Karsen - Report on Trip to Sivres
Mayor Kosciusko Morlzet arranged meetings for Melanie with a group of teachers on
September 10. She went on a tour of Ste. Cloud, a famous park in S~vres, the Library and
the Youth Center, called La Scale. She was warmly greeted and treated with great
hospitality. She was invited to dinner at the Mayor's home, and to dinner with the
Bompaire family, whose daughter spent time in Mount Prospect this past summer.
Melanie shared photos of her trip with the group. There was a photo of the Village Hall in
S~vres that showed clocks with the times of their sister cities. It was suggested that we do
the same thing here. It was also suggested that the Village post signs on the way into
town about our sister city. Melanie was in France at the time of the September 11
attacks, and said that she received many calls and thoughts from the people of S~vres.
Melanie also appeared in the latest issue ofLe S~vrien, S~vres' Newsletter, and there was
an article about her and her work for the sister city program. Melanie also reviewed the
Newsletter and translated some items about the September 11 attacks and a note from
Mayor Farley which appeared in their newsletter and the thoughts of Mayor Morizet
expressing his sympathy to us.
Parade Participation
Lil Floros said that the discussion of parades at the last meeting she understood as the 4
of July parade only. She said she would not be able to coordinate an effort for the Winter
Festival Parade.
The Commission discussed possible participation in the Winter Festival Parade. O~xe
suggestion was to have cookies in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. The commission
discussed renting a float in the parade. Melanie said that she was going to Hersey to
following week to meet with French classes and that she could see if any students would
be interested in riding on the float. Tokiko Blaine offered to be the Commission
representative on the float. Larry D'Urso also tentatively volunteered to ride on the float.
The Commission agreed that they would spend up to $300 on cookies for the refreshment
tent for the parade. French flags and pins could be handed out at the table.
Maura Jandris shared with the Commission the Mount Prospect Newsletter and a letter
from Mayor Farley which appeared, sharing with the residents the thoughts and prayers
we had received from Sbvres.
The commission members bought raffle tickets for a quilt from the Library Foundation. If
they win, the quilt will be donated to the library in S~vres.
The next Commission meeting will be held February 7.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.