Minutes: June 3, 2010
Attendees: Paula Randant, Gary Randant, Judy Thorne, John Korn, Skip & Janice Farley,
Denise Rano, Rachel Toepen, Cindy Kiel, Dorothy Kucera, John Sibrava, Irvana Wilks, Lorrie
Huber, Mary Ann Sibrava, Maura El Metennani,
Not Attending:
I. The meeting was called to order by Dorothy at 5:35 PM.
II. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
REPORTS: Old Business
III. Dorothy reported on the State Convention in Carbondale. She took the train. Dorothy
wanted the group to consider factors that make it easier for those attending to get to meetings
from the hotel. Location and transportation are important. Next year the convention will be in
Tinley Park.
IV. Lorrie Huber is chairman of the Pot Luck dinner. There was a great turn out. The
Program was excellent. There was a acapella choir from Elmhurst College. The choir was the
"All systems Go" choir. They sang several songs. There was plenty of food and an excellent
raffle. Many people won raffle prizes. There were approximately 107 attendees. The event
was a great success.
V. Rachel Toeppen shared information on the quilters. There was a wonderful reception at
Denise Rano's. The quilting Bee was a success. There was a fabulous display at the Museum.
The fabric from France was very expensive and lovely. The French quilters were happy to be
able to get less expensive fabric at American Stores. There were 9 people in the quilters group.
The French quilters attended the International Quilting show at Rosemont. The expenses for
the show were $723. The Mount Prospect quilters were proud of the show and felt that
everyone had a good time.
VI. Denise Rano reported on the community trip to France. The trip will be 9/24- 10 /l /10.
Linda Kerr from District 214 Travel made a promotional announcement at the Potluck.
Publicity is being developed for several communities to promote the trip. There was an
informational meeting on May 5, 2010 so far 15 people have signed up for the trip. June 23,
2010 is the cut off for trip sign up.
VII. Young Poets -- no current information.
VIII. Marian Sibrava reported on the Librarian visit. They are working on the schedule and
they are interested in technology and community outreach.
IX. The book crossing and book discussion with Sevres is in process. The books are
available in the library. The book discussion will take place in November.
X. French Family Festival at the Library on July 14 There is a budget of $310. for talent
and $160.00 for ice cream. Capanari's will provide ice cream. It will take place from
6:30 to 7:30 PM. There are usually 120 attendees.
XI. The Fourth of July Parade is July 4, 2010. Mike Karsen needs help. He is asking for
several volunteers to walk in the parade. There will be banners in the parade.
XII. French Market -will take place 9/12/10 at the Farmers Market in Mount Prospect. It
will be 8 AM to 1 PM and the booth will cost $25.00.
XIII. Irvana discussed the state of financial difficulty for the village.
XIV. National French Week is November 4 to 11 We need a proclamation from the
Village Board.
XV. The Treasurer's report was reviewed and is attached.
XVI. There was some discussion of the Official visit to France this next year.
The next meeting of the Sister Cities Commission will be September 16, 2010 at 5:30 PM.
Lorrie Huber made a motion for adjourning the meeting. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Paula Randant
Corrected 9/16/2010