HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1997 COW minutes ~ ,~ ,...: ..... . . JANUARY 28, 1997 ~.-,r ~ ~
M~yor Farley ~led the meeting to ordef~t 7:35 p.m.~ Present at the'meeting were:
';Tr~stee~ George OI°wes; ,Timotfl~'~0or~mn, ~P~ul'Hoefe,,' A)l~ne Jum0ek ~nd
Ir~n~ WilRs. ~ Absent ~rom 'the meeting W~s TrUstee Ri~fd Hendriok~. ~t~ff
present' included Village Manager~Michael'0an0nis Assistant Villag~ Manager
D~id 8trah~, Finan~ Diroetor Brian CaPUt0, Pfiblifi~ork~ Diro~tor~GI0n ~ndlor,
De u~ Public We Dire~o[ Scan or a .Village Engineer Jeff Wulbecker.
Approwl of Minute~ of J~nu~, 14, lggT. ~ Motion m~de by Trustee Wilk~ ~nd
8eoonded by Trustee Ooroomn to ~ppro~'e the minute~., Minutes were ~pproved.
HEARD ' ~ .
Trustee Juracek int~0du~d members of BoyS~ut!roop !55 ~h0}we[e ~tending
the meeting as p'a~ of their Citizenship Badge requirement.
ALTERN T ORVI AGE DEST E -- ~--AiVES'F~-" "LL" ""-WI"-~-"RE-T "'~" '~
Village. Manafler:Jan0nis ,provided 9eneral information ' and ~hist0~, of this
. dis~ssion. He stated that Public Wo~s provided an.update in ~June of.~ 996 listing
the various funding options available..:Various funding oppodunities have differing
impa~s upon the ba~log of street'imProvements as determined by funding option
approved. 'The Village Board wanted to review options available at the June
meeting ~in an~effod to.eliminate the.approximately $20 million.wodh of street
.reconstruction. backlog.. ,; ~. ~,~ ~ ~ ~,;., , :: ,~ ~, , ,..~, ',~ ~ ~ ', ~,
Finance DirectorCaput°Provided a general ove~iew of the options available to
· re~nstruct the streets in order to arrive at the additional $20 million needed to
supplement the annual budgeted amount. ~ He stated that discussioos.with the
Finan~ Commission have yielded re~mmendations which focus on a payras-you-
go basis in an effod to avoid incurring debt ~or road,funding.- He stated that paA of
~he Home Rule Sales Tax is already devoted to. road improvements.-.;'
He stated there is a n~ed for approximately $13.3 million in new money to fund the
road improvements from 1998 to 2006. After 2001, the funding source could be
reduced to be more representatiCe' of thefunds necessary for the remaining years'
street improvements inventory. He prowded an overview of tax rates in comparable
communities and provided an~o~)~rview of the funding options available for new
revenue. Among the revenue sources available are Property Tax increase, .Vehicle
License increase, Gasoline Tax, increase in the Home Rule sales Tax'~nd Utility
, Tax increase· He provided a comparison of the amount of re, venue projected by
"each s0~:cb"',~n~l ~stated' that the Gasoline TaXX is a per,gallon Cha[{~ and ':the use
' of gasoline'witi~in the cor~'muhit~; i~ r&lativei~,,flat '~ sales Ta~ ~uld bein~rbased a
quarter cer~t to generate appro, x~mately $1.2 mdhon annually. Utility Tax c~ould be
"increa~.~ed by any' porti°~Of a perSenta~le'and this~r'e~enu'e ~'06rce' is ~J<p~cted to
conbnue to grow. One"consideration ~s the need to estabhsh a funding source
' Which coincides With th~'tin~i~ng of the ~8°~st~uctiod ~seas0n ~nd the"need for the
funds. He provided a general overview of the 1997 funding options a.s,outlined in
his memorandum. The recommendation is as follows:
~ " ~ ' ~" ~' (~'~ e~al~u~db~l h~ce''~" ...... ,';!,,i '-'.'-', ~. '
"" ':': $695,000 from n r a ' -
'' Yerheh .... '
"'~'" ; $1 'milliSn from'Cal~ital'lr~3ro t Fu'nd balance
$55,000 from Street Improvement Fund balance
$150,000 from CDBG Funds for the 1997 Streei Improvement Program
He stated funding of future years beyond 1997 have yet to be deter~in~(J by the
Village Board. Staff recommends either a Utility Tax increase or a combination of
""th ~i~s ~'' ' " ' .................
