HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1960 VB minutes MINUTES OF ~TINO OF BOAHD OF
~ELD JULY 5, 1~0
The meet~ was called ~o order st 8s40 P.M. by Pros[dent T~m~. r~6~}tcall
Upon roll call, the follew~ trustees answered Presents Trustees Airey,
Casterline, Ekren, Norris and Schlaver. Absent, Trustee Oew.
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved for minutes
approval of the minutes of the ~eeti~g of June 28th as submitted. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
reSpOnSes Ayes, Trustees Casterline, Norris and Schlaver. Pass,
Trustees Ekren and Airey, ~bsent, ~aw. Where=pon the President declared
tho motion carried.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the
following bills be approved for the week of July 5, 1960~
General $16,106.64
Garbage 5,573.87
Parking System bills
$27, F32.16
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following responses Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Norris
end Schlaver. Absent, Oaw.. Whereupon the President declared the
motic~ carried.
Trustee Norris, seconded ~ Trustee Airey, moved to temporarily
advance the sum ef $20,0~0 from Contractors' Surety & Sidewalk Fund to
the Oenenl Fund amd to temporarily advance the sum of $10,000 from a~vAnca
~ster Deposit Fund to ~eneral Fund for the purpose of meeting expenses ~unds~
until the taxes are received. The President put the question, the Clerk
called the roll, with the following reeponse~ Ayes, Trustees Airey,
Casterline, Ekren, Norris and Schlaver. Absent, Gaw. Whereupon the
President declared the motic~ carried.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Castorline, moved for the
passage of proposed Ord. #718, annual appropriation for fiscal year of
Hay 1, 1~0 to April 30, 1~1; that the President and Clerk be authorized
to s~gn same and that it be published according to law.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
folle~ing reeponse~ Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Norris
and ach[aver. Absent, Oew. Whereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Schlaver, moved that the
Village Na~ager be directed ~to prepare the 1~0.~1 tax 1~ ordinance
for the folloeing amounts$
General Corgorate Tax Levy $148,~38.00 tax levy
Street & Bridge Fund 55,000.00
Public Benefit Fund 1~,20~.41
~en'l Obligation Bond & Interest 25,gW3.BO
Police Pension Fund 16,000.00
Civil Defense 2,000.00
Ill. N~nici~al Retirement Fund 8,000.00
Public Library
Parking System Revenue Fund None
Water Works System None
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following rasponae: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Norris and
Schlaver. Absent, Ga~. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
July 5, 1~0
Truatae Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the
bids for the 3/4 Ton pick-up truck for tbs Water Department bs opened
at this time. This motion carried by acclamation, and bids were
read as follows:
~eorge C. Peele Ford $2,010.00
Arlington Heights ' '' Delivery, 2 or 3 weeks
Grand-Harlem Notors Dodge $2,110.00
Elmeood Park Delivery, 90 days
Water Department
Pick-up truck For $ cyclinders, add $120.84
Latter Hotor Sales Chevrolet $1,915.67
Arlington Heights Delivery, 3 weeks
Pollard Noters lnt'l B-112 $2,190.00
El~huret Delivery, 30 days
Int'l ~ar~estar-' ' -' : Int'l H-122
Chicago Delivery, 30 days
Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Airey, m~ved that these bids BS
referred to the Village l~ager and Water Committee for study and
T~s motion e~=~=ied by aeola~tion.
Homeowners from Ramdview Highlands. reported that with the
recent heavy reins ~he water situation was worse than Before; some
Randview ~asements having flooded with dirty water (no sewage) and h~avy
Highlands pending of water at tbs rear of the lots around the beehives. It was
thought that the debris from unfinished streets had washed into the
sewers and clogged them. ~r. ~cCoy cf Hriekman Home Builders repo~ted
that they had met with the ~etropolitan Sanitary District's legal
department' would have to decide whether to eceept the sewers with
the anticipated addition' of several beehives. ~Ir. B. Schwartz of
Brick~as stated that the National Power Rodding Co. of Chicago is
scheduled to begin clea~ing thesewers as soon as possible and that
Paving of easements will Be zeeded to install the additional beehives; that
Highland Ave. paving will bs done, weather permitting. He did not feel that
Randview still had ar~ responsibility for Highland Avenue because of the
Highlands elapsed ti~e since the original base was put in. Hr. Cadigan of
C. T. & A. indicated that as soon aa the State approved the contract,
paving of Highland Avenue will be done fr~ M.F.T. funds.
