NOVEMBER 8, 1960
The meeting was called to order by President Lams at 8:08 P.M.
and the following trustees answered Present: Airey, Ekren, Gaw, roll call
Norris and Schlaver. Trustee Casterline arrived later.
Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the Minutes
minutes of the previous meeting of November 1st be approved as sub-
mitted. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll,
with the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Ekren, Gaw,
Norris and Schlaver. Absent, Casterline. Whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the
following bills for the week of November 8th be approved for payment:
General Si 6,143.73 bills
Garbage 22.49
Parking System Rev. 10.35
Library 287.B0
Motor Fuel 236.41
Water, operations 3,682.89
Water, construction 243.54
Trustee Casterline arrived at 8:10 P.M.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airy, Casterline, Ekren, Gaw, Norris
and Schlaver~ Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Mr. Shutt and Mr. Murray of the Fire & Polic~ Commission Police
arose and asked permission to introduce Miss Joan Hujanen as the first Department
policemoman in the Mount Prospect Police Department. Miss Hujanen Policewoms
was then introduced to the Board and welcomed into the service of
the Village.
Mr. George O'Neill, General Manager of Randhurst, stated Well #6
that his firm is proceeding with the preliminary ground preparation Randhurst
for the shopping center and gave the Village a check of $6,000 for
their share of additfunal length of mains from Well #6 caused by the
relocation of its site.
Trustee Casterline read the summary of bids for the purchase
of police cars.
1. Winston Motors, Inc. Dodge Police Dep
42 W. Chicago Ave. Police Squad car
Palatine, Ill. Pursuit #593 $8,348.00 bids
2. Mark Motors, Inc. Plymouth
2020 E. Northwest Hwy Patroller $1,400.00
Arlington Heights, Ill Special #393 $$,500.00
3. Lattof Chevrolet 1269 Biscayne 8,800.00
Arlington Heights
4. Courtesy Motors
3579 W. Grand Ave. Ford Fairlan~
Chicago, Ill 8,924.00
5. Litsinger Motor Co.
1240~. Wa~hif~n
Chicago, Ill. Ford Fairlan~ 9,040.00
6. Kuhlman & Nagel, Inc.
748 Pearson Street
Des Plaines, Ill. Dodge 9,508.44
7. Geo. C. Poole
Arlington Heights Ford Fairlan~ 9,613.60
Police Dept. 8. Peter Epstein Pontiac
Souad Cars' 7601 Lincoln Ave. Pontiac .
Skokie, Illinois Catalina $10,942.24
9. Morton Pontiac, Inc.
710 E. Northwest Hwy Pontiac
Arlington Hts., Ill.. Catalina 10,982.24
Trustee Casterline stated that the unanimous recommendation of the
Police Committee had been given, and made the following motion,
seconded by Trustee Schlaver: That the bid in the amount of
$8,637.02, total price for four police cars, from Mark Motors of
Arlington Heights be accepted and contract awarded and that the
other bidders be notified of this decision.
The President put Ahe question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Gaw,
Norris and Schlaver. Whereupon the President declared the motion
Trustee Airey read the following report from the Board
of Appeals re case 60-22, Doyno:
Zoning Case REPORT
Doyno November 4, 1960
To Board of Trustees
Village of Mount ProsPect
Gentlemen: Re: Case 60-22 - Heard Oct. 28, 1960
Petitioner - Victor A. Doyno
This petition is a request fpr a variation of present
zoning B-B to permit the erection of a building addition, without
application of minimum rear yard requirements at Doyno Motors,
6BO West Northwest Highway.
The Board of Appeals voted 6-0 to deny the variation;
however, reference should be made to the accompanying memorandum con-
cerning this case. There were no objectors present at the hearing.
Eugene F. Martin, Chairman
Philip T. Liggett, Acting Sec'y
This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee for study and
Trustee Airey read the following report from the Board of
Appeals re Case 60-2B, Welch:
Case 80-23 REPORT
November 4, 1960
(DeeriTb Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Gentlemen: Re: Case 60-23 - Heard Oct. 28, 1960
-.----------~Petiti°ner'.. ~ Auguste Deerin~.____
This petition is a request for the rezoning toB-$, contin-
gent upon annexation, of a certain parcel of property located on the
East side of Rand Road and abutting the North boundary of the Prospect
Plaza Shopping Center, in order to erect a .bowling alley and adjoining
restaurant and b~r. (Altesedly, a petition has been submitted to
Mr. Lams for a lmquor license).
The Board of Appeals voted 4-1 to deny the request for
rezoning. There were no objectors present at the hearing.
Eugene F. Marti~ Chairman
Philip T. Liggett~ Acting Sec'ty
November 8, 1960
This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee for study and
Trustee Airey read the following report from the Board of
Trustees re Case 60-24, Golden: Zoning Case
November 4, 1960
Board of Trustees
Village of Mount Prospect
Gentlemen: Re: Variation Case 60-24 - Heard Oct. 24, 1960
Petitioner: William Golden
This petition is a request for a variation of the present
zoning of B-B to permit second floor offices and an apartment to be
built over the existing building at 35 South Main Street.
The Board of Appeals voted 5-0 to deny the variation.
There were no objectors present at the hearing.