...... e 'va u re~)enue sources outhned.' ...... ;'- ' .
General discussion by the Village,B0ar,d inc!gde.d t~he f. ol!o. wing items:
There was a discussion as to the use of CDBG Fund~"a~"pa'rt of the Street
Improvement Program. There was also discussion concerning Street Maintenance
';.' Pi'ogram includihg cr~c~'se'alin{] and slurry Seal~ ' Boai'd member~, suggested staff
?~'-i~- ?. ;~effo'rm a test (~f the varioQs Options a~,ailable to'determine if thb' sealer or ~eal coat
:-'..~ 'treatmehts extend the life of ~he streets. ~There was al§o'discussion 'concer~ing the
::"..if,.;:. ~pr(~jected 20-year dyble fo<resurfacing the'streets." ', ':~-d
' ~Village Enginee~'Jeff Wulbecker r'esponded'to 'a ndmbe(Of the~items brought up
by the Village Board members. He stated that cracl,~'isealing;extends the life of
streets to approximately 20 years if the crack sealing is done three to four years
~.,iafter the' new s't~'eet';iS completed. ~-' He stated that '75% of.'therstreets need
.... reconstruction due to 'a pool base and the' other.25% of the '~treet i'ec(~nstruction
,.., :needs~re~'due to redQced spending on maintenance in previou~ year~s.~ He stated
'-'-~< that the~research that he has seen relating to sealer ~pplications' has'not iseen as
· .~ encouraging' ;as,one 'might ~eXpect. ;' He'.;stated that :he' ~felt that most sealer
applications would have to'be applied'anndally in'~rdei' to get any benefit, but as
long as a poor base exists on the street, the surface application will do little good·
However,'~he stated that he wou~a conbnue h~is ~-eSea~rch of [he Seal ~c0aii~ig option
to determine'whe~her'~such'a~appli~tion"~uld e~nd ~heiifeo~ the street. He
'Stated t~ a~ility for th~ street to suwive f~r ~ 2~year period is ~dependent upon the
~ baS~ of the Street, the tragic volume and the ability t0 'ke~p~ ~ater fr~m' penetrating
Other~ c&mments by the ~illage Board mbmbers'included t~e ~ollowing items:
There was a discussion about the cost per, mile of street to resufia~ versus
re~nst~ion ~nd the"~Ue~tioh'whether the"~llotted ~st va)ue is keepi~g~up with
inflation and ba~log of the streets. ,There was also dis~ssion ~ether there would
be any sawngs to focu~ all ~nst~cti~n,i~ one specific area of town {0 reduce
~llage Engineer Wulbecker responded toa'number of the concerns b'fthe Board
members. He stated t~ai the' pr0jectb~ ~osts include ad estimate"of the funds
necessaw, ~o p~dor~ the wor~ but does..not, include th~, co~t for Engineering
~eWises. :He stated that the ~t of'engineering Sewices should not reduce the
dverall funding' level enough t° affect'the number..of streets Which ~e~ to be
reinstated. He also'sa~d thff~e m~ght besome savings by focusing on a specific
area'of to~, ~hbWever,'he.felt th&t the impact'woUld be tb5 drastic to that ~rea and
not allow fo~ ~esidents to'p~k on ~streets' in"t~e aCea"Which~eCe '~ot under
reconstruction. He stated ~hat staff typi~lly tries to resewe a street less than a
blosk a~ay fo~ re~'id~ts
pare if their str et:is unde¢ ~ns(ruction:. ~ '
TruStee H0efe~ stated that he felt that reducing the amount of money in this
a~unt ~till does ~t'~Sdress' {h~ need to determine W~t i0 do about ~he Village
Hall. He stated a Village Board will have to grapple ~ith ~he Village Hall status
Fi,a~be,DiCe~tor CaP'to '~t~ted'th'~t ~tilizi~g fund balan6bs Would &0t jeopardize
"'the Village's abili~ to respond t~emCrgencies.' He ~tated the Village'fund balance
i~ ~1o~ compared t0 other towns,'but not"'dangerousl~ ,:low:' He stated that he
re~mmended Using' Some of th~ fdhding set aside f0r Village Hall;bemuse he did
not sense a. desire from the Village Board to movefo~arU an~ime soon with a
dire~ion for the Village Hall. He stated that the Board should be aware that once
balan~s ace dra~ do~; th'ere ~uld be impli~ti0ns to theflexibility of fut~e uses
of fund balan~s. He als° stated ~he Finan~ Co~mission had looked at possible
funding for the Village Hall., He stated the Finan~ Commission had re~mmended
a pay~s-you~o prog~m for'the ~treets in order to rese~e pbssible debt ~pacity
e' Cti
~forVillag Hall constru on:
,Village Manager Janonis stated that the ~treets are the latest s. ign!ficant issue the
BOard iS facing t~d~y'just'a~--floodihg is's~.~we~'~ an issue several ~ears~before.