Trustee Airey brcught up the subject of Zoning Case 60-9,
Dooley, and ~ade the following motion! seconded by Trustee Casterline=
Zoning That the petition for variation on Case 60-9 Be denied. The Presi-
Case 80-9 dent put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the following
Dooley response~ Ayes, Trustee Airey. Nays, Casterline, Ekren, Norris and
Schlaver. ~hereupon the President declared the motion not carried.
Trustee Airey, seconded by T--~stee Ekren, then moved that
the Village Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary legal
documents to grant the requested variation in Case 60-9. The President
put the question, the Clerk walled the roll, with the following
response= Ayes, Trustees Airey, Caeterline~ Ekren, Norris and
Schlaver. Absent, Oaw. ~nereupon the President declared the ~-~-
motion carried.
I~bris pfehap It was reported that Barrt~ton Trucking Co~ma~ has been
Ra~dview authorized to pick up debris resulting from water flooding into base-
Highlands ments in Ra~dview Highlands, at Village expense.
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the
Hr. Novak building permit f~r erection of a house on the southwest corner of
Bldg. permit Candota and ~anawa Trail BS granted. (Hr. Novak. See minutes ~une 1~).
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Norris,
and Schlaver. ABsent, ~awo l~hereupon the President declared the
motion ca~ried.
~Ul.v 5, 1960
Trustee Aire7 gave the first reading of an ordinance in gamb] ~
regard to gambling which would amond the present ordinance to ordinance
include suppression of gambling.
~rustee Casterline, seconded by Trutee Ekren, ~oved that
the Fire & Police Commission be authorized and directed to employ a Police Dept.
poliuewoman for duty primarily for office detail work in the Police Policewoman
Department. The President put the q~es~ion, the Clerk called the roll,
with the following response: Ayes, ?rusteee Aire~, Caterline, Ekren,
Norris and Schlaver. ~hereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Casterline seconded b7 Trustee Norris, moved that the
hiring rate for a policewoman be $$,900 per year, with the following
· erit ~ncrease schedule in effect:
After 6 mos. service - - $1~0- yearly increase PoliceWOman
After 12 mos. service - - - $1~0-yearly increase Hiring rate
with a top salary of $4,200.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roi1, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Aire7, Casterline, Ekren, Norris
and Schlaver. Absent, Gawo l~hereupon the President declared the motion
Truetce Cas%erline, seconded by ?rustee Airey, moved that the
Tillage Xanager be authorized and directed to employ a desk clerk Police Dept.
with the approval of the Chief of Police. The duties of the desk desk clerk
clerk will include radio duty and office clerical work. The
President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, 'with the
follmeing response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Ekren, Norris
and Schlaver. Absent, ~av. T~hereupon the President declared the
motion carried.
Trustee Casterline, seconded by T-r~stee Airey, moved for the
adoption of proposed Res. ~1~-60:
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterlin®, Ekren, Norris
and Sehlaver. Absent, Gaw. l~hereupon the President declared the motion
carried, and Res. 16-60 adopted.
President Lams read the following letter from hi,self to the
June 30, 1960
Board of Trustees
Village of Mt. Prospect, 1~1. Fire & Police Com.
Appt. J.T. Shntt
~Y_~asmuch aB the: term of Hr. Jerrold ?. Shutt as a member of the
Fire & Police Commission has .expired, hie re-appointment for a three-year
term on said Commission ~s made herewith, ending in ~Xa~, 19~.
Your concurrence is. respectfully requested.
Theodore A. Lams, President
Trustee Norris, seconded by True. tee Airey, moved that the Board
of Trustees concur in the re-appOintment of Nr. Jerrold Shutt to the
Fire & Police Commission. The President put the question, the Clerk
.called the roll, with the follo#ing response: Ayes, Trustees Airsy,
Cnsterltne, Ekren, Norris and Schlaver. Absent, ~aw. l~hereupon the
President declared the motion carried.
July 5, 1960
It was decided to meet with the School Board to deteraine
Sidewalks - where school children will cross Central Road to enable them to
Westbrook School have access to the new school at Cen%ral Road and Buses. This
infor~ation will be helpful in deciding placement of sidewalks in
this area.
