HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/10/1996 COW minutes MINUTES
DECEMBER 10, 1996
Mayor Farley called the meeting to order at 7 33 p m Present at the meeting were
Trustees George CIowes, Paul Hoefert, Arlene Juracek and Irvana Wllks Trustee
Richard Hendncks arnved at 10 02 p m Absent from the meebng was Trustee
Timothy Corcoran Staff present included V~llage Manager Michael E Janon~s,
Assistant V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Pohca Chief Ronald Pavlock, F~re Chief
Edward Cavello, Commumty Development D~rector W~lham Cooney and Planning
Coordinator Darnel Ungerle~der.
Approval of M~nutes of November 26, 1996 Motion made by Trustee W~lks and
Seconded by Trustee Juracak to accept the m~nutes Trustee Hoefert requested
'some rews~on to page 4 Trustee Wllks requested some clanficat~on language be
added to consensus of the V~llage Board ttems on page 6 and Trustee Clowes
requested a rews~on to h~s comments under Any Other Bus~ness on page 7.
M~nutes were approved w~th revisions
Tom Davies, 203 South Owen, spoke He felt that there exists a conflict of ~nterest
w~th Trustee Juracak being a member of the V~llage Board and her employment by
Commonwealth Edison He felt she should excuse herself from CornEd
d~scuss~ons He also asked what ~s the status of the Citizens' Group which he had
requested be formed to meet wth Commonwealth Edison representatives to d~scuss
power outages. He stated informabon prewously presented by Trustee Juracek at
a Board meeting was not typically available to the general public, therefore, he feels
there ~s a conflict
Mayor Farley responded to Mr Dawes by stating that staff is working w~th
Commonwealth Edison to gather the necessary information and stated there has
been no determination made as to when or if a C~bzens' Group would be formed
He also stated there is no conflict of interest because no vote or action was taken
concemlng Commonwealth Edison and Trustee Juracek prowded ~nformabon only
Village Manager Janonis prowded a general overview of the topic ~nclud~ng some
background as to where the funding would come from for such a proposal He
stated that the funds contemplated for this program would be TIF Funds and th~s
project ~s w~th~n the TIF D~stnct itself He stated this ~s the Phase I of a multi-phase
proJect w~thm the TIF area ~n the downtown itself
Planning Coordinator Dan Ungerleider prowded a general overview of the
Streetscape proposal as presented to the Vdlage Board He also rewewed the
~nput which was sohc~ted from the Bus~ness D~stnct Development and
Redevelopment Commission (BDDRC) Phase I includes the point area east to
P~ne Street and BDDRC has recommended the proposal be ~mplemented as
presented to the V~llage Board th~s evening
Dick Hayden, of Dames and Moore, prowded the detads of the proposal and how
the proposal was formulated for presentabon He prowded an overview of the
ex~st~ng elements throughout the doWntown area and a rewew of the open space
and parking which currently exists He stated the proposal ~s to create more of an
entrance feature for the point of Northwest H~ghway and Central Road, an entrance
feature ~nto the downtown as it were He stated that there would be approximately
$400,000 for construction ofth~s project Th~s expense would ~nclude full s~dewalk
replacement ~n the area bounded by Central, Northwest H~ghway and P~ne and
~nstallat~on of full paver-bnck s~dewalks which ~s a conbnuabon of the pattern of
pavers currently in place throughout the downtown The only d~fference would be
add~bonal trees and pedestrian hghts along the s~dewalks plus the paver bricks
would be angled ~nstead of perpendicular to roadways as they currently ex~st He
stated there would be extensive use of recycled materials for pedestrian amembes
~n add~bon to s~ngle-pole b~ke racks
He stated the report recommends cont~nuabon of the current hght-post style already
m place All proposals can be created to comply w~th ADA requirements He stated
that only expenenced contractors would be considered for brick ~nstallat~on and
stated that quahty installation is the key for long-term results He stated that they
also typically ~ns~st on a three-year warranty period and ~f there is going to be a
fadure, such a warranty period would cover any fadure He stated the textured
concrete ~s much more expensive than bncks and does not necessardy prowde the
long-term durabd~ty that paver bricks have
General comments by the V~llage Board members ~ncluded the following ~tems
Trustees were concemed about the long-term durabdlty of the paving bricks due to
isolated failures perceived throughout the downtown area There was also some
discussion concerning pedestrian areas at roadway crossings and how the brick
pavers would be compatible with such crossings Discuss~on took place as to the
base which the pavers would be installed over. Some d~scuss~on included whether
a concrete base would be more pracbcal with paver bricks placed over the
concrete There was also discuss~on as to the future redevelopment In the
downtown area ~f the paver brick area would be extended throughout There was
also discuss~on as to the water penetrab~hty of the paver bricks and how such water
would affect the long-term durabd~ty of the bricks and their base Trustees also
expressed concern over the separation of sidewalks from traffic and opportunities
to soften the transition between traffic and pedestrians Trustees also were
supportive of opportunities to encourage pedestrian traffic ~n the downtown area
Don Hayden responded to a number of the comments of the V~llage Board
members He stated that the bricks themselves are extremely dense products and
would repel water and stated that putbng paver bricks over a concrete base is
extremely expensive, but would wrtually assure no degradabon of the sub-base
He also pointed out that there was a need to create an entry identity in order to
acknowledge the entrance into the downtown He stated that whenever possible,
green separation of parkways would be maintained or enhanced
Consensus of the Village Board was to proceed with the proposal as
presented and request that staff put together a comprehensive package with
costs of improvements for the area between Pine/Central and Northwest
Highway to the point.
