HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/2004 P&Z minutes 05-04
Hearing Date: March 25, 2004
501-507 Camp McDonald Road
Walter Wyszynski, Discovery Homes, Inc. (Contract Purchaser)
March 10, 2004
PIN #:
Rezone to R3 Low-Density Residence; Conditional Use for a Planned
Unit Development; and Variation for Rear Yard (Parking) Setback
Arlene Juracek, Chair
Leo Floros
Richard Roger
Matthew Sledz
Keith Youngquist
Merrill Cotten
Joseph Donnelly
Michael Jacobs, AICP, Deputy Director of Community Development
Judy Connolly, AICP, SeniorPlanner
Lorraine & Rich Hagen
Norma Jarmer
Ed Madden
Larry & Pat Rubens
Bruce Smith
Dolores Tomaszewski
Chairperson Arlene Juracek called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Richard Rogers made a motion to approve
the minutes of the February 26, 2004 meeting and Keith Youngquist seconded the motion. The minutes were
approved 4-0, with one abstention by Matt Sledz. At 7:32, Ms. Juracek introduced Case No. PZ-05-04, a
request to rezone to R3 Low-Density Residence; a Conditional Use for a Planned Unit Development; and a
Variation for a rear yard (parking) setback. She noted that the requests would be Village Board final.
Judy Connolly, Senior Planner, presented the case. The Petitioner is seeking: to rezone the Subject Property
from RX Single-Family Residence to R3 Low-Density Residence; approval of a Conditional Use permit for a
Planned Unit Development; and Variation for rear yard, parking, setback.
The Subject Property is located on the south side of Camp McDonald Road, between Rand and Schoenbeck
Roads, and is directly west of the existing Old Orchard Country Club townhome development. The site
currently contains a landscaping business and a day care center with related improvements. The Subject
Property is zoned RX Single-Family Residence and is bordered by the RX District to the west, the B3
Community Shopping District to the south, the RI Single-Family Residence/PUD District to the east, and a
multi-family residential development located within Prospect Heights to the north.
The Subject Property was originally located within unincorporated Cook County and developed under County
regulations. The Subject Property was annexed into Mount Prospect in 1999 as part of a larger annexation. As
part of the larger annexation, all of the properties involved were zoned RX Single-Family Residence, as required
Planning & Zoning Commission
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Page 2
by State statute, although existing commercial businesses were in operation at the time of annexation. The
Petitioner's proposal includes the demolition of all of the existing structures on the Subject Property and the
redevelopment of the site as a 22-unit townhome development.
The Subject Property is currently zoned RX Single-Family Residence and the Petitioner is requesting approval
to rezone the Subject Property to R3 Low-Density Residence. The R3 district allows a maximum density of
13.5 dwelling units per acre for multi-family developments. The Petitioner's proposal includes a density of 8.8
units per acre, which falls below the maximum density permitted within the R3 District.
In addition to the requested rezoning, the Petitioner is also requesting approval of a Conditional Use for a
Planned Unit Development. This request is due to the Village's Code requirement that two or more multi-
family residential buildings may be located on the same zoning lot only as part of an approved planned unit
development. The PUD process also allows for unified zoning control over the entire development and requires
formal Village approval if any modifications to the development are proposed in the future.
The site plan illustrates the proposed layout for the 22-unit townhome development. The development would
consist of three 4-unit buildings and five 2-unit buildings located along a two-way private street that loops
through the entire site. Each unit would have a separate entrance, two-car garage and two-car driveway, and a
patio. The pavement width of the private street is 24-feet, which is consistent with the Village standards, and
allows for 2-way traffic throughout the development. The proposed development also includes a 5-foot wide
sidewalk on one side ofthe street and 11 guest parking spaces.
The elevations indicate that the townhomes will have peaked roofs and each unit will have a front-loading 2-car
garage, accessed from the private street. The building materials for the exterior elevations will consist of wood
siding, brick, and limestone. Also, balconies will be included on the front elevation of some of the units.
The proposed site plan indicates that the development will be accessed from Camp McDonald Road and have
two entry points. The western driveway allows full vehicle access to/from the development and the eastern
driveway limits access to a right in/out only to minimizing potential conflicts with nearby Dale Avenue. The
Cook County Highway Department has jurisdiction over Camp McDonald Road and will have to approve the
proposed entrance/exit configuration.
The site plan indicates that a portion of the Subject Property will be dedicated as part of the Camp McDonald
Road right-of-way, as is required by the Village's Development Code. In addition, the required right-of-way
improvements such as widening the existing street, installing sidewalk, etc. will be completed.