The matter of Zonf_~g Case 60-11, ~re. Carrie Haas, was
Zoning Case 60-11 refer~ed to the Judiciary Oemmittee for study and recommendation.
Village l~er App%eby read letter from ~r. Art Lewis of
Consent, Townsend & Associates, in which it was stated that the
Well #6 new well, No. 6, has been completely tested and appears to be a
very f~me well. The State will submit a report on this well within
24 da~s. -
Trustee Schlaver brought up the subject of buffalo box at
501 South Albert which was found to be leaking and ruining the
parkway. This story made its way into a metropolitan paper and
was taken up by the area publications. He then read the following
letter from the owner of the property:
Water Dept.
June 30, 1960
Y~r. Crea~er, Water Department
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear ~r. Creamer:
We wish to thank you for the way you repaired the leak in the
buffalo hex. Covering the area with black dirt and grass seed
exceeded our expectations and again we thank you.
! a~ sorry for the embarrassment the newspaper caused you but
believe me, Just as ~uch if not mere emphasis was placed on the
neglect of the builder than on the Water Department. Y'm sorry
this phase did not get the attention the Village did.
! could go into the numerous calls and arguments we encountered
for nine da~s but I'm sure youtd Just as soon have the matter
! only hope something in this realm doesn't happen again, because
we are still 'not clear as to where the responsibility for repair
~rs. Donald Fisher
Architect contract Village l~anager Ap~leby read copy of contract for archi-
Village Hall tectural services between Peterson-Wengerhoff, 4014 De,peter, Skekie,
and the Village, re construction of an addition to present ~eilding
for fire station purposes. It was decided 'to examine the preliminary
sketches submitted by this firm before approval of the contract.
Library Discussion was held re option agreement between Village and
Option trustee for property 'lying .on north side of library property.
agreement Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Airey, moved that Paragraph #4
in this option agreement be deleted between the Village of
Prospect and Y~rtin B. Hasz, T--~stee, adding the initials of the
President and Clerk of the Village to show the change was authorized.
This motion carried by acclamation.
President Lams called a recess of the Board at 11~10
The Board reconvened at 11~2 P.I~.
The subject of construction of sewer and water lines across
Rand Road to serve l%~nt Prospect Plaza wa~ brought up and discussion
l(t. Prospect held with l~r. Joseph Zobay. The State Department requires a
Plaza - Sewer resolution from the Village holding the Righway Department harmiesa
and water lines from ar~ damages accruing from such construction.
Trustee 8chlaver, seconded by Trustee Ekren, ~oved for the adoption
ef Resolution No. 17-60 es required by the State Highway Department,
said resolution to be in force at such ti~e as proper liability
insurance is furnished the VAllage in the amount of $500,000, and
performance guaranteed for proper construction of two sewer and one
water crossing at Rand Road near Central Road.
July 5, lg60
C~S~CTI~ ~ ~ A~ WA~R ~ ACR~
~e P~sid~t Fut the question, the Clerk called ~e roll, with the
fell~ re~nse~ Ayes, ~t~s Ai~, Cast~l~e, E~en, No. is
and Sch~r. Absent, G~. ~ere~ the President d~lared
~tion carted.
Vill~e Atto~y D~ ~pe~ed that ~rdict was h~ded d~
~hat ~e~e~ ~ suit of Pioneer ~st & Sa~s
~a~ l~d d~ication of subdivision d~el~ers, ~d that th~ ~md de~catio~
verdict ~led ~a~st the Vill~e. He a~ieed a~eal. Trustee A~, (Di ~cci)
seconded ~ ~tee Casterl~e, m~ed that the Vill~
di~cted to a~eat to the Su~e~ Court the c~e of Pioneer T~et &
~av~s ~k as ~stee vs. Vill~e
C~e ~$~-1~9.
~e ~ident put the question, the Clerk called the ~11, with ~e
fell~ ~nse~ ~es, ~tees Ai~, Outerline, E~n,
and Schlaver. A~ent, ~w. ~ereu~n the ~esident decl~ed the ~ti~
~stee A~ey, seconded ~ ~stee Casterl~e, mo~d for
adJo~t, ~d the me~ ~s ~gul~ adJo~ed at
Respectfully submitted,
E. Robert R~k
JUly 5, 1960