HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/1999 COW minutes~ MINUTES
~ ~ ~ , SPECIAL~
OCTOBER 5, 1999
I. CALL TO ORDER ~, ~ ~ ~
Mayor Farley called the m~ebng to order at 6'1(~ p m Present at the meebng
were Trustees Timothy Corcoran, Paul Hoefert, Richard Lohrstorfer, Daniel
Nocchi, Mmhaele Skowron, Irvana WIIks Staff members present included Village
Manager Michael Janoms, Public Works D~rector Glen Andler, Deputy Public
Works D~rector Sean Dorsey, Community Development D~rector W~lham Cooney,
Pohce Chief Ronald Pavlock, V~llage Engineer Jeffrey Wulbecker, Pubhc
Informabon Officer Maura Jandns, and Intern H~llary Harper.
Mr. Janonis began the meebng by explaining that staff had met several t~mes to
d~scuss the Route 83 reconstruction project ~The main purpose of this special
Committee of the Whole meeting was to present detour route alternabves to the
Board and obtain d~recbon on how to proceed with IDOT~
Mr. Janon~s explained that staff's objecbve was to mimmize d~srupbons to
residents and businesses caused by the reconstruction of Route 83 which is
scheduled to take place in 2000 Staff has been studying and analyzing ways to
hm~t congesbon caused by the construcbon , ~
In examining the alternabve routes, staff developed a detour route alternabve that
was more acceptable than the detour plan proposed by IDOT
The Board d~scussed the project scope, probable ~rnpacts, advance preparation
measures, and pohce staffing ~ssues for traffic control purposes
Mr Wulbe~ker explained that the project Scope would ,nvolve reconstrucbon of
Route 83, removal and replacement of the bridge at Weller Creek, the w~den~ng
of sidewalks along the route, resurfac~ng the S Curve, replacement of street
~; I~ghts (at the V~llage's expense) the entire length of the project and turn lanes at
the ~ntersect~ons of Lonqu~st and Council Tra~l 'In add~bon, the V~llage will be
replacing a water ma~n along the route that was scheduled to be replaced
Regarding the scope of the proJect, Mr. Wulbecker explained that IDOT ~s
expected to go out to b~d ~n late December, 1999 w~th April, 2000 as the start
date (they w~ll be allowed to start earher, weather permitting) The targeted finish
~ date will be the end of November,
Trustee Corcoran suggested looking ~nto the poss~b~hty of an ear!y completion
' mcenbve clause ~n the contract
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Mr. Wulbecker explained that the ~&qL~&r~c~ng would be done block by block
Normal procedure is to do one large stretch at a t~rhe Staff will try to get IDOT to
agree to do resurfac~ng blocl~ b~] block s~ th'at ~ect~ons wdl be completed and
more of the road wdl be able to open up as the project progresse~s, g~v~,ng
residents along the route access to their dnveways sooner. - - -
Trustee Wdks asked about tree'removal, Mr. Wulb~ck~r rephed that g'efore any
., ~:. plans were approved, staffwould rewew tree removal The main reasor~ that
· traffic wdl be allowed ~n only one direction is to §~ve the trees If traffic ~s
allowed ~n two d~rect~ons, all parkway trees along the'route would ha~,e to b~
removed, because an extra lane would have had to be constructed ~r~ order to
storetheconstructloneqmpment Il,, ,.L,,~ ~ ~, :~'~ ~. >~ '~, ~ ~
Mr. Janonis explained that no matter what, thei'e ~11 be in~n~,e'i~iences ~r{cludlngh
c~ ~ bus~ness d~srupt~on, cut-through traffic in neighborhoods, traffic congest~dh
,_ throughout Vdlage, and inconvemence to homeowners hwng along Route 83,
, Downtown traffic flow w~ll be particularly impacted (aggravated ev~en m~o,re, by
emergency response and train pre-empt~on of traffic s~gnals)
Mr Janonis explained that traffic will inevitably seep into the neighborhoods, Mr
-Janoms suggested that staff meet w~th trucking companies ~n the area to try to
~ ' c get trucks to avoid the area completely Most of these truck~ use Route 83 as a
pass through between Wheehng and O'Hare,'so it would be ~n their best interest
to use another route
Staff wdl attempt to get the ~nformation out to the pubhc through newsletter
articles, press releases, and Remdent Information Bulletins (RIBs,)
Mr. Janon~s stated that the Vdlage would meet with the Chamber of Commerce to
make the Chamber aware of the project and enh,st their help in com,rnu, nicat~ng
, Staffwdl also hold meetings w~th businesses, and wdl help to the extent that we
