President Schlaver called the meeting To order at 8:08 P,M.
with the following members present: roll call
Bickley Bruhl Absent: Gaw
Phillips Ekren Casterline (who arrived later)
President Schlaver asked Fire Chief Haberkamp if he would demon-
strate to the trustees and citizens present the "House of Hazards". Fire DepT.
Chief Haberkmmp stated that this demonstration was shown at ten Mount
Prospect schools before 5700 children at 33 different showings. He intro-
duced Firemen Kordecki, Kaiser and Kaup, who then gave a very interesting
demonstration of the "House of Hazards".
Trustee Casterline arrived during this time.
Trustee Bruht, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved for the
approval of the minutes of October 9th as submitted. Minutes
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren
Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved for the
approval of bills as of October 12, 1962 as follows:
General $16,366.49 hills
Garbage 25.62
Library 2,677.00
Library Bldg. Const-
ruction 1961 4,636.89
Water operations 2,651.45
Bond & Int. water 2,231.25
Motor Fuel Tax 1,727.97
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren
Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the Financial
financial report for September 30, 1962 be approved as presented, subject Report
to audit. Sept. 1962
Upon roll call: Ayes:.B~ckley Bruhl Ekren
Casterline Phillips
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl reported that President Schlaver, Village Manager Moody repoz
Appleby, Finance Director King and Trustee Phillips went to New York City water bonds
to confer with Moody's Investors Service, 99 Church Street, during the
previous week. This was in regard to obtaininK a rating for a Moody
Report on bonds. However, because of improperly prepared ordinances in
the past, Moody's would like to have the new ordinance clarify the
mistakes of the past ordinances.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved that Mr. Paul Speer Paul Speer,
be hired by the Village as a financial consultant for the issuance of f~mancial
water bonds and that his fee will not e~ceedll% of the issue, said amountconsultant
from monies derived from sale of bonds and to be contingent thereon.
Treasurer KinK stated that Attorney Hofert and Mr. Kuhn attended a
meeting with Mr. Burroughs of Chapman & Cutler, who advised him last
June 8th that the VillaKe should have s planned program for bonds; that
he had thereupon investiKated and found Mr. Speer to be one of the best
advisors in this field.
October 16, 1962
Attorney Hofert explained that the Village Attorney and the firm
of Chapman ~ Cutler had prepared the ordinances together in the
past, but felt that someone is needed who is familiar with the
marketing basis at a particular time, and that by paying this advisor~
1%, we would gain more over a period of years in desirable ratings,
This type of service is generally used in many municipalities.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren
~ Casterline Phillips
Absent: Gaw
Motion carried.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that the
Finance Village Board~ cancel General Fund Warrant No. C-1~7 dated August 29,
1962 in the amount of $~0-payable to Consoer, Townsend g Associates
per their request, and that the treasurer be authorized to issue a new
warrant in the amount of Sg~0- payable to Consoer, Townsend g Associates
to cover this cancellation.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren
Casterline Phillips
Absent: Gaw
Motion carried.
garbage Trustee Bruhl read letter dated October llth from Stanley P.'
Farwell, Village Administrator of the Village of Northfield, asking if
this Village would be interested in sending a representative to a
meeting regarding garbage disposal. This meeting is composed of members
from twelve north suburban municipalities, and is to be held at the
Glenview Village Hall at 8:00 P.M. on October 18th~ The name is
The North Suburban Council on Refuse Disposal.
Trustee Bickley, seconded by Trustee Phillips, moved that Trustee Bruhl
attend this meeting as represetative of the Village of Mount Prospect
This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved that the
[MFT paving firm of Consoer, Townsend g Associates be directed to make a preliminary
for 1963 study of the MFT paving and improvement work to be done next year.
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Bruhl Ekren
Casterline Phillips
Absent: Gaw~
Motion carried.
Trustee Ekren read the following report from the Zoning Board
Zoning Case of Appeals re Zoning Case 62-28:
Mannelly R E P 0 R T
October 10, 1962
Re:CASE 62-28, heard Sept. 28, 1962
Petitioner: James P. Mannelly
The petition is for-rezoning from R-X to R-1 of property
located at 103 Mac Arthur Drive, with a variation for the side lot
line and permission to divide the lot and erect a one-family residence
on part of the existing lot. ~-'~
Objection to this petition was registered by Mr. Witt,
representing the Northwest Home Owners Association.
The Zoning Board voted 3-0 to deny the requested petition, with
two members of the Board refraining from voting because of friendship
with the petitioner and because of a vested interest in property located
in the area.
E, F. Martin, Chairman
G. E. Jacobsmeyer, Acting Secretary
The above zoning case was referred To the Judiciary Committee.
October 16, 1962
Trustee Ekren of the Judiciary Committee referred to Zoning Case
Zoning Case 62-30, Constantine Stamis; report fram'Zoning Board 62-3~0
on this case is shown on Page 610. Trustee Ekren stated that Constantine
only one objectinn to this variation was received regarding allowing Stamis
setback of 25 feet instead of 30 feet. Discussion followed.
The petitioner Mr. Stamis expressed the desire to get this building
under way before bad weather and would like to have the matter
settled. Mr, Jerrold Shutt~ 317 West Prospect, gave objection,
stating he had put his building 30 feet back and feared the extra
five feet allowed Mr. Stamis would obstruct his building.
Trustee Ekren, seconded by Trustee Bickley, moved to concur with
the decision of the Board of Appeals in Case 62-30 and allow the
Upon roll call: Ayes: Bickley Ekren
Casterline Phillips
Nays: Bruhl
Absent: Gaw
Motion carried.
Trustee Bickley reported that he was in the process of setting Police Dept
up a series of lectures for policemen to attend on a voluntary basis
on courtroom procedure, finger printing, etc., pertaining to police work.
The Chief will put a note on the hulletin board to see how many might be
interested in something like this.
Police Chief Whlttenberg reported on the Internatinnal Convention
of Police Chiefs attended by him in St. Louis and thanked the Board and
President for sending him.
Attorney Hofert reported that he had been getting Right-of-Way Attorney re
permits signed by the residents that lived along Weller Creek. 0ne Weller Creek
resident wanted assurance that the conduit that was proposed to be
installed will be covered with good clean fill, he brought to grade and
covered with top soil and also that there will be a port of proper entry
to afford local access for surface drainage. Another resident asked
that his fence be relocated at the end of his lot.
Trustee Bruhl, seconded by Trustee Ekren, moved that the President be
authorized to prepare a letter wherein assurance would be given the
abovemmentioned residents that these matters would be taken care of.
This motion carried by acclamation.
Trustee Phillips, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved there
be no meeting held on October 23rd, but to hold a meeting on October 30th
instead. This motion carried by acclamation.
Adjournment was by acclamation at 10:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted ~
Village Clerk
October 16, 1962