The Petitioner's proposal indicates that all 22 units will contain three bedrooms. The Village Code requires 2 Y2
parking spaces per dwelling unit for multiple-family dwellings containing 3 bedrooms or more. The Petitioner's
proposal contains a total of 99 parking spaces (consisting of two garage and two driveway parking spaces per
unit, plus an additional 11 guest parking spaces dispersed throughout the development). The proposed plan
includes some guest parking spaces along the western edge of the development that do not meet the required 25-
foot setback requirement. The Petitioner has requested a variation to allow for the proposed IS-foot setback.
The Petitioner's landscape plan indicates that a variety of new landscaping materials will be planted throughout
the development. The plan, however, does not include the required parkway trees planted every 40-feet in
locations determined by the Village Forester along the Camp McDonald frontage. Typically, this requirement is
met at the time of applying for permits.
The landscape plan indicates that the proposed townhome development will be partially screened from Camp
McDonald Road with evergreen trees. Also, the existing landscaping along the eastern edge of the Subject
Property will be maintained to help buffer the new development from the neighboring Old Orchard Country
Club town home development. However, a privacy fence may be needed along the west lot line to screen the
townhomes from the existing day care facility and nearby commercial uses.
Planning & Zoning Commission
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Page 3
The vast majority of the proposed development meets the R3 District's bulk regulations. Due to the Subject
Property's unique shape, two of the proposed guest parking spaces encroach into the required rear yard setback.
However, the townhomes, patios, and other guest parking spaces meet the required setbacks. It should also be
noted that the proposed development complies with the Village Code's requirement that a minimum spacing of
thirty feet between multi-family buildings be provided.
The standards for a Variation are listed in the Zoning Ordinance and relate to: a hardship due to the physical
surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of a specific property not generally applicable to other
properties in the same zoning district and not created by any person presently having an interest in the property;
lack of desire to increase financial gain; and protection of the public welfare, other property, and neighborhood
The Subject Property is located out of a floodplain and the topography is relatively level. The proposed IS-foot
rear yard does not meet the minimum setback regulations. The Petitioner has the option of eliminating two
guest parking spaces to then comply with the Village's Regulations. However, the location of the two parking
spaces and the amount of the encroachment would not adversely impact the adjacent properties. Also, the
proposed landscaping minimizes the view for the commercial properties located to the south and west of the
Subject Property.
The standards for Map Amendments are listed in the Zoning Ordinance. When a Map Amendment is proposed,
the request is evaluated based on: Compatibility with existing uses and zoning classifications of property within
the general area of the property in question; the compatibility of the surrounding property with the permitted
uses listed in the proposed zoning classification; the suitability of the property in question to the uses permitted
under the existing and proposed zoning classifications; and consistency with the trend of development in the
general area of the property in question, and the objectives of the current Comprehensive Plan for the Village.
The Subject Property is adjacent to an existing multi-family residential development, abuts a commercial
business located in an RX Single Family zoning district, and another commercial business located in the B3
district and has frontage onto a major arterial road. The proposed 22-unit townhome development, with minor
design modifications, would be an appropriate use for the Subject Property and would be consistent with other
developments recently approved in Mount Prospect. The proposal meets the standards for a Map Amendment
because it is compatible with existing properties within the general area of the Subject Property and provides an
adequate transition from Camp McDonald Road. The Subject Property would not be conducive to commercial
development due to its limited size and surrounding uses.
The proposed rezoning meets the standards for a Map Amendment listed in the Zoning Ordinance. The
Variation to permit a IS-foot rear yard to accommodate a Guest Parking Space as indicated on the site plan
meets the standards for a Variation listed in the Zoning Ordinance. Based on these findings, Staff recommends
that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommend that the Village Board approve the Variation request to
permit a IS-foot rear yard as shown on the site plan and approve the request for a rezoning from RX to R3 and
planned unit development for the Subject Property subject to the following:
1) Prior to obtaining the first Certificate of Occupancy, the Petitioner must prepare a plat of vacation that
dedicates the Camp McDonald Road right-of-way as required by the Development Code;
2) The site is developed in accordance with the elevations and plans prepared by OCGG Architects, L TD
dated March 25, 2004 but revised to reflect:
a. Right-of-way improvements as required by the Development Code;
b. A privacy fence along the west lot line or significantly increased year-round landscaping.
