HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/1999 COW minutes MINUTES ~ ~ COMMITTEE OFTHEWHOLE OCTOBER 12, 1999 C/~LL TO I ORDER ~ ~ The meebng'was called to order at 7.34 p m by Mayor Gerald Farley. Present at the meeting were Trustees Paul Hoefert, R~chard Lohrstorfer, Daniel Nocchh M~chaele Skowron and Irvana W~lks Absent from the meebng was Trustee T~mothy Corcoran Staff members present included ; V~llage Manager M~chael Janon~s, Assistant V~llage Manager Dawd Strahl, Pubhc Works D~rector Glen Andler, Deputy Pubhc Works D~rector Sean Dorsey, V~llage Engineer Jeff Wulbecker, Project Engineers Joel M~chahk and Matt Lawr~e II. . APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~ ~ , Approval of Minutes of September 14, 1999 Mobon made to approve the M~nutes by Trustee Nocch~ and Seconded by Trustee Skowron M~nutes were approved unammously III CITIZENS TO BE HEARD None ~ IV. STONE SHOULDER POLICY Village Manager Michael Janonls prowded general ~ntroductory comments of the d~scuss~on to take place Based on previous ~nput from c~bzens and the Village Board, a consultant was retained to review the need for a stone sub-base for lateral support along non-curbed Village streets The consultant's report recommends that a stone sub-base be installed with topsoil and sod placed above the stone to minimize the degradation of the stones and the poss~b~hty of the stones becoming dislodged He also stated that there are a couple of policy ~ssues before the Board th~s evening One pohcy issue is the pnmary ma~ntanance respons~b~hty up to the road Rself and the enforcement of parkway obstrucbon regulations ~.~ Public Works Director Glen'Andler stated the ~/illage Board authorized a consultant to be retained to rewew the Stone Shoulder Pohcy use Earth Tech, Inc, was retained and the pnnc~pal consultant Dave Talbot ~s here th~s evening to present the report Dave Talbot, of Earth Tech, spoke He stated there are s~x m~les of rural streets ~n Mount Prospect w~thout curbs These streets are confined to s~x general areas and varying amounts of stone shoulders ex~st ~n each of these areas The current design standards ut~hze IDOT design reqmrements which necessitates a two-foot shoulder to prowde lateral support to the street ~ pavement He stated that shoulders are crlbcal ~n pavement design because of the need for lateral support at the street edge He stated a review of the street on Glendale found that the shoulder or edge cracking was caused by a shght sh~ft of the overlay course when the pavement was installed, therefore, there ~s a small port,on of the street that has no sub-base supporting ~t He sa~d overall Glendale Lane ~s holding up sabsfactor~ly He stated that h~s recommendabon ~s ~ ~ · the ~nstallat~on of a stone shoulder w~th topsoil and grass covenng the stone shoulder for aesthetic purposes He stated this recommendation would require add~bonal maintenance due to the gravel under the grass, however, the sod were germinate much quicker than seed and would most hkely go dormant sooner than seeded grass Project Engineer Joel M~chahk stated the w~dth of the street ~s 20' He stated the m~mmum pavement w~dth Es 10'5", therefore, ~t ~s conceivable when the street was paved, the overlap was caused because of the narrowness of the street which ~s less than current Vdlage standards Genera comments from Vdlage Board members ~ncluded the following ~tems There was a concern regarding the edge of the street and whether the edge would sh~ft over bme due to sod and gravel condlbons There ES also a concern regarding the recommended depth of topsod of one and one-half roches It was suggested that at least two ~nches be utd~zed for sufficient root structure to be developed There was also a d~scuss~on regarding whether the sod would be salt tolerant or not 'A request was made to define what the add~bonal cost would be to the Vdlage if concrete edges were installed to prowde the lateral street support There was also a quesbon whether the proposal from the consultant would ~mpact the overall V~llage cost to maintain or reconstruct the street Mr. Talbot responded to the Board comments He stated the ~nstallahon of salt tolerant grass would be consistent w~th the current Vdlage standard of instalhng salt tolerant grass m~all areas of parkway that abut Wtlage streets He felt that there would be m~mmal add[bonal cost to the ,Wllage to install the compromise proposal versus a regular stone shoulder He stated that other towns have had success ~n ubl~z~ng stone shoulders only and he would anbc~pate test areas be undertaken to confirm the compromise ~s wable N~ckele Reno, 615 Glendale Lane, spoke He stated that he was concerned about the pavement quahty and the paver w~dth ~s no excuse and feels the street ~s an example of poor workmanship David Fa~rburn, 917 South Elm, spoke He ~s confused as to why th~s ~s an ~ssue at all s~nce the streets are ~n good shape and ~t ~s a proven fact that sod does not prowde the lateral support necessary He also assumed that if th~s compromise ~s accepted, gravel would be replaced where gravel currently exists and residents may or may not maintain the sod that ~s ~nstalled Village Manager Janonis stated that [t would be the Wllage's position that ~t wdl not replace all ex~sbng gravel shoulders except for Glendale and Mac, Arthur but to rewse the shoulders based on the proposed compromise once the street IS resurfaced Gall Gdl, 1416 Greenbrier Drive, spoke She wanted to thank the Vdlage Board for the report and the support and the propo, sal ,from Earth Tech ~She would hke Greenbrier repaired using the recommended compromise Earl Meeske, 918 South Elm, spoke He stated that he has not seen a problem w~th h~s street where grass grows right to the edge of the street He also feels that grass wdl not grow In an tach and a half of d~rt w~th gravel underneath , Therefore, there wdl be appearance problems on the ,.