HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1999 COW minutes MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JUNE 8, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Farley called the meebng to order at 6 19 p m Present at the meebng were Trustees T~mothy Corcoran, Paul Hoefert, R~chard Lohrstorfer, Daniel Nocchh Michaele Skowron and Irvana W~lks Staff members present ~ncluded V~llage Manager M~chael Janoms, Assistant V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Community Development D~rector B~II Cooney, F~nance D~rector Doug EIIsworth, Pohce Chief Ron Pavlock, Deputy Police Chief Ron R~chardson, Deputy Finance D~rector Carol W~dmer, F~re Chief M~ke F~golah, Deputy F~re Chief John Malcolm, Public Works D~rector Glen Andler and Deputy Public Works D~rector Sean Dorsey II. AEPROVAL OF,, MINUTES Approval of M~nute~ s of May 25, 1999 Motion made to approve the M~nutes by Trustee WiIks and Seconded by Trustee Hoefert M~nutes were approved Trustee Corcoran abstained III CITIZENS TO BE HEARD / None IV. 2000-2004 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Village Manager Janonls stated th~s Is the third edition of the ClP and the ClP has functioned very well as a planln~ng tool due to the rolling five-year t~meframe Finance Director Doug Ellsworth stated that the ClP is designed to prowde a long-range wew of Capital needs so the V~llage Board has plenty of not~ce of pending projects on the horizon and the opportunity to participate in the decision process for each respective Budget Capital proJects Included in the CIP ere defined as proJects of $25,000 or more and a I~fe expectancy of more than one year Replacement of ex~sbng vehicles is not part of the CIP because replacements are funded through ai s~nk~ng fund The proJects are summarized by fund, type of proJect and Department in an effort to summarize the proJects ~n such a way that they can easily be grouped depending on purpose If the document is approved by the V~llage Board, then the projects for the respective fiscal year would be moved into the proposed V~llage Budget for consideration by the V~llage Board dunng Budget d~scuss~ons F~nance D~rector EIIsworth prowded an overview of the project summaries and a summary of the funding types for the various proJects He stated there ~s not enough funding for all projects as proposed Some 'proJects, which have been designated, have yet to be prowded funding w~ll need to be rewewed in the near future Assistant village Manager Strahl prowded an overview of the V~llage Manager's office, MIS and Cable TV projects as hstad in the CIP Finance Director Doug EIIsworth provided an overview of the proposal from the F~nance Department Commumty Development D~rector B~II Cooney prowded an overview of the ongoing Streetscape Program ~n the downtown area, the Downtown Redevelopment Projects and corndor improvements scheduled ~n the CIP Program He stated h~s staff ~s looking at Grant opportumbes for funding assistance for various programs including the Streetscape Program The ~ncreases that are depicted ~n the CIP for corridor improvements ~nciude some mon~es earmarked for non- TIF areas The corridor ~mprovements include creabon of templates to ~denbfy Mount Prospect from other communtbes as people drive ~nto town from other commumt~es Mr Cooney also stated that there ~s money ~denttfied for expenditure for the V~llage Hall once a decision has been made F~re Chief M~ke Figolah prowded an overview of three projects that the F~re Department has ~n the CIP One of the malor projects ~s the conversion of the self-conta~ned breathing apparatus to a newer model which meets National F~re Standards Deputy Fire Chief John Malcolm stated that the current a~r cyhnders are nearing the end of their useful hfe and there ~s a need to pumhase new cyhnders anyway He stated the change to the new cyhnder w~th the necessary devices required by Nabonal F~re Standards would be recommended There was a d~scuss~on regarding the expansion of the Northwest Central D~spatch ~n relation to the V~llage of Streamwood and the V~llage of Hoffman Estates s~gmng on to the D~spatch System There was also a d~scuss~on regarding the ~ncrease In calls generated through w~reless dewces and ~ts ~mpact on Central D~spatch Pohce Chief Ron Pavlock summarized the replacement schedule of the mobile data terminals over a five-year per~od Pubhc Works D~rector Glen Andler prowded an overview of the changes ~n the Flood Control Project t~mmg due to the need to address Weller Creek He stated some funds and correcbons to Weller Creek could be undertaken sooner than anticipated by sh~ft~ng a non-cnbcal Flood Control Project further to the future The Flood Control Projects have been pr~onbzed to address sewer flooding instead of overland flooding and the sh~ft of an overland flooding project should not adversely ~mpact residential flooding He also h~ghhghted the projected purchase of a generator to power the wells m 2004 He also pointed out the Bridge Rehab~htabon Program scheduled for the various bridges for which the V~llage ~s responsible General comments from V~llage Board members included the following ~tems There was a d~scuss~on regarding the ~nvestment of the V~llage m the enbre ~nfrastructure and compare the percentage of annual investment to the overall ~nfrastructure value There was also a dtscusslon regarding details of the bridge rehab~htaflon work Board members were also appreciative of the document as a planning tool There were also comments regarding money ~n the CIP for a possible w~demng of Busse Road Trustees pointed out that even though money may be earmarked for a future year for Busse Road widening, no decision has been made regarding the status of that road Vdlage Manager M~ke Janoms stated the F~nance Commission had recommended approval of the 2000-2004 ClP He also stated that the V~llage Hall status ~s bed to the downtown redevelopment t~m~ng Staff ~s currently rewewlng options ~n preparabon for d~scuss~on w~th the V~llage Board regarding future of the V~liage Hall Consensus of the Wllage Board was to approve the 2000-2004 Capital Improvements Plan 2 ~ V. ANY OTHER BUSINESS None VI ~/ILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Janonis stated that Coffee w~th Council Is scheduled for June 12 from 9 0g a m unhl 11 00 a m He also stated that the Farmers' Market wdl run from June 20 to October 31 He also stated the 4th of July Carnival w~ll soon be upon us and recommended residents look ~n their mailbox for the upcoming ~ssue of the V~llage Newsletter for a summary of the scheduled events CLOSED SESSION Motion made by ,Trustee Hoefert and Seconded by Trustee Corcoran to move ~nto Closed Session to d~scuss Personnel Meebng was adjourned into Closed Session at 8 10 p m Meeting reconvened ~nto Open Session at 9 55 p m VII, ADJOURNMENT ! S~nce there was no further business, the Meeting was adlourned at 9 57 p m Respectfully submitted, /' DAVID STRAHL A~ss~stant V~llage Manager DS/rcc H \GEN~Cow~Mmutes\60899 COW Minutes doc