HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/1961 VB minutes MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD
MARCH 21, 1961
President Lams called the meeting to order at 8:25 P.M., with
the following trustees present: Airey, Casterline, Norris and Schlaver. roll call
Absent, Gaw and Ekren.
Trustee Casterline, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved that the
minutes of the previous meeting of March 14th be approved as submitted, minutes
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Norris and Schlaver.
Absent, Gaw and Ekren.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Airey, moved that the following
bills for the week of March 21st be approved:
General - $10,029.52
Library - 2,480.90 Bills
Water, operation 4,929.53
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Norris and Schlaver.
Absent, Gaw and Ekren. ~hereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that the
Treasurer's Report for the month cf February, 1961 be accepted and placed Monthly ·
on file. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with Treas.
the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Norris and report
Schlaver. Absent, Gaw and Ekren. Whereupon the President dec~ed the
motion carried.
The Board inquired of the Clerk if any bids had been received
for the sale and removal of the house next to the library at 20 South Library
Emerson. None had been received. Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee property
Casterline, then moved that the Village MmnaEer be authmrized to have the
property at 20 South Emerson cleared so that construction of an additio
to the library building which sets at the corner of Busse and Emerson may
proceed at the proper time. The President put the question, t he Clerk
called the roll, with the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Caster-
line, Norris and Schlaver. Absent, Ekren and Gaw. Whereupon the President
declared the motion carried.
Trustee Norris read the following letter from the Department
of Public Works & Buildings, Division of Highways:
March 15 Highway Div.
re Rte. 8B
Mr. H. G. Appleby, Village Manager
Village of Mount Prospect
Dear Mr. Appleby: Re: York Road -- Tollway to Golf Road
I have your letter cf February 15, 1961, conveying the information
that the Mount Prospect Village Board has adopted a motion requesting the
State to make a study of the traffic conditions on Rte. 8B and York Road
between Golf Road and the Illinois Northwest Tollwayo
As long as York Road (Elmhurst Road) continues to carry Marked
Route 8B traffic, this stretch of road north of Oakton Street will become
increasingly congested. Your request that we study this piece with the
view of widening is well taken. Should our studies indicate the necessity
of continuing to use this highway as an outlet for Rte. 8B traffic, serious
consideration will be given to early widening.
Thank you for your interest and suggestion.
Very truly yours,
s/ J.' P. T~thill, District Engineer
March 21, 1961
Manager Appleby conveyed request frum the American Legion and
Poppy Day VFW Auxiliaries to hold Poppy Day. Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee
Airey, moved that permission be granted to the American Legion and
VFWAaxiliaries tc sell poppies in the Village from 4:00 P.M. of
May 24th to 4:00 P.M. of May 25th. This motion carried by acclamation.
William Cadigan of Consoer, Townsend, gave verbal report
which was the same as letter sent by him, as follows:
C. T. & A. March 20, 1961
Drain&ge in Mr. H. G. Appleby, Village Manager
Randview Village Hall
Highlands Mount Prospect, Illinois
Dear Mr. Appleby:
The writer inspected the location of backyard standing water
complaints at the following addresses:
1. 702 N. Eastwood
2. 712 N. Eastwood
3. 701N. Fairview
4. 622 N. Prospect Manor
Levels'taken in these areas last year indicate that adequate
grade exists along the rear of yards in the area of 1, 2 and 3 above.
The problem at these three locations seems to arise from alterations
to the grading on adjoining lots which interferes with the drainager
pattern. It would seem that some co-operation between neighbors is
called for here to maintain this pattern.
As regards (4) above, the lot has a drainage structure at the
rear which was installed bythe builder. If water is ponding here, it
is due to either a blockage of the 8" pipe leading to the street or
rapid runoff contributing more water than can be passed by the 6"
throttle which was installed to reduce load on the sewer. We suggest
that a check of this pipe be made to see if it is obstructed.
In reply to your question regarding additonal catchbasins to
drain the back yards in this area, wefeel that this would tend to
increase the runoff rate to the sewers serving the area and would not
be advisable.
Very truly yours,
Consoe~, Townsend & Associates
s/ William J. Cadigan
Trustee Schlaver read the following memo:
Well #5 "If arrangements can be made with Chicago Bridge & Iron Company for
inspection of the storage tank at Well #5, it will probably be
dewatered, inspected and cleaned next week. This inspection, you
will remember, is to determine whether or not the inside of the tank
requires painting so this can be included in the re-advertisement
for painting bids on the elevated tower."