He ~tated that he ~uld seeno prGbJem with'shifting the Funds from the Vd¥~ge Hall
a~unt b~use there are other pnoqt~es th~{ Would uddoubtedly impact the need
to' u~e~t~e Villag~ Haft {unds'~6o~er~or la{~r. 'He stated that th~' p~y-as-you-go
scenario allows for maximum flexibility to address other priorities as they come
,.available. ,He stated that any Village Hall,discussion should be included as pa~ of
~ Do~n{ow~R~d~velopment ~iscu~i~n.' "~ '
,General co n s theVillage Boa included thefollo ng items:
Village ~oard members did acknowledge the need to discuss the future of the
Vdlage Hall. Streets must be addressed today bemuse of the backlog othe~se
the backlog would not be reduced. Members felt that it would be '~od~while to
continue this discussion with Finance Commission members and there may be a
'~eed t0100k sour~ pay-~-you-go.
~t~'~binatiSn of f~nding including%~ebt a~d
.;,,John Korn,.member of,the F~nance Commission, stated that,many Finance
, Commission members felt that utilizing debt too e~ensively would tie up funds for
ilong-{~'and md~ce fl~xib'ility fs'r otbe{,proj~cts WhiCh'may o~r. ;~H~'s{ated that
~..'~en cu~Feh~ d~t is pai,d ~ff, then h"~W debt ~pacity beSom~s Bvai'lA~le and that
~.~guld be p~ of,the discussion ~f,¢ytpre p?je~t~ Bt ~hBt t~me.; ,,: ..,
Ann Smilanic, member of, the Einance,Commission, stated that she had
~n~rns dunng F~nan~ Commission d~scussions about the funding of the Vii age
Hall because she and other members felt that, a $1 million renovation may not be
~odhwhde untd an overall direction has been determined for the structure.
Consensus of t i la e Board was to endorse the recommendation from
Finance Director Brian Caputo w~ereby the funding would'Come from' General
Fund balance of $69 ,000;e ,~Pital;!mprovement Fund;
Cutureye~m~funding. , ~, ,;, ..,-.,~,~ ?. ~ ~ ,,,....,~ , - .
c T(ustee.Clowes stated that he has been looking at the amount of funds going to
other ~mmunities as pad of the Gasoline T~ they lew. He would suggest that the
,,i~,,Vil age, look; at.alternatives to the. revenue sources ~utlined previously. One
-,-.¢.,, example would be to utilize a similar photo enforcement system as the Tollway to
increase speeding fines. He also suggested.looking at,utilizing '~P:; tickets to
increase revenues without increasing taxes. He stated that there may be a need
to look at reducing costs if corresponding revenues increase.
~,[~,, ,, PROJECT UPDATE ~,: ~.,~ ~,~.~ . ~
~" ~ill~ge Manager Janonis provided a general ove~ie~ ~ theprogram to date and
also,stated that he would request Board approval t9 fill~ a:currently vaunt Public
/Works position with a GIS coordinator. ~ ~
~ Dep~ Public Wo~s Dimctor~sean ~D°mey provided an ove~iew of what,.~ a GIS
~,:~ sYstem is. He stated~the ~omputer map is linked t0~databases~hereby users ~n
ask questionsof themap based on the database information available.~ ~He stated
:that most of the information the Village has alfea~dY~avai~laSle bas a gepgraphi~l
~relati0nship based on some~map. ~He~stated :the first phase~of the proje~ is just
~.~,~ ~ about completed.~ The first phase included c~ation of new base map~ including
digital ~and o~hophotos ~used to create~ planimetric maps,~;(which ,are lines
~epresentative of photographs of structures). ,He stated that phase ~o includes
~mpletion of the planimetrics and the selection of a GIS vendor which would
~prov~dethe engine to utilize the maps.~ He stated phase ~o would also 4nclude
hardware pur~ases for GlS engines and the ~mputer so,are pa~ages for users
~ to utilize GIB technol0gy~ H~. stated ultimately it would be necessa~,to provide
public a~ss to GIB info~ation. Su~ public a~ss woald be pa~ of phase three.
