HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/28/1960 VB minutes ~ 28, 1~0 The meet~-8 wes called to order at 8:33 by President Lams. On roll cAI~, the follo~d.~g trustees answered Present~ Airey, Coster- roll line, Norris and $chlaver. ABsent, Gaw and Ekren. TrUStee Norris, seconded by Trustee Cesterline, ~oved that the minutes Of the previous meet~nE, off June 21st Be approved as ~ubmitted. The President pet the question, the Depety Clerk called the roll, with minutes the following reeponee: Ayes, Trustees Cesterline and Norris; pass, Trustees Airey and Sehlaver. This lotion passed by acclamatim. Trustee Norri~ seconded by TruStee 5chlaver, moved to advance te~orarily the sa~ of $60- i~o~ the ~eneral Fund to Fire Equil~ent advance Bund & Interest Fund Prior 1959, for payment off interest due July 1, funds 1~0 on bonds. The PreSident pet the question, the Clerk called the LQ roll, with the follo~ag response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Cesterline, 0 Norris and $chlaeer. ~hero~on the President declared the ~otion carried. T~u~tee Norris, seconded by ~ustee Airey, aovod that the bills for the week of June 281h he approved es foll~u: General $1,605.3~ bills Garbage 39.89 Parkin~ Syete~ Revenue- 217o17 Fire Equip. Bond & T~to Prior 19~9 60.00 The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, With the ff~llowin~ response: Ayes, Trustees Air,y, Casterline, Nom-~s and Schlave~. Nays, ncaeo ~hereupo~ the President declared the Iotio~ carried. Trustee Ai_,~y again Brought up Zo~in~ Case 60~, D~oley, ~hieh was ~e~erred to the Judiciary Cmmittee ~n June ~4~o Trustee &trsy ~ave the report Off this Cossa~ttee~ which was a roeosmendation for Zenir~ ~. d~miul off the pet~%ioner~s roqnust, Because it was felt tha~ no 60-9 hardship was shown. Nr. Robert l~ol'cy arose and stated tlWt it would Dootey Be a hardship, ~iv~ag explA~tinno P~o Dooley. also informed the Board that he intended to blacktop the remin~ area flor pa~-k4n~o The Board decided to hold this in Core, tree flor another week° Trustee Castarline read the following letter fraa ~r. L. R. · uperi~tendent of schools: June 22, lg~O ~r. N. Appleby, Village Na~ager Bicycle Village of ~o~nt Pro, peet, Illinois Ordinance Dear Yin. Appleby: T certainly wish to eatpress ~ appreciation to you and the Village Board for all yo~r ha~d work ~n prepari~ and adopting a Bicycle ,.. Safety Ordinance. I believe that this As~a Big step in the right direction in providing greater safety for the boys and gi~! off )lt. Thank you for year sincere enderetunding. Very sincerely yours, s/?.. a. June 28, 1~0 Tr~tec Ceeterlfl~e brough% up the ~ub~eet of nee personne! for the Police Department, and ~ade the follo~n~ ~ot~on, seconded by TrUstee Airey: That authorization be granted to create the following ne~-poe~tic~e ~n the Police Department and that pro~otione be ~ade fro~ current Police Department personnel as deter~4~d by co~etitire personnel (2) Rank of Be~ea~t T~ustee Casterl~ne stated that the fore~o~n~ ~as r~co~aended by the Police & Fi~e Co~siono The President put the qve~tion~ the Clerk called the roll, with ~he following re,pone: A~ee, Trustees Aire~, Oasterline, Norris and Sohlaver. Absent, Ekren and ~aw. Yhers~pon the President declared' the motion carried. Trustee Oanterlime, seconded by ?rustee Schlavar, moved that the hiring rate and .su~ent regularly scheduled merit increases for police patrolmen ~e approved as follows: Police Dept. (I) Hiring rate $~0- per month lees than full Salary rates patrolman rate. (2) Upon completion of one =onth's i~ll time e~mploy- ment, increase of $~0~ per month, based on merit. (3)Upon cca~letion cf 12 months of fall time employ- meet, increase of $20- per month based on merit. (4)Upon completion of lB months of i~ll time employ- ment, imcrsaee of $20- per month based on merit. It was etipulated that the above me%ion refers to a~y hirings after this date, ia not re%Coat%ire to the recent additi~ae to the force. The Presidem% put the question, the Deputy Clerk called the roll, with the follo~ response: Ayes, ~rssteee Aira~, ~anterline, Hc~ris and Sehlaver. Ahaent, Caw and Ekren. ~ereupcn the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Canterline, seconded by ~etee Airey, made the following mo%Ion: ~fhat the Village Haueger be authorized and directed to emplo~ a desk clerk with the approval of the Chief of Police. ~ce Dept. T~e duties of t~e