3) The units are constructed according to all Village Codes and regulations, including, but not limited to,
the installation of sprinklers; and
Planning & Zoning Commission
Arlene J uracek, Chairperson
Page 4
4) The Petitioner obtains permits from all appropriate agencIes, including, but not limited to, mOT,
This concludes the Staff report; please note that the Village Board's decision is final for this case, 501-507
Camp McDonald Road, Case No. PZ-05-04.
Mr. Rogers asked Ms. Connolly if a fence should be required along the west and east lot lines as well as the
south lot line. Ms. Connolly said the south lot line has an existing fence that was installed by Metro Federal
Credit Union and that representatives from the adjacent Old Orchard townhomes were present at the meeting
and indicated a desire for a fence to be located along the east lot line. Leo Floros asked if the multi-family
development to the north is in Prospect Heights and Ms. Connolly said it is. Ms. Juracek asked if the Board had
previously approved parking setback variations where there were no visible encroachments to those setbacks.
Ms. Connolly said yes.
Ms. Juracek asked the petitioner to come forward to present his proposal and address any concerns that may
have been expressed by the Commission and public. She said she would swear in all speakers at one time.
Walter Wyszynski and his architect were sworn in. Mr. Wyszynski said he spoke to members of the board of
the adjoining condominium development and would be putting up fences where desired by those neighbors.
The architect spoke at the easel and said they had started the proposed project with 28 townhomes and reduced
that number to 22 after consulting with Village Staff. He spoke about privacy fences and a proposed easement.
They discussed landscaping with the Board and apologized for the absence of the Landscape Architect. They
also explained the existence of a cross connection easement that is anticipated to be eliminated after a certain
stage of construction of the townhomes; however, if it is not able to be eliminated it will have an adverse effect
on a portion of the landscaping.
The architect stated that 22 townhomes on a 2.5-acre site was a luxurious development compared to other
projects they have done. He showed the elevations of the various town home configurations and pictures of the
materials used. He said the use of wood trim was just an aesthetic choice.
Jason Dolan, Dolan Engineering, addressed drainage at the project site. He said it would be necessary for water
to drain off the completed site at a slower rate than it does at the present time. He explained the detention and
sanitary sewer system for the project.
Mr. Floras asked what the price of the townhomes would be and Mr. Wyszynski said they would start at
Dolores Tomasze\vski, President of the Old Orchard Homeowners Association, \vas sworn in. She
complimented the petitioners on their planned development. She said a chain link fence would not be
acceptable, that a cedar fence of the same size and type put in by Metro Credit Union would need to be
continued. Also, with regard to drainage, she asked if there would be a berm or swale. She asked if there would
be a connection to the Old Orchard storm sewer system.
Mr. Wyszynski said they would put in a cedar fence. Mr. Dolan said the drainage water would be carried a\vay
by a swale on the developer's property. Mr. Dolan described two methods of storm sewers they have planned
for the project that do not include connecting to the Old Orchard sewer system.
Michael Jacobs suggested that a specific condition be included in the Commission's recommendation regarding
the extension of the existing fence on the Metro Federal Credit Union property.
Ms. J uracek closed the Public Hearing at 8: 1 0
Planning & Zoning Commission
Arlene Juracek, Chairperson
Page 5
Richard Rogers made a motion to recommend that the Village Board approve the request for a Map Amendment
to rezone the property at 501 to 507 Camp McDonald Road from RX to R3 Low-Density Residence. Leo Floras
seconded the motion.
AYES: Floros, Rogers, Sledz, Youngquist and Juracek
NA YS: None
Motion was approved 5-0.
Richard Rogers made a motion to recommend that the Village Board approve the request for a Conditional Use
for a Planned Unit Development with all conditions imposed by Staff as well as: 1) A fence matching the size
and style of the fence provided by Metro Credit Union be installed along the eastern property line (the fence
could be eliminated if worked out with Old Orchard Homeowners Association); 2) Additional landscaping be
provided along the development's east and south sides (to be worked out with Staff); and 3) a Variation for a
Rear Yard (Parking) Setback. Keith Youngquist seconded the motion.
AYES: Floros, Rogers, Sledz, Youngquist and Juracek
NAYS: None
Motion was approved 5-0.
At 8:50 p.m., Richard Rogers made motion to adjourn, seconded by Matt Sledz. The motion was approved by a
voice vote and the meeting was adjourned.
obs, AICP
ector of Community Development
H\PLAN\1'lanning & Zoning COMM\P&Z 2004\.'..I;nu«5'1'2-05-04 501-507 Camp McDonald Rd.doc