HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1959 VB minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
The meeting was called to order at 8:11 P.M. by President
Lams. Upon roll call, the following trustees answered "Present": roll call
Airey, Castarline, Ekren and Norris. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver.
Ail trustees having previously received copies of the minutes
of June 2nd, Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved minutes
that the minutes be approved as submitted. The President put the
question, the Clerk called the roll, with'the following response: Ayes,
Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and Norris. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver.
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried~
Village Manager Appleby reported on an appeal from Brickman
Builders to County Zoning Board regarding 18 acres between Rand Rd. Brickman
and Foundry Rd., proposed to be rezuned for ~usiness; two acres for Appeal to
tavern and a~msement, designated as Case 2058; 16 3/4 acres for County re
business, Case 2063. It is proposed to erect a twenty to eighty unit property at
motel on part of this property, with cocktail lounge and restaurant Rand & Foundr)
in connection with the hotel, possibly to be run by Howard Johnson and
Holiday House chains. The balance of the area to be used for business
establishments. Water would be furnished by the Prospect Meadows Water
Company, or failing that, the Manor Service Compare. High School
District #214 was represented by its attorney, Allen J. Franke, who
objected to the proposed zoning. A number of people from Prospect Meadows
and from the area inside the Village objected also. The proposed compre-
hensive zoning ordinance for Cook County shows this area as R-4, single
family residential. About the only argument the planner presented for
not using this area for residential purposes was that the unusual shape
would make it difficult to lay out streets in the area. Outside of a
tentative lease for a furniture store, there appeared to be no firm
commitment on future plm~s for the area, which is bounded on the nor%h
by residential, on the west by residential and on the south by residential
Late in 1957 petition was received by the Village to annex this area
providing it were zoned for business. The Board of Appeals held a hearing
on it, Case 57-15, and recommended to the Village Board that the request
for such zoning be denied. The petitioner at that time was Mr. Di Mucci,
and application was withdrawn before action was taken by the Village
Board on the Board of Appeals' recommendation.
Mr. Appleby then read petition signed by 272 homeowners living close to
the property in question, which protested the proposed rezoning, asking
that the Village concur in this protest to the County. He also presented
a similar petition from anadditional 17 homeowners.
Mr. Stanley H. Jakala, 520 N. Elmhurst, arose, stating that he was an
attorney, and that he and Mr. Herbert Froelich, 521 No~th Elmhurst, who
is also an attorney, offer their legal services gratis to fight the
proposed rezening if the Village sides with the property owners.
Some discussion followed; a large number of affected homeowners were
present. Trustee Airey pointed out that this appeal from Brickman was
not in conformance with comprehensive zoning plan of Cook County, the
property is surrounded by single family homes, and a larg~ business
district (Carson's) is directly across the road.
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the Village
Manager be directed to inform the Cook County Board of Commissioners
of the objection of the Village Board of Mt. Prospect for the reasons
stated by the objecting petitioners to the proposed rezoning in
Cases #2058 and 2063. The President put the question, the Clerk called
the roll, with the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline,
Ekren and Norris. Absent, Gawand Schlaver. Whereupon the President
declaimed the motion carried.
June 9, 1959
Village Manager Appleby read the following letter from
Joseph Weber of Weber Markir~ Systems on Central Road:
Vacation of
sewer~ easement June 3, 1959
Weber Co. Honorable Theodore Lams, President
Village of Mt. Prospect
Dear Mr. Lams:
We are considering the possibility of putting an extension to our
building which is located on Lot #17 on J. A. Weber's Addition to
Mt. Prospect. The building would extend over the easement going into
Lot #10, directly south of Lot #1Y, and the extension would be about
40 feet into Lot 410. Therefore, we ask that you consider the possi-
bility of ~acating the easement under which the present sewer is now
running. This sower could be re-enforced with cast iron pipe or could
be shut off and a now sower put in to run directly into Lincoln Street,
whichever you think would be best for everyone concerned.
The sewer at the present time is used only by ourselves and the
factories beyond us which, of course, would cause no problem, inasmuch
as they are beyond us and the sewer would continue in its present form
past the rear of their properties.
We should also'like to discontinue Lot #10 and consider Lot #17 as
also including Lot #10, which covers a full acre and extends on back
to Lincoln Street.
Should you require ar~ further information, please adivse and same
will be furnished pro~mptly.
Sincerely yours,
S/ Joseph Weber
Weber Marking Systems, Inc.
A spokesman for Mr. Weber stated that the Weber Company is willing
to pay the entire cost of installation and will accept the decision
of the Village engineers; also that the matter of using easement
can easily be cleared with Public Service, as they would only have
to shift one utility pole.
After bring~n$ out the fact that approval from Sanitary District
would be needed, as well as document for vacation of ease~nt,
the Board referred this matter to the Street Co~nittee for decision
the following week.