Well ~ Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Casterline, moved that
expenditure be made not to exceed $600 for the employment of the
Schlumberger Company to caliper Well #6 as recommended by the Village
Engineers. The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll,
with the following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Norris
and Schlaver. Absent, Gaw and Ekren. Whereupon the President declared
the motion carried.
Trustee Schlaver, seconded by Trustee Airey, moved that the
pumping unit be removed from Well #6 and bowl section returned to the
~hop of M. R. Schneller & Associates, Inc. for disassembly and
inspection; that stainless steel shaft, bronze bowl bushings and sand
groove impeller hubs be furnished and assembled; that two bronze
spacer bearings be installed between the stages for rigidity against
sand; the cost of labor and materials not to exceed SBIO0 -- provided,
however, that it be specifically understood that this action does not
March 21, 1961
rejudice or act as a waiver of any rights which the Village of Mo~nt Well #6
Prespect might have as to claims against Consoer, Townsend & Associates, cont'd
~il-Freds, Inc., Byron'Jackson Pumps, Inc. and M. P. $chneller & Asso-
ciates, Inc., with respect to the failure ef operation of the pumping
unit of Well #6 and additional costs caused thereby.
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, TruStees Airey, Casterltne, Nsrris and Schlaver.
Absent, Ekren and Gaw. Whereupon the President declared the motion
President Lams read the followihg~memo:
"Eagle Bus Lines, Inc. have requested of the Illinois Commerce Co~mission
a certificate of convenienoe and necessity to operate buses to race Ill. Commerce
tracks over additional routes. None of these seem to affect Mount Commission
Prc~pe~t but we are asking for the date of the hearing. We should be
represented to make sure the Village's interests are protected."
Trustee Norris, seconde~ by Trustee Casterline, moved that
the Village Clerk openthe certificate of results in order to canvass Library Bond
the votes of the Library Bond Referendum held Saturday, March 18th. Referendum
This motion carried by acclamation.
The Clerk accordingly read the following:
Precinct I Precinct 2
YES 684 YES 789 TOTAL YES 1473
NO 246 NO 159 TOTAL NO 405
936 952 TOTAL BALLOTS 1888
Trustee Norris, seconded by Trustee Airey, moved for the adoption
of Res. 5-61:
The President put the question, the Clerk called the roll, with the
following response: Ayes, Trustees Airey, Casterline, Norris and Schlaver.
Absent, Gaw and Ekren. Whereupon the President declared the motion carried.
Mr. Harry Rasmussen arose and read the following letter:
March 21, 1961 Central Road
President & Village Board of Trustees
Mount Prospect, Illinois
The Northeast Home Owners Association desires to reiterate its
stand in regard to the widening of Central Road as presented to this
Board of Trustees in a letter dated August 4, 1959.
At that time, as well as now, the N.E.H.O.A. is on record as
favoring the widening of Central Road from its present width to a width
not exceeding 38 feet. We deem that any additional width beyond 38 feet
presents a safety threat to both motorists and pedestrians who must cross
this street alonE its length from Rand Road to North MAin Street in this
Because our beliefs remain unchanged, we desire to again voice
cur protests. To this end, we have requested of Mr. Appleby that he
grant us sufficient time on the agenda of the Village Trustee meeting
of Tuesday, March 28th, 1961, to permit a N.E.H.O.A. spokesman, as well
as any other interested citizen, to voice to you these protests against
present plans which call for a 44-foot width te Central Road. At this
March 21, 1961
ime we trust that we may fairly state our opinions and that the
President and Trustees will also voice their opinions.
Yours very truly,
s/ Harry L. Rasmussen
Chairman Road Committee
Mr. Russell Crom, 623 North Wille, arose and gave objection __
to intended installation of street lights in 600-?00 blocks, Randview
Highlands. He was told that this request had come bhrough the
Northwest Homeowners Association from certain residents in the area,
and was concurred in by the Police Department. Mr. Crom stated he
would get further clarification from the N~rthwest Homeowners in
this regard.
Trustee Airey, seconded by Trustee Norris, moved for adjourn-
merit, and the meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:28 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
' E. Robert ~ev~o£~s. ulerk
March 21, 1961