~,street ,~ , , ·~,~ ,J ,~ Nancy Fritz, 903 MacArthur, spoke She appremated the effort the Vdlage Board put forth ~n authorizing the report She also has concerns about the depth of the soil and the add~bonal work ~t would require of c~hzens to maintain ' She also questioned why the shoulder ~s done after the road ~s ~nstaIled and how the test cases wdl be undertaken ' Pubhc Works D~rector Glen Andler stated the shoulder ~s installed only after the new profile of the road ~s established He would recommend that the Vdlage cent~nue w~th the recommendabon as long as it works well over bme and IS monitored Bob LaCrosse, 207 W~thorn Lane, spoke He ~s concerned about the grass being maintained and he wanted to confirm that sod would be used Steve Johnson, a member of the Northwest Meadows Subdivision, spoke He would th~nk that salt tolerant grass would a~so be drought resistant and the sod would hold water better than seeded grass John Schaffer, 704 Edgewood, spoke He would prefer grass only and not ~n comb~nabon w~th the gravel If the resident maintains the grass ~n front of their house, would they get the opportunity to choose whether to have the stone shoulders ~nstalled dunng th~s spot testing phase Erme Lasse, 805 South Elm, spoke He ~s prowd~ng a pebt~on of 49 residents who oppose the use of stone shoulders He stated th~s pebbon was c~mulated prior to the creabon of the compromise pos[t~on He stated that c[bzens should not be responsible for maintaining the grass at the pavement edge and be allowed to ~nstall obstructions to protect their yard ~f necessary Llnda Elhott, 108 MacArthur, spoke She stated that Mac Arthur was recently resurfaced and ~s concerned that ~f the shoulder is removed, the lateral support w~ll be compromised Responses from the V~llage Board members to the c~bzen comments are as follows The V~llage cannot undertake a umque solution for each and every block There was also d~rect~on that it ~s the homeowner's respons~b~hty to maintain the grass There was also a concam regarding the momtonng of the field test of the compromise as outlined by the consultant Residents were rem~nded that IDOT requires lateral support of streets due to the use of State money for roadwork, therefore, it is cnbcal that lateral support be prowded whether ~t be gravel or another matenal it has been shown that grass alone does not prowde the lateral support necessary General consensus of the Village Board was to support the compromise as recommended by Earth Tech whereby gravel will be Installed w~th topsoil and sod placed to the pavement edge. The shoulders on Glendale Lane and MacArthur w~ll be replaced w~th the materials outhned in the compromise postflon. Village Board also reiterated the fact that it is the residents' responslbihty to maintain the ~ parkway to the pavement edge and that obstructions placed In the parkway must be removed UTILITY PERMIT PRO~CEDURE Project Engineer Matt Lawr~e prewded a general overview of the Permit procedure for ut~hty work ~n the V~llage right-of-way He stated that the V~llage has experienced numerous problems whereby plans are not consistent w~th the work undertaken and the amount of restorabon that ~s typically done S~nce ~t had become d~fficult to monitor th~s work ~n response to any resident ~nqumes, a rewsed procedure was put into effect ~n April of 1999 At the t~me the procedures were drafted, the various utll~bes were asked for their input and the input was ~ncorporated ~nto the final procedures which the Public Works Depadment has been operating under He stated the Permit review process takes approximately two weeks unless emergency work ~s necessary He would request that the V~llage Board endorse the procedures and concur w~th the proposed Ordinance so that t~ckets and necessary penalties may be issued ~f required for wolat~ons General consensus of the Wllage Board members was to support the staff recommendation as outlined whereby the Wllage would be authorized to issue bckets and collect penalbes for vlolabons of the Permtt procedure for work in the V~llage r~ght-of-way 3 VI VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT , Village Manager Janonls stated the 2000 Budget has been d~stnbuted to the Vdlage Board members and the press th~s evening The first Vdlage Board d~scuss~on on the 2000 Budget ~s scheduled for October 26 VII . ANY OTHER BUSINES ", ~ , '- ~ Trustee Hoefert stated that Steak 'n Shake ~s now open and appears to be doing a robust business He also stated that Umon Pacific ~s working around the train stahon again and he is voicing a concern about a new structure which has recently been installed ~n the railroad nght-of- way where ~t ~s a sdver shack ~n h~s op~mon Pubhc Works Director Glen Andler stated that he has requested some landscape plans from Umon Pacific regarding the continued installat~on of these structures ~n the right-of-way Trustee Hoefert also stated that he has fielded a number of c~bzen quesbons regarding the ~, .- conversion of a house to a church on Golf Road regarding the sewer connecbon and the ceding ~- height He wdl pass on these comments to the Vdlage staff for their rewew and comment , VIII ADJOURNMENT ~ S~nce there was no further business, the Committee of the Whole meeting was adjourned at 933pm , ,, ~ ~" ' ~ Respectfully s, ubm~tted, . /'3 DAVID STRAHL Assistant Village Manager DS/rcc H \GEl'ACow\M~nutes\101299 COW M~nutes doc ~