Trustee Airey, stating that "Exhibit A", plat of annexation
Annexation of of that part of Country Club property not heretofore in the Village
Country Club limits had now been presented to the Board, made the following motion,
property seconded by Trustee Ekren: "that the Village Attorney be authorized
and directed to prepare an ordinance providing for the armexation of
tha% part Of the Mt. Prospect Country Club which is not presently in
Village li~its".
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and
Norris. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver.
Annen & Busse Trustee Airey read letter dated June 9th from Plan Com~nission
Bel Aire which recommended approval of plat of Annen & Busse' s Bel Aire
Outside Vil!ageEstates. He then moved, seconded by Trustee Norris, that the
limits President and Clerk be authorized to sign the Pl~t of Subdivision of
Bel Aire Estates subject to payment of the approximate cost of one-
third of' an acre to School District #59.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and
Norris. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Nays, none.
This subdivision is not within the Village limits.
Discussion ensued regarding the placing of No Parking signs,
as asked by the Park Board, along the south side of Council Trail,
June 9, 1959
hese signs were removed at the request of the Country Club Parking question
because Twilight League golfers had no place to park. Mr. Hau~f,near Country Club
owner of the Country Club, stated that plans are being made to
provide more parking but this will take a little time. Mr. Hauff
said that he owns 18 lots south of Golf Road and 12 lots next to
Mr. Weber' s property, which are to be fenced for parking to hold
two to three thousand cars..
Mr. Marvin Peters, 60? NaWaTa, arose and stated that he was not
opposed to temporary parking along Council Trail but he felt that
the village should take steps to restrict golf tournaments at Mt. Prospect
Country Club when a "G" Zoning classification is prepared. In this
way there would not be any extreme parking problem or a need for a
fence. Mr. Hauff said that he would have to subdivide the property
if he could not have the club fenced. He also stated that he does
not expect more than 2000 spectators at the Women' s Tournament. He
indicated that this would probably be the only tournament he will
conduct at the Club. Trustee Airey explained that the Village requires
a permit for such tournaments and can demand certain restrictions,
e.g., parking facilities be met before issuance of such a permit.
Mr. Louis Langpop questioned why the Park Board asked that the
No Parking signs be put up, as the citisens living close by did
no~ ask that th~s be done. Mr. Wendling of the Park Board answered
that the Park owned the property along the Creek and were responsible
for it and were attemptin~ to keep it in good condition.
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that "The Village
Manager be authorized to have No Parking signs along Council Trail
from See Gwun to Candota removed for a period of 60 days". This was
meant to give the Country Club time to get their parking lot ready.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following re~eponse: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and Norris.
Nays, none. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the President decl~ed
the motion carried.
Trustee Airey read the following letter f~om the Country Club
regarding fencing:
June 2, 1959
Mr. Lams, Mayor,
Village Board
Mt. Prospect, Illinois C~untry Club
Dear Sir: Re: Variation for Fencing
We are herewith submitting enclosed survey which I have marked with
heavy green lines to show the location of our fence lines.
The fence will be of chain link material, 6 ft. high, with no top rail
to make the fence less obvious. Where~you see the red marked lines we
would like to install ? ft. high fencing, also of chain link material,
which will be slx feet of fabric and one foot of barbed wire. This will
be installed at sections along which no homes are located. Gates are
also drawn in to show location of same.
Area north of Shabonee Trail, on Wego Trail, will be installed 15 ft.
west of present ~oad in accordance with your suggestion. Area around
Block 23 will be set in 15 ft. from Shabonee Trail street up to entrance
A drive gate for Mr. ~feber is to be installed at Lot #11 if necessary
for exit for Mr. Weber. As fencing lines are drawn he can use Wego Trail
for exit also. I am in receipt of letter from Mr. Weber, allowing m~
fence to enclose his property with mine.
Thank you kindly for your immediate attention in this mat%er as time
is of the essence.
Sincerely yours,
S/ Richard W. Hauff, President
June 9, 1959
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the
Board authorize the construction of a chain link fence as
Country Club outline~ in the foregoing letter of June 2, 1959 addressed
Fence to the President and Village Board and further described in
the plat of the Country Club property, said construction authorized
to commence southward from Manawa Trail at the property line
between WeGo and SeeGwun,.encompassing the Country Club to the
west and stopping at a point at the southwest corner of the
Otto Stenger property.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with
the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren,
and Norris. Nays, none. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the
clerk be authorized to open bids for construction of 8 C.S., crossing
Bids for 8 CS gates and signals at Central Road and Northwest Highway. This
Signals at motion carried by acclamation, and the Clerkaccordingly opened the
Central & bids as follows:
iNorthwest Hwy
l) G.A. Rafel & Co., Chicago
Ctfd. check for $1,400enclosed. $12,552.19
2) H-H Electric Co., River Grove
Ctfd. check for gl,BO0 enclosed. $12~830.29
B) L & S Construction Co.