desk clerk will incYude radio duty and office Desk clerk clerical work? Dis~vseion followed. The President put the question, the Deputy Clerk called the roll, with the following response~ Absent, Caw and Ekron. A~es, ~steec Airo~, and Cueterline. Na~s, l~orris and Schlaver. President Lams Voted na~. ~he Prasiden~ therefore declared the motion not carried. ~e Board held diecuceion with ~r. Richard Conntr~ Club Hr. Cchn and Y~r. John ~ark~v regarding approval of plans for ~onntry ?errece 2~d Club Terrace Second Addition. Hr. Gfllespie verbally agreed to correct Addition a~ defioiee~ie~ that might be foend in orig~a~ iuetellations in Country Club Terrace Subdivision. 1¥ustee Airay, seconded by ~ustee ~orria, ~oved that the plane ef Country Club. ?efface Second Addition be approved eubJec~ to the dedi- cation of easement for wate~ maine by the Park Board. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the follow~ng response: A~on, Trustees Airo~, Casterl~ne, ~o~ris end Schlavar. Absent, and Ekren. ~P~ereupon the President dec~A~ed the motion carried. Hr. ~m. Mot%, ~nter Commissioner, reported tha~ the last D.A.~.P. ~ater special aceeien off the S~ate Legislature had adopted an amendment Commission which sow allowed the D.A.I~.P. ~ater Ccmmiselon to proceed with their original plansj that the Tree ?o~as (Lombard, Villa Park and Elmhure%) were not interested ia Joi~ the D.A.~.P. ~ater Commission. ~ell ~6 ~ruetoe Schlaver reported that ~ell ~6 is now pamping its first water end will be allo~ed to pmap for B6 hours to allo~ the wa~er to clear. June ~,1~0 Hr. AppleBy read the follo~ln~ letter ffrom Consoor, Tesnecnd ~T 15-CS Jane 27, 19~0 Pavin~ of S. Elmhurst Hr. Ho~old Appleby, Vi%lo~e Ha~ager W. H~hland Nantcipa~ Building, Nt. Prospect, Ill. Testir~ Dear Hr. Appleby~ Re~ I~T 15-C8, E/nhu~st & H~hland Pa~in~ Laboratory C. T. & A. Ho. 60-13 The State requires, But does not 15n*ntsh to municipalities, the services of des~n, control and test~z~ of concrete and Bltuminc%~ mixtures. It ts eustomary for municipalities to hire a competent testin~ laborm%ory for this wo~k, which ~ncludes tostin~ mste~a~s and dee~nin~ the m~tere8, takin~ concrete cylinders, teet-B~aki~ these c~linders and furn~sb~-E reports tothe State. ~re est~ate f~on available i~Lformatinn that the cost of the sex~iees fo r the referenced project, will be app~xi- mately $475.00. This coot is el~iBle for payment from motor fuel tax Inasnneh as the serw~ces are professional, the State does no% require Bide. It is reepue%fully requested that we Be authorized %o retain a %est~ laBormtory for these purposes. Very truly yours, Consoer, Townsend & Aosonistes BF: Neyer En~ler Trustee Norris, 8nconded By Trustee Ai~e~.., moved that the ¥~llo~e Nmna~er be authorized to retain a tent~ labormtory for purposes, mentioned in the for~o~ letter. The President lint the question, the Deputy Clerk called the roll, with the follomin~ response: A~es, Trustees Airey,, Casterline, Norris and $chla~er. Absent, Go~ and Ekren. Whe~pon the l~eeid~t declared the motion carried. Trustee Norris, seconded By Trustee Sehlaver, moved for adoption of the folleein~ resolution, #15-~0: A.RESOLUTIO~ DF~I~ATIN~ CERTAIN STRUTS AS ARTERIAL Res. The President put the question, the Cler~ co, led the roll, with the follo~ response: Ayes, Tl-astees A~re~, Caste~ae, Hor~s and Schlaver. ABsent, Gaw and Ekren. Whereupon the l~es~dent declared the motion cal-~ed. Trustee Sehlaver, seconded By T~uetee Nor~8, moved flor adoption .of the followin~ resolution, A RESOL~ON APPROPRIA?ING NOT~R F~L ?AX F~ Res. 14-~0 FOR ~AIN~L~qcE OF CERTAIN ARTERIAL STREETS The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, vith the folloein~ response: A~es, Trestees Airey, Casterline, Norris o.~d Schlaver. Absent, ~aw and ~ren. Whereupon the lYesiden% declared the motion cArried. Tl~Jstee Norris, seconded tV Tmastoe Airey, moved for adoption off the follomin~ resolution, A E~$OL~T~OR API~OFRIATING NOTOR ~ TAX I~NI~ ReS. 15,~0 FOR l~,~T~g O~ CERTAIN ~ ARTERIAL STREETS The President put the quest~en, the Clerk called the roll, with the followln~ response: A~es, Trustees A~rey, Casterline, Norris and $ohlaver. ABsent, Gaw and Ekren. Mhereupon the President declared the motion carried. Trustee Norris, seconded By ~tee SehlaYer, moved for adjourn- me~t, and the mee%~ ~as regular~ adjourned at 11:48 P.N. Ad~ourn Respeetfully sutmitted, u- ar, m ty Clark June ~9,