HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/2001 CWC minutes MINUTES
9:00 A.M.
2na Floor Conference Room Village Hall
The Coffee wl[h Cotmefl Meeting started at 9 00a m at the Village Hall
Trustee Mmhaele Skowron, Chairperson
Trustee Irvana Wflks
Trustee Mmhael Zadel
Assistant Village Manager Dave Strahl
Chief of Pohce Pdchard Edd~ngton
Merrill & Mane Cotten
Carol Tortorello
Nleole Byme
Dawd Schem
Memll and Mane Cotten appeared at Coffee w~th Cotmcfl w~th two specific concerns The first
being the Bums & McDonald surveying contract Memll Cotten ~s of the oplmon that the
second porhon of the contract should have had a lower per tm~t price He felt that the start up
costs m the lmtml b~d should have resulted ~n a lower per unit cost for the second port~on of the
Mernl Cotten's second topm was the Ordinance regarding the Commumty Relations
Commission He felt that ~t m~ght have impacts on several other commissions (zomng, hquor
and busmess hcenses) He was concerned that ~ndlwduals would get two b~tes at the apple
Further, he expressed a concern regarding quorum and resolution issues, that ~f a super ma. lorlty
was needed to pass a resolution, ~t should be labeled as such Trustee Zadel commented that in
th~s matter we had a tendency to overlook the posat~ve m~ss~on of the commission to promote the
d~vers~ty m the Commumty Trustee Skowron wanted the spemfic ~ssues rinsed by Cotten
addressed, and to emphasize the goal of the commission was to proxade a forum to d~splay the
positive wrtues of d~verslty in the Commtm~ty
Memll Cotten then was concerned that there was no specffic authority or mandate as to who
would conduct mvest~gatlons Further, that the gag order prowslons (Page 10, Item 3c) would be
extremely d~fficult to enfome
Lastly, a request for further clarification of the appropriate role for an attorney representing an
employee would need to be defined
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Nlcole Byrne appeared before Coffee with Council Ms Byme is the chmrman of the Youth
Commlsslon She expressed a concern about the new Village Hall design Specifically, that the
needs of youth were not being addressed Nlcole made a plea to establish an area where kids
could "hang out" m a supermsed, but loosely structured enwronment This sparked an exchange
of ideas and interaction amongst all parties at the table, with a commitment to include Nlcole
Bryne in future mmhngs regarding discussions of the Village Hall It was determmed that with
the change in chmrmanshtps of the Youth commission, when the former chairman went away to
college perhaps the notfficat~on had become misplaced
At ttus time the meeting was adjoumed and moved to Robert Frost School
Coffee with Council at Robert Frost School
The meeting was reconvened at 10 30a m at Robert Frost School by Trustee Skowron Pubhc
Works Director Glen Andler, who setup the meeting room, joined the Village representatives
The following coillmunlty members were present
John Hummel
Michael Keefe
Hmo Mansubhanl
David Scheln
John Hummel acted as spokesman for the group on the most pressing ~ssue, which was
Palwaukee Airport Mr Hummel complemented Dave Strahl on his cooperation and hard work
in the past From that point a wide range of discussion of Palwaukee related issues, both past
and present ensued From that discussion Chairman Skowron reduced the discussion to the
following objectives'
The four ~tems requested for Village Board consideration
1 Flight Restrictions
a Weekday operations hmlted to the period between 6 00a m and 9 00p m
b Weekend operations limited to the period between 9 00a m and 9 00p m
2 The clarification of the flight path take-off route over mdustnal areas and forest
preserve Th~s will reqmre some work with the forest preserve regarding their
rule of not to remove any trees
3 Place Mount Prospect on the list for portable noise momtor, even though this
may take up to a year
4 Develop a Village Board position regarding nome impacts of Palwaukee A~rport
that can be disseminated and d~scussed with the municipal decision-makers who
own Palwaukee (Wheehng & Prospect Heights)
In addition to the airport issue two other issues concerned Mr Hummel, Mr Keefe and Mr
Mansubhanl They were after school pmkup from Robert Frost There is up to triple parking and
other additional problems that need to be addressed This matter will be referred to one of the
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roblem solving officers for a wew of the traffic pattern and an attempt to sohmt cooperahon
from the school on tins matter
Tangential to the school pick up was the ~ssue of a one way street There was some concern that
only a minority of residents reahzed the ~mportance of the meetings ~n the past regarding the one
way street prior to its establishment The trustees did mention the standard Village practice of
surveying area residents when a traffic pattern change ~s considered
Lastly, they expressed a concern regarding Aspen Trad Park that ~t was becoming a hang out for
an undesirable element Tins will be addressed via a consultation with the park d~stnct to
determme ~f any hghtlng ~s econommally feasible and adcht~onal pohce patrols A drag racing
problem by the youths hanging out at the park was also mentioned
The meeting was concluded at apprommately 11 45a m
Pdchard Edd~ngton
Cinef of Pohce
RE dr
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