Ctfd. check for $1,400 enclosed. $1B,966.BO
Upon advice of Village engineers from Consoer, Townsend & Associates,
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the bid of
G. A. Rafel be accepted, subject to a thorough check of the bid and
subject to the approval of the State Highway Engineers.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and
Norris. Nays, none. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
Truste~ Casterline reported that trouble has developed with
Well No. 4 Well No. 4, and the pump has been shut off toprevent damage. He then
moved, seconded by Trustee Airey, "That the Village Manager be
authorized and directed to hire J. P. Miller Artesian Well Company
to retract Well Pump #4 and make exploration of the well itself."
Miller Artesian indicated that the cost would probably be not over
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following respmnse: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and
Norris. Nays, none. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
TrusteeNorris referred to Case 59-1, Boesche, and re-read
Case 59-1 the minutes of April ?th and 21st which referred to this case. He
Boesche told the Board that several meetings have been held between Mr. Boesche
and his attorney, Mr. Ward, and the Street Comittee members Casterline,
Norris and Schlaver. He reported that he and Trustee Casterline
wished to uphold the previous action of the Board, Trustee Schlaver.
did not. Trustee Norris then moved, seconded by Trustee Casterline,
that the Board re-affirm the action taken by the Board of Trustees
on April ? denying Zoning Case 59-1.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response:. ~yes, Trustees Airey~ Casterline, Ekren, and
Norris. Nays, none. Whereupon the President declared the motion
June 9, 1959
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that
the bills as of June 9th be approved as follows:
General $5,151.15
Garbage 4,973.65
Water 743°55 bills
Motor Fuel 13.60
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren and Norris.
Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the President declared the motion
Village Manager Appleby informed the Board that because of
preliminary incorrect information about the water main supplying Golfhurst
Golfhurst, a change in the location o~ the connection appears desirable, water
The Village Engineers have approved.~this change and a perpetual right-
of-way for its new location has been recorded. Trustee Casterline,
seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for change in water main connection
for Golfhurst Subdivision as shown on revised plat prepared by Robert H.
West & Associates. The President put the question, the Clerk cal~led
the roll, with the following response: Ayes, ~rustees Airey, Casterline,
Ekren and Norris. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
On October 1, 1959 the Village, according to the agreement
entered into with the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater billing for
Chicago will start billing the sewer rental charges. This operation sewer charges
has been studied carefully and the details of it worked out with by Treasurer's
the Accounting Division of the Sanitary Distri6t. To save billing Office
time, postage collection expense, etc., there will be a combined billing
for all municipal utilities (water, garbage and sewer charges). Machine
handling is the most efficient 'method since it will eliminate several
steps now used in handling these bills. The capabilities of three
machines have been studied by the Village Manager and Treasurer, and
recommendation made.
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved to authorize the
Village Manager to purchase National Cash Register Class Bi accounting
accounting machine for the sum of $7,395, one-half of this sum to machine purchase
be paid from the general fund and one-half from the water fund.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, E~ren and
Norris. Absent, Gaw and Schlaver. Whereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
Village Manager Appleby reported on the rehearing before the
County Board of Appeals regarding oil tank farm at Elmburst and Oakton, County
Case 19-88, stating that the City of Des Plaines objected. After some Zoning
discussion, Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Airey, moved that Case 19-88
the Board of Commissioners of Cook County be notified that this Village oil tanks
Board is on record as being opposed to the rezoning of property at
Oakton and Elmhurst Road for use as oil tank farm by the Ohio Oil Compare,
re their Case 19-88.
Discussion was held regarding diagonal parking on Prospect Prospect
Avenue after the paving is widened and curbs are in. Mr. Herman Meyn, Avenue
21 So. Maple Street, explained that he felt the matter of diagonal paving and
parking on Prospect Avenue should be decided before the center curbs parking
are installed. He pointed out that the trees were not centered in the
parkway and that the parkway curb for the south pavement should be
equidistant from the trees, as is the curb for the north pavement, even
though the pavement on the south would then be wider. He felt that this
extra width would allow diagonal parking. The Board indicated that they
were not opposed to diagonal parking if it were feasible after the pavement
is widened and curbs are installed. They did not feel that they could
guarantee diagonal parking at this time because of the many considerations
that maS~ be take~ into account.
June 9, 1959
usse water Mr. Ed Busse brought to the attention of the Board the
main fact that he owns property at 410 E. Northwest Highway, east of
~extension School Street, which has water main stub instead of loop connections
as required by the Village. He would like this stub extended into
the approved loop connection, but does not feel that he should pa~
the entire cost. This matter was referred to the Water Committee.
Trustee Norris, secondedbyTrustee Ekren, moved for
adjournment, and the meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
June 9, 1959