, . can Probable ~nibat~ves would include funding for adverbsing and mgnage Other
possible th~ngs would be making special parking areas avadable for the ~', '
businesses In the downtown area , ,,, s,'. ? r-,:, ., v, r ~ , ',"
Pubhc/pnvate schools (buses), the Post Office, and refuse hauler wdl need to be
t not~fied of the c6nstruct~on so th, ey can develop alternate routes
'The Board d~scussed the option of posting add~Qonal traffic and truck restriction
mgnage on s~de streets
~'~ Mr Janon s suggested that the V~llage hold ~ ' ' ' ~ .... ..C, '
neighborhood ~nformat~on meeting
~n early 2000 to ~nform residents of project detmls, ~mpacts, etc ~'~
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Trustee Skowmn asked how it would be determined who to invite to the meeting
She said it would be d~fficult to measure the impact of the project, that it wouldn't
. only affect the residents that hve along Route 83
Mr. Janonis stated that In addition to a meeting spec~fical y for the Route 83
residents, an open meeting Would be held where anyone could attend.
One option that staff has d~scussed has been the creation of a pohc~ traffic
control/selective enforcement contingency plan whmh would ut~hze additional
manpower on overtime status
Other suggestions included Instalhng speed bumps on residential streets, squad
traffic enforcement for potential problem residential pass-through areas, extra
signage for businesses and for traffic d~recbon
Trustee Corcoran asked if motorists would bb able to cross the tracks t~)
Prospect Ave. Mr. Janonis rephed that that was one of the ~ssues that staff had
been d~scussmg He said in terms of traffic control it would be a bad idea, but
w~th the business located south of the tracks, that ~t would be necessary to let
traffic through Trustee Corcoran suggested that extra signage~be posted in the
downtown to h~ghhght the businesses south of the tracks
Trustee Skowron required if reserved parking could be set aside ~n the commuter
lots She suggested that ~f customers knew there would be an accessible place to
park, they m~ght be more hkely to patronize those businesses. Mr. Janoms
rephed that the commuter lots were not an option because on weekdays they
filled up before 7:00 a m, and on Sundays the L~ons Club holds the Farmers'
Market in that area ' '
The Board d~scussed the three alternative detour routes and the traffic control
options for each of the three alternatives The cost of the manpower ranged from
$82,160 - $123,240. ,,
Alternative One is the detour route that staff ~s recommending In order for th~s
option to be feasible, the intersection at Central and Rte 83 would have to be
Trustee Hoefert asked if ~t was possible to change the 1-way traffic on 83 from
North to South Th~s option was d~scussed
Trustee Wdks asked if staff had traffic number studies for the ~nvolved
intersecbons, and ~f looking at those numbers would help m determ~mng the best
route Mr. Wulbecker rephed that he would prowde those numbers
Trustee Hoefert sa~d that the best thing to do was to keep the residents well-
informed through the newsletter, the webs~te, and resident meetings
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PECIAL COW MEETING October 5, 1999
Trustee Skowron asked if there were any regulattons against construcbon trucks
on res~denbal streets. Mr Wulbecker stated that ~n the past, when he received
complaints from res[dents regarding construction truck traffic, a call to,the
contractor usually remedied the problem Chief Pavlock rephed that the V~llage
does have weight hm[t restncbons, but they couldn't be enforced unless the'
~we~ght hm[ts were posted along the side streets. ,.1 ~-,.;.,
The overtime of the pohce officers for traffic control was discussed. Trustee
, Corcoran inquired if the traffic control officers had to be sworn pohce officers, or
a private firm could be hired Chief Pavlock rephed that they d~d not have to be
sworn officers, but ~f they were not, they could not issue tickets.
Mr. Janoms recommended that~the_ f.undmg for traffic control come from the
g?n~eral f,und s~urpl~us. , I ,~
~ W~th no further business, the Special Committee of the Whole meeting was
adjourned at 7.20 p.m
Respectfully submitted
Public information Officer
\\VH\V02\DEPT~VILMGR\GEN\Pubhc Info\10599 special cow m~nutes doc
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