HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/30/1962 VB minutes MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF
President Schlaver called the meeting to order at 8:23 P.M. roll call
with the following members' present:
Bickley Bnuhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved for ~
approval of the minutes of October 16th as submitted. ~
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Phillips
Pass: Gaw
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved for the approval
of the following bills:
General $12,013.17
Motor Fuel Tax 71,888.16
Water operation 2,46~..~1.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that the Architectura
Village Attorney be auth~mized to prepare an amendment to the ordinance Committee
providing for an additional, or fourth, member on the Architectural
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Casterline explained that our swimming pool ordinance Swimming
provides for swimming pools in R-i, single family districts only; that pools
plans have been submitted for swimming pools for apartment buildings,
or R-~ districts; that it was his thought to put such pools in ?he Special
Use category, whereby the building would be required to ask for zoning
Trustee Cas~erline, seconded by Trustee Phillips. moved that the Village
Attorney be authorized to make recommendation to the Board of Trustees
regarding the possibility of revising the Swimming Pool Ordinance.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, Chairman of Finance Committee, pointed out to Finance
the Board that effective Oct. 31st, cut-off date for bills would be Dept.
set at Wednesdays, with copy sent ~o the members on Fridays for their
s~u~y. This policy was suggested by James King, Finance Director.
Trustee Bruhl reported that he had attended the North Suburban garbage
Council on Refuse Disposal in Glenview as asked, and was impressed by
their dedicated, long-range view of this problem. Trustee Bruhl asked
~hat Mr. Hemmeter, Village'Engineer, be named as alternate delegate to
this council, and the President did so.
October 30, 1962
Zoning Case Trustee Ekren re-read report of Zoning Board regarding
62-28 Case 62-28, ~annelly, 302 Mac Arthur Drive. This report was
Mannelly reproduced in the minutes of October 16th, Page 616.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley,~ oved that the Board
concur in the recommendation of the Zoning Board that this
request be denied.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Phillips gave Water Committee report on Well #6,
Well #6 stating that since lowering of this well, tests have been
unsuccessful; that it is believed there is possible pipe obstruction
as well as damage to the motor.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that the
water superintendent be authorized to proceed with the pulling of
Well #6 to determine the damage and then to proceed accordingly.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Phillips stated the estimate of cost for pulling the well was
about $2,000.
Trustee Phillips moved that ordinance be passed regarding the
~Water rental and maintenance charges of water meters, setting a more
meters flexible scale based upon cost percentage. This was seconded by
rental charge Trustee Bickley. After discussion, it was decided that this matter
required further studv by committee, and Trustee Phillips and Bickley
asked that theirmmtion be tabled until the final figure of charges
could be arrived at.
'President Schlaver referred this matter back To committee.
Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved to accept
the following truck bids:
Street Dept.
equipment Two of each:
Chassis - - Geo. Poole, '63 Ford, FT00
incl. tax, w/o trade-in $7,889.~
Body -- GeneralBody Sales
Marion body 1,947.30
Snow plow -- R.H. Lyons Equip. Co.
Wausau plow 2,15~.0~
Salt spreader C.T. g M. CO.
Swenson Spreader 9~2.00
and that the Village Manager be authorized to sign the proper purchase
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Gaw Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Police Dept. Trustee Bickley reported that he has arranged for a series
of lectures to be given to members of the Police Department on
various phases of police work, and these lectures have been very
well attended.
October 30, 1962
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Ekren. moved for the Res. 19-62
adoption of Res. 19-62: Police Dept
This resolution allows for four sergeants, two lieutenants, and
seventeen patrolmen. Copy is included herewith.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Gaw Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Bruhl. moved that the
Village Manager be directed to notify the Fire g Police Commission
that there is a vacancy for Police Lieutenant which should be filled
not later than January first of 1963; that vacancy for sergeant be
filled not later than January first of 1963. that two patrolmen be
hired not later than December first of 1962 and the remaining three
patrolmen not later than February first of 1968.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Gaw Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved for
the passage of Ord. 875: Ord. 875
This ordinance sets up a four-way stop at Falrview and Gregory Streets.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Gaw Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bickley announced that political posters have been
attached to trees and posts in violation of Municipal Ordinance in signs
this regard; that ordinance will be enforced against anyone found
posting these signs.
Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that bids for
salt purchase by the Village be opened. This motion carried by accla- street
marion, and the following bids~ were opened and read: salt
Morton Salt Co. - $12.30 per Ton F.O.B. Village
Int'l Salt Co. - $12.30 per Ton F.O.B. Village
Hardy Salt Co. - $14.20 per Ton F.O.B. Village
Mr. Applehy recommended International Salt Co. because of previous long
record of satisfactory dealings.
Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Casterline. moved to accept the bid
for street salt purchase of International Salt Company at $12.30 per
Upon roll call: Ayes:B) ickley Bruhl Casterline
Gaw Ekren Phillips
Motion carried.
Mr. Appteby told the Board that Mr. Neal Hunter. developer Colonial Hts
of Colonial Heights Subdivision. had asked the Metropolitan Sanitary sewers
District for permission to hook into their sewers. The Sanitary District
replied that it would not grant such permission without approval of the
Village~ including signature on this document. This matter was referred
to the Street Committee and Village Engineer Ben Hemmeter. Trustee
Bickley asked permission to attend the meeting of this committee when
it considers the question. President Schlaver replied that any Board
me~fDer is welcome at any committee meeting.
October 30. 1962
Managers office Manager Appleby thanked the Board for'his rewarding
attendance at the International City Managers' convention in
Philadelphia. Mr. Appleby also announced that the Fire Depart-
ment has held a trainln~ course which he has also attended with
Messrs. D. Carney and Wm. Yost.
Street dedi- Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved to
cation, Boesc~fer plat of dedication showing 2 1/2 feet along the east side
S. Maple of South Maple Street south of Prospect Avenue to the Plan
Commission. This motion carried by acclamation.
Street Trustee Gaw, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that
dedication plat of dedication for streets surrounding Lions Park (Lincoln,
around South Maple,' Shabonee and School) be referred to the Plan Commie§ion
Lions Park for study and recommendation. This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that
Brlckman subdivision plats showing Units 7 and 8 of Brickman Manor be referred
Manor to the Plan CommisSion for study and recommendation. This motion
carried by acclamation.
Mr. Appleby gave report on County Zoning hearing to be held
County October 31st at the Village Hall. The Board asked Mr. Appleby to
zoning attend this hearing to be held the next day in regard to the petition
for rezoning of 6.7 acreson the west side of Busse Road~ 963 feet
north of Higgins Road, fro % R-4 to B-5, for additional facilities
for dog kennel.
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the
IMRF Village Board cast its vote for Alfred Nystrom for trustee~ Illinois
Municipal Retirement Fund Boabd. This motion carried by acclamation.
Discussion was held regarding warning system to be used by
Civil Civil Defense; Fire Chief Haberkamp stated that the siren could no
defense longer be heard in all parts of the Village now that the Village had
grown, and consideration was being given to aerial noise bombs.
This matter will be taken under advisement.
Attorney Nofert stated that Northwest Side Motors (Morton
Court case Pontiac) had seen fit to bring suit against the Village for rezonlng
Morton of tract of land along Northwest Highway at Dale after .their zoning
Pontiac appeal (Case 62-24) had been turned down by the Board, and asked
permission to hire needed experts for the Village defense.
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved to authorize the
Village Attorney to hire any expert help that might be needed to
defend the Village from suit by Northwest Side Motors.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Mr. Hofert estimated that the amount needed for this h~ing would
be about two thousand dollars~.
Lot at Attorney Hofert reminded the Board that they had asked
Main & him to inquire into the possible purchase of the lot at the Southwest
Busse corner of Main and Busse or to acquire it by condemnation. Mr. Hofert
explained that he had hired Mr. Ray Wright, expert appraiser, who --~
set the value of the lot at $18,000; it has a 59-foot frontage and
is 50 feet deep; used for parking at the present time. The owner is
Emll Moehllng, represented by Mr. Aribert Wilde. (See Zoning Case
No. 62-26).
October 30, 1~62
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bruhl,~moved for passage Ord. 876
of Ord. 876: Condemnation
Lot aT Main g
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bruhl, moved that offer for
purchase be made over the signature of the Village Attorney to the title
holder of record, Emil Moehling, for price of S18,000.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Casterline
Ekren Gaw Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl reported that on the recent trip of Municipal business
Officials to Springfield he was impressed by reports given on the rehab- section
ilitation of business sections of towns; that workshop is held in Pomona,
California, and asked Engineer Hemmeter To write to the Chamber of
Commerce in Pomona for information in this regard.
Mr. Wm. Cadigan of Consoer, Townsend g Associates reported Paving MFT
that the paving program under MFT is very hearly completed. Gregomy
Street will be completed if possible, but may be put off until spring.
Adjournment by acclamation at 10:18 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
October 30, 1962