Trustee Wilks requested staff do add~bonal research to find out the cost d~fference
between the pebble concrete compared to ~nstallabon of brick pavers She also
requested some information as to the durability and long-term use of paver bricks
compared to concrete and c~ted examples of paver brick failures in the downtown
area She also requested an overall budget for the project elements of this phase.
Trustee Clowes requested an esbmate of the work to determine ~f cost sawngs
could be reahzed ~f the project was part of a Pubhc Works contract work for
concrete and tree replacement
Manager Janonis stated that he would prowde the information the Village Board
members requested. He also stated that th~s proposal would come back to the
Board for final approval before any funds were expended, once the bids were
received, the Vdlage Board would have the opportunity for add~bonal ~nput
Manager Janonis stated that he recently attended an mformabonal session m
Glenwew describing the reuse of the Glenvlew Naval Air Stabon w~th
representatives from the Pohce and F~re Departments At th~s point, he ~s
requesbng general concurrence from the V~llage Board to enter ~nto d~scuss~on w~th
other communities to take advantage of th~s reuse of th~s port~on of the a~rport
Fire Chief Cavello provided a general overview of the faclhty as proposed by the
Village of Glenvlew representatives He stated they would use approximately 26
acres and retrofit ex~st~ng buildings for training purposes He stated that the
uniqueness of this site will probably not become available in th~s area again He
stated that the training site will allow for numerous fire activities such as live burns
which are extremely d~fficult to pracbce on today because of urban development
He stated there ~s enough support from the various cemmumtles to move forward
~th the funding of this project and the cost proposed by the Village of Glenvlew is
Iow compared to the opportunity available Once a funding commitment ~s made by
the Village, the V~llage would have the opportunity to ubhze the faclhty as the
schedule of the fac~hty and V~llage personnel allow
Manager Janonis stated that Glenv~ew had imbally set aside a three-year study
penod to determine what opbons ex~st for the fac~hty and to determine appropnate
costs However, they also feel even though they had set a brae frame of three
years, the fac~hty would be operabonal in twelve to e~ghteen months and would be
able to prowde long-term cost esbmates to participating V~llages at that brae He
stated the pnmary attraction to this facility is ~ts prox~mity to the V~llage and the
ab~hty to train using real-hfe situations without impacting other areas
Consensus of the Village Board was to support expending approximately
$15,000 as proposed in the prospectus provided by the Village of Glenview in
order to guarantee reuse of the Glenview Naval Air Station for training
purposes for Police and Fire personnel.
Manager Janonis reminded wewers and the Board that Coffee w~th Council is
scheduled for December 14 and Coffee with Council on the road ~s scheduled for
January 11
Trustee Clowes requested Vtllage staff review the southbound intersecbon of
Route 83 and the raxlroad crossing because the left-turn markings appear to have
been removed when the work on the crossing was completed
Manager Janonis stated he would look into the s~tuatxon and stated that IDOT is
looking at the interconnecflon of traffic s~gnals at th~s ~ntersechon and has
previously recommended the ehminabon of the left-turn lane on to Prospect from
south bound Route 83
Trustee Clowes recogmzed Rous~-Randhurst Corporabon for a $10,000 Grant
provided to TAP Mount Prospect and prowded a general overview of the other
fundxng received from other vanous sources for TAP act,wries
Trustee Hoefert thanked F~rst Chicago, Special Events Commission and Randhurst
for the successful Sounds of the Season event which took place on December 7
Motion made to move into Closed Session at 10 03 p m to d~scuss L~figation and
Personnel Mobon made by Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee W~lks A
unanimous roll call vote occurred
Meeting was reconvened ~nto open session at 10 43 p m There being no further
bus~ness, meeting was adjourned at 10 45 p m
Respectfully submitted,
Assistant V~llage Manager