Eugene F. Martin, Chairman
Philip T. Liggett, Acting Sec'y
This matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee for study and
Trustee Ekren brought up the request of Mr. W. C. Burfischer, Fence
40B West Shabonee Trail, for permission to erect a decorative fence Burfischer
along the front of his property, stating that this would expedite the
sale of his home. The neighboring homes have decorative fences, and
this would blend in with the surrounding area.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the Village
Nanager and Building Department grant a permit for construction of a
fence provided that this fence conforms in general character and pattern
to those already erected in the block; that it is set bqck l0 ft. from
the sidewalk and that the adjoining property owners give written consent
to erection of this fence.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Gaw,
Norris and Schlaver. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
President Lam~ read the following letter of appointment:
November 8, 1960 Re-appointment
The Honorable Members of of Harold Ross
The Board of Trustees to Zoning Boar
Village of Mount Prospect
Inasmuch as his previous appointment has expi.red, I desire to
reappoint Mr. Harold H. Ross to the Zoning Board of Appeals, term ending
in May, 1966, according to Ordinance.
Your concurrence is respectfully requested.
Theodore A. Lams
Village President
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the Board concur
in the appointment as suggested by President Lams for the period of
five years, to May l, 1965. The President put the question, the Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey,
Casterline, Ekren, Gaw, Norris and Schlaver. Whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
November 8, 1960
County Zoning Village Manager Appleby presented report of the zoning
Elk Grove Twp. hearing by the County Board of Appeals held on November 2nd re
the Northeast corner of Elmhurst Road & Algonquin Rd., Dockets
102, 103 and 104. The developer proposes 280 units in 38 town-
house buildings, small park area and a supermart, restaurant and
service stores.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that objection
be made by the Village Manager to this rezoning for the following
1. Fire protection is not adequate.
2.High density residence such as this will present a problem in
regard to schools.
B.Property adjacent to proposed business portion is already zoned
B-2 with no immediate plans for development.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Gaw,
Norris and Schlaver. Whereupon the President declared the motion
Sidewalk The Village Manager gave su~nary of bids for construction of
around Water sidewalk to be installed-around the elevated water tank at Northwest
Tower Highway and Evergreen. (This list was given to each trustee and
shall be inserted in the official minutes; as below:
5"Standard Walk 6"Special Walk
Walter Nielsen
Wilmette Avenue
Palatine, Illinois 584 per sq. ft. 60~ per sq. ft.
Val Poretta & Torti
42B5 W. Division St.
Chicago 51, Ill. 68~ per sq. ft. ?0¢ per sq. ft.
H. L. Altergott
Box 25, Rte B
Palatine, Ill. 65~ per sq. ft. ?0~ per sq. ft.
Ray Blauw
9B26N. Greenwood
Des Plaines, Ill. 60¢ per sq. ft. 65¢ per sq. ft.
Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for the acceptance
of the bid of Walter Nielsen of Palatine for installation of sidewalk
around Lot C, elevated tank on Northwest Highway. The President put
the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following response:
Ayes, Trustees Atrey, Casterline, Ekren, Gaw, Norris and Schlaver.
Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Lake Briarwood Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that the
Sub. outside final plat of Lake Briarwood Subdivision Unit #2 (outside Village
Village limits limits~ Elk Grove Township) be referred to the Plan Commission for
study and recommendation. This motion carried by acclamation.
Traf_ ~c - Village Manager Appleby read letter dated November 4, 1960,
C & N.W. from Mr. J. W. Alsop, Superintendent, Chicago & Northwestern Railway,
freight cars Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in regard to the handling of freight across
the Mount Prospect Road intersection, giving explanation of warning
whistles used for safety measures.
Traffic count Village Manager Appleby submitted the results of a two-day
N.Elm~hurst & traffic count taken along Elmhurst Road just north of Central Road,
Central which shows the amount of traffic along that stretch on a rainy day
and a clear day. This is in regard to the request for sidewalk by
Mr. Mokate.
November 8, 1960
Date was set to meet with ~e High School Bo~d in regard to Sewer - Hi Scho~
the drainage pro,em of the Highland ~enue Feeder ~, tentat~e & Hig~and ~e.
~te of November 12~ at 9:BO A.M.
T~stee Ekren stated t~t t~ Buildi~ Committee had been Bldg. Co~itt~
requested ~Wille Lumber operating the tra~oline center on Northwest Tent at tra~
Highway to be~ allowed to erect a la~e te~ su~orted ~ air pressure line ce~er
over ~is area so t~t it mi~t continue to operate duri~ the cold
weather. ~e Architectural Co~ittee has disa~roved of the use of this
t~e of structure for such a pu~ose, and the Fire Chief also d~sapproves
of using a te~. T~stee Ekren t~refore moved, seconded ~ T~stee Caster-
line, that the Board of Trustees concur in the reco~endation of the
Arch~ectural Com~ittee and Buildi~ Dep~t~ t~t ~plication for
building pe~it for this air tent be rejected at the site of 218 West
No~t~est Highway. (See P. ~6, zoni~ case 80-17, Wille).
The President ~t the question, the Clerk called the roll, wi~ the
follo~ response: ~es, Trustees A~ey, Casterl~e, Ekren, Gaw,
Norris and S~laver. ~ereupon the ?reside~ declared the motion carried.
Trustee Norris, seconded ~ Trustee Gaw, moved for adjour~ent~
and the meeti~was regularly adjourned at ~:2B P.M.
~espectful~ sub~tted,
November 8, 1960