He stated that a ~mmittee of staff members evaluated vari0ds ~endors' packages
of GIS so,are. He stated that the ~mmittee unanimouslyendorses the purchase
of software from ESRI and also felt that the hardware necessa~ to operate the
..,?so~are ~uld be pur~ased from a third pa~y vendor~thereby ~reducing the overall
'~s{ of the Proje~.~ He would ~e~mmen~ en{ering ~iht0 a mulfi-~ear ~greement with
ESRI and recommended hiring a GIS administrator.
Dan Falbo, of ESRI, provided a demonstration to the Public and B~d~members
~showing the view-only package and the automated map ~pabilities linked to a
~a{a~e. ~He als~ ,demon~tra~ed the vaH0u~ ~aptype~ ~nd the linkage to data to
c~ea~e ~iffe~ent'analyses. ~ ' ~
General discussion by the Village Board members include~~ [h'e~ following itemS:.
There was some discussion as to ~hethe~'th~ proposed GiB administrator was an
additional position for the 1997 budgeLThere was also diScussion as to how the
databases would be'cre~te~ 'and maintained for Village-wide use, There was
discussion as to how the infrastructure information would be included in the
mapping ihformation in addition to'histori~l~ata of the individual properly. There
was discussion as to how the database information would be populated. General
dis~ssion also fobbed on h0~ theinfo~mation would be used for various municipal
eputy,?ublic,~Works Director,Sean Dorsey, responded to a number of the
comments~of the Boa~d members.
currently exists available to a wider group of users'; the ability to rbs~pond quickly to
service requests would be significantly enhanced. He stated that much information
-, ,~ ' "w6bld be populated througl"i ~atei:bill records and the Village'hAs a mJi:nber of
,':~', i 0th~r,,s;0urces availalsle"§uch ,as'Co0k courity I~r0perty' re(~ords k0' ~6~ulate the
initial database. However, there is 'a ne'bd to dedioate~an,ir~dividbal'.p~'rson to
· merge existing information into a new updated database. Such a person would
,~ ha~e the .......... ' ..........
8~:L' ~ necessary skdls to maintain all,aspects of the GIS system. ,Previously, the
that,was unfilled ~n Pubhc, Works was a draftsman pos~bon.'.,The GIS
;-.,'. ., ' ~dministratdr: iS'§ignifidCJhtly rr¥ore technical than' a dCaftsman p0sitio~ ;duo to the
L ::~' ~m~le~(ities ofth~'softwhre:~A 15erson'~vith specifioGIS skills'~would'be ne'~essary.
~ ~' 'H~st~ated ihat-th~-s~a~ i~ 'currently r~viewing ~hvailable database information in
. ' ~- ordor toStandardizo info~mafiOn into a formht ~dhwouid ~o ~vhilabl~ to all usors.
c., 4: ~.H~ ~tated thht~s~cfidty wdulB be establishbd So th~'t 0nly pe~sons With legitimate
;.-'~ "~eeds would dare'access'to 9arious database¢ 0f reformat on:
..... , Consensus of the Village B0a~d waste Supp6~ the staff recommendation of
-, :'~' ',entering into ~ ~bnt~ct with ESRI as the p~Ogide~ ~ GIS S0~are a~d t~ move
.... fo~ard ~th hmng a GIS coordinator to replace an unfilled budgeted pos~bon
~n Pubhc Works.' ..............
Village Manager Janonis reminded'evewone~'of ~the Celestial Celebration
: ", ' Tin,too OloWos kequested'that staff consider sc)eduling atableLto~ disaster drill
" 'and test the recovew system'for a possible d~saster hke'a c~mputer crash.
The meeting,was adjourned at ~0:15 p.m.